Implementing Facebook Connect

Implementing Facebook Connect
I need FACEBOOK Connect to be
implemented on my site which has
also a Community Section and appeals
to a Niche related to a hobby.

As it is explained on FACEBOOK’s
page, it is a process that won’t take
more than a few hours to be completed
especially for the SIMPLE type of
Implementation I want.

Please use the code “crochet” when
replying, otherwise you’ll be ignored
no matter how great reviews you have.

Easy WordPress Blog Cleanup

Easy WordPress Blog Cleanup

I recently had a new theme installed on my blog and the formatting is now all screwed up.

Take a look: golfology dot com

I need you to go in and fix the nav bar buttons and add a few settings (widgets, reduce the size of the posts, etc…) to make it look more professional like successchef dot com

This shouldn’t take long at all and project to begin immediately.

Thank you.



I required basic Invoice script for my website with below options….


Admin Area:

Secure Login >>

Admin Area with: Add Invoice, View/Edit/Delete Invoice with Invoice status change option to PAID or PENDING Selection, Add Client, Edit/Delete Client, Add/edit/delete Items, Send Message to single or all clients & Settings.

Add Invoice Option: Invoice Number, Date, Due date, Select Client, Select Item or multiple items, Qty, total, total amount, discount, tax, Invoice amount, Amount in Word, Payment details/Terms, Special Instruction, etc…

After creating invoice there is option to send invoice by email and attached pdf invoice file (auto generation of pdf file) to that client email id.

Add Client Option: Company, Client Name, Address, City, Pin Code, State, Country, Contact Number, Email ID, Password.

Items Option: Item Name, Unit Selection with YR or QTY, Price per unit. (means if domain name than year and for item its qty)

Settings: Site Name, Site EMail ID, Admin user id and password, Company logo upload (logo place on all invoice on top left corner), Company Name, Address, City, State, Country, Contact Number, Email ID etc…


Client Area:

Secure Login and Password reminder option (NO registration option for new client it must be from admin area)

Menu: View / Print Invoice, Contact form, change password option.


All in PHP

Please do not bid higher amount than my given Max. Budget price.

I check many ready made invoice scripts and most of are below $30 but I want my own script without any limitation and with full source code….

Job Type: PHP
Script Installation

Asp Programmer Long Term

Asp Programmer Long Term

This is first of the many small projects that I have in Classic ASP.

For this first project: What I need is very Basic Survey Form in Classic ASP with database at the back-end. Preferably MySQL but Ms Access will also do. By basic Survey Form, I mean BASIC! If you already have the solution, that will do. Rest of the details will be dispensed in interview stage.

Looking forward to the favorable response and start to the long term relationship.

Holiday Rental Web Site + Logo

Holiday Rental Web Site + Logo
For a property management and holiday and long-term rental company in Marbella, Spain, we require new logo and new websites. You must provide a unique, hand-made web site design, and no template that is sold everywhere. We will check all references, so please only bid if you can provide those. SEO is essential for this project, and we will insist on some production guidelines we will submit to the winning bidder, eg. H1 and H2 tags, meta description and keywords, no frames, java, CSS etc. in an external file, url rewriting, main menu as text and not images or at least bottom menu as text etc.

This is an entry project. Upon satisfactory delivery, follow-up projects will be assigned to the successful bidder.


1) Logo and letter and business card template
2) Dreamweaver website template for the property management side of the company, three languages English/Spanish/German. Besides a contact form with captcha, you must deliver home page with all links to interior pages plus one interior page if it is any different than the home page. The rest we can do ourselves, but of course, you may also deliver all pages. Marbella is one of the most affluent areas of the world and the website must show that we are in an exclusive, premium segment.
3) Website (editable with Dreamweaver) for the holiday and long term rental side of the company, three languages English/Spanish/German, contact form with captcha must be included, too. For this site, we need availability calendars with search functions for every individual property plus tools for rentals administration (email templates, planning for cleaning, reminders to check if payment was made, possibly a payment gateway and/or an owner’s section where owners can see the status of their property, rental information, invoices, etc.). For stability reasons, a locally installed database that can connect and update the information on the web server would be preferred but a pure web script may be acceptable. So far, we have looked at the solutions of,,,, A one-off fee for the software/script is strongly preferred. You may use one of those solutions mentioned or your own/other tool, but in any case, please include cost in your bid. Again, we are in a premium segment, and the website must reflect this but also transmit a holiday feeling. Resemblance to the first website is highly desirable, maybe only change the color theme and selection of pictures/photos?
4) This should look exactly like number three but be reduced (only 3 pages: Homepage, featured properties, special offers), no database, although a possibility to upload featured properties and special offers from database to this site would be fabulous. Site is only a doorway page for number two for search engines matters. You will only need to submit one such site but I will then duplicate with content for different search terms.

Simple Ruby On Rails Template

Simple Ruby On Rails Template
I need to get into Ruby on Rails programming ASAP, and I do not have the time to learn the basics in setting everything up.

The app I plan on programming will be connecting to a mysql database, and It will need to be multi threaded.

