Need Scripts W/resell Rights

Need Scripts W/resell Rights
We are a hosting Co. and we are looking for Scripts W/Resell Rights!

If you are the owner of any scripts and would like to work with us to sell your Script Lic then contact us via PM,

You must be the script owner/publisher to leave a reply and bid for your scripts and resell rights to your scripts.

Script Types Needed:
1). Traffic Ex.Auto/Man/PTC)
3). Directory/Portal
4). Mics. Unique scripts?

Again we are not looking for site that sell pre-made script that can be bought with resell rights, but are looking for unique script with resell rights.


Quick Php Form

Quick Php Form
Hi there, need someone to clone one of our php forms and just replace it with NEW fields. We already got the form code and captcha on our forms. Just clone and replace the fields. Need done right away please.

Field1: Company Name
Field2: Address
Field3: City
Field4: State
Field5: Zip
Field6: Employer ID #
Field7: Contact Name
Field8: Email
Field9: Phone #
Field10: Type of Business
Field11: Years in Business
Field12: Number of Employees
Field13: Average Annual Payroll
Field14: Payroll Processing System

Php Small And Quick Fix

Php Small And Quick Fix
I have a small messagins syetm developed as admin and user side. The issue i’m having is due to a special charater “#” or something like that, the message/matter is getting stored as null/empty in database, need to fix that as soon as possible. we currently restricted the # in the entry boxes, but we need to allow the user to enter/use #.
fairly simple for an expert and quick fix.

Crm Project

Crm Project

We are looking for application like Features could be enhanced a bit.

Please bid based upon features availiable in

Please carefully go thorugh the website and make a serious bid.

Note: NDA will be signed regarding project delivery timelines, payments and code ownership.

Goodluck with the bids



WordPress + Wishlist +1shoppin

WordPress + Wishlist +1shoppin
We now have a membership site that is on a huge software platform.
We want to simplify by moving it to WordPress + Wishlist.

We need someone with strong experience in WordPress, Wishlist, and
1shoppingcart to make the move and integrate it with our capture
page system as well. Should not be too complicated, but may take
a couple of days. We want to move quickly.


WordPress Link Directory Edit

WordPress Link Directory Edit
I’m running WordPress Link Directory ( and need a conditional if/else statement added at one point in the script where it checks to see if the URL contains the keyword download and if it does then it displays one bit of code, and if it doesn’t then it displays a slightly different bit of code. I need to be able to display the same link directory on two different pages in WordPress but one without a specific line of code.

I need to display this if the URL contains “download”:
$page.='<td bgcolor=#AAB882 width=”100%” style=”padding: 3px;”><b><span style=”font-size: 16px;” valign=top><a style=”font-size: 16px;” target=”‘.$Target.'” href=”‘.$Link[‘url’].'”‘.$NoFollow.’>’.stripslashes($Link[‘title’]).'</a></SPAN></b><table border=0 bgcolor=#ffffff><tr><td valign=top><img src=”’.$Link[‘url’].'” width=”120″ height=”90″ border=”1″></td><td>’.$Link[‘description’].’ ‘.$LinkFlagging.'<p><a style=”text-decoration: underline;” target=”‘.$Target.'” href=”‘.$Link[‘url’].'”‘.$NoFollow.’>Click Here to Download Bonus</a></p></td></tr></table></td>

Or display this, if the URL does not contain “download”:
$page.='<td bgcolor=#AAB882 width=”100%” style=”padding: 3px;”><b><span style=”font-size: 16px;” valign=top>’.stripslashes($Link[‘title’]).'</SPAN></b><table border=0 bgcolor=#ffffff><tr><td valign=top><img src=”’.$Link[‘url’].'” width=”120″ height=”90″ border=”1″></td><td>’.$Link[‘description’].’ ‘.$LinkFlagging.'</td></tr></table></td>

I think this is a very small edit to add an if/else statement, but I’m not good with PHP so I can’t make it.

Improve Joomla Design/layout

Improve Joomla Design/layout
Improve the design and layout of, a consumer education site implemented in joomla. The design and colors should be simple and elegant. They relative positions of the elements in the site should NOT be changed. The joomla template should be streamlined so that it can be more easily modified. The layout should resize dynamically with the browser and should appear well in all popular browsers.

You will not have access to the site server. Instead you should implement and test it on your own site, and send me the template which I can install on my own site. I am currently using the default joomla template.

I am using the following modules:

footer – mod_banners
left – mod_mainmenu
right – mod_banners (Policies)
right – mod_banners (Background)
syndicate – mod_syndicate
top – mod_newsflash
user2 – mod_banners
user3 – mod_mainmenu
user4 – mod_search

Im Live Tool For Adult Webcam

Im Live Tool For Adult Webcam
I need a tool made that allows a user to generate a javascript based iframe that shows if a webcam model is live on a website.
This tool will be like the example I have attached to this project, but over the photo of the model will be the words, I’m Live and under the photo will be the workds, Off Line. And if model is live I’m Live will be green and if not live, Off Line will be shown in red.
Each model has a number that the user can put into the tool to generate the iframe, and each model will have a photo that is under that model number that the iframe will display.

Please PM me to get more details and ask questions to better understand how tool will work.

Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing
Hello an excellent writer required for a home page I only want bids from those of you who are TALENTED and have experience with video conferencing/ Technology. I will need to see your sample writing on video conferencing and benefits of the video conferencing, please don’t bid If you are unfamiliar with this technology.

Website (new Look) ::..

Website (new Look) ::..
Hello Graphic Designers,

I’m trying to update the look of my existing website…

I am looking for a more modern, clean looking design. I uploaded a sample mock-up I made, but it doesn’t have to look exactly like this, I’m open to your creativity.

On the mock up you will notice four videos on the header. I would like this to be similar to, scroll to the bottom of their website and you will see 4 videos, when you move your mouse over each of the videos it displays a pop-up of that video. I would like to replace the flash video I currently have with this. (any questions please ask)

I look forward to your bids and comments.

Thank You