Regular Updating- News Portal

Regular Updating- News Portal
Hi, I have a news portal which needs regular updating – About 2x per week with a few articles each time. I will provide the existing links of sources for where to obtain the most recent articles, and you would simply select which are the most relevant news topics (I will provide subject and criteria to use in deciding), and then copy/paste the articles and their credits (author/source) along with a photo (quick google image search) to upload into the admin panel. I will provide you with access to the admin panel so you can post the news articles.

Convert Simple Website To Css

Convert Simple Website To Css
I require a designer/coder to convert an existing website from the current outdated tables-based layout to a modern CSS layout. No alteration will be requited to the look and functionality of the site, I only need the underlying code updated.

I need someone highly professional and quick, and there is the potential for additional similar jobs in future if this one is completed successfully.

The website is viewable at

Website Design/cloning

Website Design/cloning
I am looking for a Website designer with all round programming and coding experience.
I am looking for someone who can either:
a) Build/Design Websites from scratch based on a detailed brief and site description
b) Clone an existing site with slight custom changes and navigational elements
c) Write scripts for website templates and program the code to sync the template to the back-end application of the site.

I have 7 projects that will require either one, two or all the above approaches, I am therefore looking for an individual or team that I can establish a fruitful mid to long term partnership with. If the final first project meets/exceeds my expectations, I can guarantee repeat business.

Each Project deadline is approx 2 weeks from the official go ahead to final delivery.

Domain Auction/db Website

Domain Auction/db Website
I am looking to have a custom made website to sell and auction off domains. Must be international characters compatible, built similar to Sedo but with custom made plugins. Will need an admin area panel for controlling changes. Requirements:-

-Exclusive rights and full ownership of the script
-Built with custom made scripting and programming
-Website design
-Graphic design
-Built in Punny Code converter
-Custom plugins
-RSS Feeds
-User account management
-Custom payment integration
-Search Database

Website 4 Author/speaker/etc..

Website 4 Author/speaker/etc..
Hi. I need a website for a minister/speaker/author who has written over 20+ books, and would like to relaunch her site.

We have a small budget for now, but as time progresses, more features will be added (so this site will progress and you could possibly get more work from this site alone).

Right now, the site will have a SIMILAR format of, in the sense that it has a: social network area, books, featured events, itinerary, newsletter sign up (we already have a Constant Contact account and just need the code customized), bookstore page, etc…

I like crisp, clean designs. Won’t mind purchasing a template to start with if necessary. Will need a new logo as well (but I might post a separate project for that, and work with the people I’ve worked with before). **I’ve worked with Joomla, so I can add additional submenus and insert additional content myself. I just might need a quick tutorial if I can’t find something, but doubt it**.

Again, this is the beginning of a much more feature rich site, with an online school on the near horizon. So, if you can do clean, nice work now, you might be selected to help with the additions that will be needed for this more projects in the near future.

In the near future I will need:
Twitter page design
MySpace design
Bookcover/cd/dvd design
And more… so this is just the beginning for this website.

Please show samples of past work.

Looking forward to your offers. Take care 🙂

Link Building 45 Permanent

Link Building 45 Permanent
Link Building: 45 Permanent One way PR2 and PR3+ Permanent Links from relevant sites

-May lead to future projects for you.

1. Send me a message stating that you specifically understand my PR2+ and relevancy requirements and that you will meet them.

2. Don’t offer me any other services until you specifically bid on WHAT I ASK FOR in my Job Title. I am open to other services since I am busy but only after you address the initial job.

3. Understand I am an SEO but have excess work I am willing to send your way but don’t waste my time as I know SEO very well.

4. When I ask you a question, ANSWER MY QUESTION as asked and within 36 hours.

Forgive me for the all caps. I’m tired of people wasting my time.

I need link building with sites that share the theme of fitness nutrition and bodybuilding supplements.
45 total links PR2 and HIGHER required from bodybuilding and fitness nutrition sites. PR0 and PR1 are UNACCEPTABLE.

30 links must be PR2+. The remaining 15 of those links must be PR3+. I will provide the anchor text.

Pages must have been cached by Google within the last 30 days.

1. WHITE HAT ONLY! No black hat or grey hat techniques allowed. No cloaking, banned sites, articles submission, spam sites, scraped content sites, mirror sites, or sites overrun with contextual advertising and pop ups. Links must be manually submitted ONLY. No use of automated software of any kind.

