System Administration

System Administration
I need someone to send me one by one steps of how to install ionCube and ZEND in a centos webserver, (instructions only)

Cannot load the ionCube PHP Loader – it was built with configuration 2.2.0, whereas running engine is API220090626,NTS
Failed loading /usr/local/lib/Zend/ /usr/local/lib/Zend/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64


Drupal Forum Seo Development

Drupal Forum Seo Development is a drupal forum based community website for stock market forex stock trading pros
. The community of users will share stock tips, stock trading advice, free stock quotes, stock exchange prices, stock market news
from the community of members. started off on an drupal template.
I need an redesign of, for an more professional look using an template from drupal.

NEED 2 PAGES re-DESIGNED and coded for my website
the website is using an template from I need the exciting template to have an more pofessioanl look(look at my list of great forom designs below)
1. Home Page
2. forum Landing Page

Example of web forums i like-these ae not drupal forums….but they are professsioanl done.

Online Forniture Store

Online Forniture Store
We need an inventory system coded for our furniture store.It must have the good logic to handle product inventory and consists of the following tasks:

-Products Page
-Stock Per Product
-Texture Per Item
-Login System
-Different type of users
-New System
-List Physycal Stores
-Generate Purchase Orders (No PayPal, just generate orders)
-SEO Friendly

We give the following documentation:
-Site Map

Vbulletin Expert Needed

Vbulletin Expert Needed
I need an expert on Vbulletin to look at my forum. I am currently running Vbulletin 3.8.4 for a sports forum, and I am considering the upgrade to 4.0 But, for this project, I need an expert to join my forum, and go through it and make recommendations. I want the forum to be much more user friendly. Only bid if you are a vbulletin expert, with experience and can perform.

Ok, i now made the project featured so I can give out the url. the main site is run by dzoic handshakes. there is a script that syncs logins between dzoic and vbulletin, this must remain.

Please explore the vbulletin side of the site and make recommendations. Post the recommendations here, and bid how much you would charge, and a time frame for completing your recommendations.

Also, let me know whether you recommend upgrading to vbulletin 4.0.

Paying 5000 Dollars- Marketing

Paying 5000 Dollars- Marketing is looking for several skilled, professional marketers from to join our team. This project will be ongoing and is only for marketers with experience.

Our marketing project will NOT include any SEO work. It is for marketers who specialize in making direct sales. We suggest marketing towards small businesses that don’t have websites online yet and need an easy/turnkey solution.

As you can probably guess from our domain name, we are a hosting company. However, hosting is just one of the features people receive when signing up with us. We offer 24/7 free business consulting (which businesses normally pay hundreds to thousands of dollars each month for) to all hosting companies. Also, we setup each customers’ website for them – this way they need absolutely zero technical knowledge. Furthermore, we update our ecommerce software regularly to better suit the needs of our customers.

Our normal rate for marketers is $ 25 per signup – which is recurring monthly. For those of you wondering what that is: If you get someone to signup for a hosting account with us, we will pay you $ 25 every month as long as they continue to host with us. Of course, there is no limit to the number of people you can get to signup.

For those of you who are interested, please view our website ( to see what our company is about and why people would choose to use our services.

Full details here:

We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for taking the time to read about this project.

Need Articles 2

Need Articles 2

I need about 20-30 articles on a variety of topics that I will provide.

– Excellent Proficiency In English Is Required To Qualify For This Project.

– The articles need to be 500-700 words long, with good spelling and correct grammar.

– The articles must use the keywords provided to you approximately first and last paragraphs only.

– All articles will be 100% unique – content and will be checked for plagiarism/ spam via several pieces of software, sample

– You should have experience of writing SEO optimized article

– The articles should be written in a friendly tone and not be dry and
technical.To get a good feel of your style to get action for the reader, while sharing your message not selling it:

I also need a sample article called “how to make a man comment”

Will pay $1 per article. Payment via PayPal on delivery of every batch.
Please bid/message only when you agree to our terms.
While PMBing me – please make sure – you mention –
1. That you agree to all our terms including the payment terms
2. The number of articles you can submit daily (also mention in how many days you will finish all the 50 articles)

I am looking for a long term relationship for future projects, if possible.


Set Up Mysql Database

Set Up Mysql Database
Hello, I need someone to set up a MySQL database for me to list and search for Catholic Saints on my web site. I do not need the actual data entered. My website is PHP Nuke. The web page doesn’t need to be PHP Nuke, but it does need to look the same as the rest of the web site.

I need a Patron Saint Page that matches the rest of my web site. On this page the Daily saint should display each day with the information on him or her. Also, there should be a search for saints by name, feastday, first letter, patronage, male or female. The search needs to come up with this information plus the Saint’s picture.

I would also like to have a feature where this information could be emailed to the person.

Php Web Form Needed Asap

Php Web Form Needed Asap
I am need of a programmer to create a webform where a person can input a 5 digit zip code into a box, and then run a query from the website to see if they offer service in that zip code. If the zip code they entered is one of the zip codes that they client services, they will see a message that says that they serve the area.

If the zip code they entered isnt an area they serve, they will see a message appear that says that they dont serve the area.

This will all be part of a webform where a person can do the search on the website.

Please let me know if more details are needed. Small budget!

Reviews/rating Page – Php Web

Reviews/rating Page – Php Web
I have a web site that is set up in PHP Nuke. I would like to add a book review and a movie review section to it. It doesn’t necessarily need to be in this language, however, I would like it to look the same as the rest of the web site (banner & colors). This needs to be a review script with star ratings that I can edit. Users posts have to be approved to prevent SPAM. I would like a really nice script that has nice features to it.

My web site is using PHP Nuke and Sentinal for security. You could tie into My SQL database to make it really nice.

Php Editing Source

Php Editing Source
I bought the movie script from here:
and i want to work like www(dot)watch-movie(dot)ro

and it`s full of bugs
It`s not optimized for SEO but the script at the link above similar with this one it is

I want you do make it Seo Friendly

It doesn`t appear the tiltle of the movie on the movie page example here :

and a few little problems to solve

I waill get you more details after you bid

this is a simple job so don`t bid high amouts becaus i wont take them into consideration

I have the script i only need you to modify it

Small Static Site

Small Static Site
hi i need someone to make a simple static (business-type) but attractive and appealing site. This is sort of a business person profile site. It should have the basics, a banner, menu, etc.

There are 4 total pages: HOME, ABOUT US, OUR SERVICES, and CONTACT US(which needs to have a contact form)

I need this done really quickly! asap!

Dont bid ridiculously high for this kid: any1-can-do project :/