Pic Microcontroller Programmin

Pic Microcontroller Programmin
i need programming for the PIC Microcontroller (( PIC18F452 )) , i need a code that makes the PIC able to calculate and measure :

RMS Voltage
RMS Current
Power Factor

i have to finish the codding so i can start building the device + start testing it ,

the details i have :

i have to design a circuit that converts :

230 V AC to 5 V DC

then i have to get 2 outputs from the circuit : one for the voltage and one for the current and put them in the PIC

The device should be able to calculate and report the following parameters in real time :

· Real power, apparent power and power factor

· RMS voltage and RMS Current

· Frequency

· Energy usage ( Kilowatt

this is the circuit i’m using :


PS : i attached a document file , that has the needed formulas that can help you in writing the code

Help Needed .php Trouble

Help Needed .php Trouble
Urgent help needed.php trouble

Im looking for someone how has very good knowledge of .php script.

I have a website for file hosting for users been able to upload files to and also share.

I have mounted a second hard drive that premium members files would upload to this server which is mounted on dedicated server.

And set up a subdomain with an IP Number so the second hard drive would take the uploads when needed.

All was working fine till five days ago and when working on the website i have caused the website not to function properly now.

The reason why i was trying to resolve a bug which caused a problem when trying to upload files of over 700mb with URL Uploading.

I have done something incorrect and has caused the problems to occur.

Myself think it may be a bug in the cross.php or config.php but again im not sure it could be a bug in any of the files conected to the website that is causing the website not uploading to the second server now.

Or for some reason the IP subdomain added has stopped allowing out going connects now on main server via Cpanel.

Also when uploading to the second server with smaller files when it was working the progress bar was not working.

And it was not sending emails with download links when requested by user. but all these functions work with no problems on the free account that uploads to the first harddrive.

But when i try as a platinum user it will not as this is uploaded to the second harddrive.

Also i need that the platinum premium account allows uploads of up to 950MB

The error has also caused the files on the second hard drive not to connect to the files when i request for download.

So when all is completed that i can download these files again when needed from the second server again.

I would ask that if you dont have very very very good Knowldge of script .php please do not BID on this project as your bid will not be excepted.

Please PM me and if you would wish to have a look at the website i can send you all site websites details.

Thank you and hope to here from the right person for this project soon.

Xfileshringpro Templete Mod

Xfileshringpro Templete Mod
Hi ,

I’am looking for someone to completly redesign the xfilesharing pro script template . The code is simple , easy to modify .

What i want : logo design , and follow by my document or something like www.filebox.com , that site is useing the same script . I don’t want a clone of that site but you can consider that a start point .

you can contact me at : skypeid : c.talay or msn : talay74 -a- hotmail.com

Thanks !

Demo site : http://upload-pro.com/

Easy Article Writing

Easy Article Writing
I need a writer to write 4 articles (500 words each). I want a keyword density of 3%.

The topic relates to Six Pack Abs

Here is the list of “titles” and [Keywords] for the 4 articles:
1. “I want six pack abs fast and easy” [I want six pack abs]
2. “Finally a six pack abs program that works” [six pack abs program]
3. “The six pack abs women have always wanted” [six pack abs women]
4. “Finally a six pack abs routine that works” [six pack abs routine]

This should be an easy job for anyone that has written
articles in the past. If it goes well, I am hoping to
hire the winning bidder for many more jobs in the future.
You must use the code word ‘[pick a word]‘ or I will not select
you, no matter how many great reviews you have.
All articles are copyrighted to John Gaddis any
infringements will be reported to the proper authorities.
I have software that will notify me if there is any

John Gaddis

Budget: $10 – $20
Project Type: Writing
Extra Features: NONE

Social Networking Site Design

Social Networking Site Design
I’m looking to buy the Dolphin Software from Boonex and I need a total redesign for my new website.
I’m looking for a fresh, clean, unique and yet fun look. Please look at deciquesi dot com – this is what I’m looking for but with all the Dolphin software features. (That site was built using AbleDating from ABK Soft)
My site will target the gay community, meant to be a networking portal with loads of features.
Please note, I’m looking for design work only, not programming needed!
I will need to see samples of previous design work in order to make a decision.

Thank you! …And please don’t forget to send links to your samples of work.

Populate My Oscommerce Site

Populate My Oscommerce Site
I own 2 websites, and want eveything copied from one ie products, pictures, product pricing, etc. to the other one

I do however want great original product descriptions that are SEO freindly for each product. I will use compyscape to make sure that all content is original and not coppied, it must flow in true english… if you cant do this DONT BID.

seo tags need to be filled out for every product (around 200-300)

this is a project that needs to be done Fast but accuratly.

Date/time Php Script 2

Date/time Php Script 2
Please understand my project very carefully. I am from India and business is based worldwide like USA, UK, Australia and many more.
I have CMS website, which has front end for Customer use and Backend(admin panel) for my use.
First of all Understand about my business.
I make Designing Projects.
Customer login at my website and Places a order form in front end panel.

Then I check their order form at my Backend panel.
Now Please see what I want.
Suppose My Customer from Chicago,USA post order on my website at 4 pm according to their time zone and in India that time is 3 a.m.

Now the trick is: Whatever Activities customer Perform in front end panel. Customer must see those activities according to their time zone. Customer Should see 4p.m. of chicago(USA)
and From Backend I should see both times( Customer front end time and backend time) 4 pm and 3 am so that I can do my work according to my time.

