Html Site To Joomla Template

Html Site To Joomla Template

I need someone who is extremely good and experienced at this procedure.

The HTML template I would like to convert to Joomla can be seen on kriesi(.)at/demos/twicet/light/

This needs to be ported over to Joomla 1.5.15 and look exactly the same with all the same features, JavaScript, module positions etc.

If you know you can do it, please place your bids 🙂



Newsletter Sign-up Script

Newsletter Sign-up Script
I would prefer to use something open source.

I have a client site and he wants people to be able to sign up on his website to receive emails. Pretty typical, BUT he wants to collect their ZIP codes too. So 3 fields, name, email, & zip.

I have to form built into the header of his wordpress site. I just need a script that would allow him to collect all 3 fields, manage the email addresses and send out updates and such using HTML and the ability for people to unsibscribe.

I know there are some good open-source, but I’m in a time-crunch and can’t research them all. System is LAMP.

So I need the following:
Script installed
Form working


Simple Php Fix Needed.

Simple Php Fix Needed.

I need a simple php fix. I need this fixed, go here…

The config.php & common.php files are in this directory…

I have attached the template.php file, which is located here…

I have excellent feedback record. This should be a very simple and quick fix. You should be able to tell me how to fix it and I will do it. Please give me a bid.


Logo Rebranding 2

Logo Rebranding 2
We are reposting this listing as to clarify what we are looking for. If you do not understand what we are looking for, please ask or do not bid! Thanks!

Not sure what term you would like to use. Our project could be redesigning, revamping, rebranding, etc.

I guess you could say we are looking for a new logo, BUT using some of the elements (the emblem and colors) of our current logo.

We feel the logo we have needs to be updated. You can what ever you would like except the overall color scheme (you can change the font, move the name, emblem, tagline, etc), but ultimately we are looking to have the emblem updated. We feel it is too linear, and needs some dimension/texture to it. Give it some movement (sketch it, twist it, bend it, stretch it, lines through it, etc). In the end, the emblem should be somewhat recognizable (identifiable) from the old emblem to the new emblem (see the example links above)

We don’t want something too flashy. It needs to be simple, professional, modern looking and in good taste, and have a ‘technology’ feel to it.

Other words that could be communicated through the logo: Stability, knowledgable, technical, Trustworthy, supportive, cost effective.

To give you an example of what other companies have done. These are only examples to show what we mean:

Transparent background

We will need the final release of the logo in layered .psd, .ai, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .bmp, and .gif, as well as one vectorized format (.ai and/or .eps).

We will own 100% rights over the logo.

Any font files used, must be included in the files.

Contact us for a link to the current logo.

Sorry, but bidders who do not provide a mockup will NOT be chosen. We want to ensure that you understand the project requirements.

Unique Hotels Descriptions

Unique Hotels Descriptions

The task is to write unique hotels descriptions, 300 words each, with separation into sub-titles, eg: description, amenities, services, recreation etc.

The descriptions must use proper English, be grammatically correct and unique.

I provide you with a hotel/resort/inn name, and you write the description for it.

Multiple bidders might be selected. Therefore, write your bid and delivery time for 1 hotel description only.

Successful writers will receive more work in the future.

Intergrate Image Script

Intergrate Image Script
Hi There,
I had a guy on scriptlance awhile back write a script for me that he was suppose to intregrate into my x-cart shopping cart. He finished the image editing script but was unable to integrate it into the cart. The site is It is a script that allows customers to make thier own license plates and order them directly off the site. It should be implemented into the cart to work with the cart. It is a image editing script. it is suppose to allow the customer to take a template and edit the text and add thier own images. They can then add it to the cart and it is uploaded to the server. There should be a thumbnail image in the order summary and a link to the image in the customer and order department emails and in the order summary. He is suppose to have finished the script, but it may still take a little modifying and debugging. I prefer someone who really know how to do this. Please only bid if you are serious and have the knowledge to do it. The site should kind of work like Please email with any questions. Would like it done within 30 days.

Jreviews Tweak

Jreviews Tweak
Hello, I am looking for someone familiar with Joomla and Jreviews who can perform a small tweak. Basically, I just need some type of code added that will allow the ‘featured listing module’ to display on all listings unless they are featured. So, the ability to recognize a featured listing and then not display.

Screens And Mysql Development

Screens And Mysql Development
Prerequisites for project are: you must be able to communicate in GMT -5:00. Must have IM.

I need someone to develop:

Registration screen – consists of 13 input fields and captcha.
The fields are: email, password (plus confirm), business name, business type (drop down), business category (drop down (multiple select capability)), image upload, contact name, phone, address, county (not country (dropdown)), about us and captcha. All fields are required.

Once input, an email is sent to the site admin stating that a new contractor has been registered. The admin must approve the registration before it is active or searchable from the search screen.

Search screen – is for searching for a contractor. This screen consists of three search criteria selections: county (dropdown), type (dropdown) and category (dropdown (one choice only)).

Display screen – all contractors that match the criteria are displayed in alpha order. Included in the display will be: business name, contact information and address information as well as the image if any and the about us.

The data must be stored in a MySQL database. We will supply CSV files with the types, categories and counties. They must be imported to the database.

All of these items must be developed by the freelancer.

App Builder

App Builder
I need an app builder that is similar to something on this page:

The program would enable a user to build an application for mobile phones (iPhone, Android, Blackberry). I would need this done asap and will pay cash on delivery and will escrow in advance to show good faith. Please email for specifics.

Iphone Webapp Image Upload

Iphone Webapp Image Upload
I have a Php form which I would like the ability to upload an image FROM AN IPHONE building into it.

I have looked into this and think it is just a case of using the following program

I have the above program installed, but dont mind how you do it.
As long as the end result is the ability to upload an image with each form submission