Required 3 Articles

Required 3 Articles
I need 3 articles. Someone with the knowledge of science especially biotechnology or related field would be preferred.

Need the articles in next 24 hours.

Payment will be made upon the completion of the project.

Payment via Escrow or Paypal.

Lots of work coming your way so please bid wisely. Further details would be furnished to the chosen programmer.

Polish Translator Seo

Polish Translator Seo
We are looking for an experienced polish translator to translate our website pages from English to Polish. It has 8 pages with about 700 words each. If this project is completed successfully, we are willing to hire the professional to create 4 to 6 articles monthly about automotive industry.

It is crucial that you have deep knowledge about writing articles using SEO strategies.

Please, show references of past work.

Pop Up Window Help

Pop Up Window Help
I need someone to figure out why my site is not working properly and fix it. There is suppose to be a small window that appears when someone scrolls over each product image and function with 14 product pages. The window displays a description, order tab ect… The code previously worked well. However, I believe it has become altered and will be a quick fix for someone with exp. Thank you

Jomsocial Osdate Integration

Jomsocial Osdate Integration
We are seeking someone to integrate OSDate into our existing site. We have a very rapidly growing 12,000 plus member JomSocial social networking site and we want to offer a dating function.

The developer must be familiar with Joomla, JomSocial, and OSDate and general dating sites. Experience in dating sites and software is highly valuable.

We don’t want the user to have to enter any additional information to be able to use the dating software and any future changes in the JomSocial application should change the OSDate functions as well.


we need an expert coversant in the use of CSS and XHTML to modify an exiating website.
The task:
1-change existing square tabs to rounded
2-change text colour
3-add background colour to existing box
4-change 3D menu to simple version
5-make all changes to be equally shown in all major browsers
some mockup images will be provided

timeframe: ASAP

Ajax Comment System Clone

Ajax Comment System Clone
I am looking for a comment system that will use AJAX, JS, PHP and MySQL. I would like the comments to be stored in a MySQL database table. I need a system that can be placed on any page of my site (not a blog) and runs based on a table primary key ID system.

– Look at a comment thread for a youtube video (ex.
– ajax pagination (so reader doesn’t refresh page for next set of comments
– reply/spam functions
– new comment form box
– vote comment up down (with display totals)
– character count

The user would need to login to post a comment.

Basically a clone of the youtube comment system.

Please PMB questions.

Easy Job – Clone A Webpage

Easy Job – Clone A Webpage

I am looking to hire someone to copy an existing webpage.

The webpage can be found here:

I would like the entire page copied as it is, and put in an editable file, so I can tweek it slightly and then upload it onto the internet.

This is an easy, and fast job. Shouldn’t take long at all.

You will be paided fast upon completion of the project.

Thank you for looking at my project, I really appreciate it.



Traffic Exchange Script 2

Traffic Exchange Script 2
I’m reposting this project.

I am looking for a professional php coder who is free and able to start today.

I have a traffic exchange script and what i need done there is :
– check a function why is not working full.
– bring a modification to the system (more details on PMB ) .

Basically it will not be code from scratch, you will have to work on an existing (fully working) script .

Thank you and looking forward to see your messages among with your portfolios.

