Social Engine Site

Social Engine Site
I am looking for someone to clone smartlygreen[dot]com

I want all the same features and functionality. The design will be different. It will be built using the Social Engine script.

I will supply the license for the script. Additional plugins that I want are the Facebook Connect plugin and OpenID Connect plugin

Payment will be paid through escrow and money will be released at the end of completion.

Only bidders with portfolios displaying previous work will be considered.

Osc Flash Shirt Customizer Fix

Osc Flash Shirt Customizer Fix
I need the following changes made to my flash t-shirt customizer module. You should be proficient in flash, php, and oscommerce to do this.

Can be viewed here:

And a standard product page can be viewed here:

1. When the users click on “View Image”, we open a new popup with a non-editable version of the same designer application, recreate the current design, zoom in till the maximum area and show them to client. We also update the shopping cart to have a hyperlink to the new “view image” change. Hyperlink will be when the customer clicks on the image of the t-shirt from the shopping cart.

2. I would like the shopping cart hyperlink for the product name (the text, not the image) to allow the customer to view the customizer again with all the designing options they made. This will allow them to go back and make necessary changes to the design. Now, I know that when they do that again and they buy that design it will then create another new product in the shopping cart. Maybe we can have a check to see if they want to edit the existing design or buy a new design from it.

3. Debug the Text Tool tab in the customizer. When the customer clicks, we see part of the ‘Remove Text’ button at the bottom is cut off.

4. Fix the Color Tool option on images. Currently it only works on text. Also I would like the ability of the customer to change the color on more than one area of the selected image. So, we have a single .png image with transparent background, a yellow sun, and a green tree. I would like the customer to be able to change the color of any of these using the color tool.

5. Would like an ‘Undo’ button, so the customer can revert back to the last setting change they made. And, a make a ‘Clear All Changes’ link or button, where we can revert back to the default design for that product.

6. We need to make the Add Image tab to display all of the images currently displayed on the shirt. If the customer uploads one or more images, then it will be shown here too.

7. We need to improve the scrolling function of all effected tabs. Currently the customer has to click and hold on the up or down arrow to slowly scroll. We need to add a scroll bar so that the customer can scroll up and down quicker.

8. Take the image design that is currently selected and have it be the image that is place on the shirt when the customer clicked ‘customize’ from product_info.php. For example we have this link: . We will make the ‘default design’ be the one assigned to the product already. You will see a field on the products table that says ‘default design’ where you can get this image location. Now, if the customer clicks any of the other design options after that and then clicks on customize then we will take that image as the default image on the shirt instead.

9. On the Choose item tab, after we choose a particular item we see some sizes available that are not correct. We need to get the info from the db so that the correct sizes will display that I have setup from admin.

10. We need to add-to the information that is currently showing in the shopping cart. We can add these, the size: size if any, color: color if any, text: example text if any, image: image name (w/hyperlink). Also we made the name be for example Descendents “Milo Goes To College” T-Shirt, but if we selected another product such as lady’s t-shirt, ringet t-shirt, cap, etc..then we want to change this title to reflect the correct product type name, instead of saying T-shirt.

11. Add new field to the products table called ‘customize_link’. We will make values be 0 or 1. If we use 1 as the value on the product, we will show the button located here: whos hyperlink directs to customize.php for that product. It will be located directly below the image of the t-shirt switcher on product_info.php. If the value is 0, then we will not show the button or link to the customizer. We will then remove the link to the customizer on all products next to the Reviews button.

I will give you my site domain once you review my requirements and bid on my project accordingly.

Small Website For Vet Practice

Small Website For Vet Practice
Budget: $450-$800
Listing time: To be awarded 30 Jan
Total project length: Must be live within 13 Feb (14 days of being awarded)

The business
Our client is a group of Australian veterinary practices offering a full range of medical services for domestic pets.


