E-commerce Store To WordPress

E-commerce Store To WordPress
I have a large site with quite a few products (over 1000) in a store and I want to move it over to a wordpress solution, I am thinking to go with Wp-e-Commerce and need to find someone who has done a number of these sites before or has experience with this. I want someone who really knows wordpress for very large applications.
Please tell me why you are the correct person for this job.

Clickbank Xml Feed Mysql Cron

Clickbank Xml Feed Mysql Cron
I need a php script that will get a 3.5MB .ZIP file from an outside url at Clickbank.com containing a 16 MB XML feed with approximately 10,000 unique items, unzip the file contents (1 .xml file and 1 .dtd file) and convert the data to and create/populate 2 MySQl tables.

This script will be run daily in CRON so no user intervention is allowed. It has to be fully automatic.

Please make sure to have error-checking in the script, so if something goes wrong in a preceeding step, NO database are TABLES emptied, but an e-mail is sent warning something went wrong.

ALL TABLES(2) in the database will be repopulated entirely each time the script is run.

For Each Record of the table “t_cb_raw” where “commission” is less than “40” THEN do NOT include that record in the newly created new table named “t_cb_noduplicates”, “t_cb_raw” is the Local CBMarketFeed DB after download of the CBMarketFeed.

t_cb_noduplicates-ftitle = tcbraw-Title
t_cb_noduplicates-fdesc = tcbraw-Description
t_cb_noduplicates-fvendorid = tcbraw-Id
t_cb_noduplicates-flink = http://”tcbraw-Id”.”tcbraw-Id”.hop.clickbank.net/
( Table t_cb_noduplicates-flink value needs to be UNIQUE, once first unique “tcbraw-Id” is encountered, no further duplicates allowed )
t_cb_noduplicates-popularityrank = tcbraw-PopularityRank
t_cb_noduplicates-recurring = tcbraw-HasRecurringProducts
t_cb_noduplicates-gravity = tcbraw-Gravity
t_cb_noduplicates-earnedpersale = tcbraw-EarnedPerSale
t_cb_noduplicates-percentpersale = tcbraw-PercentPerSale
t_cb_noduplicates-totalearningspersale = tcbraw-TotalEarningsPerSale
t_cb_noduplicates-totalrebillamount = tcbraw-TotalRebillAmt
t_cb_noduplicates-referred = tcbraw-Referred
t_cb_noduplicates-commission = tcbraw-Commission
t_cb_noduplicates-added = tcbraw-ActiveDate
t_cb_noduplicates-fcat = tcbraw-Name
t_cb_noduplicates-ftime = time() ; The time that the data was retrieved (seconds since 1970)

“CREATE TABLE t_cb_noduplicates (“.
” fid bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,”.
” ftitle varchar(255) NOT NULL,”.
” fdesc longtext NOT NULL,”.
” fvendorID varchar(32) NOT NULL,”.
” flink varchar(255) NOT NULL,”.
” fpopularityrank INT NOT NULL,”.
” frecurring BOOL NOT NULL,”.
” fgravity FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,”.
” fearnedpersale FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,”.
” fpercentpersale FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,”.
” ftotalearningspersale FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,”.
” ftotalrebillamount FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,”.
” freferred FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,”.
” fcommission INT NOT NULL,”.
” fcat varchar(32) NOT NULL,”.
” ftime int(11) DEFAULT ‘0’ NOT NULL,”.
” PRIMARY KEY (fid),”.
” UNIQUE fid (fid),”.
” KEY fhtime (fhtime),”.
” KEY fcat (fcat)”.
” );” ;

On successful completion of each step the BEGIN & END EVENT will be logged.

On JOB Completion -OR- if there is an ERROR an e-mail is sent containing the results of the BEGIN & END EVENT LOG showing Steps Completed, and in case of ERROR, the ERROR.send an email showing the start and end times for the process (from downloading the new feed, to when the table was finished updating with the new data) as follows;

Example LogFile/Process Email:
2010-03-27 10:04pm started download clickbank feed
2010-03-27 10:09pm finished download clickbank feed
2010-03-27 10:10pm started parse clickbank feed
2010-03-27 10:14pm finished parse clickbank feed
2010-03-27 10:14pm started replace of tcbraw table
2010-03-27 10:29pm finished replace of tcbraw table
2010-03-27 10:29pm started query-replace of t_cb_noduplicates table
2010-03-27 10:35pm finished query-replace of t_cb_noduplicates table

Find the clickbank xml feed zip file at http://www.clickbank.com/feeds/marketplace_feed_v1.xml.zip

Platform: Linux-based web server

The PHP script must run on a Linux-based web server CRON using the following:

Apache version 2.2.15
PHP version 5.2.13
MySQL version 5.0.90-community
cPanel for CRON Version 11.25.0-RELEASE

I will be running the script with a cron job, but it must also be able to be fired off by hitting it with a browser.

