Programming Project 1271578820

Programming Project 1271578820

Please read the entire document. Please do not send a standard response.

SwiftTortoise is a idea generation, incubation and development company. We develop many different ideas – and are the holding company for such ventures if implemented.

This basic website is mini-portal for the company. The main purpose is to show a summary of the ideas, currently:

Squash Design
Premier Performance Squash
CasinoRe / BetRe
BeTheHouse (To Be Renamed)

Buttons on Main Menu:
• Home
• Projects – See above
• About Us

* BLOG – must add a blog with custom theme

• Contact Us

Each Project will have its own Page – Standard layout:
• Header
• Clean table with rounded borders (see

Should be able to add new projects easily (new page and content) with ease to add to menu.

Currently each project only has 1 page
• We need your ideas on how to incorporate another menu – for each project – the number of pages and button titles will vary by project
• We prefer not to use Sub Menus; we are considering the use of a second menu on the left header (and the body is actually embedded in a “sliding pane” component) example:
• Another slider example:

Simple website – with Open Source CMS, but tell me why you picked it.
Strong Home Page – main element will be basic flash slide show of the given projects
Must have a disciplined CSS approach.

Show me example website of a similar build / or element you would recommend using.


Corp Site – Under Us200

Corp Site – Under Us200

Please read the entire document. Please do not send a standard response.

SwiftTortoise is a idea generation, incubation and development company. We develop many different ideas – and are the holding company for such ventures if implemented.

This basic website is mini-portal for the company. The main purpose is to show a summary of the ideas, currently:

Squash Design
Premier Performance Squash
CasinoRe / BetRe
BeTheHouse (To Be Renamed)

Buttons on Main Menu:
• Home
• Projects – See above
• About Us

* BLOG – must add a blog with custom theme

• Contact Us

Each Project will have its own Page – Standard layout:
• Header
• Clean table with rounded borders (see

Should be able to add new projects easily (new page and content) with ease to add to menu.

Currently each project only has 1 page
• We need your ideas on how to incorporate another menu – for each project – the number of pages and button titles will vary by project
• We prefer not to use Sub Menus; we are considering the use of a second menu on the left header (and the body is actually embedded in a “sliding pane” component) example:
• Another slider example:

Simple website – with Open Source CMS, but tell me why you picked it.
Strong Home Page – main element will be basic flash slide show of the given projects
Must have a disciplined CSS approach.

Show me example website of a similar build / or element you would recommend using.


Simpe Joomla Corp Site

Simpe Joomla Corp Site

Please read the entire document. Please do not send a standard response.

SwiftTortoise is a idea generation, incubation and development company. We develop many different ideas – and are the holding company for such ventures if implemented.

This basic website is mini-portal for the company. The main purpose is to show a summary of the ideas, currently:

Squash Design
Premier Performance Squash
CasinoRe / BetRe
BeTheHouse (To Be Renamed)

Buttons on Main Menu:
• Home
• Projects – See above
• About Us

* BLOG – must add a blog with custom theme

• Contact Us

Each Project will have its own Page – Standard layout:
• Header
• Clean table with rounded borders (see

Should be able to add new projects easily (new page and content) with ease to add to menu.

Currently each project only has 1 page
• We need your ideas on how to incorporate another menu – for each project – the number of pages and button titles will vary by project
• We prefer not to use Sub Menus; we are considering the use of a second menu on the left header (and the body is actually embedded in a “sliding pane” component) example:
• Another slider example:

Simple website – with Open Source CMS, but tell me why you picked it.
Strong Home Page – main element will be basic flash slide show of the given projects
Must have a disciplined CSS approach.

Show me example website of a similar build / or element you would recommend using.


Simple Corp Site – Under Us200

Simple Corp Site – Under Us200

KhushKimet is a family foundation to support our family.
The purpose of the website is to further our effort to support our family – educating members about our effort, and further raising funds.

