Poll From Form

Poll From Form
1= I need this page sent to a poll like the poll sample separate page text
dropdown text then the percent. Each question should equal 100%
Poll will only allow 1 entry per person

The poll results will not be viewed by anyone but me as password protected.

2= All fields on the form needs to be filled in or a popup says please fill in XYZ

3= When they click continue on the subscribe.htm, it goes to www.subscribe.masoncreekpublishing.com/signup.php

P.S. the htm page will need to stay htm.

Xml Integration On Website

Xml Integration On Website
On an existing travel booking web site, we need to integrate a new XML supplier. Other XML suppliers could be integrated if job is well done. Website is based on:

PHP / Mysql / Smarty templates.

Php scripts:
– Request for availability using XML.
– Array of response received.
– XML request for detailed product selected.
– Booking form for selected product.
– XML request for booking confirmation.
– Storing data for future analysis.

Smarty templates:

– Form request with several options based on XML values.
– Paging of received data.
– Detailed page of single product selected.
– Booking form.
– Confirmation page.

Website has already a structured database with many travels offers, so integration should respect its structure.
Tables with User accounts data are also present, so integration should read/write data to store booked offers.

Simple Mobile Advertising Netw

Simple Mobile Advertising Netw
We are looking for a Simple Mobile Advertising Network.
Project detail given bellow:
Create Advertise:
{Image & Text Ads}
Targeting Countries
Targeting Device (Mobile)
Ad Report
Set Up Budget
Bid rate
Ability to Add Advertiser Fund Using PayPal and Credit Card.
Show Pending Revenue
Transfer Pending Earning to Advertise Fund
Publisher Details (Eg- Address, Email, Contact number, PayPal id)
Earning Report
Publisher Code
Peyment Receive Methud:
Account Status: Active/Banned
Publisher Code (PHP)
Main Admin Panel
Delete Account
Modify Accounts
Edit of Earnings
Publisher & Advertiser Report
Account Ban/Unban Option
Fraud Click Dedect

Install Server

Install Server

Install an new unconfigured server(Debian):

latest version of LAMP components:
– Linux
– Apache
– Mysql
– Webmin control panel
– Latest version of Magento with sample data

Also you need to install all necessary requirement for magento.

Payment after completion,no escrow.Others Excuse…


Reverse Commerce Site

Reverse Commerce Site
I am after a FULL Commerce site. This site differs from regular Commerce to where the company pays clients for the products.

I need it to be a mimic of http://www.gazelle.com/

I want the Administration system to be similar to either Zencart or OSCommerce with all of its features.

Bidders must accept the following:
1. Payment once project is completed and approved by client
2. No escrow
3. Must accept payment via Paypal.

All bidders that do not abide the above will be deleted.

Smarty Site Development

Smarty Site Development
I need an help for my site: www.bookinimage.com with some modifications and some little new features:

1) New login system

I want a system with user mail confirmation ( it is not so now) with a newsletter system and possibility to have an automatic email when admin approve a book of a user.

2) news system

3) URL Rewriting

I want pages with metadata and optimized for search engines

4) to see who add book and image
Author: Papero etc

5) Resize of images
at least with a right proportion( I have found a file for this perhaps)

6) new Rating system for book and images



I have a website through GoDaddy that has 150GB. This website is for a Live Action Role Playing group (L.A.R.P.) in Salt Lake City, Utah. The website needs to be able to have pictures posted on it and updated monthly. Needs a link to Paypal and online medieval costuming web sites. A PDF of the world map and a secure login that requires a login name and password to access a forum much like Yuku, V-Bulletin, etc…Forum needs to have a calendar that can be updated daily, upcoming event section, scrolling event display, private forums, etc…And if all possible, a character generator program. Would prefer a web designer that lives in Utah, whom I can sit down with and discuss details, but not necessary.

Clone Value-domain Tools Site

Clone Value-domain Tools Site
Need a CMS website value- domain tools site. I need the design and features of www.sitelogr.com.
(This script must be able to pull out different website data and post inside mysql database and on the site, this script should work amazingly fast and be completely bug-free. It must be easy to use some include function on any site and upload the script file to the server / install the db – and make the script show the scrapped/generated data.)
SEO friendly links, AJAX, commented code/or documentation of functions is required.

If you speak spanish please tell me in your offer.

