Forum Postings

Forum Postings
I am looking for a well spoken individual to go to one (1) forum and make 50 post/responses.

You must be very well spoken and familiar with internet marketing and the lingo.

You will be required to give people simple advice who ask questions.

It is extremely important that you are familiar with forum etiquette because you will be representing me and upholding my reputation to the highest degree.

This work is available for 3 weeks for a total 1100 posts. Each posts takes around 1 to 2 minutes. Post must be spread out do not post all 50 at once a limit of 5 an hour is recommended.

We will pay not more then $4 a day for a total of $80.

If you feel you have something special to bring to this offer feel free to bring it up.

Zen Cart Expert

Zen Cart Expert
I have an ecommerce site, done entirely on Zen Cart, and needs updating look and functionality:

One thing I want to add, is the SEO on the URL of each page, meaning, if someone clicks on the tab “Men’s uniforms”, the URL to read:

PLEASE, SHOW ME SAMPLES of websites done in Zen Cart.

I will only be interested in a very attractive, compelling website look.

What would you charge me, and how long would it take you to complete it?



Complete Web Re-design

Complete Web Re-design
We are looking for a complete redesign of our website:

We want something flashy, artistic, eye-catching and really pretty.

We like our current 518Fever letting logo and would like that to be incorporated in any new design.

Here is what else we are looking for:

1.) A Rating Feature on Each Profile

As you can see we have various bar, clubs and restaurant profiles. We want a rating system that allows people to vote on a Thermometer to gauge the temperature of each individual place. For example if a Bar is really good people will vote on it highly (90 degrees) and the thermometer on the page will display the average temperature

2.) New Banner Images

As you can see we have various banner images on our site that promote other sections of our site. We want new flashy banners to accompany our new design

3.) A Video Forum Section like

Where people can post debates, karaoke, VLogs, songs (must be approved by admin) and can record directly on our site via webcam

* This must be a feature that is for our Fever Profiles members –

* We can provide full details and examples

* This part can be last.

4.) Something that content can be easily edited.

We are looking for someone creative and experienced. IF you want to go the extra mile and get ahead of other bidders use our current homepage and provide us an example of what you would make the new design look like.

* No templates please
* We must have a login to our Fever Profiles on the site
* If possible we would like people to be able to log in to Fever Profiles from our homepage and stay logged in no matter where they go on our site
* Fever Profiles –

***** Please provide Price Quote and exact E.T.A (delivery date)with ANY response to this posting*****

Website Hosting Change

Website Hosting Change
Hi all,

I’d like a programmer to change my hosting from one supplier to another. Please see the attachment for the website details.

Please could interested programmers PM for the website details so that you can give an accurate bid and timescale. Also in you PM could you explain exactly what you require from me to be able to make the change?

I would like this project completing within the next 7 days. If you have negative or no feedback please do not bid on this project. I’m looking to hire for this project a proffesional programmer only.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Website Design Needed

Website Design Needed
I need someone Urgently to duplicate/modify this site design and effect with my material . We’ll be working on this landing page and the Prayer page.first and then with modifications from my superiors we move onto the other pages……All site text modifications that will be done by us/clients) will be in Dreamweaver.

Simple Psd Asap-big Bonus

Simple Psd Asap-big Bonus
I require someone to make a PSD for a client

They have a wordpress blog that they have and they want a good look on it.

You have to make a PSD by looking at the site

It needs to be very similar, BUT NOT EXACT and not violate copyright issues. It has to look good like that and we will cut it ourselves later.
It is a very simple job with a lot of specifics provided.
Include PSDPRO in your bid.

We need this done ASAP, should not take more than one day.
You must not take any screenshots and be unprofessional and you will not be paid.

I need this soon, so bid fast =)
BUDGET = $10, bonus paid if good job, see reviews, bonus is usually 200%-400%

Instant payment transfer through paypal.