1) Complete and fully-functional working scripts(s) program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables):
a) For web sites or other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in the Buyer’s environment–Deliverables must be installed by the Seller in ready-to-run condition in the Buyer’s environment.
b) For all others including desktop software or software the buyer intends to distribute: A software installation package that will install the software in ready-to-run condition on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) All deliverables will be considered “work made for hire” under U.S. Copyright law. Buyer will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work purchased. (No GPL, GNU, 3rd party components, etc. unless all copyright ramifications are explained AND AGREED TO by the buyer on the site per the coder’s Seller Legal Agreement).

Data Entry Work

Data Entry Work
Need someone to download the products available here and upload to OS Commerce store. Products for personal use only are to be skipped:
I am not sure about total product count but not exceed more than 3000 to 3500 products. Please visit my below site and provide your bid

Low bidder and ready to complete this project with good quality as per expected in 5 to 7 days will win the project.

Happy Bidding

WordPress Them Modification 2

WordPress Them Modification 2
I want to modify the wordpress theme here:


The site markets office fit outs (office partitions). I need the following

1.create a professional logo
2.Prepare images for the slider(currently only one image)
3.Other minor modifications such as width, bachground, font size

The design needs to be elegant and convey the following:

-good design

Preference will be given to those who provide relevant examples and mockups.

Dotnetnuke Site

Dotnetnuke Site
I’m willing to pay $250-350 for this work. I was going to pay $150-200 for this work, but I have tight deadline. This needs to be done in 16 days or less. I’m paying $50-150 more because of the tight deadline.
I need an online subscription magazine site made that remakes a companies site. It will be made in DotNetNuke consistent with sort of news site sort of look. I’m going to buy a template for the site for you to modify.. You will just have to chop up the psds they made. Most of your work will just be programming maybe 5% design. The Site should accommodate free and subscription-based content in various formats, including HTML, PDF, RSS feed, video and/or audio. The site should also be easily maintained by Peopleclick Authoria personnel without need for IT support.

2. Place all available text and graphics on site and require subscriptions as appropriate. Work with EEO Source team to perform any necessary modifications to complete project.

3. Convert 13 minute video on WebEx server to appropriate format and place on site.

4. Create menu buttons at top of page and link to content: Home, Editorial Advisory Panel, News, HELPLINE, Training, Webcasts, Contact Us.

5. Transfer rotating Webcast banner from existing site.

6. Create teasers on front page from articles and other available content.

7. Content should be searchable via a search box.

8. Front page should have “In this issue” box.

9. Customers should be able to purchase a single article, monthly subscription or annual subscription based on Subscription Level 1.

10. Customers should be able to purchase a higher level subscription to access additional content such as HELPLINE based on Subscription Level 2.

11. The solution will generate links for all subscription-based content that can be transferred to other applications, such as an e-journal.

12. The appearance should be consistent with a magazine-like design.

13. The design should made in a way that it will allow for an online store in the future. This year or next they are going to add an online store like functionality to it.

14. The signup and registration proces will use WorldPay(PayPal) merchant gateway and depend upon which subscription they go for
15. They are going to connect the site to Pivotal which they have used in the past or they are going to connect to salesforce and need you to custom code it to match some of the functionality of their old Pivotal functionality. IF they use salesforce I’ll pay you $50 more to make install it and change it to work like their old Pivotal crm. Now if they just stay with Pivotal. I’m not paying more for you to connect that. That’s part of this bid.

Important note: While I’m getting these designs done for each page you will need to work and do programming. You’ll just have to make some plain dotnetnuke design and do most of the programming. Then take the psds I have made an put them into the site. Since the deadline is so tight I can’t wait for the psds to be done for you to start work and I need to see your work each day on the server.

Also there may be some small parts to do that are outside this description. If you can’t do those without asking for more money then don’t bid on this project. IF the parts are totally outside the project I will pay you more, but if they are small then I’m not paying more for small additions to the work.

