Live Chat Hosting Software

Live Chat Hosting Software

I’m looking to launch a live support chat service similar to that of:

Yet I don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on custom development for such a large live support software suite. Does anyone have an already completed solution for much cheaper? It doesn’t have to have all the features of the major industry leaders… yet hopefully the core functionality is there, and we can possibly add to it in the future.

If you have a solution, send me a message… maybe we can work something out…

Photography Site Upgrade

Photography Site Upgrade
I need some to upgrade a photography website to include the following:
-strong memorable flash intro
-better viewing experience
-easier checkout
-the ability to upload images into client accounts
-client accounts with passwords
-5 different publicly searchable galleries to choose from
-the ability to view prints in 600×400, 72dpi (low resolution)
-right click disabled
-ability to select print size once image is selected, framing optional.

Redesign Our Website

Redesign Our Website
We are looking for an experienced programmer who uses the latest technology stays up to date AND has a functioning example of this type of program already. If you have not already completed a project we cannot consider your bid due to time constraints.

Full Source Code license for multiple sites and right to distribute

Script languages used
Products used
Third party apps used
Is this an Adobe Flex, .NET framework/Silverlight, open source or curl based product
Enhanced user experience with ability to CUSTOM design multiple promotional products with text, color and images
Free support # of months
Production mockup
Product (s) selection
Product color selection
Multiple text objects
Text colors
True Type font style selection
Administrator restrict design area
Dynamic uploading of true type fonts
Text re size
Rotate and/or curve text
Graphics gallery
Graphics gallery search based on category and subcategory
Drag and Drop onto product
Drag and Drop off of product
Distressed effect
Drop shadow effect
Stroke effect
Select design product
Add additional product with same design
Save/Load/Share Design
Integration with website
1 year maintenance
Admin end allowing editing of properties such as products. colors, content and importing of new vector files
Upgrade potential
Support hours
Bug recovery and fix
Response time
Order storage in system for reordering
Each order is stored within system along with specification of design. Specification indicates what texts were entered and which font, color and effects are used. In addition, we can generate PDF or PNG file of the design, which is attached to the order and can be also sent as receipt to your Customer.
Order can be added shopping car
Order sent to production with specifications of product (s), text, font, font size font color, font effects, font placement, graphic, graphic color, uploaded image if any
Order sent to production also includes layout file
Uploaded Customer images stored in system



Change logo – the size of the “e” and the tape measure is not clear.

Add the “TM” at the end of the name

Add a tab for retailers

we need a log in or members? Shopping cart In the home page

Words below the boxes- change to a nicer font or color or background and add the words missing form page


Customize Your Jeans Customized online store modules

– Customize Your Product
– Design Your Jeans section
– input fields for measurements, select material, cut, color, accessories, etc.
– custom quote based on option selected
– save design feature
– payment option (via PayPal or other means) including confirmation number
– design preview with edit option or direct to order

– Product Catalog section
– Products Online – inventory store
– display products for sale by product category, style, color, etc. or design their own jeans or copy jeans
– product will be displayed with images in thumbnail with large view option

– Product Customization
– feature to upload customized or standard image
– instant price modification based on selections
– add design notes (i.e. select embroidery, name on zipper/back pocket, etc) or enter general comments
– save design feature or order
– order option will include login to account or create an account
– design preview with edit option or direct to order

Design Your Jeans

The process involves developing an application to design jeans and integrating it in the website. Using this application customers can design jeans by adding images, text etc. Customers will get a custom quote based on the design and the quantity ordered. Customers can save the design and order by making payments through the payment gateway.

Product Catalogue

The product catalogue section will display the product according to manufactures, product category, style, color etc.



Users can select products according to various Brands listed in the website.



Through this section users can navigate through the products according to various product categories like women’s, mens, kids etc.



Users can select products according to boot cut, straight fit etc.



The product display section will display products according to product model, size, fabric, description etc. The product will be displayed with images in thumbnail and large view option.



From this section users have the option to select the color for the product according to the details uploaded by the admin.