Redirect 301 In .htaccess

Redirect 301 In .htaccess

A quick job is required to sort out the .htaccess file on one of my sites.

The site was running a cms system and has pages in the Google Index in the format http://www.mysitename.com/PAGE/ and an existing htaccess file sorted out everything and resolved to the php files correctly.

The cms is no longer being used and we want to redirect the pages to standard html pages in the format http://www.mysite.com/page.html.

I will provide you with the url, the current .htaccess file source and the names of the new pages, your job is to provide a working .htaccess file that will direct the already listed pages correctly in google etc.

There are only around 15 pages to do, so it should be a quick job for someone that really understands 301 redirects and .htaccess coding.

Needed asap. Please only bid if you are really into 301’s and can start immediately.


Sales / Client Tool 2

Sales / Client Tool 2
We need a nice look online browser application created in php and mysql.

We like this idea (http://www.simplecustomer.com) but just need it with a few more features.

We want it the following sections


In clients we will enter our client details here with the option to delete/edit/add. Clients details would include (Company name, contact, address, telephone, mobile, fax, email, website, notes). In the clients section you can view all, or search for a name. if you click on a client it will show all appointments/notes/projects for that client.

In Sales section we want user to be able to enter appointments & notes per client. A calendar where they can enter their appointments and times. Then a notes section per client – where the user will enter details after a telephone call or appointment. An outcome box would be good also – if a sale is made it is checked – and this is then used for report stage.

In the projects section you should be able to add/edit/delete a project, a project can have one of three status – these being :

• inactive (coloured red)
• active (coloured orange)
• complete (coloured green)

We should be able to update project with details and a file upload.
For a project it should list the client, job type, date, cost. In the project view you should be able to select what status of project to view etc and it changes the list to that status selected.

In the report section we want to view the appointments per week/month/year per user and for it to show if a sale was achieved from the appointment / telephone call.

In the admin we need to be able to create/edit/delete users. A user will have a name and password to get into system. Once they are logged in – they can see all aspects of the system apart from the report & admin section – only admin can view that or change users.

We need this created for us quick – so please only reply if you can do the job quick for us. We will provide ftp access etc for the script to run on to successful bidder.

Please bear in mind we are looking for good coders all the time and if you do a good job for us – many more jobs may be available to you in the future – so keep this in mind with your bidding – thanks

any questions just ask.

Adwords Guru Needed

Adwords Guru Needed
I am Adwords 1.0 and need to get to 2.0 and need someone to assist me in making sure my campaigns are set correctly, show me how to bill different campaigns to different credit cards and general SEO training. I also have a wordpress blog that I need help with AdSense ad placment. This will be an ongonig training / consulting / opportunity. I would first like to buy a block of 4 hours to get some of the fixes needed to my adwords campaigns and my adsense/wordpress site. I require that we webex for the training (I have an account) and that we be able to talk (Skype / Phone) as well as email.

Rss Feed

Rss Feed

I need a script, preferably Javascript or PHP, that pulls the above feed into my website. However, I only want to display the article content…I need to hide the article title.

Example, right now when I include the feed on my site it appears as

ValleyViewCasino.com Colossal Coin amount

I need the feed to just display the article text…or $1,000,000, based on the above example.

The website that I am showing the feed on is a Joomla site. But that should not matter. I can add Javascript or PHP to any of the Joomla articles.

Php Programmer For Updates

Php Programmer For Updates
1. I have a website that is in PHP and needs several updates. Attached is an Adobe Acrobat document with the changes, but you will need more instruction from me on these.

2. I have set up a test site so that the work can be done there and if any mistake occur, they won’t affect the main site.

3. For some reason the MySQL info is no working on the test site so maybe you can help to fix that.

4. This is not a large budget project.

5. www.myavguide.com

6. Important. The winning programmer will need to comment before & after where he made the changes. This way changes cab be reversed if so desired

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Those who bid and simply say “I CAN DO IT” it in their bids, won’t get a second look from us. Please don’t waste your time. We have several upcoming jobs to post and don’t have time to waste.

We need somebody experienced with PHP and MySQL. No BEGINNERS!


Time is of the essence on this project, we may end bidding early for the right bidder. Also upon completion, we will need the completed project and the source files.


We can pay with Escrow, Paypal, credit card, or company check.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please post to PMB so we can communicate. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!!

Good Luck!