Tv/movie Link Indexing Portal

Tv/movie Link Indexing Portal

The website is a movie and television show link-indexing portal similar to that of surfthechannel but simplified. As the developer you would need to create two custom pluggins to work along with wordpress and possibly more. These plugins include a way for users to submit links to existing or non-existing tv-shows and movies. The ability for users to report broken miss categorized links.

The coding must be clean and light weight and be able to functions with other pluggins such as wp-super-cache and so on.

We have created a 4 page word document detailing how the website should look and function. Please look over this file carefully and then give us a quote.

***NOTE: Please do not bid on this project unless you are serious and have the skills to complete the job. We want this job done correct. This is only the initial development of this website meaning is a job is well done then the developer will be awarded with more projects.

Automatic Processing Php+sql

Automatic Processing Php+sql
I need an automatic order processing script to be made for my store.
I will create the IPN script, so that’s not needed for you to create.

What you need to make:
There will be mysql tables storing serial numbers. I will always upload serials when they are getting sold out, so no problem with that. The IPN script will pass the serial type (basic, premium, ultimate) and your script will take one serial out of the matching table, put it into History, and send details to user in e-mail.
Also I need you to create a script, which ppl need to enter their e-mail address into it, and will send all previous orders matching that e-mail address, to the e-mail. In one e-mail, not 1by1.

Please also make the mySQL table using the following details:
Table: History
Fields: ID, e-mail address, serial number
Table: Basic
Fields: ID, serial number
Table: Premium
Fields: Id, serial number
Table: Ultimate
Fields: Id, serial number

I also need a simple subroutine which I can add into my already made script which will do the following:
It will check the selected table in mysql, and return the number of available serials.
I will do the integration, you only need to make the mysql request for it. Php Api Script Php Api Script
I need a coder who can write a quick PHP script to parse my XML feed and simply display five retailers based on the item I’m showing. I don’t need a complete site (the site is done, I just need a script to display the retailers below the item on my page using my affiliate API, so this should be quick and easy. I just can’t seem to break it down on my own and I’m guessing someone out there has done this before and can offer one for me to use.

Very simple:

I want to take this link:

And simply show the five results in an html table below the product I’m showing. Basically the image, brand, price, and rating. I’m sure any of you who have done this before know what I’m looking for, so hopefully this will be quick and easy for you.

Thanks again, and look forward to hearing from you.

Shopping Cart / Member Login

Shopping Cart / Member Login
Membership Website Guidelines

Preferred Programming Language:

1.) Setup Shopping Cart (
a. Create Purchase Form, which lists [Download Library and 15 Day Free Trial] customers should be charge $27 upfront and given a 15 day free trial to the membership, to which they are automatically charged $47 every month
b. Link “buy now button” on Sales Copy to Purchase Form (see

2.) Setup Email Software (
a) Link Shopping Cart to “welcome” autoresponder campaign
a. Create welcome email, which immediately sends the customer a username and password for website access, and includes link to our website login portal
b. Create invoice-receipt email, which customers receive every time they are charged
c. Create payment notification email linked to sales (at)
b) Link Opt-in Page (inventorycalculator.asp) to “sales” autoresponder campaign, redirect to Sales Copy
a. Program so that when a customer makes a purchase, they are opted-out of the “sales” autoresponder campaign

3.) Develop Customer Login System
a) Setup so that customers will have instant access once they make a purchase
b) Setup so that users can update their profile with a new password.
c) Include password retrieval function via autoresponder email
d) Link to membership purchases so that if they cancel their membership or do not renew, they should no longer have access to login
e) Secure pages are: getstarted.asp, downloadlibrary.asp, howtoarticles.asp, videotraining.asp, membership.asp (see sitemap.xls)

Rewrite More Than100 Articles

Rewrite More Than100 Articles
This’s a long–term project for qualified candidates. I need more than one writer. So, please don’t hesitate to bid. In the first phase, I will request that you REWRITE 10 articles that are 750 words in average. No research needed. You will only need to edit the text , use words synonyms and change the sentence structure. The price is 2$ for every article.
This price is final. Higher bids will not be considered. Please bid only if you can deliver at least 10 articles per day WITHOUT compromising quality.
If you deliver good work, you will get more articles at the same price and I will be happy to work with you in future projects.
To be selected for the project, please send me a short ORIGINAL sample of your work. Having a copyscape account is a must. YOUR SAMPLES AND WORK WILL BE CHECKED AND FAILING TO PASS COPYSCAPE MEANS PROJECT TERMINATION.
The number of articles needed currently are more than 150 and should be finished bu the end of March. So, the faster you deliver, the more articles you will get. BUT DON’T COMPROMISE QUALITY TO DELIVER FAST.
Please explain to me in your bid briefly why I should consider you for the project.
Please type “I’m ready to work” in your bid to make sure you read the requirements carefully. Good luck :).

