Rewrite 100 Articles

Rewrite 100 Articles
Hi and thanks for bidding,

I am looking for high quality writers to rewrite articles on a regular basis. SEO is NOT required, but the article needs to be on topic and make sense. I will supply you with all of the articles to be rewritten as well as the title you should use for the rewrites. I will also give you the keyword which the rewrite is to be based on. The combination of the title and the keyword will tell you the theme of the article. Please make sure you follow that theme.

I will need a minimum of 3 articles submitted for my approval EACH DAY for a total of 21 articles submitted EACH WEEK. All articles must be written by a NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKING writer.

The rewriting will need to be concise and to the point. I can’t accept articles just filled with fluff words meant to fill space.

I pay $1.00 to start per 400-600 word article and will increase pay with proven reliability and writing skills. I am looking for a good writer who is looking for long term work. The keywords I provide you need to be used in a normal and conversational way throughout the articles please.

Each article rewrite has to be unique and I WILL check with Copyscape and Plagiarism Detect to make sure!

I will send you a free piece of software called DupeFreePRO in case you aren’t familiar with it. This software allows you to quickly and easily check if the article you are writing is unique when compared to the original. I pay within 24 hours of completion of each 21 article project, so the sooner you can finish the articles the sooner you will receive payment. When I hire a new writer I pay them $12 at completion of the first 12 article batch (4 days) to show that I pay.

The articles need to be informative to the reader with 100% correct grammar and punctuation.

If an article you submit to me does not pass Copyscape or has spelling and punctuation mistakes, you will not be paid for that article until it is corrected and resubmitted to me for approval. I will not be able to pay if all requirements in this listing aren’t met, so please don’t bid if you can’t meet these requirements. You agree that upon sending me the rewrites all rights to the rewritten articles transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any way. Please be able to communicate 1-2 times per day via email or messenger.

Bids will only be considered with a sample rewrite of an article that I supply. When bidding please bid on the first project of 21 articles at $1.00 per rewrite. Please type “rewriting freelancers” in your private message to me so I know you read and understand the requirements.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

Article Writers Needed

Article Writers Needed
wish you a ‘happy and prosperous new year’ !


I need an experienced article writter, who can able to deliver consistent output…

your article should be,

1. free to grammatical and any other kind of errors.
2. you should keep my guidelines for required articles. all article should be unique and copyscape free.
3. “Timing” is very important. every day atleast 3000 word.

some conditions will be varied based on respective projects.

my maximum budget is $1 for 500 words.if u required more, then no need to bid on this….
preference will be given to “lower BID”
if you think u can’t able to fulfill all the above, then plz dont place any BID

thanks to all!!

Website Enhancement

Website Enhancement
My website is

I have a flash intro as you will see.
Then the next page is where I want the work done. Basicly what I am looking for is to:

1) create a more professional looking website using the same/similar color scheme. I want the appearance to look much more professional. You need to propose graphic ideas to enhance appearance & font changes to improve the look. I like how it is now but it needs something to give it a boost visually.

2) The black background… I want this changed to a different color that will make the site look better.

3) The background is also occupying too much of the screen. What I would like done is have the white table longer at top & bottom, so that the white is all you see top and bottom, but still have the new background color on the sides, then enlarge the blue area in the middle which will allow all the text to be completely viewable so we can eliminate the scrolling in the blue area.

3) Under the “Videos” tab, I need to be able to display an unlimited amount of youtube videos. It needs to be easy for me to copy a youtube link and paste it in the code so that viewers can click on a video and watch it on my site. It would also be preferable that the viewer be able to watch it on full screen mode if they choose to.

4) My name is at the top of the page “Davyn Arscott – Comedian.” This needs to be a different font or even made into a logo of some sort so that when you see it, it jumps out at you and the image of the logo must say: “professional, artistic, funny, confident.” The little logo to the left of my name can be deleted.

5) On each side of the middle table I want to be able to easily post banners for other companies. Notes need to be placed in the code so that I can easily see where the banner goes and if I want to change them then I can easily do so.

6) In all the tabs, I want to be able to insert links… for some reason I can’t insert a hyperlink.

7) On the “Calendar” tab, I need a calendar in month format. The viewer will be able to view the current month, past months, and future months. They should be able to click on a day and that day will expand to show all details. This calendar should be easy for me to add/edit/delete events. The information I will be displaying in the calendar will be mostly text with a couple links.