The project
We require a small website with generally limited text content but with very high quality graphic design. The site must be welcoming and appealing to pet owners (especially young generation Y families) and effectively advertise the business’ services and e-newsletter.

The site will consist of 5 main pages + 4 sub pages.


The design
The successful bidder will create at least three styles of the template (supplied as jpg or pdf) using the Home Page content. We will provide feedback, and from this you will develop a final design which you will use to create the site.

The design will:
– be modern and stylish
– have obvious, attractive, horizontal navigation
– appeal to pet lovers / owners and young generation Y families
– complement the style of the business logo
– require no scrolling to see content except on the Services page only, which will offer show/hide paragraphs or some other text display/hide function


Structure and Content of the site

Main Pages
Home Page
About Us
Contact Us
Customer Bonus

Contact Us Success
e-Newsletter Success
Customer Bonus Success
Tell-a-friend Success


Home page will have a small amount of text and 2, 3 or more images
Services page will have a reasonable amount of text (1,200 words) and 1 or 2 images and will require scrolling. Some paragraphs will be hidden behind icons or show/hide buttons as appropriate.
About us page will have a small amount of text and 1 or 2 images
Contact Us will have a contact form, contact details and map
e-Newsletter will have a small amount of text, a sign-up box and 1 image
Customer Bonus will have a small amount of text with sign-up box
Tell-a-Friend will have a tell-a-friend script (we will provide this)

The Contact Us Success, e-Newsletter Success, Customer Bonus Success and Tell-a-friend Success will be a few lines of text only + 1 image


The site will be written in:
Adhere to current W3C Standard;
a CSS based (table-less) design.

Search Engine Optimization
Page ranking is important so you will be able to understand implement on-page SEO. SEO content (keywords) and tactics will be provided by us.


All content, including page titles, page copy and images will be supplied by us.


Provider Skills/Requirements
You will be able to demonstrate:
contemporary and creative web design skills and experience with designing for service business websites;
experience with coding for responsive (web 2.0) navigation, on-page SEO and page structures that can be easily edited and updated;
good communication skills; and
an ability to ALWAYS meet deadlines.

Build Product Catalog

Build Product Catalog
We offer a job to complete all the information about a product catalog we need. This job may be done manually or using software developed for this (preferably). We need to obtain specific data of products (about 700 products models, about 53 brands). The required information will be obtained from some manufacturers websites provided below.

This would be the sequence for each product:

1 .- Find the model of each product listed in the manufacturer’s website.
2 .- Write the name of the manufacturer on the cell.
3 .- Write the category/subcategory on the sheet, to each product model corresponding.
4 .- Get the website of the manufacturer, the description, characteristics and write them on the sheet.
5 .- Download the product image in a folder with the same product name of the product.


– The information must be completed in Spanish. This is not a problem because the info will be copy/pasted.
– Pictures of the products should be named with the same name as the model is provided.
– This operation can be performed manually or accept the development of software to do it automatically (we can negociate the budget in this case).
– The name of the categories to be completed in the cells are in spanish, but it provides the English translation.
– It provides an excel file with a product as an example. In the first sheet, you can see the sample, and you can see all categorys in the next sheets.