Site Design Html 2

Site Design Html 2
I have a people search script developed that needs a face to put to it. Please take the following:


I would like a design around this search form and placed on anybrithday.info. Search will use the available search criteria in the existing form. No scripting changes needed just HTML or layout design only please.

I’m not looking for flash or asking for any fancy graphic work. Just a professional looking search form with some content that talks about the flexibility of the search. If you have free graphics you can use them but not wanting to purchase graphics. This is a free search with no ads and I don’t want to invest a great deal in design.

I do not need a membership section or anything more than a nice looking front end to the script and form. I think this form could be presented in a better way. I’m just not a designer and have no talent in this area. I’m not asking for any links on the page now to be fixed, just remove them please and make a decent looking search. =)

Thank you for your consideration.

Jquery Ui Tabs For WordPress

Jquery Ui Tabs For WordPress
I need to insert the jQuery UI tabs in the header area of my website (www.wikichart.com)

I think the plugin is already somewhere on wordpress.com, because I’ve seen it more than once on different blogs and websites, for example: http://www.clickonf5.org/ [right hand side]
This is exactly what I’m asking, except that the container should extend along the whole page.

The final layout should look exactly like the following printscreen:

The tabs container should give me the option to select the pages I want to display. It also displays an excerpt of the page content.



Specific expertise that I am seeking:
You should have a decent experience in WordPress. I don’t want to mess up the whole theme by adding a shard of code here and a block of code there, the project is simple and clean.. Experienced wordpress programmers know exactly what I mean 🙂

Experience in PHP and jQuery is an added plus. Also fluency in English is advisable for better communication.

Timeframe for delivery:
Id love to have this up and running within 2 days or so.

Groupon.com/deal A Day Clone

Groupon.com/deal A Day Clone
I am looking to clone the features of the popular ‘deal a day’ web sites such as www.socialbuy.com, www.buywithme.com, www.groupon.com, www.locolocal.com, etc. Must feature a web-based config utility similar to wordpress’ install and be setup for easy upgrade (packaged to be resold to others). The software should allow for easy theme customization, logo upload, web admin of daily deals and historical archives, etc.

WordPress Script To Blogger

WordPress Script To Blogger

I need that my PHP WordPress Script that post content into wordpress also can do into Blogger.com blogs.

I want different script not in the same at wordpress script.

I already have a blogger script that post into blogger posts, but need add the same functions as the wordpress script.

The wordpress script post:

– Post titles (Like: Watch Movie Online Free)
– Summary – Plot from IMDB.com
– Images
– News fron blogsearch
– Youtube Videos
– Related Links.

Check: www.watchironman2.com (test site usign this script)

This script also post categories and tags.

My Blogger script post:

– Post title
– Images from google images.

Need are all functions as the wordpress script. the API for blogger is ready and works OK in the blogger script.

So i need PH Expert that can add the same wordpress functions to my blogger script.

The wordpress script cost me $100 – so i can pay $50 for anyone who can add the same function to blogger script.


Flash And Active State

Flash And Active State
1. On a client;s wordpress site we require a flash movie (already created: https://www.scriptlance.com/cgi-bin/freelancers/files.cgi?t=sf&f=127101047361649633) to read data from a wordpress posts category. There is some php code in the attachment which may help.

2. The WP plugin “Hierarchical Pages” is used to show the sub pages in the left sidebar. We want the “Active Link” to be in dark blue if you are on that page.

There is a readme.txt in the plugin that may help.

Can you do this, and if so what is the price, and timing?

Magento Multi-site – Fix Bugs

Magento Multi-site – Fix Bugs
We have a Magento Multi-Site setup (there is 1 main site and 6 sub sites)

Bug #1
When Payment details are being passed to Paypal for payment, the shopping cart contents are not being displayed in the paypal payment

Bug #2
When Clicking add to cart on subsites, the item doesn’t get added to cart the first time and needs to be added again. (the main site add to cart works fine)
Also for one of the subsites when clicking the shopping cart logo, it doesn’t take you to the shopping cart.

Bug #3
Shipping Amount not being displayed in proper currency format. (the numerical amount is fine, but formatting is not, ie instead of $5 it shows -5.00)
– The programmer must be familiar with Magento-Multi site setup

Bug #4
Some minor HTML formatting (a few blocks need to be moved around a bit so they do not run into each other)