Html Site To Joomla Template

Html Site To Joomla Template

I need someone who is extremely good and experienced at this procedure.

The HTML template I would like to convert to Joomla can be seen on kriesi(.)at/demos/twicet/light/

This needs to be ported over to Joomla 1.5.15 and look exactly the same with all the same features, JavaScript, module positions etc.

If you know you can do it, please place your bids 🙂



Newsletter Sign-up Script

Newsletter Sign-up Script
I would prefer to use something open source.

I have a client site and he wants people to be able to sign up on his website to receive emails. Pretty typical, BUT he wants to collect their ZIP codes too. So 3 fields, name, email, & zip.

I have to form built into the header of his wordpress site. I just need a script that would allow him to collect all 3 fields, manage the email addresses and send out updates and such using HTML and the ability for people to unsibscribe.

I know there are some good open-source, but I’m in a time-crunch and can’t research them all. System is LAMP.

So I need the following:
Script installed
Form working


Simple Php Fix Needed.

Simple Php Fix Needed.

I need a simple php fix. I need this fixed, go here…

The config.php & common.php files are in this directory…

I have attached the template.php file, which is located here…

I have excellent feedback record. This should be a very simple and quick fix. You should be able to tell me how to fix it and I will do it. Please give me a bid.


Logo Rebranding 2

Logo Rebranding 2
We are reposting this listing as to clarify what we are looking for. If you do not understand what we are looking for, please ask or do not bid! Thanks!

Not sure what term you would like to use. Our project could be redesigning, revamping, rebranding, etc.

I guess you could say we are looking for a new logo, BUT using some of the elements (the emblem and colors) of our current logo.

We feel the logo we have needs to be updated. You can what ever you would like except the overall color scheme (you can change the font, move the name, emblem, tagline, etc), but ultimately we are looking to have the emblem updated. We feel it is too linear, and needs some dimension/texture to it. Give it some movement (sketch it, twist it, bend it, stretch it, lines through it, etc). In the end, the emblem should be somewhat recognizable (identifiable) from the old emblem to the new emblem (see the example links above)

We don’t want something too flashy. It needs to be simple, professional, modern looking and in good taste, and have a ‘technology’ feel to it.

Other words that could be communicated through the logo: Stability, knowledgable, technical, Trustworthy, supportive, cost effective.

To give you an example of what other companies have done. These are only examples to show what we mean:

Transparent background

We will need the final release of the logo in layered .psd, .ai, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .bmp, and .gif, as well as one vectorized format (.ai and/or .eps).

We will own 100% rights over the logo.

Any font files used, must be included in the files.

Contact us for a link to the current logo.

Sorry, but bidders who do not provide a mockup will NOT be chosen. We want to ensure that you understand the project requirements.

Unique Hotels Descriptions

Unique Hotels Descriptions

The task is to write unique hotels descriptions, 300 words each, with separation into sub-titles, eg: description, amenities, services, recreation etc.

The descriptions must use proper English, be grammatically correct and unique.

I provide you with a hotel/resort/inn name, and you write the description for it.

Multiple bidders might be selected. Therefore, write your bid and delivery time for 1 hotel description only.

Successful writers will receive more work in the future.

Intergrate Image Script

Intergrate Image Script
Hi There,
I had a guy on scriptlance awhile back write a script for me that he was suppose to intregrate into my x-cart shopping cart. He finished the image editing script but was unable to integrate it into the cart. The site is It is a script that allows customers to make thier own license plates and order them directly off the site. It should be implemented into the cart to work with the cart. It is a image editing script. it is suppose to allow the customer to take a template and edit the text and add thier own images. They can then add it to the cart and it is uploaded to the server. There should be a thumbnail image in the order summary and a link to the image in the customer and order department emails and in the order summary. He is suppose to have finished the script, but it may still take a little modifying and debugging. I prefer someone who really know how to do this. Please only bid if you are serious and have the knowledge to do it. The site should kind of work like Please email with any questions. Would like it done within 30 days.