***If there are any questions, please feel free to contact***

Live Adult Website 2

Live Adult Website 2
I need a flash site with theses features:I need a flash site with theses features:
Complete List of Features MAIN PAGE: The first page should have one live cam, chat, 3 site preview pages, a sign up option and legal info. Free membership with cc sign up.
MEMBERS: Member Registration with account validation link sent by email Member Login (password is encrypted in the database). Password recovery.
Member Control Panel: Update Profile Update Profile section allows you to modify any information related to your account. Either your profile, email or password, they can all be changed there Virtual Wallet Virtual Wallet is the section where you can see your current balance, and where you can buy credits to spend on private shows and recorded shows. Profiles should be similar to a myspace page and can be easily updates and customized. Instant messenger for all members, models and staff. Members with a virtual wallet balance greater then Zero can stay in public free chat for unlimited time. Members with zero balance have a limited time that they can stay on the public chat. For example the administrator can choose that members with no money in their accounts can stay in free public chat for 3 minutes, every 6 hours. These values can of course be changed. Any adult payment gateway can be integrated in order to upload funds to the site. My favorites My favorites is the place where you can see if your favorite models are online/offline, and have a fast access to their shows. You can choose to be notified by email/sms when a favorite model comes online. Browse Shows Take your time and search for models that you like, choose between several categories like Women, Couples, Gay. In each category you can see Online models as well as Offline models. Once you find one open it up and view it in the Live Chat Interface. Here you can: See / Hear the model in free public chat Turn model Sound On/Off View your Account Balance, Free Time Left, and the Per Minute Rate of the model View members in the free public chat room of the model Add Money to your account Start a Private show where you are the only one who can see the model performing. Private shows are billed per minute (each half minute), the rate can depend from model to model, also the income percent between model / site owner or model/studio operator/site owner. Money are taken off your virtual wallet. Start a 2-way Private show, which is similar to private show, with the addition that the model can see your webcam as well and also hear you. Give a Tip to a model, you choose the amount. Add the model to your Favorites View model’s Schedule See the model’s Profile and Photo Gallery for free. If your account balance is zero you can see only 3 photos, if you you have money in your account you can see unlimited pictures in the gallery. See model’s Recorded Shows . Each recorded show has its own fixed price that you have to pay to view it. You can see a free preview of a few seconds to have an idea of what you should expect of. Each member has its own random color in the chat Private Sessions History of your viewed private sessions See how much free time you have left and in how many hours it is reset.
MODELS: 2-Step Model registration: Webcam test, User info, Personal Info, Uploading of Photo ID scanned image, Representative photo image and Thumbnail photo image, Profile info, Payment details, Terms & Conditions approval. Model login (password is encrypted in the database). Password recovery Model Control Panel: Payments View Account balance, Total Earnings, Total paid, Earning percentage, Cost per minute, Total time spent in private shows, Minimum Release Amount, Payment History, Private Shows History. Update Profile Update Profile section allows you to modify any information related to your model account. Either your thumbnail picture, user information, profile, personal and payment info, they all can be changed here. Broadcast Broadcast section opens up your Live Chat Interface that allows you to: Start Broadcasting which will turn you Online for members browsing for models. Stop Broadcasting will turn you Offline. Turn your Sound On/Off Chat with members in the Free Public Chat, where they also can see and hear you View Members in the free public chat room, as well as their Account Balance in brackets, so you know who to speak more with, in order to convince members with money in their accounts to go on private. Perform a Private or 2-Way Private Show, if a member requests it. View the member’s cam in a 2-Way Private Show. Receive Tips See your Account Balance, Per minute price, and Earnings in this session Record Show Record Show is a 5-step process that allows the model to record audio/video shows, for which members will have to pay a fixed amount in order to view them. You can also record a few seconds preview that will be free of charge for the members. Upload Picture Allows you to upload pictures in your personal image gallery. I also want members to be able to purchase gifts for and merchandise from the models easily. Rules Page The rules and instructions for the model
STUDIO OPERATORS: Studio Operator Registration: User, Personal and Payment Info. Account validation link sent by email Studio Operator login (password is encrypted in the database). Password recovery Model Control Panel: Update Profile Update Profile section allows you to modify any information related to your account. Either your profile, user or payment information, they can all be changed there Add Model Add a model to your studio operator account. The model registration form is similar to the Individual Model registration form described above. Models registered under your Studio Operator account will share revenue with both you and website owner. You will received a fixed percent of your models revenues. My Models Watch your model’s activity with this tool. Payments View Account balance, Total Earnings, Total paid, Earning percentage, Minimum Release Amount, Payment History, Private Shows History.
ADMINISTRATION: General Info, Shows, number of Total Registered Models, Models awaiting approval, Broadcasting models, Members in chat rooms. Live Supervising Interface allows the administrator to: View live all undergoing Public and Private shows of a model, including the text chat and present members list. Its purpose is to check if a models or members are following the terms and conditions of the site, and act appropriately (banning, removing, etc..) otherwise View the recorded shows of the model, and change their price individually View all chat logs by date and time New Models View newly registered models, and approve/reject them, as well as choosing their per minute rate and percentage. Payments Section Make payments to the models and studio operators, or view the history of already made payments Members List Allows the administrator to browse through existing member accounts and perform different operations like: View the total amount of money deposited in all member accounts View the balance of each member View profile of each member and its status Delete a member account Block/Unblock a member account Send e-mail to a member Manually deposit money in a member account Manually remove money from a member account Models List Allows the administrator to view different model-related statistics like Total Model earnings, Total Site Earnings, Total Model Balance (not paid), Earnings in the last 7 days. Also the administrator can browse through existing model accounts and perform different operations like: View the total earnings for each model View the site earnings generated by each model individually View the earnings in the last 7 days for each model View the balance of each model View profile of each model and her status, as well as if the model is individual or belongs to a studio operator Delete a model account Block/Unblock a model account Send e-mail to a model Set the earnings percentage for each model Set the per minute rate for each model View the photo ID picture and representative picture of each model Studio Operators List Allows the administrator to view different SOP-related statistics like Total SOP Earnings, Total Site Earnings, Total SOP Balance (not paid). Also the administrator can browse through existing SOP accounts and perform different operations like: View the total earnings for each SOP View how much each SOP was paid so far View the percent of a SOP View the balance of each SOP View total time spent by a SOP’s models in private chat View profile of each SOP and its status Delete a SOP account Block/Unblock a SOP account Change the minimum release level of a SOP Newsletter Send a newsletter to all: Free Access Members, Paying Members, Models and Studio operators. I want the site to look like live jasmin with bright crisp colors and functions like my free cams. I need this project finished asap. English speaking programmers preferred.

