Online Magazines 3

Online Magazines 3
Need 10 very good quality, well written articles about online magazines. Each article about 450 words. Each article should give the various good reasons why this name is ideal for publishing an online magazine by that name.

Each article should sell the idea to companies that have the potential to buy and properly develop an online magazine with a high quality domain name.

Clear understanding and experience of online publishing, online magazines, and high quality domain names is essential. Prefer to wait longer and get higher quality articles.

An English native professional and experienced writer is very much preferred.

The articles must be 100% original and unique, and be free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. You must agree not to re-use these articles in any way whatsoever.

Please bid for the set of 10 articles with the topics shown below, one article for each topic.

Company Magazine
Leader Magazine
Women Magazine
London Magazine
Advertising Magazine
America Magazine
Mother Magazine
Phone Magazine
Social Magazine
Market Magazine

(Also looking for a long term provider)

Short 350 Word Niche Articles

Short 350 Word Niche Articles
I will need 7 total “unique” articles written.

1) Write 7 short (350 word minimum) articles on different product related keywords that I will give you.

2) Each article must contain 2 or 3 keywords from each product category that I will give you.

To be eligible to receive payment, the articles must meet the following requirements:

a) 100% ORIGINAL and UNIQUE. This means that your article must pass a check by Copyscape. If for any reason it does not, meaning that the article is copied from somewhere else on the internet it will be detected and then rejected.

Feel free to use other sources for RESEARCH, but do not copy or plagiarize.

b) It must be written in clear English so that it is readable by a US audience. If there are too many grammatical mistakes your article will be rejected.

c) Each article must be a minimum of 350 words with at least 2 or 3 keywords inside the article that I will supply to you.

Easy job for the right writer.

Please don’t bid if you can’t keep your bid deadline.

Seo Blog Comments 500

Seo Blog Comments 500
We want Five Hundred 35-45 words blog comments for existing articles in numerous blogging sites that we maintain.

Your work requires for you to visit the blogging sites that we maintain and place comments.

Comments need to be in good nature and need to be grammatically correct. User name to be used for the blog comments need to show diversity by using different names. (40% English names, %10 spanish, 10% German, 10% French, 20% other)

Thank you

Creative Writing Letters

Creative Writing Letters
Looking for a very creative writer! Need 3 different Sales Letters 1) For family 2) For Client 3) For Potential Client

Each letter to only be one page. Must be unique, eye catching title, quick to the point message with good verbiage to get person to respond. DO NOT copy – want original and unique.

Provide specific examples of previous work. Subject of letters is a Product/Program relating to investment alternative. Will give further details and info (along with some verbiage).

Hoping 1 day for this project to be completed.

Twenty Five Quality Articles

Twenty Five Quality Articles
Hello, I am looking for a high quality writer who is a NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER to write 400 word articles. You will need to finish your articles by the deadline you state in your bid. I will only work with a punctual writer who understands the importance of deadlines.

The articles need to be informative to the reader with 100% correct grammar and punctuation. Furthermore, if you are not from North America, please do not bid unless you truly have a complete grasp of the English language. I do not want to spend my time revising your articles due to improper grammar, word usage, etc.

Your articles must be at 100% unique, and I will check each article using Copyscape and Plagiarism Detect for plagiarism.

You agree that upon sending me the articles all rights to the articles transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any way.

Please be able to communicate 1-2 times per day by email or messenger.

Depending upon the bids I receive, I may ask the bidder to write a short sample on a topic of my choice before choosing the bidder.

Instead of the generic reply, please type “I understand” in your bid. This way, I know you have read and understand the terms.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you.

Flash Record Label Website

Flash Record Label Website
I need a flash website for my upcoming record label. I’m producing rock and hip hop music. I need a talented designer and developer/company.

The website needs to have an ecommerce section where people can buy digital downloads and actual cds. The non-digital downloads need to have a shipping charge on them also. Basically, what a normal ecommerce site can do. There will also be a downloads section where people can download music, screen savers, and some videos. I would like the video to play in the background and everything disappears.

I’m not a professional so I would want my website to have an admin panel where I can edit pages, add content and manage the ecommerce part of the site (add/remove products etc). Adding content meaning downloads (screen savers, music, video, wallpapers etc).

Here’s some more information about the design and functionality.

– Full width and height, basically takes up the size of the browser. Completely flash.
– Black/white grayish theme which is a bit elegant.