8) Facebook has a logo with a hypelink embedded to take the viewer to my facebook page… I want this facebook logo on the main page close to my name, so that if someone is browsing my site, the logo is always there on every page.

9) The pictures that change on the bottom right must be easily changable. I want to be able to add and change pictures by simply uploading them to my ftp and putting them in a designated folder.

10) Directions: I need a note document saved to my ftp that shows the paths & instructions for editing anything that I am requesting… for example, how to change the pictures that are being rotated on the bottom right, or how to edit the calendar…. in other words I don’t want to have to contact you months later because I can’t edit something easily.

I am looking for someone who is confident that they can enhance this site with their ideas. If you can’t provide a satisfactory result then please do not bid on this project as payment will only be sent based on my approval & satisfaction of the enhancements. Please have links to work that you have done so I can get an idea of your creativity & style.



New Layout/design 2

New Layout/design 2
Need someone to use the current database and script (Bits video Script)i am using with this website and make a new layout for a new site which i wish to do using this same script and database. I will provide access to both cpanel’s .

So to summarize i basically need someone to copy this database and script and create a new layout/template for me on a new domains Cpanel which i will provide.

Please send me a few sample layouts if you think you can do this.

Auction Website Add-ons

Auction Website Add-ons

Do NOT bid on creating auction script or selling any Auction Script software.

I need additions applied to an already existing website that utilizes ILance software.

Require programmer/s with experience in auction platform software (ILance)

Our software has been created with Forward Auctions, Lowest Unique Bid Forward Auctions (LUB) and Reverse Auctions.
Lowest Unique Bidding system is already in place and works very well, we just need to do a little tweaking to allow members to purchase bids for LUB listings on a totally independent basis over the standard Forward Auction listings.

This is 1 job of several jobs to be created.

adminCP related additions:
Similar but not limited to the following points:

1. Notepad addition:
Notepad that saves text information (input by adminCP user) also records the date/time entered. Include the ability to edit the entries + add date/time of edit. This will be applied to the members “edit” page under CUSTOMERS in adminCP (only seen/edited by adminCP).

2. Sort Order Subscription Plans addition:
Sort Order function on SUBSCRIPTION PLANS page in adminCP. All areas of adminCP already have Sort Order functions, however it appears this area was overlooked(?). Obviously Sort Order needs to display in adminCP and on the user-end how it is Sort Ordered in the adminCP.

User-End related additions:
Similar but not limited to the following points:

3. Relist Ended/Sold Auctions addition:
Relist function of ENDED and SOLD Product Listings. Checkboxes and dropdown are in place for Product Listings in theses 2 areas, however Relist features have not been implemented yet.

4. Print Invoice addition:
Print Invoice function for SOLD Product Listings. You could probably copy and alter the current Print setup for users transactions under their “ACCOUNT” tab.

5. Selling/Buying section addition:
Show the dollar ($) values for items in the selling area and items that have been sold, and the dollar ($) values for items in the buying area and items that have been bought. Include a search field within the selling and sold area to compliment the “Listing Period”, “Order By”, “Display Order” and “Per Page” dropdowns that already exist.

6. Multiple Shipping (Product Listings) addition:
Add the ability to apply multiple shipping destinations and add the shipping charge. Currently the seller creates his product listing but the software only provides for 1 shipping charge to be applied to the listing. We need to have an “Add” feature that uses AJAX (or similar) to add in new shipping destination/charge, the seller can generate as many as he needs to for that listing and when a buyer purchases the system will recognize the country of the purchaser from his account details and apply that shipping charge to the invoice, which is then payable by either the sites own ESCROW or OFFLINE payment as per the sellers choice at the time of listing creation.

7. Lowest Unique Bid Packages addition:

The option to setup Lowest Unique Bid packages where a member can purchase predefined by adminCP bid packages that enables them to be able to bid on Lowest Unique Bid listings.

Similar but not limited to the following points:

pt1. Either strip the permissions for adminCP created subscription plans to be able to bid on LUB listings or allow adminCP to define numerically the amount that they can bid on per month and day the same as current permissions for bidding rules.

