Website For Newspaper

Website For Newspaper

we are plan to start online newspaper website. we dont have idea about templates and technologies. please show your templates and tell me which technologies is best for online newspaper. After completion of the work we need per hr updates. we plan to give 4 usd for per hr updates. so show me different template with different design will choose one.

Dead Line : 45 to 60 Days
cost : 1000 to 1500 usd


Configure Wbexam Plugin

Configure Wbexam Plugin
I have installed wbExam Plugin
on my WP-Blog which is going to
offer an E-Course to its members.

I need the wbExam plugin configured
so that those who went through the
entire E-Course, can take the exam
and qualify for the next level

The job is extremely easy for a programmer
since Plugin’s developer says it all
on their website. I just didn’t want
to mess up my site, doing it myself.

When replying use the code “forexid”
otherwise you’ll be ignored nomatter
how great reviews you have.

This project is small, but we’re looking
to find talented associates to work with
in the future on multiple projects of
ours and of our clients too.

Voucherbingo Project

Voucherbingo Project

I require a Bingo game (the coder will need to understand how a Bingo game works) to be designed and installed into my current database into

Players play Bingo and as they do for every number they match a banner shows up with a voucher. When they get ‘House or Bingo’ they then win a prixe from me.

My previous coder sent me this message:

‘The banner section was not working, would not add a banner and threw out several errors. I have fixed this, and recreated the file structure so now banners will upload correct, and the right thumbnails are produced. The banners you have already uploaded was missing, which prompted me to try and upload a test one, which then lead me to see the errors that was present.

I have also pruned the database to remove the redundant entries, as this was causing errors.

I have had to modify you .htaccess too as it was dominating the server, and no other pages could be loaded other than adgamemaster front end and admin, which meant the bingo pages could not be shown, and i could not test the xml for the banners’

NOTE: You will need to fix these problems for me too please.

I’ll need a ‘forgotten password’ set up for memebers and admin for login


I believe needs a designer/coder to have the following skills:

Joomla 1.5


Generic Mobile Web Video Html

Generic Mobile Web Video Html
Either blackberry, droid or iphone sends in the url, and my website script shall stream the video to the mobile device. The html could contain a PHP script identifying the phone type and streaming the corresponding file format. The script shall keep the phone alert, or out of sleep mode, while the video is being played. The mobile device shall play the video clip in full screen automatically, and stop when it’s done.

Open Cart Modification

Open Cart Modification

I need a few modifications to be made in a website using opencart …before bidding make sure that you know opencart well..we have no time to waste…so again..this is only for the experienced opencart programmers..

Details about the modifications(there are 2/3 major and similar number of minor modifications needed) will be be given in PMB…if possible show me the works you did with opencart.

Budget : 75 USD

Time : Need this to be done by this weekend.

Payment Terms : 100% money will be deposited in escrow before beginning and will be released after completion.

Note : Work to be carried out on our server..

If you are willing/capable and have time to do the project then only you bid and please make sure that you are fine with all our terms and conditions..

Feel free to ask questions !!

Happy Bidding

Classified Listings Script

Classified Listings Script
First and foremost you will need to be good with php/mysql and ajax for this project since we need it.Anyway, I need a directory listing type of website which will allow users to list their items for sale on my website.Something like craigslist but a bit different.

The user will be able to create a simple account and upload their picture and they will have a unique url like

I do not want spammers to be able to harvest peoples email addresses and phone numbers from my website so all email address and phon numbers provided by a user should appear in the form on an image on his page so u7sers can only see it but can’t copy or extract it.

After creating the site we will integrate it with system to charge users before they can have their account activated.

Once a users account is activated, he can login and add as many items to the website as he wants.From his admin area he should be able to edit, or delete past added items.

On the main site, we will need to have all items added by users to show up under categories and based on dates.People should also be able to search for items listed from the main website.


For promotional use, i will like to be able to create directories example and i can direct users who are trying to their car to this page.ANd from this page they can register and activate their account and their info will be added to the system as if they actually registered from the main site at .Here is the catch, i want to be able to have custom index.php templates for all these promotional directories i create.So example if i create a directory i should be able to customize the index.php of this directory with a template that has boats pictures.So each directory i create will have its custom look.However after creating an account or login in from this directory he sees the same admin area like anyone else regardless of which directory they registered from.


As the main system administrator, i should be able to create this new directories from the admin area.All this directories created will be using the same backend engine so example if i create a directory today and we upgrade the system in the future , i should not have to update all directories and they should reflect the new update (very important)


There should be a system wide admin area for me to see statistics and also change settings and other important stuffs.


I have a template already purchased from template monsters and we will have to change it a bit tio suit our needs.

Worpdress Programmer

Worpdress Programmer
This project is about 4 wordpress based websites. The designs are all ready. The details of each wordpress site will be discussed with shortlisted candidates.

We are looking for a freelancer to regularly work on our worpdress projects. The incumbent is expected to the be expert in all the aspects of wordpress. We expect the candidate to effectively communicate with us on chat/email.

Someone whom we can rely on regular wordpress jobs as a one point dedicated source.

We prefer an individual freelancer over a company.

Paste Graphics And Same Codes

Paste Graphics And Same Codes
I have a 800 by 600 pixels coded social networking site, and since most PCs resolution is 1000 by 600 pixels these days, I am encountering about 200 by 600 pixels blank empty space on my site for the pages.

Having selected 10 pages, I need to find a programmer to repetitively paste the same 3 graphics and a same chunk of flash codes to this blank, empty area, to better fill this empty space. I will inform you the url to insert hyperlink to these graphics.

Note: My social networking site is php coded but runs on the open-source smarty file system, so programmers should know how to handle smarty, ie “.tpl” files, well when you bid.

Article Writing – Nintendo Wii

Article Writing – Nintendo Wii
I need someone to write 10 x 800 word reviews on the following Nintendo Wii games

Just Dance
Mario Kart
Super Mario Brothers
Wii Sports Resort
EA Sports Active: Personal Trainer
My Fitness Coach
Wii Fit Plus
Formula 1
Call of Duty: Modern Wafare – Reflex

There are hundreds of reviews already on and on the internet. I just need these combined and re-written so that they pass copyscape 100%. You will not be paid if the article does not pass copyscape. As usual all articles need to be grammatically correct, be separated into logical paragraphs etc.

You are bidding on ALL 10 ARTICLES

Please send examples of articles you have written in the past via PMB

Worldwide Website

Worldwide Website
Hi there,

I need to hire a superb website creator service.

A few subjects for it:
– it’s about automative vehicles (cars, motorcycles, boats, etc)
– supreme design
– capable to manage thousands of clients worldwide
– multilanguage site
– internal email for members
– client account manager (with certain lvl of security but not connected with any bank)
– MLM management with a few personal modifications (i will explain later)

I need aprox values for this project to start imediatly… and possibility to start other similar projects of other categories…

Please contact me for any doubts or more detailed information..

