Data Entry Newspaper Project

Data Entry Newspaper Project
Here in the United States, there are 1422 daily newspapers. We will give you a list of all of the names of these newspapers.

We want you to then go to their website, and get the email address for their Letter to the Editor. You can use the Google “site” command to make this work much faster.

You then copy and paste the email address into our spreadsheet, as well as the link to the newspaper website page where you found it. The data will be verified for accuracy.

You have to send us the file after you get every 100 records. We ask for this because we keep running into people who accept a project, and then they quit halfway through. This costs us time and money, and is very annoying.

We will pay you promptly upon completion, and give you a killer recommendation feedback. You can see our number of stars and that we are very easy to work with and kind of fun at times.

Looking for a low bidder with quick turn around time. New people to SL are welcome, provided you stick it out and don’t quit on us halfway through. (If you do, we’ll ask SL to suspend you for one year.)

Attached is a sample Excel spreadsheet so that you can see what the datafile will look like.

No slackers and lazy people, please.

Thanks for bidding.

Fix Theme Browser Compatabilit

Fix Theme Browser Compatabilit
I have a wp theme and i need it fixed for all browsers. It is on the same site as my forum and shares the same images & search bar. In some browsers the images and search bar is in different places. I need it identical so if the search bar goes in one position on the forum, it needs to show in the same position in the wp theme. I.e when users switch between the forum and wpress the images do not jump.

Also, in i.e there is a few line breaks appearing before the first post.

Needs to be working with all major browsers.


Website Redesign & One Script

Website Redesign & One Script
I have had to relist this as it is a big job. Please read the requirements carefully as the job is a lot bigger than it looks. The website is very big, very deceptive.

There are 4 main components in the site. There is a search engine, not only with a front page and several meta search resault pages but also a client login area for advertisers and affiliates. This needs totally redesigning. You will need to create the main template, then apply the template to the internal pages (must be 50-60 pages in total, although all the pages will use the main template so applying to all pages will not take too long).

There is also an arcade, but that will only need doing to 4 or 5 pages.

The directory is the same, it looks huge but there is only 5 or 6 pages to complete there. There is also a social network, which has 15-20 pages to modify.

Right now, the 4 components are off the shelf scripts, and thus use different structures for graphics etc. It may be easier to do a brand new css system for the whole site. There will in total be well over 100 pages as the front end and search results pages also need doing.

I want a web 2.0 look, extremely clean css throughout the site and all 4 components of the site merging together. It wants to look like 1 site, rather than a site with different components. The search engine is smartppc, the directory is from esyndicat, social part from turnkeyfox and the arcade from agaresmedia.

Everything is template based, the search engine uses flat tpl files with some php encoded, the arcade and directory uses smarty and the social part uses tpl files also. Each component currently has its own template area but this needs to be changed. By buying separate components I have tried to make them look like part of the same site. It has meant the templates have been hashed, rehashed and done again, causing a lot of errors and a bit of a mess. It would be better to start again with the new look.

All 4 must be merged into one website. This is a main part.

A central hub must be created where when someone registers, it creates an account at all 4 locations. All databases have mysql databases, and are on the same server. The problem lies in that the main search engine script is zend encoded and other scripts are encoded with ioncube. You need to create a program that on registration, populates the other mysql databases so users can access all areas of the site with one account.

Then for login purposes maybe a cron job or something can be created to activate the logins of all the scripts. This needs to be a standalone script to create the accounts.

Then what happens, rather than as it does currently (login to the arcade and it goes to the arcade) you have one login area. You can access all areas from the login area – all options will be there by way of dynamic dropdown bars.

Think facebook but with way more options.

It would be easier to do a redesign with one css central file that the site calls on for the look.

I have the logo etc but it will need:

1) The script as explained above to merge everything together.
2) Total redesign to a web 2.0, bright and bold look.
3) Black faded background, white main content body (rather than the gret it is now) with greens and yellows
4) Extremely clean professional look with no fixed width rather than fixed as it is now.
5) New pages built to reflect new front page, new results pages, new everything basically!
6) The sort of look I want is something like…..

Pictures on the frontpage of latest games, latest profiles, and links to the directory etc etc….must be very well designed. There will also be pictures to design, like a background picture of frogster interacting and playing games to reflect my site.

All programming has been done, no scripts are to be touched, except of course you must make the script to populate all accounts and allow users to access all areas from this one account. Also you must be very good at design (css, clean) and also images.