– Navigation and other info should be on the sides/bottom.
– When playing a video, options should come up bottom of the screen like play button and stop. And the video would play in the background so everything will hide (Not only when stopped, users should be able to do other things while playing music or a video).
– Have a downloads section where I can have music, screensavers, wallpapers, and other things for download. I should be able to add/remove through an admin section.
– For ecommerce, I will be mainly selling digital downloads or actual cds. So the ecommerce part of the site should have shipping charges as well, basically the main functions a ecommerce site has. For digital downloads, if possible I would like a system where customers can download right away.
– Also for ecommerce, customers should be able to register so their info is saved. Check out options should include PayPal (Would like a credit card option as well).
– It does seem a lot but I can think of 6 pages where the content will be spread out. Home, Music, Downloads, Shop, About, and Contact.

I would also like no copyright on the site since I would like this to be professional (Not the right click copyright either). I’m not very familiar with flash at all so that’s why I would like an admin panel where I can edit anything on the pages. I already have a logo and hosting so just need the main site. Here’s a friend’s website I liked and would like the design and functionality to be similar;

That should be enough information for the basics of the site. I’d like the site to be completed in 2-3 weeks if it’s possible.

Flash/gif (html) Homepage

Flash/gif (html) Homepage
I need a graphic design (640×500) for my homepage for my website (

I need the graphics to flash in and out (with Eye Catching flash of Light fx) with text amd photos about three times then the final flash will also include a 30sec to 1min sound clip or my work (music/beats) this will need to be coded in html to copy and paste on my homepage. I have posted a link of an example of a site with flash graphics. Please contact me if you need a more detailed explanation.


Duplicate WordPress Template

Duplicate WordPress Template
I am looking for a developer to duplicate the functions and design of the following site.

The content and logo heading will be different.

1) Build same functionality
2) Design same style (fonts, colors, etc. / CSS)
3) Create same exact layout
4) Install on our own existing domain name and provider admin login info

I will send you additional items including logo and content.

Foxycart Import Zencart Info

Foxycart Import Zencart Info
We are moving from ZenCart to FoxyCart.

Programmer needs to create a script that can allow the import of the current ZenCart customers table into FoxyCart based on the link below:

FoxyCart has a user API and it can even sync passwords, assuming you have either the cleartext, MD5, or SHA1.

Project would need to be started and completed ASAP.

Programmer must also provide instructions and support for running the script. Due to security and sensitive data we need to run the script ourselves.

Zen Cart Image Uploader

Zen Cart Image Uploader
I have Zen Cart 1.3.8 up and running for this project already.

What I need is to have front end user capability to upload their own photos, which would in turn be used in print publishing. This capability should not be available unless the user has an account and is logged in.

The FE user needs to have certain capabilities, such as what order the photos run in (Page #s), and captions for photos. Each group of photos, or photo album, should have its own unique ID or folder with unique ID for ordering purposes.

Also, the admin should have certain controls, such as file size, type, etc. I would also like to have some control over the layout so that it integrates seamlessly into the pre-existing site.

Please post if you need further information.

I Need A Website Built

I Need A Website Built
I am needing a website built, that will be like the website www dot comechangemyoil dot com.

You can google more sites using the words, mobile oil change, and see other sites that you can get ideas and wordage from.

I dont want a complete replica of an existing site, but more of a collage of them all. You will need to read other sites, and come up with new wordage for my site.

I currently have a template website up at which could be used by you to tweak and finish.

1. You must speak/type good english, as this is the only language I know.
2. You must have msn messenger so we can communicate frequently.
3. Must be completed by February 10th 2010, or we will settle on a lesser bid. (this is 2 weeks time).

Easy Brute Force

Easy Brute Force
I have a password on a site that I need to use a brute force to access.

I have the username and can reset the password easily because there is no email sent out, the password is just reset in the database.

The random generated password is between 6 and 7 numbers. (Numeric)
Sometimes it is reset to a 6 digit number, sometimes 7 digits.