Twitter Account Builder

Twitter Account Builder
I want this system built

Multi Level Membership Site Script for Twitter account building, Account management

You can read all info from this page

Multi Level Membership Site Script for Twitter Account Building, Auto Tweeting, Retweet Networks and much more…
Hi there,
Right now there are literally hundreds of thousands of people automating their Twitter life and more join them every day. Many pay for several different services that allow them to build accounts, send scheduled tweets and check how their account is building. There are very few that offer all these services together and none that include all the services included in my script.
This is not a business oppurtunity you want to miss out on, you owe to to yourself as a business man with the responsibilities of a family to grab this lifeline and run with it.
Running an automated membership site based upon my script is simple. I will set it up for you on your domain, give you advice on pricing, marketing and you can sit back and watch the dollars roll in EVERY SINGLE MONTH!
Based upon a simple set of figures you can see just how easy it is to take this script and turn a great profit:
10 level 2 users paying $17 = $170 per month
20 level 2 users paying $17 = $340 per month
50 level 2 users paying $17 = $850 per month
100 level 2 users paying $17 = $1700 per month
You can set your own prices, I have personally had happy buying customers pay me $27 per month to use the service.
I call this script simply TwitterAccelerator because it:
Accelerates your customers Twitter income
Accelerates your customers Twitter account growth
Accelerates your customers Twitter productivity
Accelerates YOUR INCOME