7) I also want two banners done, one 468×60 for the arcade, one 600×160 for the social bit.
8) All otehr pages will need reskinning and modifying. New contact us page, update the sitemap page, and new areas to relect advertising options (2 pages, about advertising on the direcvtory and about the PPC options).

Other front pages will need creating, but I will supply content, just make the areas / design the images.

I will want the job done to a high standard and as soon as possible, clean good graphics, web 2.0 look etc. Look at it as a redesign but this site is big so is not a job you can do in a few days.

I will want to see some examples of work. I am ready to begin immediately with the right person.


Vld Personals Theme

Vld Personals Theme
Hi !

I need a new, full featured, theme for vld personals. (not only a template)
Theme must support :

– vld internal template engine
– fully localized
– all vld modules (not only homepage)
– multilevel (dropdown) menus with superfish or jquery
– integerated image slider for all image galleries

The design should be like the one from image1. Homepage with some text, an login box and a search box – no profiles)
All other pages must be in the same look and feel.
For the Header-image i think i need something like the one from image2.

I need the theme in 5 days.

Please only bid, if you are sure you could do this.
I only accept bids thats start with the word ‘vld’.

With your bid you accept the additional agreement as follows :
– If you deny or don’t respond to my provider selection, you have to pay a fee of 25USD to me.
– If accept the project but can’t deliver the project as required or in time, you have to pay a fee of 100USD to me

I only pay if project is finished as required. No Milestone or part payments. I only pay with SF escrow.

Graphics Designer ( Adult)

Graphics Designer ( Adult)
I need someone to do a bunch of gallery pages. I need top notch graphics designer. No amateur looking stuff in your portfolio.

I provide the photos but you do the design of the pages. I do not need one page done, but many so you should bid accordingly. PM me first so you can see what kind of gallery page it is.
All Silly Outrageous bids will be deleted. PM first before bidding.

WordPress Premium Theme

WordPress Premium Theme
I need a WordPress premium theme that looks like

The must integrate all the functions from

– page template for contact
– page template for gallery
– page template for news
– admin area where i could define a background (left side) image for each page.
– integrated lightbox effect for wordpress-galleries
– page template for homepage with an image-transition-slider (take the images from the attachments)
– automated image resize with timthumb (take the images from the attachemnts – no custom fields)
– all custom_fields must be start with an underscore

The theme don’t have to use any plugin.

You could take the theme vigilance to get nice admin-functions and an admin-panel.

The Theme must be fully localized with the build-in functions from wordpress (_e and __)

The Theme must have the same look in every browser (IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) and checked against the W3C validator.

I also need 6 colorsets for this theme, choosable at the admin-panel.

Please only bid, if you are sure you could do this.
I only accept bids thats start with the word ‘theme’.

With your bid you accept the additional agreement as follows :
– If you deny or don’t respond to my provider selection, you have to pay a fee of 25USD to me.
– If accept the project but can’t deliver the project as required or in time, you have to pay a fee of 100USD to me

I only pay if project is finished as required. No Milestone or part payments. I only pay with SF escrow.

Funeral Home Obituaries

Funeral Home Obituaries
Description: I have a funeral home website completed and I need a programmer to produce PHP/mySQL for the obituaries. I need both frontend and administration backend using php working from a sql database that will show the most recent obits (based upon time posted) and the ability to sort and view a listing all by date or last name. Clicking the name will navigate to that individual’s funeral services info. The individual page will show picture (or default graphic for when there isn’t any picture in database), a text area (for bio, obit, service info).

A similar example (with some added items) of what I’m after is here:

Need mySql database created (SQL file creates MySQL DB schema), php pages (already have an html designed), a page to upload(create) new obits with picture, ability to modify by admin, archive after a specified periods and list by year(optional), and be able to have users send condolences (a guestbook feature) and post them to that obituary. Ability to print an obituary by visitor. (Optional)

Database would allow a unique ID, last name, first name, m.i., post date, death date, birth date, text area for visitation and obit information…similarly as seen in the url example above.

And last, installation readme doc and email communication with the programmer if needed to get installed and working on site. Would like for obituaries to be able to be used or framed in current website and not a separate site all together.

Php Script – Save Remote Files

Php Script – Save Remote Files
I need a PHP script written which will retrieve a list of files from a remote server and save them into a local directory.

The list of file URLs should be customizable.
The directory they are saved in should be customizable. All files go in the same directory.

The script must be able to run on my server properly.

After I award you the project I can give you sample file URL’s
The files are .ics (calendar) files at a remote URL.
You will need to write this on your own server then send me the script.

If the file already exists, the script should overwrite it when run.

Please ask any questions prior to bidding.

I need this done in 12 hours.