Swoopo/telebid Auction Site

Swoopo/telebid Auction Site
I am looking for a programmer who has a detailed mindset and will complete this project as specified. ENGLISH communication is a must! You will need to be able to start immediately on the program and a quick turnaround is needed within a week without jeopardizing thoroughness. This list is pretty itemized but I do not want any assumptions on my part or yours.
• I plan to use for my host so program must meet their server requirements
• English program with US dollar format
• Manage website content via an internet connection
• Handle unlimited users at once
a) Powerful built in CMS
1) Add, edit, delete, manage and clone auctions with unlimited items and set up automated bid bots on EACH item which can be disabled or enabled with X $ amount to activate or stop at
2) View sold and unsold auctions and winning bidder, pending auctions, running auctions, ended and completed auctions. Manage auction settings with time to start, duration and add(X amount) time if someone bids at Y time left (I am able to determine times)
3) Administrative determines the auction price increments each time a bid is placed
a) Add, edit, delete and manage products and categories with unlimited levels deep
b) Add, edit, delete/suspend, limit winning bids per month and manage users.
1) Users/members can login, forgot password button, update account, purchase bids, pay for won auctions (they should only be able to select and pay for the oldest ones first!), view winning bid history and have referral history and free bids given out and set up & view Bid Butler
c) Administration view of user bidding history, purchased bid packages, add free bids to user, refund bids for user and give bids for user referrals with or without bid package purchase, updates on shipped merchandise
d) Bid Pack Management
1) Add, edit, delete and manage
2) Bid packs to open for me to determine how many and how much. It will also need column for FREE bids. (buy 25 get 5 FREE idea)
3) Ability to give users free bids for registering and winning their first auction
e) Shipping Management
1) Add, edit, delete and manage shipping charges for EACH item
2) Auto calculator to adjust shipping on per item for a total of 1, 2 or 3 (ie: $6.95 per item or option by me to set fixed rate up to X many then so much for each additional if possible)
3) Shipping/payment/checkout page to have area like registration for shipping address
4) Manage shipping with paid, awaiting shipping, shipped and completed
5) Auto send emails with updated status as order pulling, shipped, completed for customer
6) Be able to merge or print shipping label with customer mailing address and my return address
f) Newsletter/news page
1) Add, change and update
g) CMS
h) Static Management
1) Register Now (option to add a line with X FREE Bids)
2) Terms and conditions page
3) About Us
4) Contact Us
5) Privacy
6) Jobs
7) How it works
8) Affiliates
9) Refer a friend
10) FAQ
a) Manage all pages with ability to add additional pages as needed
i) Powerful Bid Butler (automated bidding system) with the ability for users to book their bids in advance
1) Complete administrative viewing of active Bid Butler users and their top bid
j) WYSIWYG Editor
k) Reports
1) View all aspects of the site. Product wise, auction wise, financial, affiliate, referrals, registration, user login/logout by the hour, order status, admin user
l) Administrative Use
1) Be able to change admin password
2) Restrict other admin personnel to certain areas of the website with checklist and password that can only changed/modified by the unrestricted administrator (unlimited users with restrictions)
m) Payment Gateways
1) Paypal
2) SecurePay
3) Netteller
4) Additional payment system (or gateways) in place to add mastercard, visa, discover, and American express, Google checkout, ideal, etc………
a) I will most likely start with chase payment tech but that could change in future so I would like to be able to change handlers)
b) Account verification
n) SEO enabled
o) Countries and time zones
1) Add, edit and delete countries I want to include (USA will be only one for now, NO international users. Need to state that on registration page
2) Set time zone
p) New user registration
1) First Name, last name, street, street, city, state, (USA only shipping and user country default)
2) I Accept Terms and Condition button with highlight to take to Terms and Conditions page
3) Create user name (with line for additional info from administrative)
4) Create password
5) Account verification
a) Captcha?
q) Automatic email response if customer forgets password that it is immediately emailed to them
r) Edit general website setting including turning on and off various features at a click of a button
s) Sales tax
1) Add, edit, change sales tax option on EACH item posted for bid (we may need to talk directly about how to handle this)
2) Must also be added in the checkout page (additional space to admin notes beside the line/box
t) Auto Bid Bots in administrative for each item which can be disabled or enabled with set amounts/limits
u) Share option with likes of facebook, twitter, my space, RSS etc………..
v) Ability to add, edit or change to cover page with logos, designs etc…………
x) Open ended to be expanded in the future if need
y) You agree that the website is completely free of any copyright or trademark violations
z) You supply me with the finished website complete with the code and 100% ownership by me

• Script Installation/uploaded to my host server per their requirements.
Half payment will be made after testing is successfully completed on your server with you logged in at the same time to show me around and go over the features, the remaining half will be paid after the script is successfully loaded and tested on my server (go I also require 30 days of support from you to make sure site is working properly and any bugs are fixed as they arise and training as needed. Bonus could be included if we are satisfied! Thank you for your time, patience and hard work.

WordPress Integration

WordPress Integration
I require a WordPress theme for my website. I have designed my website through tables and need to have a blog page. The blog page needs to integrate perfectly with the rest of the site. I can send you the template HTML file and all the images for the header and footer which all the other pages (HTML pages) are based on. I just need someone to bring these elements together so that it fits with the rest of the site.