2. No links from blog comments, article directories, link farms, forums, blog farms, classifieds, directories, social bookmarks, profiles of social sites, spam sites, link directories, link exchange, guest books, web rings, gambling, dating, x-rated adult, violence, sex, hatred, hacker, warez, directory submissions, blacklist/banned sites from Google or by using any other spamming method. No ping sites, no links within newsgroups, yahoo groups. No links from websites with a google ban or google penalty.

3. All links must be search engine friendly – no redirects, no javascripts, cloaking, frames, etc. No hidden links. No meta tag CONTENT=”NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW” or robots tag excluded link pages. No Flash sites or pages. All links must be visible, readable & indexable. Text links only with no graphics. No rel=nofollow links in the HTML. No Pages blocked by robots.txt.

4. Links must be on English language United States of America sites only.

5. Only links from relevant sites will be accepted. The links must be added at a maximum rate of 3 links per day.

6. Links must be do-follow and must be one way. Links must not be labeled sponsored, links, ads etc.

7. ALL links must be submitted manually, and one link per domain. No use of automated software.

8. Each link MUST reside on a separate domain and be from a different C-Class IP.

9. Links must be active, permanent with no expiration dates and must not need any additional payments. No more than 20 outbound links per page on which links are placed.

10. Links should contain the target anchor text and titles, link pages must be themed to the anchor text being used.

11. Link page must be indexed and cached by major search engines (30 days back max, no cached a year back pages). No drop domains either that have not passed the page rank yet and not cached. No fake PR sites (I will check).

12. Only use general or sponsored Top Level Domains. No free hosting websites.

13. Linked sites must be in production and active. (Developed and not under construction).

14. Links must be coming from bodybuilding and fitness nutrition types of sites and must not violate that site’s Terms & Conditions, Conditions of Use, etc.

15. Links must be on pages that do not contain an overwhelming number of other similar do follow links.

16. No links from directories unless specifically related to our industry.

-You will need to provide me with the following spreadsheet after 7 days from beginning the project to help me stay informed of your link building efforts. I reserve the right not to accept a particular link.

• Site Name
• Site Type
• Site PR
• URL Page PR
• Link site exact URL (clickable hyperlink)
• IP address
• Anchor Text
• Last date page cached by Google

-Please submit samples of sites or locations you expect to use with bid. If possible give me some samples of websites you’ve successfully built links for.

Web Site Design For E Commerce

Web Site Design For E Commerce
We are looking to have our current website redesigned on an OS Commerce platform. We are needing to be able to easily update information on our website including store locator, broker contact by territory and news as well as being able to update and add to our product line up. We are looking to have an interactive portion of our website for educational purpose that can be updated as well.

Creative Affiliate Banners

Creative Affiliate Banners
I am after 3 different styles of banners for my affiliates to use to promote

Banner 1 – Birthday Banner
Banner 2 – Baby Banner
Banner 3 – Wedding Banner

Each banner is to be made as a static version and a animated version and come in the following sizes
468 x 60
150 x 38
120 x 90
120 x 600
250 x 250

So in all there will be 30 finished banners

Please only bid if you have excellent design skills and can show samples of your work

I will also require all psd files for the banners.

Html Page To Drupal Theme

Html Page To Drupal Theme
Heya, I’m looking for a Drupal web developer / web designer with extensive experience using various technologies including PHP/MySQL/HTML/CSS/AJAX/JavaScript/XML and various tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator, etc to turn an existing HTML page into a Drupal theme.

I don’t really have the time to do this myself, so I’m posting it here. This shouldn’t be very hard. However, I’m looking RELIABLE person or company capable of decent Drupal work. As I have a lot of work coming up.

Anyway, this job should take no more then 2 days to complete. Theme should be cross-browser compatible with standard compliant code. All forms, text and everything throughout the website is to remain uniform for professionalism.

You must test your template in: Safari v.3, Firefox v.2, v.3, Opera v.9, Google Chrome v.1, Internet Explorer v.6,7,8. It should be search engine optimized, readable and semantically correct.

I am looking for someone who is available to start ****immediately*****, so be precise in your bids as to how long this project will take you.

Good day!

Hobby Site

Hobby Site
Need a small project to be handled right away. Similar to but with a forum and blog.

Most important qualities in a programmer: communication, skill, and ability to deliver on schedule. This is an urgent project, but don’t promise what you can’t deliver, especially when deadlines are concerned!

I have hidden a secret word in the text of the project document attached. To be considered for this project, include the secret word in your response.