So, here is what I need:

I need the project file for a ruby on rails application setup with multi threading shown and the connection to the mysql database. Just leave comments as to where I put in the mysql information as well as make use of the multi threading. If you have experience with Ruby, this should take no longer than 5 minutes! I just need to know which file I would start coding into, after it is setup for multi threading. Please make it as simple as possible!

If you have any more questions, just ask in PMB. Thanks.

Twp Page Site.

Twp Page Site.
I need a 2 page site (first page and a checkout page). That is connected to and maybe paypal. It will look like this site

I’m willing to pay $40-60 for this work. You will design, install, and connect everything.

Five Xml Pages In WordPress

Five Xml Pages In WordPress
We have an XML file that needs to display differently on five pages.
The blank pages already exist in a WordPress site.
The XML document already exists.

Please make the XML data display on the 5 blank pages. NOTE: We do NOT need an interface for editing the XML data. This project is for a program to display the XML data on these 5 pages ONLY.


1 ALL EVENTS Records in alphabetical order. Events can have multiple dates (there is one record per date).
2 EVENTS BY TYPE Records sorted by column “type.”
3 EVENTS BY DATE Records sorted by DATE and START TIME.
4 EVENT FAVORITES Records that have “favorites” in “Type” column.
5 EVENT KID FAVORITES Records that have “kid favorites” in “Type” column.

This project is URGENT, please do not bid unless you can work NOW and finish it this weekend.

Please see our 100% excellent reviews for great communications and FAST payment. We are on IM or SMS 100% of the time so you do not need to wait for answers.

Thank you for your time!

Business Card Editor Tool

Business Card Editor Tool

My current Business Card Editor does not work

I am wanting one similar too’s editor

I will need it very nice looking!

I will need it integrated with rest of site through the checkout process.

Please ask if you have any questions.

Professional Ecover Design

Professional Ecover Design
I need a professional ecover designer who can work for me and provide high quality work. I need the best rates you can offer and I have outsourced for years so I know whats fair pricing. I am looking for someone to work with long term who can provide top quality designs and I need the pricing to be affordable because I will be providing constant work flow to the right designer…

Please show me a portfolio of your work (ecover designs is what I am interested in seeing)


Rss Ticker With Conf Interface

Rss Ticker With Conf Interface
This ticker will be used as a widget and needs to fill the screen, so no fixed width or height.

The news items should be presented in a horizontal bar with _smooth_ (very important!) text scrolling from right to left.

The news items don’t need to be linked to an article, no interaction is needed. Text should be presented as HTML to parse quotes (“) and other HTML-char’s.

Following should be configurable in a XML settings file:
– Font color
– Font size
– Font weight
– All capitals (boolean)
– Scrolling speed
– Seperator image or character between news items (boolean)
– Seperator image file (.gif/.jpg)
– Seperator image character
– Padding between seperator image/character and news items
– Background image or color (boolean)
– Background image
– Background color
– Padding bottom of news items
– Padding top of news items
– Local or remote RSS feed URL

The XML file should be generated by a web interface (PHP page) so the user easily can configure the ticker. This should have color pickers and a preview.

A PHP proxy script can be used for loading remote RSS.

Ask questions before bidding.

Dragondance and freezingpoint: don’t bother to bid. Only those who are serious on doing the job should bid!

Web Design And Script

Web Design And Script
I would to create website about game on web.
it’s Batch Game.
Must use e-currency (Liberty Reserve and perfect money) in play game

We define last 2 or 3 number of batch in LR or PM then who will play game must transfer money and will give batch number of LR or PM.
If last 2 or 3 of batch num as transfer money same number as define will WIN and receive award.

EX.Website define number is “06”. If I will play game, I must transfer money ex.1$ then complete transfer I will give batch num ex. 32451357 .You see “57” not same “06” so Lose Game if batch num 23543421 and website define “21” you will see “21” same “21” so You WIN and will receive award .

***Number was define by random or admin define.
***Number was define will change every hours refer by server time.
***If have who WIN , Number will change auto.
***award pay instant or admin pay manual.

So I want Web design and script(PHP)
1.admin zone
1.1)admin can define number 2 or 3 or 4 ex. xx,xxx,xxxx .
1.2)admin can change,add award and money will play game.
ex. transfer 1$ If WIN will receive award 10$ .
1.3)admin can add,change plan to play
ex. plan1 : xx(define ex.”32″)transfer 1$ WIN award 10$
plan2 : xxx(define ex.”436″)transfer 5$ WIN award 50$
1.4)admin can check who transfer money how much , who receive award how much and total money transfer and total pay award
1.5)admin can choose will pay award manual or auto pay.
1.6)admin can manage advertise or sponsor zone.
2.main page
2.1)show server time
2.2)form each plans and detail and button submit play game.
(ex. plan1: XX(define) transfer1$ WIN 10$ accept LR and PM).
2.3)show static about payment(who,transfer,award,status payment)
2.4)sponsor zone or advertisement zone
2.5)link to forum
3.1)Should be protect hacker(Specifically payment and admin zone)and DDOS(without use services of the host.if you can or possible)

If interesting Please private contact.