Example: If adminCP were to select 0 meaning this subscription plan cannot bid on LUB listings with their available daily/monthly bids the only way that the member of this plan could bid on LUB listings would be for them to purchase a package of bids which will then display the amount of bids purchased/remaining under the standard bids portion in their dashboard area.
The software allows adminCP to define how many bids a subscription plan can have on a monthly basis and then broken down on a daily basis.

pt2. Setup the system in adminCP where we can assign packages with bid amounts and price per package.

Bronze Package = 10 bids/$10
Silver Package = 50 bids/$50
Gold Package = 100 bids/$100
That type of thing.

pt3. Payment of packages would more then likely be linked to how adminCP has setup the payment logic for the site?
ie; PayAsYouGo (based on registered members depositing funds into their online account via paypal)or Billed/Account

Agree to and sign a non disclosure agreement regarding the privacy of our software and site details.
The site and its files are strictly confidential and not for distribution or to be used by the programmer/s or 3rd parties.

Add Alertpay

Add Alertpay
I currently accept PayPal on my site for my premier membership program. I would like to add AlertPay now and need someone to do this for me.

When a member wants to become premier member, they are brought to another site and then after the payment is done there they come back to the main site and their Premier Account is activated and they receive extra points.

Please be able to add AlertPay as a payment method and have their accounts activate back on the main site after payment is completed.

I do have FTP access for both sites.

Zen Cart Customization

Zen Cart Customization
I have a section of products in which customers need to upload an image. Right now the image uploads, but there is no visual aid for the customer to see that the image is actually uploading. Also, I would like to add a thumbnail of the uploaded image in the shopping cart. One last thing… I would like the name of the customer’s image to be added to my upload directory (right now the directory just shows a number and an extension).

Paypal Reservations Form 3

Paypal Reservations Form 3
I need a simple reservations page with basic options:

first, last name

reservation field:

select dive shop: (x) Any ( ) Cabo Pulmo Divers ( ) Pepe;s ( ) Pilu&Henri ( ) CP Watersports ( ) Miguel’s ( ) CP Eco Adventures ( ) Ricardo’s

(x)first dive day (month) (day) number of divers ( ) number of snorkelers ( )
(x)second dive day (month) (day) number of divers ( ) number of snorkelers ( )
(x)third dive day (month) (day) number of divers ( ) number of snorkelers ( )
(x)fourth dive day (month) (day) number of divers ( ) number of snorkelers ( )
(x)fifth dive day (month) (day) number of divers ( ) number of snorkelers ( )

(button: Process my reservation)

this creates a (paypal) confirmation page, containing calculation
of number of divers/snorkelers/number of days = 12% of total cost deposit
and then sends a paypal money request to customer with the details
containing the link to follow by which to pay or create an account and pay.

copy of email form sent to me, site admin.

some tweaks and changes in the above form pending

place your bid based on 2 work hrs.


Get Playlist/flv Url From Site

Get Playlist/flv Url From Site
I want a php function written to get playlist or the file url from the website. they use a file with url like
that is one example from their site. They embed videos from myspace but hide the url somehow. i want to get the myspace flv url so i can embed the videos on my site too.

If you go to that url it says error 404 but when on their site it plays the video. A quick php function or someway to play the videos with this type of url on my site.

I suspect they’re detecting access to the file from a remote host and returning a 404… find me a way around it.
I’m unable to post the query string because scriptlance blocks the at symbol that is found in the query string

Dubai Web Pen Tester Needed

Dubai Web Pen Tester Needed
I am building a high profile team and need 5 penetration testers to help develop software whilst testing some client sites which a currently vulnerable to certain attacks but we need to know if that is just cos we know or if just anyone can get in…

We are very good at what we do but as you know software security is something that should be taken very seriously these days…

We are doing preliminary site tests so apply if this is something you enjoy doing and are good at – successful candidates will have full time profitable ositions with our company…

Thank you

Payment immediate on completion thx

Ptc Host Comany

Ptc Host Comany
I wanna to do this type of business visit this site
About my knowledge.
I have internet skill and online business.
Basic computer

Who can help to start this type of business. If you can help to start thsi type of business please send me details information in PMB.

I need powerful admin panel to start this business. How much money i need to invest to start this type of business and how much i need to invest to buy web space etc.

All Information Provide me to start this business like budget technical knowledge or every thing.
who can provide me all information to start this businesses that person is get this project.