WordPress Website Updates

WordPress Website Updates
Hi All,

I have rather an exciting project here if you guys are interested in Music and Podcasting.

Anyway this is a personal project of mine. 6 months ago i setup an exclusive podcasting website to promote exclusive house music mixes across the world. The site has become a huge success over the last 6 months, and in the month of december we had over 30,000 visitors.

The site has been developed using WordPress, and is using a plugin called “PowerPress” to deliver the podcasts. The template has been purchased as a complete package, which im prepared to have changed.

Ideally i would like to convert the site into a Magazine style of website keeping the existing colours and design elements if possible.

The situation is, its time to take the website to the next level and provide more interaction for our visitors but to also expand into new area’s.

This is the website at the moment. – http://housemusicpodcasts.co.uk/

The site is fairly clean, and works well but we would like to implement a number of new features to the website.

1 – Better visitor profiles i.e. pictures and brief biogs
2 – Ability for registered visitors to only be able to podcast the shows. If the visitor is not registered they can only listen to the shows on the site.
3 – More advertising spaces across the site.
4 – Making the navigation more simpler
5 – Having images and brief descriptions on our artists page (http://housemusicpodcasts.co.uk/artists)
6 – The ability for artists to submit their own tracklistings via the admin pages. i.e. Individual artists will be set to a new user level to accomodate this.
7 – A list of scrolling members who have registered to the website

Other features we would like to have on the home page specifically are the following:

1 – News Articles
2 – competitions
3 – Interviews
4 – Latest Charts
5 – Events

At the moment any post we add to the site, whether it being a podcast or an event comes up with Podcast and itunes subscribe features. The way we have added competitions, and interviews is a bit messy and ideally i would like to improve this. The same applies to the Artists page.

The key thing we need to do is to keep the SEO aspect of the site intact. Our SERP are doing exceptionally well within Google at the moment.

We love the existing template, but would be prepared to make some changes to this to accommodate any new features and improved functionallity.

Im looking forward to hearing your thoughts and recommendations going forward.


Install Opensource Wp Plugin

Install Opensource Wp Plugin
I need a programmer to install Open-Source WordPress Plugin from Openinviter.com on my WordPress Blog. My resulting page on my blog on, say, http://www.myblog.org/invitefriends/, should look like http://openinviter.com/demo/ on it and be a standalone url.

Install plugin such that every theme activated on my blog shows that look at that url, so you only need to install once will do, rather than install on every theme. I guess iframe can help show on every theme’s standalone page. No pop-ups allowed.

Note: To download the wordpress plugin from http://openinviter.com/download.php, you have to sign up on their site yourself and get their password.

For the dropdown box, please also show social networks category above the email providers category, as currently the latter is above the former.

Application Module For Joomla

Application Module For Joomla
Please see attachment for job details. I want true responses with thought, not company resumes on how your company is good with a link to sites you have done, these are not true responses.

I am looking for a long term working relationship for many projects to come.

Prefer some type of demo to show you know what I am looking for.

Zombaio Integration On Joomla

Zombaio Integration On Joomla
I have an Adult webcam site that was just approved for Zombaio and I need it installed ASAP. This is a Joomla site with the Cam Models set up through Community Builder. I just need Zombaio set up so the customers pay for a block of time ($25, $35, etc.) without having to sign up to my site. -Customer clicks on pay button on Girls page and it takes them to Zombaio page for payment to that specific girl.

Twitter Aggregator Site

Twitter Aggregator Site
Joomla based site using Twitter feeds/list accounts to aggregate local news information.

I would like a basic design with the functionality of a CMS based Joomla site. One thing I would like to have is the ability to have advertisers Twitter their text ads and for me to be able to track/bill for that ad time. I can go into further detail when we start a dialog and send you a link to a website.

This is a one page, simple design that should be able to easily be replicated and used in other cities.

Edit Porn Site Descriptions 3

Edit Porn Site Descriptions 3
I have 194 descriptions that are each 500+ characters long. I need them edited down or re-written to be 180 to 350 characters long each (…that’s about 40 to 70 words).

They are currently repedative, gramatically poor and much too long. Some are of no use and will require a complete re-write.

The final product needs to be in good english, readable, make sense and do a reasonable job of describing the target porn site. I will have examples for you to follow.

Once you get rolling, if you’re fast at typing, this should take you less than 90 minutes to complete.

I need this job done in 24 hours.

Payment via ScriptLance.

Writer For 275 Aritcles Needed

Writer For 275 Aritcles Needed
This is a project for 275 articles to be written for content on a travel website. Articles must be submitted at a minimum of 50 articles per week. The articles must all be original and 400-600 words each. The subjects to be written about will be provided to you once the bid has been selected.

Articles must be original and unique and pass Copyscape & Dupecop. Articles produced using article spinning programs or software will be rejected. The articles must be all high quality, include excellent writing skills, have perfect grammer, and must have original content. All articles have to be informative and you must provide titles for each article which include the subject and must be in bold and keep the font type and size the same for all articles.

You must stipulate and agree to the following: all rights to the articles remain with me. You cannot sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any manner whatsoever.

Please give price for complete job as requested above if all terms are agreeable. Any quote that is submitted as per article price or a price for a quantity of any fewer number of articles than 275 will not be considered.

Edit Sales Copy

Edit Sales Copy

Remember you will only be editing content that is already written…not writing this from scratch.

I need someone who is a professional in copy-sales… in website text that is designed specifically for executing sales. You will be editing 4 pages that are very similar to this (farmdomination.com) It will be for four different sites but with very similar products. You will be doing the following.

1. reviewing, identifying, and removing any spelling errors, grammar errors, etc so that the text is problem-free.