Product Customization

In the product customization section users have the option to customize products. The product customization includes the following


Add Image

In this section users can add images in two ways either from the clip art library provided within the website or users can upload images from his hard drive. The clip art library includes different categories of images and user can select image and upload it to the selected product.

Each image in the clip art library is set with a price so that user can view the price of the product at the time of customization.

If user is uploading products from his hard drive then the pricing is calculated according to the color in the uploaded image. So for selecting the color there is a color section in the customization part where users can select color for the uploaded image

After selecting the image users have the option to edit the images uploaded. User can choose the color, resize image, position image etc.


Add Text

In this section users have the option to add text to the selected product. Users have the option to select the font for the text and users can make edits like size, shape, spacing, order etc.


Add Design Notes

Users can enter comments from this section.


Save Design

After customization user ca save the design or order the design. For to save or order the design created user needs to login to the account. If the user doesn’t have an account then user needs to create a new account from there and user will get the details of the customization after login.

At the user login has the options like password retrieval, order history, view designs etc.

Design Preview

The preview of the design will be displayed in this section based on the customization done by the user. The user can make edits form this section also. At this area user can flip or rotate the design, zoom the product etc.

From this section user can finish the product and have the option to send order request.

Shopping Cart


Option To Add Products To Shopping Cart

Enter Shipping Details

Payment Options

This section contains the display of products in categories and subcategories. Each product listing contains its details. Registered user can select products needed and can add the products to shopping cart. Then the user can order the products by entering the shipping and payment details.


In this section user is given a map and from the map user can select the stores located at different states. Then user can click on the stores and can view the address details of the stores.

User Home

User can login to the website and can manage his account. User has the option to manage his/her profile, view the details of purchased products, option to know the status of the purchased product etc.

Order Status/History

In this section users have the option to view the order status and history of the products purchased by the user. Users can check the order status by entering the order id in the specific field.
Products Online


In Products online, user can view the products are displayed by category and sub category.

For each product user can view image, product name and price is displayed.

User can view list of products are displayed in a page.

If user clicks on the products a detailed specification of each product with image and other details.

For each product user will have a link to shopping cart.

User can add products to wish list and continue for shopping.

Customizing the Product


In customizing the product, user can select a product and can design.

In this section, users will be instructed on how to take their measurements and follow specific steps to select material, cut, color, accessories, etc.

Based on the designed work user will receive a custom quote.

User can save their designs and make payment and then receive a confirmation number.

For customizing user has to follow the steps as

In Adding image, user can add any image in the jean that the user is selected either of the users own design or select from the list.

In Adding Design, user can view two sections as

Design Notes

Save Design

In Design Notes, user can select embroidery, their name on the inside of the zipper on a back pocket, etc or shopper can enter general comments

In Save design, user can save or order the design. If user choose to order they required to log into their account or create an account if they do not already have an account

In Design preview, based on all the selections, the user can view the final design.

In this section user can edit and reset the design and then order the product.

Shopping Cart


In shopping cart, the products added in the cart are displayed in this section.

In this page, user can view image of selected product, the name of the product, price, quantity, total price of a product.

User can view “Delete” link were the user can click on it to delete the product from cart.

User can view order sub total is displayed at the bottom of the page.

Three buttons are displayed at the top of the page such as empty cart, continue shopping and check out.

If user clicks “Empty cart”, the products are displayed in cart are cleared from this list and if user clicks on “Continue Shopping”, user can purchase more products were shop categories page is displayed.

If “Check out’ button is clicked, the page is redirected to checkout page.

Checkout/ Payment


Once the products are conformed, user has to enter the payment details.

User can pay the amount through credit card and pay pal.

If user clicks credit card, user has to enter payment details such as


Credit card number

Credit card type

Credit card validity date

Security Code


The types of credit cards are master card, visa and may be Amex.



If user clicks Pay pal, user has to enter user name and password if it created already or if the user do not have account, user has to register in the following URL

Once the details are entered, user checks for verification process and if the details are valid then user has to enter the shipping details.

All the payments are tracked.

Shipping Info


Shipping details has to be entered by the user after the payment verification completed.