Simple homepage – large image

Each page MAY have several sub-pages.
• About the Foundation
• Executive Committee
• Programs & Project
• Grant Guidelines
• Get Involved
o Form
o Incorpororate PayPal payment
• Contact Us
• New
• Blog – tell me which one you will use and incorporate
Should be able to add new pages with a standard template easily with ease to add to menu

We prefer not to use Sub Menus; we are considering the use of a second menu on the left header (and the body is actually embedded in a “sliding pane” component) example: Another slider example:
Simple website – with Open Source CMS, but tell me why you picked it.

Strong Home Page – main element will be basic flash slide show

Must have a disciplined CSS approach.

Show me example website of a similar build / or element you would recommend using.

You must have experience not just with web programming BUT web development and design as well.

Please add the name KhushKismet to your bid.

Jomsocial Tooltip Boxes

Jomsocial Tooltip Boxes

I have Jomsocial installed and last night I was deleting some modules, component and plugins and now some features of jomsocials arent working.

1) the tool tip box for members and groups are not working instead they are showing html codes…

2) when I try to click on featured members, or active members and even featured videos… it doesn’t work.

I have attached two pictures, one of how it is now and one of how it’s suppose to look like.


Psd To WordPress/joomla

Psd To WordPress/joomla

Am looking to get website developed in either wordpress or Joomla CMS.
I will be providing the complete PSD files, so just need a coder to convert them into either of the above CMS.

I have attached many of the files, although site is not 100% ready, the files I am providing will give an indication of the work required.

Site will contain the following menu (with option to add more):

Home, About, Portfolio, Services & Contact

Services will contain:
Web Design, Brand Identity, Search Engine, Optimisation, Social Media.

All these pages will have static content, controlled via the CMS

Home page will link to all the Services pages. And underneath will have links to latest portfolio work. On the right, there will be links to latter blog posts, twitter posts, and other custom buttons. See home.jpg for homepage layout

Portfolio will contain all my work, categorised in website and print media. See Portfolio.jpg for example page. This should be easy to update via the CMS.

Blog will be a standard blog with various categories and posts. See blog.jpg and blog2.jpg.

All other pages will follow a similar layout. There will be a contact form.

In addition each page will have social bookmarking (share this etc), and a newsletter plugin would be required. For the homepage, I may require the banner part to be a jQuery slider (I will provide the slides – about 5).

Please feel free to PM if you have any further questions

Thanks 🙂

Joomla Classified Website

Joomla Classified Website

i want build a Joomla website for advertisement
like this example website

but i don’t need all the functions inside,
below is my needs with some little different things

in the example Demo
thats a good functions for me to manage an Ads website

and about the design, i don’t need it with colors and loads of stuff, just simple and formal for an international website 🙂
same like my example website , white pages with nice frames and formal menus ( something to attract the users )

about what i need as function

1- classified text ads with sections same like the example website

2- spaces for adding banners ads ( with payment ) like that boxes contian ( place your ads here for … $ )

3- countries sections to placing the ads by Countries names
for the example in the home page, there is the countries names and the user click on the country name
then he will find the ads sections like part (1) above

4- user can make free account and add free text ads unlimited

5- user can make payed account or can upload the banner he want ( for specific prices ) and he can pay by Visa or alert pay
which mean to be there a payment gate allow the user to pay
and i need this spaces for that banners with differnet sizes and in many places in home page and inside ( to i can make different prices )

also spaces to put google ads in my site
6- search engine inside my website make the user can find ads by the name or the word ( just good search engine )

7 – normal things like ( number of online visitors – site daily visits number – total visits number – Alexa )

8 – about the connecting my website with the search engines and make my site get allow to previews and the page ranking
i think that stuff is in every website but depended on the used scripts how good it is
and i need banners exchange between my side and other sites ( i think this happen by exchange the codes )

9- about the languages
i need English , and Arabic and other languages if available( not Google translation )

i hope i made it clear.