For this I have Country,State and City database(Full Source code) for help but it is without Timezone code. You have to add timezone source with it.
I will also show my front end and Admin panel for persons who are interested, Please post bids only those persons who are expert in this type of project.
If you have demos, most welcome.
I also posted this earlier but my website was under construction that time.
Please contact me interested programmers

Php Site W Mysql Cms

Php Site W Mysql Cms
Site Built – PHP + MySQL CMS

We need to have a website built in PHP with a custom built MySQL CMS.

The design of the site has been created. See attachments to get an idea.

The site needs to be uploaded to our host.

The pages to be created are:

Front Page

Front Page Random Display of content in 3 fields on the bottom.

Random video displayed in main window.

About us

Text with 2 windows to the right introducing 2 people. Links from these two opens in new windows.

Testimonials – this opens to a testimonials page. This can have text testimonials, or videos.

Media Page. This opens to a separate page.

Contact Us forms. Entries from this goes into database. E-mail to go out to notify us.

Tool Box

This page will have a lot of video materials. They need to be organized in categories and we need to be able to upload them, add text and place them in a category. (the categories are in the red lower field.

Videos should open on a separate page.

This page also has a subscription form. Data from this needs to go into the database and e-mails sent out to notify us.


This page has a text field and three boxes with text and images on the right hand side. Links from these opens on separate pages.

The Game

This page is very similar to the tool box page except the right hand side will have a live feed of golf events worldwide.


WordPress blog integrated. Should be editable from CMS


Listings of products and sorted under categories. We need to be able to upload and describe the products through CMS. Shop linked up to paypal.


Search function

Attach google analytics code.

Social media links on all pages (tab on lower right hand side)

CMS (custom made)

Store names from all forms etc.
Ability to edit text on all pages (rich text)
Ability to upload and change images and videos. The videos will also have a text field on the side.
Ability to upload shop products and set prices

Quick Tip: The Difference Between Live() and Delegate()

Quick Tip: The Difference Between Live() and Delegate()

In jQuery 1.3, the team introduced the live() method, which allows us to bind event handlers to elements on the page, as well as any that might be created in the future dynamically. Though not perfect, it definitely proved to be helpful. Most notably, live() bubbles all the way up, and attaches the handler to the document. It also ceases to work well when chaining method calls, unfortunately. Delegate() was introduced in version 1.4, which almost does the same thing, but more efficiently.

We’ll examine the specific differences between the two methods in today’s video quick tip. Thanks to the FireQuery Firebug extension, we’ll have the tools to more easily understand how each method functions.

<ul id="items">
	<li> Click Me </li>
// Bind attaches an event handler only to the elements
// that match a particular selector. This, expectedly,
// excludes any dynamically generated elements.
$("#items li").click(function() {
	$(this).parent().append("<li>New Element</li>");

// Live(), introduced in 1.3, allows for the binding
// of event handlers to all elements that match a
// selector, including those created in the future.
// It does this by attaching the handler to the document.
// Unfortunately, it does not work well with chaining.
// Don't expect to chain live() after calls like
// children().next()...etc.
$("li").live("click", function() {
	$(this).parent().append("<li>New Element</li>");

// Delegate, new to version 1.4, perhaps should have been a complete
// replacement for Live(). However, that obviously
// would have broken a lot of code! Nonetheless,
// delegate remedies many of the short-comings
// found in live(). It attaches the event handler
// directly to the context, rather than the document.
// It also doesn't suffer from the chaining issues
// that live does. There are many performance benefits
// to using this method over live().
$('#items').delegate('li', 'click', function() {
	$(this).parent().append('<li>New Element</li>');

// By passing a DOM element as the context of our selector, we can make
// Live() behave (almost) the same way that delegate()
// does. It attaches the handler to the context, not
// the document - which is the default context.
// The code below is equivalent to the delegate() version
// shown above.
$("li", $("#items")[0]).live("click", function() {
	$(this).parent().append("<li>New Element</li>");


This can definitely be a confusing topic. Please feel free to ask questions, or discuss within the comments. Thanks so much to Elijah Manor for clarifying a few things for me on this topic!

Pause Php Program For Input

Pause Php Program For Input
I have a php program that goes to a site, logs in with my credentials, and downloads some data from the site. The site has recently been changed to require user input right after the login. I want a coder to modify my php program so that it will allow me to enter the user-input data after the login screen. Once I enter my data, the php program can continue to do what it currently does – download data from the site.

Dentist Webdesign

Dentist Webdesign
i have a dentist that we are building a Content management software for. Im looking for someone who can provide me creative weblayouts for the sDentist.

the process is as follows

– i need 3 layouts for this website. the different layouts.. must be different from each other and not just color differences.

– initially it must be just JPG files. On selection of the chosen layout. it must be converted into proper htmls.. so from 3 JPG layouts, it will become 1 final htmls layouts.

– to ensure quality of work .. i need to see 1 JPG layout immediately , so that we are on the right track.

please note im looking for great work, and not some templates from the net and not some childish designs. the person who does this well , will get all our future web design projects.

you will be provided with the resource photos from this dentist.

im looking at immediate delivery of this project

Photo Blog Content Writing Seo

Photo Blog Content Writing Seo
Need the following.
Keep it short, because almost nobody reads it.
So read this complete.
Need 3 articles for a blog. (No copy – paste story) Need to be original. Copyright go to me.
Need first page of website www.aebephotography.com to have rewritten with keyword friendly content, with a density check from 2 till 3 %!

Keywords are now:

on location photographer in texas, San Antonio Photographer,Newborn photographer, children photography, Photographer, portrait photographer San Antonio, model photography, portfolio, model, commercial, photo

If you can do it better with more efficient keywords, then tell.

I do NOT need long stories. No monthly bids, just one bid for this. I will make soon a decision who can do it. So hurry with a GOOD offer.