Building 5 Pages Document

Building 5 Pages Document
almost only copy and paste pages from word, excel, jpgeg or pdf files into only one document.

I am looking for someone who could make a property package with the tools and info provided by us.

Subject: real estate
5 pages Document that contains:
– Map of the property adress (from Google map or other tool)
– Property listing (Copy and paste) Provided by us with pictures to add to the document.
– Property analysis (copy and paste) Provided by us
– House appraisal (you will have to check it, and copy and paste it for each property. We will give you the website where you just have to enter the adress property and you arrivee directly at the appraisal page to copy for building the document.

see exemple below.

How much per property package ?
It takes about 10 minutes per package.

I will have many to do each month. Looking for long term business relation.

Best Regards,


Company Secure Website 2

Company Secure Website 2
We are looking for a simple website for our employees to be able to access company documents online via a passworded website.

The website should have nothing visible at without entering a username and password.

We should be able to easily upload documents into different folders and then our employees download documents whenever they need them by logging onto the website and searching for the document.

We should be able to have multiple administrators who can add documents and users who have read only access.

PM any questions


Wizard With Casc. Drop Downs

Wizard With Casc. Drop Downs
I need to create a Cable Assembly Wizard with multiple cascading drop downs. I’ve created a page at with the required drop downs. I’ve created a mockup with numbers corresponding to the information at and have also attached it to the project.

What I need done is to add the following logic to the none-cascading drop downs:

1. User chooses the Connector A Series Type. This determines the following: Possible Connector A Interfaces; Connector B Series Types; Cable Types

2. User chooses the Connector A Interface. This determines the possible Connector A Orientation

3. User chooses the Connector A Orientation. This does not determine any other choice.

4. User chooses the Connector B Series Type from a list determined in Step 1. This determines the possible Connector B Interfaces (same rule as in Step 1).

5. User chooses the Connector B Interface. This determines the possible Connector B Orientation

6. User chooses the Connector B Orientation. This does not determine any other choice.

7. User chooses the Cable Type from a list determined in Step 1.

8. User enters the Cable Length and unit of measurement

9. User clicks the Continue button and a picture of the cable assembly appears as well as the part number.

10. User click on the picture or part number to go to a pricing page for that assembly (essentially partnumber.html or partnumber.asp)

Other Information:

A. Pull-downs are grayed out or inactive until input is required. For example, the cable types are known after Step 1, but I want the user to wait to select it until Step 7.

B. Each choice in Steps 1-8 determines a portion of the part number. For example, a possible cable assembly would be part number BN-BJG-S-BN-BJG-S-100-125. Each number between the hyphens corresponds to the pull-down.

C. The Pictures displayed in Step 9 are determined by the three Connector pull-downs. Steps 1-3 determine the picture by #10. Steps 4-6 determine the picture by #12. The picture/line by #11 is the same no matter what cable you choose. Pictures 10/12 will have names the same as that portion of the part number (i.e. BN-BJG-S.jpg)

D. Although the pull downs are not dependent on each other, they do contain the total amount of options for that pull down. Obviously, once the pull downs are cascading, the number of options will be reduced.

E. As the dependencies will not change, they can be hard coded or part of a MySQL or MS SQL database, whatever the programmer prefers.

Php Mysql Search Scripts

Php Mysql Search Scripts
I need a series of scripts that will do the following.

start session.

1. Search form, user enters a keyword ($keyword)
2. $_POST[keyword] searches the following:$_POST[keyword]&btnG=Search+Blogs

Results are written to a temporary table based on session (maximum 50). Then results URL’s are searched for the following term “Write a Comment”, URL searches the fetched URL’s that are true for the HTML text “Write a Comment” are displayed to the user with the url to the website (page).

I will write cron/etc, to purge temp table. I require bare bones. No CSS or design needed. No admin area needed.

Looking for some feedback and decent bids. Please don’t spam PMB with long irrelevant portfolio’s, I will only block you for future projects.

Ecommerce W/ Custom Backend

Ecommerce W/ Custom Backend
We are looking for a programmer/team to help us complete a 4 part website project. A nearly complete technical spec can be found attached to this posting – please read it fully to understand the full scope of the project before bidding.

All graphics, CSS and initial HTML work will be completed by us, with the winning bid being responsible for all of the programming connecting all of the different parts.

The finished website project will consist of 4 parts pulling off of one database. These parts are:
– A front-end main website, where a user can input a specific code and be returned a dynamic page with the results from the database
– Integrated product/shopping page powered by Magento on main website
– Unique backend client site for managing their account/details
– Magento backend with some light customization

Again, all HTML, CSS and graphic work will be done and given over to the programmers to tie all together. There will be a few pieces besides the PHP work, such as correctly applying the jQuery libraries for modal windows. Detailed project requirements all listed in the spec.

We will expect a bug-free product upon completion, as well as basic maintenance for error-free operation of the system.

Please bid accordingly, and feel free to ask any questions so that you can more accurately bid on the project.

We require a programmer that has experience with Magento, and can show us examples of custom work. All interested parties need to submit urls of past work. Graphic/HTML/CSS work isnt a necessity since we will be providing the templates for you.

Thanks, and we look forward to working with you!

Website + Cms + Order Status

Website + Cms + Order Status
website redesign (with template for main page and internal page) + cms to manage website with support for multiples language, with option to manage different types of users (administrator: total access, manager: fill contents, customers: website + check order status) + admin module to fill information about delivery status of orders + customer module to check the delivery status of their order

An Online C Code Repository

An Online C Code Repository
Project Language PHP

Project Description
Part 1: Create an online ‘C’ Code repository site that allows users to view C code prepared and uploaded by other users. Certain priviledged users can upload C code. On the upload of the C code, it must open in an editor to allow editing. After the user has edited the code, there must be a validate option. On click of this button, etc., your C code should be validated and syntax errors should be highlighted.
Syntax errors such as:
• Missing Brackets
• Missing semi-colons
• Variables not declared before use
• Correct spelling of reserved words, etc.

These errors should then be corrected before a “Save” option is selected. Upon save, the application should check to see that the code was corrected before saving. If the code was not corrected, it should prompt for it to be corrected.
Attention should be paid on how the C code in the repository is organised or catogarised for viewing.
Part 2: Create a forum that allows users of the site to commuincate on different issues pertaining to C and C programming. It should facilitate posting of topics, emails, editing of topics, user profiles, replys to topics,etc.

Lcd Tv Article Writer

Lcd Tv Article Writer
I’m looking for experienced good writer to write 20 articles of 450 words. The topics to write about around are…

Digital camcorders
Blu-ray players

I would prefer someone who has experience writing within this niche. The article must look something like this

An article that readers can use as a guide and source of information, just like the one on the above site.