Static Html Design

Static Html Design

Hi all, I need a static HTML website template developed for an art gallery. Below are my requirements:

– 1 static HTML page
– CSS + Div, no tables
– Menus need to use ul and li tags
– No pictures for menus
– Every content section must have its own divs (IE. menus, main content pane, header, etc…)
– HTML optimized for Joomla module splicing (Optional, but definitely a plus)
– Optimized for various browsers (IE6 especially!!!)
– prefer 2 menus, one top navigation and one left side menu (if you have a better layout, i don’t mind
– web 2.0 looking design, be creative based on the logo and old site (I’ll email it to you after picking the provider)
– willing to make color twicks and content/menu placement based on my client’s needs

Please reference the below site:
– – overall look and feel (Our client is very similar to this organization, but do not copy their layout or design)

We are a marketing agency based in China with a steady client base. Great work on this project will ensue a long term working relationship. Thanks!

Psd 2 Cms With Rewiew/rating

Psd 2 Cms With Rewiew/rating in CMS

1. Check the “hover buttons”
2. Check the sub-buttons (per categorie other sub-buttons)
3. On top rightside: html code/wysiwyg for differtent advertising options
4. On the rightside: 2 blocks with code/wysiwyg for different advertising
5. On the rightside: 1 block with code/wysiwyg
6. Ranking internetsites (datingsites)
> upload image of the (dating)site
> fill the different fields for each site
> rank the site with stars if possible (check under each site-image, if not…fake this:-)
> read reviews of each site
> possibility to review a site

I want to chat/skype about the special details of the project.
I prefer or WordPress for good SEO!

Joomla Website-module2

Joomla Website-module2

Create a custom extension for Joomla website built in Module 1. This is a “for landlords only” section:

Create a system for landlords (owners) to log in to their own private folder on the site to access reports on their own rental properties. Owners can see info only their own properties, not anyone else’s.

The owners folders should be on a SSL if that is possible. I will provide SSL certificate and IP for this section. If we can’t put just the owners section in SSL, then we will have to put the whole site in https.

Create a “home” page for each owner’s folder. Home page should contain links to reports pages: “rental log”, “tenant information page”, “financial recap page”, “feedback form”, and “rental calendar”. Integrate data from reports from separate property management software program into “financial recap”,”tenant information” and “rental log” pages. (Information on integration to be supplied once project is in progress.)

Set up an admin page for extension so that site admin can add additional owners folders via the Joomla admin panel. Admin should be able to assign a login and password to each private folder. Landlords’ names and email addresses should be in a separate table so that newsletter extension added in Module 1 can be used to send monthly updates to landlords only.

Admin should be able to add more pages to the owners’ folders in the future–i.e., article pages, monthly updates, etc.

See attached proposed site design layout for how landlord section integrates into full website.

Please bid on Module 1 and Module 2 –I would prefer to work with the same person on both. Project is broken into two parts so you can get paid incrementally.

Joomla Website-module 1

Joomla Website-module 1

1. Install Joomla v1.5 on my server for a property rentals company website. (Latest stable version)

2. Install new template on Joomla site (to be obtained by me and provided to you, modify with images I supply to you.

3. Set up the following pages on the site through the admin panel:
“Rental Policies”, “Tenants Page”, “About Us”, “For Realtors”, “Neigbhborhood Info”, “Maintenance Requests”, “Rental Application”. Rental application and Maintenance request pages should also have a printer-friendly version.

4. Install the following extensions and integrate with site — extensions will be purchased or obtained by me and provided to you:

Property listings module: “Intellectual Property” by

Testimonials module:

Newsletter mailing module:

5. Set up WordPress blog on my server for the same company — I will provide you with a different IP for this. Link to joomla website.

Attached proposed site layout shows structure of site. The section on the wire frame called “Rental Index” is the property listing extension noted above. The section titled “Landlords” is subject of Module 2, to be done after Module 1 is completed.

Please bid on Module 1 and Module 2 –I would prefer to work with the same person on both. Project is broken into two parts so you can get paid incrementally.