Twitter Accelerator has several key components to it:
1) Twitter users never have to enter their Twitter account password into the system. This is a revolution in Twitter applications and ensures your customers maximum safety and security.
2) Account builder – this will add follows every day, keep track of who it has followed, remove those who do not follow back over time and more. It works by identifying a Twitter account that your member wishes to follow – the system then follows their followers.
3) Multi level membership – there are 2 levels of membership. Each has its own recurring price and configurable number of twitter accounts. Typically level 1 will be low entry cost and allow your member to add 1 Twitter account. Level 2 will be higher cost and allow the user to add 10 Twitter accounts. Very powerful upsell model and continuation.
4) Autotweets – your members can set up their own long lists of tweets and then schedule their sending across any time period from per one hour to as many hours as they wish.
5) Free Membership area – You have the ability to have a free membership area where you can throw tonnes of value at your memebrs and upsell them the membership or anything else you so wish.
6) Retweeter – your members will be able to retweet a tweet they make across all the accounts they have added to your Twitter Accelerator site.
7) Tips and tricks, and help – These pages exist for paying members to allow you to help improve their experience in your membership site.
8) Paypal IPN payments – An IPN payment handler has been built into the script to allow your users to seamlessly create and purchase membership without any interaction with you the site owner.

TwitterAccelerator has been created out of necessity and turned into a multi level membership site to sell.
Requirements –
Mysql 5+,Php 5.2 (Curl/Simplexml and Cron), Twitter account to register the site/application with.
If you wish to see a demo of the application send me a PM.
I am only going to sell 10 copies of the script so as not to swamp the market.
A tremendous investment in a marketspace that is expanding faster than anything currently on the net.


Kijiji Php Expert

Kijiji Php Expert


Kijiji, Quikr, Gumtree SCRIPT or something better for worldwide use with free and paid categories, The script must be ready for business, SEO friendly URLs, Powerful and robust admin system, Must be bug free and W3c validated,I need someone with experience with this clone.If any one already has the script please contact me with a demo access. I don’t have the time or the budget to create it from scratch.

Or a PHP expert who can modify me the script below for worldwide use.

Only bid if you are willing to show me a demo.

Please don’t send me your company profile or portfolio, just send me links to classifieds site you have done in the past, Post link to fully functional demo with admin link in PMB to test it first, I know some of you already have the scripts ready, Please post fully functional demo.

If you haven’t done this kind of project then don’t bid. Don’t waste my time as well as yours.
Many thanks

Online Food Ordering Script

Online Food Ordering Script
I need a website with two columns. Food menu will be on homepage. In the main column, menu headings will be listed on top and when someone clicks on a heading, it will scroll (or drop down) to that menu’s area down there. Every menu item will only have one line or two with ingredients, no need to open a new page for details, but some of them will have size choice and the price will change with the size. For pizzas there should be an ingredients list if customer wants to add stuff, and it will change the price.

People will click add to cart icon or enter the number of item they want. At the same time, the cart should be updated with ajax, jquery, etc on the other column.

I want only members to order food, because the “only option to pay is at the delivery” and don’t want to deal with false orders. They should have their contact information for delivery and mail adress for membership approving and updating their information.

On the backend, i would like to be able add/change items, prices etc. or if its a well commented script that may be enough.

On the checkout page, customers will write additional requests, choose the way they will pay (cash or credit card at delivery), approve the order and then the restaurant will get the order with their pos / receipt printer / fax machine.

If you already have a script for this purpose or you can modify a script or e-commerce cms, its ok for me too because i don’t have much money and time (5 days).

Plagiarism Program Needed

Plagiarism Program Needed
I need a copyscapedotcom program installed on my essay site so customers can acess my site then click the button called plagerism checker then they will be able to scan their essays in it to check for plagiarism if they want to , also i will link a merchant account to you need to know how to install a merchant on it so the customer pays for a 1 time use of the scanning program up front then they can actually use the program and paste their essay inside the text box and hit scan and a lit of sites will pop up if their essay is copied , they can then click on the site and actually see which parts of their essay were copied form the site if it was copied at all. If their essay is not copied it will simply say no results found. Basically I want it just like copyscapedotcom but on copyscapedot you can buy multiple uses i just want to make it simple and do a 1 time charge type of set up . Must be very good with programming and must start asap.