Logo Designing

Logo Designing

I need a logo for my translation website. Our business name is Optimum Linguistic Solutions. I need a very professional and outstanding logo which give a glance to customers, what we do.

Please produce some mockups for approval. Also provide me details of your past logo design projects.

Website Modifications Needed

Website Modifications Needed
I am needing the services of a website developer to help me make modifications to an existing website – www.ibiswealth.com

I have attached a file outlining the modifications that I will require for the site update.

I need to have the updated site live with the modifications by mid-February.

I look forward to your bid. Please do not bid if you can not meet the deadline. Please include samples of your website development work.

Thank you.

Need An Article Writer.

Need An Article Writer.
I need people to write me some articles , I’m looking for a decent price.

They can be about any niche.
100% original and unique.
not for SEO , so write it like your writing a story or something , no specific keywords or all that SEO stuff , it doesnt need any of that.

Please provide a sample of your work, must be 250 or more words.
Must be good English.
Must pass CopyScape.

Please provide a sample of a unique work( must not be post on any site) send me via pm
Accepting lots of articles
Can be about anything

Css Page From Jpeg

Css Page From Jpeg
I’ll provide you with a jpeg of a web page design. You’ll send me the completed html page with the images sliced up, full css, no tables. I’ll also need the navigation created (buttons provided for rollover navigation) in place on the page in a php include file. You need to be proficient in css and be able to take a design in jpeg format and slice to my exact specification. I’ll need this done fairly quickly (couple of days at most) and it must be W3C compliant. Good English and good communication essential. Follow up work available if you meet the mark on this job.

Image Scraping

Image Scraping
This job is for anyone familiar with image scraping or harvesting. The images are for temporary purposes and not long term or for profit. the images required are head shots of people of ages 18 and up. Sample image attached. If you can harvest/scrape +50k photos in less than 5 days, you may apply for this job. price is negotiable. serious bidders only.

Article Writer ( 3

Article Writer ( 3
i need a reliable article writer to write

1. i will give you a list of keywords. you will choose 3 keywords
2. you will write an article, any topic you choose using these 3 keywords
3. use the words in the first keyword more often. for exmple: keyword number one, keyword number two, keyword number three
but you will use the words: keyword number one (keyword,number,one) spread out throughout the article but NOT overused.
4. save the file as keyword-number-one.doc and highlight the words, keywords within the article so that i can see their usage
5. then you move to the second keyword and repeat from STEP 3
the article should be 400 words or more. you will get $1.5 per unique article.

payment after every 4 articles you finish. no advance or escrow. i will need 50 article.

Article Rewrites 300-500 Words

Article Rewrites 300-500 Words
Hi and thanks for looking,

I am looking for decent quality writers to rewrite articles on a regular basis. I will supply you with all of the articles to be rewritten as well as all keyword phrases.

All articles must be written by an ENGLISH SPEAKING writer (non-native is okay). The rewriting will need to be concise and to the point. I can’t accept articles just filled with fluff words meant to fill space.

I pay $1.50 to start per 300-500 word articles and will increase it with proven reliability and writing skills.

The keywords I provide you need to be used in a normal and conversational way throughout the articles please.

The keyword/keyword phrase needs to be in the article title, first sentence and used another 5-6 times throughout the article for a total keyword density of 1.5- 2.5%.

I will release payment within 24 hours of completion of each batch of 10 articles for $15.00, so the sooner you can finish the articles the sooner you will receive payment. I expect around 24-48hr turn around on 10 articles.

The articles need to be informative to the reader with correct grammar and punctuation.

Also, the articles must be around 40-50% unique; they will be reviewed through Copyscape and Plagiarism Detect for plagiarism. If an article you submit to me does not pass Copyscape or has very obvious spelling and punctuation mistakes, you will not be paid for that article until it is corrected and resubmitted to me for approval.

I will not be able to pay if all requirements in this listing are not met, so please don’t bid if you can’t meet these requirements.

You agree that upon sending me the rewrites all rights to the rewritten articles transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any way.

Please be able to communicate at least 1 time per day via email or messenger.

Bids will only be considered with a sample article.

When bidding please bid on the first project of 10 articles at $1.50 per rewrite.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you! 🙂

Website Designer Needed.

Website Designer Needed.
I have a website already built using the Pligg Software. The mechanism and everything works great but the design needs a lot of work. I need a very professional web designer who understands the importance of aesthetics to work on making the site very attractive and colorful. I am more concerned about your artistic skills than any other thing, as long as you do not disrupt the mechanism while working on the design. I need something really colorful. take a look at textsfromlastnight.com
If you’re sending samples, please send samples that show your artistic creativity. That’s what I want to see.

Adv. Search For Cubecart3

Adv. Search For Cubecart3
Advanced search area for Cubecart 3.

As the title, I am looking for someone who can make me an advanced
search area for Cubecart 3. Pretty much as the already build-in Cubecart 4.
You should know how Cubecart works!

So this search should be in it’s own file, but still be viewed in the main area, as any other
existing files.

Please see the attached file for the layout of the search and nessassary forms.

I need:
*search area
*tick box (to be checked at start) to include subcategories when searching
*3 dropdown:
— 1 with ONLY the TOP level of category -> Store/TOP category
— 1 with ONLY the 2nd level of category -> Store/TOP category / 2nd
— 1 with ONLY the 3rd level of category -> Store/TOP category / 2nd / 3rd

This is very important!

Please note that the user does not have to select every dropdown menu to search.
It should work with one dropdown selected.

Then a submit and canel button.

We only use one language so all text can be written in English and I’ll change that manually

I want to be able to follow every step in an easy way. FOr example:

1) Find the following code …
2) Replace with…


Save and close.

Upload file a, b and c to store location/includes/ etc…

Pretty much as any other mod install instruction. I have some knowledge
but It’s much easier with proper instructions.

I have not changed any of the existing database values, so it should all be standard.
I have, however, added a few extra searchable lines but they are working fine with
the standard search.

If you have any questions regaring this project, don’t hesitate so contact me.
I am new on this page but will have several projects to offer in the near future!

Kind regards,

Web Desktop Bookmark App

Web Desktop Bookmark App
I want a Web Bookmark Internet Desktop application built using PHP, MYSQL and AJAX. The application will be exactly similer to the one at www.iloggo.com
I want a developer who loves experimenting and would experiment and come up with more ideas during the development period. The project includes both app dev + design.
While bidding please mention the code “SHOCK” in the description or comments.Please bid only if you are ready and equipped to handle the complete project. I looking forward for completion timeframe of around 2 weeks. Payment will be made only after completion of the project.