Cre Loaded – Module Install

Cre Loaded – Module Install
I am looking for a CRE Loaded Experienced Programmer. Must have positive reviews in PMB for similar work.

I have a CRE Loaded Store. I need MVS installed

I previous programmer attempted to install it but could not get it functioning properly. You can either un-install it and re-install it yourself, or try to get the current installation working.

It is up to you

No automatic bids or message.

Must have positive reviews of similar.

There is more work available for the successful better if wanted.

Website Services

Website Services
SEO needed for Website. Please ask for url in Pmb

Please let me know what could you do for us.

Multimedia Marketing, Design and Production Company is looking for a long term relationship with creative, talented freelancers for ongoing contract work on various projects. This can be telecommute and you will work with project manger via Google Talk and Skype. We have in-house design and media production people and you would be part of the overall team if you like. This could be a life time opportunity to expand your income.

You should have strong design skills for graphic intensive websites, be able to SEO optimize designs, insure cross browser compatibility, able to write code HTML, XHTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Open Source be able to work with J-query, ajax, php, integrate shopping carts for e-commerce, add video players and other elements of creating interactive websites.
Further more, out of the box thinking freelancers with up to date knowledge regards RIA’s, Flash designing, Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Sales Letters and Company Branding are welcome.

Keywords; reliability, long term business relationship, creative, talented, meet expectations, respect, serious cooperation opportunity.

Compensation will be on per project flat.

Sharepoint Heavy Customisation

Sharepoint Heavy Customisation
If you are a master of changing & branding sharepoint to look the business then get in touch. Approximately 4 sites are required.

Please note this is a very urgent requirement and delivery is required within 10 days from today.

LOOK at this site, this functionality is required (Drag and Drop)

MOSS 2007
MOSS 2010
Both are essential skills.

Family Community 2

Family Community 2
I want to create a “family community” Sort of like a facebook for your family. There will be an interactive calendar where you can post things, a chat, a wall where you can post links and messages aswell as a place to upload photos. Think of it as your family online. You will have your own profile and be able to communicate with your other family members.

Ecommerce Shop/cart Website

Ecommerce Shop/cart Website
Hi I’m looking for a very reliable and experienced programer. I need to make an ecommerce website complete with shopping cart, orders processing, customers, sms notification, photo album(flash) and so on so admin can be able to upload photos of products and details to the website. It must be easy to use and manage. It must be with CMS so admin can manage the site entirely and easily without problems.

I’ve got lots of projects comming so you have to prove your expertise. Needs to be completed ASAP so you can contact for more description for this project.

Banashare Site Clone

Banashare Site Clone
I need a site with the same specifications as
Basically, users will upload their files, and this upload generates a link, that they can send to another user, so this last can download the file. After seven days, the link and the uploaded file dissapear from the server.

In banashare, they have some paypal options, but I dont need that. I just need the basic specification above. Please test the site and provide a fee.

Video Content Website

Video Content Website
I need a site that functions like

The site has to be able to use video from other major video content sites(Embedded Video)
Please read these pages to see other site these websites use for video content(embedding).

The site must be able to track views,have an admin area for stats, offer an ad network for advertisers, and function basic that are visible on the listed sites above.

Weight Loss Article Writer

Weight Loss Article Writer
I’m looking for an experieced weight loss article writer to write 15 articles for me, 450 words. Here is my criteria

1,You must have written and submitted to Ezinearticles

2,You must be familiar with the AIDA writing formula

3, I must see your sample work to proof you are familiar with the AIDA writing formula.

5,Work must be completed in 4days or less.

6, Good grammer, excellent writer and must know how to use keywords in article writing.

Code Frontend And Admin Site

Code Frontend And Admin Site
We are looking for an experienced developer/coder who can code a dynamic site for us. The site is fairly simple, as it contains a basic user front-end to view property information and a basic admin which allows admins to manage users permissions and property information/photos.

Please see the attached files to get a clear understanding of the requirements. The site is only made up of about 5-6 pages plus user login.


-we will be providing finished XHTML/CSS files for the entire project, so this work is already done, just need the coding done.

-looking to have this done in PHP/MySQL with necessary javascript, and using shadowbox to pop up images in a photo gallery.

-looking for consistent communication and updates via email/instant messenger

Questions, ask via pmb!

View Wireframes Here

View screenshots here