User has to enter details for the following fields such as,


Contact Information for order

First name

Last Name



Re-enter Email address

Shipping Address for this Order

Address 1

Address 2



ZIP Code




User can view search functionality in all the pages.

User has to enter keyword and select category from the list.

Based on the entered text and selected category, user can view the results are displayed in result page.

Static pages


User can view the following are the static page links are displayed in all the pages.

The following are the footer links as



Privacy policy

Terms of Services

Contact Us & Enquiry form

About us

Feedback form


This admin panel is categorized in to following things,


User Management

Content Management

Category Management

Products Management

Invoice Management

Newsletter Management

Reviews and Rating Management



Admin can Approve or Reject the Registration of Users.

Admin can manage the list of Users in the Site.

Admin can View the list of all Users in the Site.

Admin can search the list of all Users in the Site.

Admin can Activate / Deactivate any Users in the Site.



Admin can manage the content.

Admin can add / delete / edit the content.

Admin can search for the content.

Admin activate / deactivate the content.

Admin can update dynamic pages.



Admin can view the categories/ sub categories are displayed in this site

Admin can edit and update the categories / sub categories

Admin can delete the categories / sub categories

Admin can activate/ deactivate the categories / sub categories list

Admin can view the search result once the categories / sub categories is selected



Admin can view the products are listed.

Admin can activate/ deactivate the product section

Admin can view the list products.

Admin can add/ delete the product

Admin can edit / update the products

Admin can manage all the shipping information details.



Admin can generate invoice for each product.

Admin can view and manage the invoices.

Admin can activate/ deactivate the invoices.



Admin can send newsletter to the sales person

Admin can view the newsletters

Admin can manage the newsletter

Admin can activate/ deactivate the newsletter



Admin can view reviews and ratings

Admin can view highest rating product

Admin can list the number of ratings and reviews

Admin can activate/ deactivate reviews and ratings.


This module will involve following features.


Integration testing

QA Release

QA Testing and feedback

Int Testing Bug fixes and delivery


User Acceptance testing

Release to staging server

Staging Testing and feedback

User Acceptance Testing

Bug fixes and Delivery


Security Testing

The user is provided with the following functionalities:

Home Page


Welcome Note

Register/ Login


Sign In

Users Home Page


My account

Products Online

Product Catalogue

Customizing the Products


Product Reviews and Ratings

Shopping cart



Best Sellers/ Featured Sellers

News letter

Press Release


Static Pages


Privacy policy

Terms of Services

Contact Us & Enquiry form

About us

Feedback form
Translation to French and Spanish ,

i will like to know first if you can give me a sample test , to see your work , because i have bad experiences in the past , so i will like to see a example or sample test on my project before we proceed …

Let me know if you have any other question …

French Writer

French Writer
I’m looking to hire a French writer to produce 10 articles (2 articles a day). Here are the requirements: the articles must be between 650-800 words each, pass Copyscape (100% unique) and have proper formatting, punctuation and grammar. A good level of French is required. You agree that upon sending me the rewrites all rights to the rewritten articles transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any way.

Writing 50 X 250 Word Articles

Writing 50 X 250 Word Articles
Hello, I’m needing to create some original content for a series 50 similar websites.

I need you to write 50 completely original 250 word articles. I don’t want any spinning, scraping or other garbage that google might end up banning. I just want original written content. It needs to be written in clearly written english. If that’s not your strength then this project is not for you.

The subjects will be all very similar in nature: ie: a name of a city or province followed by the subject on “insurance”

Hello, I need you to write an article at least 250 words in length, completely original, on 50 similar subjects listed below.

The subjects are all on a name of a city or province located in Canada, followed by the keyword “insurance”. So ie:

1) Vancouver insurance
2) Toronto insurance
3) Montreal insurance
…. would be same for all 50 subjects.

So you’d talk about how many people living in the city or province are looking for insurance quotes. Talk about how an insurance quote can save them money, talk about home, auto, life insurance. Talk about why insurance is important, why someone should have it, where to shop for the best insurance rates, and how it can help the person. To make it unique mention something unqiue in a sentence or two about that city or province. To find that info use wikipedia or just google the name of the city and you’ll find unique information on it to incorporate into your article. ie: population, climate, major industries, important landmarks, or whatever, you can find about that city or province.

