Need 14 Articles Wrote Andspun

Need 14 Articles Wrote Andspun
I need 14 articles wrote and spun for the penis enlargement niche. I will provide all of the headlines and i will need 14 UNIQUE articles that give a brief understanding of the problem outlined in the title. (i will be giving you an example of what im looking for) I would prefer someone who has experience in this niche. (however, if you do not have experience, i will expect some research so the articles will be top notch) I will be submitting all of these articles through as well as many other similar websites.

I need all of these articles to be spun properly. If you do not know what article spinning is than please do not bid. They must be done in this format —> {spin like this|they must be spun like this}

I will be expecting a word document or a notepad document of the raw spun articles.

All spun articles must be under 55% duplicate content. (or they will need to be additionally spun) All articles must also be OVER 400 words.

All articles need to have proper grammar as well as make sense regarding the headline. I would prefer an english teacher or something of that nature.

Must be able to contact me at least 1-2 times a day.

I will be submitting the articles myself as well as writing my own signature box’s. All articles MUST pass ezine articles or they will need to be rewritten.

Thanks -Matt

Website Promotion

Website Promotion

I have a website at and it runs on Magento. I would like it to appear on the first page of google and other search engines for all main keywords that are related to fragrance, perfume, etc. These are two main competitors: and Please, study them carefully. I would like to receive anywhere from 5,000-10,000+ unique, targeted visitors daily. You must be an expert in this area. Please, let me know how you are going to achieve these goals. Thank you.

Penny Auction Project And More

Penny Auction Project And More
If you have demo or real work available will be great plus!!



The deliverable of this project must be “Ready to Run” auction website. I expect a reasonable design and stylish outlooking (templete is fine) to make the website look more professional. Prefer to create a heavy loading/traffic/transactional auction web site (from 1 to 2000 user at the same time)

Two main requirement: (you can quote me seperately for these two site, if you like)

1. Penny auction like (I prefer this style)

2. Event sale website like (the basic is people can hold a limit number of items say three at once for less than x mins, then they need to decide check out or not. Otherwise, the items on hold will be released sepeately when the time is up.)

Other basic requirement:
– Able to integrate or combine several auction types in the same site (at least: penny auctions, seat auctions, lowest & unique auctions, traditional auctions & reverse auctions.
– Graphic design for the new brand to be used in the new web site.
– How it woks video. Similar to Swoopo or Scriptlance tutorial.( this is important)
– Customizable design templates. A few of templete to select (more the better)
– Accounting module. Review accountancy. Interface with professional accounting software.
– 100% Open Source.

Optional function: (you can tell me if your quote include those options)

1. SMS bidding ( You can see this function from , if you are not sure what I mean)
2. Discussion board or blog for users to leave comment
3. Tracking system for users to track their package in their account menu. Option for auto-updating the id and partial tracking number to a certain place is better to convince people some one do win the auction.
4. Coupon code generator to manage promotions.
5. Support tranditional/simplied Chinese font (not the system to be Chinese)
6. Two or three revisions within 15 days or mutual agreement for improving the site.

More details in the attachment if you are interested in helping me.

Threadless Clone – Squarespace

Threadless Clone – Squarespace
Hi there,

The project is to build a website by using Squarespace ( that is based on

Due to Squarespace not having it’s own ecommerce option something like paypal will be incorporated (I can add this later)

The finished site will need to be very easy to update and amend.

Any questions, please ask. Many thanks for taking a look.

Jobportal Site

Jobportal Site
Hi there Programmers,

I need a Jobsite where users can post CV and a short resume. Besides CV and resume, it should be possible to upload a profile image + record a small presentation video on the site (via Webcam in Flash). The video content will be the “main” content for the site – hence this feature is very important.

Its ok to use a 3’rd party jobsite script – the main critiria is to meet the deadline, and have a bugfree site.

Deadline 1 month from now.

You will need to document experince from creation of other jobsites.

Vbulletin Site Transfer

Vbulletin Site Transfer

I need to transfer a large forum from one server to another. There are approximately 10GB of files and the database is about 1GB. You can wget them between servers.

However having done this myself I encountered various MySQL errors on the new server. I have been unable to resolve this. Speaking with vBulletin support we’ve identified a possible issue involving the site files being a different version of vB than that of the database. I don’t really understand though why the site functions fine on the old server. I suspect that however we are transferring the files/database may be problematic.

Backing up and restoring via mysqldumper gave an error however using mysqldump and restoring via SSH appeared to work fine although it may be supressing errors.

The homepage would not display and gave the following database error:

MySQL Error : Unknown column ‘lastprefixid’ in ‘field list’

We resolved this by running:

However the admin panel is still inaccesible, throwing another error:
MySQL Error : Table ‘vb.bookmarksite’ doesn’t exist

You will be provided with root login details to both the old and new server. It is important that you do not make any changes to the old server as that is where the live site resides. Only use the old server for making backups.

Finally, you will need to transfer the database twice, firstly for debugging and resolving the issue at hand and secondly just prior to us making the site live (repeat solution) so that the data is current.


Sure Bet

Sure Bet
I am looking for a sure bet website very much like to be used in conjunction with approximately 46 different bookmakers (some XML feeds provided or perhaps pull data live or one odds feed), with the possibility to add more bookmakers.
The prog should operate on games where there are 2 results i.e. Win or Lose and also games where there are 3 results, i.e. Win, Lose, Draw & handy cap arbs.

It will also have the bookmakers odds, stake calculator and currency converter (automatic currency exchange update). And the ability to select other bookmakers for the same arb trade just like .

The prog should automatically with a click confirm, place all of the required bets in the bookmakers account or can be done manually (automatic preferred).

The arb should be updated every 30 seconds.
It needs to cover all two team or competitor sports
We need a private section where user can access through our web site by clicking member login in.

Pls PMB me demo link s with your surebet demo with useranme and pass in order to test it.

Generic messages and messages without demo link will be totally ignored.

I am not interested too much for design but mostly for surebet scraping mechanism.

Thank you

Website Makeover / Redesign

Website Makeover / Redesign
I am looking to redesign this site:

I would like to make it very clean and simple like this:

Site needs to be in simple html so I can edit it in Kompozer.

Please use some creativity in designing this site and placing the resource box.

For images please use images of ice on roofs mainly.

If this project works out and is hassle free and what we are looking for, we have many other per project based jobs and also partnership opportunities.

Thank you!