thank you

Adult Dating Site

Adult Dating Site
Site to be extremely close match of ( except homepage),with features also, particularly the whole browse page selection in will be my browse page to start, but with all the criteria and some of my own criteria added to that. I want to focus more toward the dating aspect, but still have the professional adult criteria from to be carefully integrated to the home page, browse, and search pages, so people won’t get confused. Home page will have altered color schemes, images, etc. from home page. Also including a 3d second-life module from and show this feature somewhere in the navigation bar chat drop-down. Newsletter function not necessary now, and the “offers” page, “affiliates” page (the “affiliates” page affiliate program with banners, etc will someday be a simpler version, based only on cpa) and “magazine” page not necessary yet either. Membership price structure the same, but may be different prices, and only paying members have access to the 3d second-life feature. ALL other pages in/outside members area of including home, forum, blogs, opt-in, upgrades, confirmation email template, and other possible correspondence templates, etc should be the same/similar as their respective pages in, with the same basic layout, categories, features, drop-downs, geographical/icon images(browse page),etc, plus my additional features and features in places. I’d like the navigation bar to show ‘home, join now, member login, browse/search, video, help. Additional genders (man, woman, couple, male couple, female couple, sugar daddy, sugar momma, sugar couple, sugar baby, cougar) to the sign-up profile questions and search genders in, as well as in their orientation, browse, advanced search, video search, photo search, and perhaps blogs that are able to be located through browse or search criteria also(but not necessary). Home page to be like extremely similar), but with a black background (to either side of the page), header/outlines and buttons, etc will be a firey red, slightly orange. My navigation bar will be a little thicker, and have squared-off edges though. Home page will have several pictures of super-hot, tanned, bulky bodybuilder men and women, some in lingerie, a search bar with additional genders above added to the genders in home page search bar, and some of the other additional home page features integrated lower down on the home page- the slideshows, ‘search talent’ and ‘search work’ modules, ‘find an adult job’ faq box, recent blog posts, and additional ‘most viewed’ slideshows of the ‘sugar daddy, sugar momma, sugar baby, and cougar’ additional genders, and the articles and site blog at the bottom of home page like’s. The home page doesn’t have to look too close to, I mostly just wanted to avoid the homepage look, but still have the rest of their site’s other pages features basically the same. I thought it would also be nice to have some sort of small caption of any ‘exitreality’ scene included somewhere on the homepage, please just have a small exitreality picture with text saying “3D avatar chat” and “Add doorways to friends and other 3D worlds and places” If you can make the picture show an avatar talking with the overhead word bubble saying “what are you doing later?”, I think that would be great. Browse page will be all the same as’s browse page, but with states/countries from’s( browse page included, and also my additional criteria for browse/search pages(topics capitalized)- MILITARY/POLICE/SECURITY GUARD: army, army reserve, marines, coast guard, navy, navy seal, airforce, special forces, special opts, intelligence, military police, corporate officer, police officer, state police officer, police detective, secret service, cia, homeland security, prison/corrections guard, other security guard, body guard, other. BEST FEATURE: face neck, chest/breasts, stomach, back, shoulders, arms, ass, legs. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: competitions/contests, modeling, entertainment, celebrity, sports/Olympics, escort dates, sugar dates, sugar daddy dates, sugar momma dates, sugar baby dates, sugar couple dates. MAIN ACTIVITY: bodybuilding, weightlifting, working out, running, walking, aerobics, yoga, pilates, swimming, sports, karate, wrestling, boxing, other. BODY TYPE: moderate, voluptuous, thin/lean, hunk, athletic, thick/built, very built, competition build, over the top. PENIS LENGTH: -3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15, 15-18+. PENIS WIDTH: thin, average, thick, very thick. These extra criteria of my own will also be included in addition to’s criteria in their profile page ( all that apply format) and search/advanced search pages. Breast size criteria will remain as in the browse page(replace breast size fields. Penis size criteria above will replace’s fields for that criteria in their advanced search page. Browse and search pages will then have all the same criteria to go by, just that the search/advanced search page will be in customizable, specific-search format, and my search page will start out with’s criteria from their search/advanced search page. My domain is, and the keywords I want to be very optimized for are: adult dating, dating sites, adult dating, adult dating sites, adult dating site, online dating, online dating sites, adult online dating, personals, online personals, online dating personals, dating personals, adult personals, adult dating personals. I think I’ve included everything, though I may have some over-lapping ideas, and may have left out something small. Also facebook/myspace ‘post to’ features will be included with profiles. Basically put, extremely similar to all, (except “offers”/”magazine”/”affiliates” pages), but have my browse page start out the same as browse page, plus the states/countries, etc from browse page, and all my custom criteria combined in a blended/ efficient way – the browse/search pages will have all these same features but search page will start out with criteria from search/advanced search page with all browse criteria and my additional custom fields added to it like I described earlier, and in a customizable search format, and the sign-up profile information will have to ask all the additional questions (in addition to existing criteria) to correlate to these fields, and also the fitness-related criteria needs questions in the sign-up profile questions. Home page with all the features I mentioned. Site to be STATIC ONLY (NO MODULARS)Please state if there’s any features/functionalities I’ve mentioned that you are unable to include. Thankyou for your interest- Bob.

WordPress Design Template Page

WordPress Design Template Page
I need a “fill in the blank” template page created for my wordpress site. See attached draft. The purple words would be where we would manually fill in text or MP3 or download. It would be a page that I wold duplicate many times on the site. I would like it to look a little more attractive. Maybe using a little of the design look from the site I need this done ASAP.

Duplicate Our Website

Duplicate Our Website
Current Joomla site with errors and template issues.

Take an existing site and build an exact replica from scratch without errors and able to display on all browsers correctly. All current modules, content, and layout are exactly as we want and will be made available. There are a few modules that do not function correctly which will need to be addressed. More details are available and again additional information will be provided to shortlisted candidates.


Htaccess For Joomla/wordpress

Htaccess For Joomla/wordpress
I need a .htaccess file re-written for Joomla so it doesn’t conflict with a WordPress install in a /blog subdirectory. I use SH404SEF.

Here is a copy of my current .htacess:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^idx/(.*) expertidx.php
RewriteRule ^i/(.*) expertidx2.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(/component/option,com) [NC,OR] ##optional – see notes##
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/|\.htm|\.php|\.html|/[^.]*)$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule (.*) index.php
# ErrorDocument 404 404-page-not-found.html
######## Begin – Rewrite rules to block out some common exploits
## If you experience problems on your site block out the operations listed below
## This attempts to block the most common type of exploit attempts to Joomla
# Block out any script trying to set a mosConfig value through the URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} mosConfig_[a-zA-Z_]{1,21}(=|\%3D) [OR]
# Block out any script trying to base64_encode crap to send via URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} base64_encode.*\(.*\) [OR]
# Block out any script that includes a <script> tag in URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (\<|%3C).*script.*(\>|%3E) [NC,OR]
# Block out any script trying to set a PHP GLOBALS variable via URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} GLOBALS(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) [OR]
# Block out any script trying to modify a _REQUEST variable via URL
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} _REQUEST(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2})
# Send all blocked request to homepage with 403 Forbidden error!
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [F,L]
########## End – Rewrite rules to block out some common exploits

Thanks for bidding!