2. improving the section titles, etc so that the sales-copy is written in a way that inspires the reader to click through to the order page…and highlighing key words and phrases to emphasize why someone should purchase

Here are a couple of sites that have high converting sales copy


Animated Giff Needed For Site

Animated Giff Needed For Site
Hello I have a job that should not be to hard for a good Graphic artist. I can do it but dont have time. I have two images that need to become one. The 1st image is a picture of my customers shop. The second is the logo she wants to be overlaying or connected in a creative way.

The Image needs to have a nice gold swirly like frame placed around it and some creative pink sparkles or maybe stars twinkling in inside the image.

attatched is a txt file and the images with her instructions to me for you to get an idea of what she is thinking

please show examples of work with your bid

this will be the only image going on the landing page of her site so please keep in mind when being creative

Zencart Template Needed

Zencart Template Needed
i have my zencart but needs a bit of a touch ups i would like the following changes:

-add 10 modules.
-delete an image from the menu and upload my new logo.
-change the menu to drop down style make it like neweggs menu with the same catagories
– the website also needs an area where i can add three small banners across page. I want this to show somewhere in the middle of the page.

Company Secure Website

Company Secure Website
We are looking for a simple website for our employees to be able to access company documents online via a passworded website.

The website should have nothing visible at www.mydocuments.com without entering a username and password.

We should be able to easily upload documents into different folders and then our employees download documents whenever they need them by logging onto the website and searching for the document.

We should be able to have multiple administrators who can add documents and users who have read only access.

PM any questions


Simple E-commerce Shop Website

Simple E-commerce Shop Website
I would like to create a simple e-commerce website to advertise one product with 10 varieties.

The website must be in the manufacturers colours and theme. It must represent the manufacturers retail own brand store of their product. We are selling the product and despatching on behalf of the manufacturer using their web domain.

I have used x-cart previously and would possibilly like to try Magento for this project.

We will provide the domian address and server hosting. You must complete the rest of the task.

We would like to integrate paypal, google checkout and sagepay form into the payment gateways.

The site must feature on google and search engines highly. All the megatags work must be included.

We have 6 other sites to develop and are looking for a long term partner to work with.


Basic Html Template / Clone

Basic Html Template / Clone
I am looking to have the look and feel of www.blackdiamonduniversity.com with the logo from my site www.ultimatetiming.com. I simply need a template with a little extra design.

I would like to mimic the Black Diamond University Site, as far as the Layout is concerned.

Home Page:
Black Diamond University Layout
– “Welcome to Ultimate Timing” across the Top of the Page, centered.
– Tabs along the Left Side Vertically
– 6 Tabs will read as follows, from Top to Bottom, ( Presentation, Team Leadership, Recognition, Training, In The News, Calendar )
– Flash Video to the right of the Tabs (I will add in later)
– Underneath the Tabs and Flash, we can put a Welcome Message in Text

Presentation Tab:
– Color in the Background
– 7 Video Selections with Subtitles under each Video
– Video #1 with Subtitle “Donald Trump Welcomes You”
– Video #2 with Subtitle “Our Ultimate Timing”
– Video #3 with Subtitle “Our Exclusive Cutting Edge Products”
– Video #4 with Subtitle “Our Business Model”
– Video #5 with Subtitle “Our compensation Plan”
– Video #6 with Subtitle “Our Business Tools”
– Video #7 with Subtitle “Donald Trump Asks You To Join Us”

Team Leadership Tab:
“Team Leaders” Tab Layout
– Color in the Background
– TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More, somewhere on this page
– Pin Level Scale
– Basically looking for the same setup, where I can have Photo Images, same size
– I would like to have Text under each Photo
– I also would like to be able to click on each Photo, and this would redirect a person to that person’s Bio Page

Recognition Tab:
– Color in the Background
– Pin Level Scale
– Photo Images and Text of people who have achieved a greater Pin Level
– New people who get recognized for achieving Platinum get placed onto the Team Leadership Page
– Not too sure on what to do here, looking for suggestions

Training Tab (leads to page like: http://www.blackdiamonduniversity.com/monavie-training-and-inspiration.asp)
Executive Diamond Group, “Training Center” Tab Layout
– Color in the Background
– Basically the same setup, Password Protected to access the Training Video’s
– Multiple Video selections with Subtitle Text
– Video #1 with Subtitle “BSK Introduction”
– Video #2 with Subtitle “Our Products”
– Video #3 with Subtitle “Your Back Office / Auto-ships / Ordering”
– Video #4 with Subtitle “Your Why”
– Video #5 with Subtitle “7 Level Bonus’s”
– Video #6 with Subtitle “Compensation / Structure”
– Video #7 with Subtitle “Goals”
– Video #8 with Subtitle “Invitations / Objections”
– Video #9 with Subtitle “Getting Started”

In The News:
– Color in the Background
– Pictures and Text to be inserted at will, as well as links
– Events and Socials
– Advanced Training and Travelers
– New Product Releases
– Company Promotions
– Am open to suggestions with this Tab as well

A Printable Version of our Calendar of Events, Meetings and Up Coming Events

Purple, Black, White, and Gold

Web Based Time Keeping

Web Based Time Keeping
We are currently want to build an online time keeping system for our company. We have reviewed several out of the box solutions, as well as some web solutions with little success in meeting all of our needs.

We want to be able to manage the following areas:

Perm Employees

The system must allow for people to log in, fill in their hours. Upon confirmation, the hours must be approved by a manager. The system will notify a manager of the need to approve the hours and give them a unique URL to click on and approve. Once approved, the system will notify us of the approval and we can move forward with invoicing the client.

Administration role must be able to manage, modify, and create any of the above categories. All areas must be reportable, with a reporting function listing the amount of hours worked, and several different reporting functions to be detailed in further communication.