Each of the articles need to be as unique as possible. (and not copies of each other) The keyword should be included in the article at least 4 times.

I have another 2 of these exact projects to do after this one. So if you can get me this project done this week I’ll give you the next one if you want it. Email me back on here or at my email to let me know if you want to proceed. Thanks.

This is from a similar project, only it was on debt consolidation. But basically the same rules apply. Only for this project you’d be talking about insurance rather than debt.
—————————sample article——————–

Barrie Ontario residents are seeking debt consolidation more than ever before due to the challenging economic climate Canada is facing. Barrie is a nice sized city of almost 200,000 and in this quiet community on Kempenfelt Bay it would seem like debt problems would be the last thing on people’s minds. But for these southern Ontario residents unsecure loans and mounting personal debt is a serious concern. One of the biggest challenges is often not knowing where to turn or how to repair the problem. Between the various choices of proposals, consolidation, refinancing or even bankruptcy it can be very confusing road to financial recovery for people in Barrie ON. The first and easiest step is always speaking with a debt advisor who is an expert in this area. They can help you to evaluate your money situation and find the best possible solution to help you recover. Then they can help you get started in a debt recovery program that is right for you. Often these programs can help you to get back on your feet much faster, with much less stress, and for a fraction of the cost that you might pay otherwise. So if you live in the Simcoe County or Barrie and you’re feeling the pinch then maybe it’s time to get some help. Please don’t try and do this alone. Just talk to an expert. They can show you options that you never knew you even had. Start by filling out the form above to learn some options and begin the process to debt settlement and recovery now.

Home Page Plus More

Home Page Plus More
I need only the best Web 2.0 and CSS website/graphic designer using latest techniques about to bid for this. Need to communicate and understand brief fully and to doing the work in super quick time yet delivering quality output. Must be willing to sign NDA with notary and only if you are willing then bid. Autobots will be spotted and rejected. Send me sample work as i dont want cut and shut template guys. Need to design from scratch. I am price sensitive so price accordingly. My page needs refining but must be stunning on the eye with the wow factor. Are you up to the challenge? There is very real potential for much more work. Happy bidding!

Adult Toy Website

Adult Toy Website
I hired a programmer from Script Lance and after payment was complete found problems through out the shopping cart that made the site unuseable.
I’m now in the process of starting over. Here is what I’m looking to achive.
1. Website designed using a shopping cart that is user friendly. Here are two sites that I found to have nice shopping carts. I’m not sure what kind they are using. They are and
2. I have the Logo but need a template or banner
3. Need SSL setup and PayPal
4. Have the links for descriptions and images.
5. Within the shopping cart I need to be able to change the prices to all products or by catogory by %.

Please bid only if your a professional and can do this job right. You can view the crapy job the last programmer did by visiting the site at

I’m open to hearing what you may have to offer but please only bid if you can do the job. I have already spent over $300 and still don’t have a working site.

Convert Dotnetnuke Skin

Convert Dotnetnuke Skin
I would like to have a DOT NetNuke Skin Converted to a a SilverStripe Skin.

I will supply the Skin that works on DOTNetNuke.

I would like to see it operational on a live site (you control) to ensure it is fully operational prior to full payment as I have had a bad experience previously.

The SKIN will be supplied to the successful bidder.
for all, it is veiwable at:



Create 3 Page Peels 500×500

Create 3 Page Peels 500×500
I need 3 500 x 500 page peels for advertising.

Each page peels need to have a different background
who is about making money online, working from home
and rich and luxurious lifestyle.

-Rick & Luxurious background, work from home and make money online
-Need to have like a mom or dad work at home or on the internet…


Page peels #1: Découvrez comment créer votre entreprise sur Internet!
Page peels #2: Cliquez ici pour découvrir comment faire de l’argent en ligne!
Page peels #3: Un jeune de 23 ans gagne 55,000 euros/mois, découvrez comment il fait!

I need an expert and a fast turn around.

Ready to fund escrow,