Asp Ecommerce Website Help

Asp Ecommerce Website Help
Need your help with my FYP on ecommerce website.
had already done the main page and all static pages and right now, my problems are in database. i just needyou to help me make sure the functions are workable.
My requirements are as follows:

project title: Pet shop website

1. Database – members details
– dog/cat information details
– Pet products details
only need minimal records, more than that i would be able to add in base on your codes.

2. Member login/logoff

3. feedback form

4. add to cart function

5. search function

The developer can do it by Sunday night and bid the lowest will get the project….

Online Web Portal

Online Web Portal
We are developing an online web portal that will be like yahoo. It will consist everything that yahoo has but it will be deployed in phases. The first phase is expected to be launched at the end of March the second phase in by the end of June and the final phase in September. There are about 150million people in my country and 54% of this population have email accounts with google, yahoo, hotmail etc. but we aim to launch a service that offers, email, messenger, search, news and more with more functionality and user scalability.

This project is a serious challenge and so we want bids from only programmers who know what they are worth and are sure they can deliver.

Magento Add To Cart Problem

Magento Add To Cart Problem
I have a magento store with custom code. On a bundle item the problem is when clicking add to cart is it not transfering the selected options from the drop down bundle options so when you click add to cart it arrives in the cart with the standard default items.

This was working perfectly fine but stopped when some programmer was fixing something else.

I need it fixing. thanks

Note it works perfectly fine in IE8. I’ve not tested IE7 or Chrome but I assume its fine in them. It does not work in Mozilla so this is what needs to be fixed.


Programming Project 1262347119

Programming Project 1262347119
Hi all happy new year i need urgent if one can help i need someone to re-edit my site by making it LOOK and FEEL, redesigning the WEB LAYOUT, putting the graphic images in the right positions and the video that i have on the right position this is the video code:

<script type=”text/javascript”>
URL= “”;
<script src=”″ type=”text/javascript”></script>

so that it can attract customers and so as to look the same with all the web pages.
And in mind i want to use my site on google adwords so i need a good job. Its just a matter of redesigning what i have not a new project


Bidrivals / Swoopo Clone

Bidrivals / Swoopo Clone
looking for a bidrival/swoopo clone with all the funtionality of both in a new design.

the site must be secure/w3c comliant.

the design and layout will need to be unique and simple to understand, it will be up to you to design but subject to our final approval.

the features of the website must be the same as swoopo and bidrival including:

– easy to use admin panel.
– each funtion must be able to be turned off/on for each Auction.
– Refferal function.
– Voucher function.
– User registration and account verification.( which puts the email addresses in a data base to be used in future emails).
– The time increasing by xx seconds when a new bid is placed after certain time. (settings via admin panel).
– Auction reserve/minimum price (Auction won’t end till certain price. which will be set on individual Auction).
– Automatic bidding system (eg: bid agent or bid butler) via admin set the time in seconds when the Bid Butler bids example: 4 second before ending).
– Bid Packs also bid packs for the auction with image. Winner gets the bid package automatically added.
– bid packs & cost can be edited (via admin panel)
– General pages such as terms and conditions and a help section which you can edit. Add your own pages also. (Fill out by my self).
– Ability to add payment Gateways eg Paypal. Authorise net optional.
– statistics on last bidders and total bidders (for each auction).

we are looking for quality at a low price and hoping for an on-going relationship as the website grows.

other details will be given to the developer later.

Proftp Mysql Paypal Billing

Proftp Mysql Paypal Billing
I have set up a proftpd server using the following

I require an order form that will incorporate the sql fields in order for an account to be created on the server.

Order Form Example
etc etc

I also want a package field and a server field on it so customer can select which one they want

After submitting form customer if forwarded to paypal and after payment account is created/activated.

Admin Panel
View users
Suspend/Unsuspend user
Delete user
User notes
Add/Edit Server

User Panel
Change password
View stats ie disk usage which again is pulled from already created sql fields.
Billing ie next bill date etc
Ability to upgrade packages

Payment gateway paypal

All DB work is done only needs code to pull information from it so shouldn’t be a big job.

Just to clarify this script will be hosted on one server and once user creates account it will be created on their chosen server a/b/c etc.