Need 5 Product Review Articles

Need 5 Product Review Articles
I need 5 articles in a review style. There should be a section about the pros and cons of the product, and a section mentioning the main features of the product as well an in depth article describing the product and what is good about it.

These need to be around 500 words, completely original, with no spelling and grammatical errors.

Please send a sample of your writing with your bid.

The topic of my articles will be on hair straighteners. I will give you the keywords at the end of the bidding.

Flash Intro Page

Flash Intro Page
I am looking for someone to create a nice but simple and fast loading flash intro page for the following website

I want an animation with the logo and the slogan in some sort of nice effect. Creating the background colors for the intro page as well to match the rest of the site.

Please ask me if you need more details.


Html Column Setup In WordPress

Html Column Setup In WordPress
Hello, this should be very quick and easy for you.

I need help setting up the html for a 2-column widget inside my wordpress blog. I attached a quick draft of what I’m looking for.

Basically it’s full page width but I’m trying to cut down on vertical space so I want one graphic on 50% of the left screen and one graphic on 50% of the right screen.

Also, if you have experience with wordpress I need assistance installing a plugin.

Thank you.

WordPress Flash Video Plugin

WordPress Flash Video Plugin
I need a slick Flash Video Gallery Plugin that I can use on my wordpress blog…I host my own videos on an S3 account but can’t find any good video gallery out there.

The gallery needs to look something like what’s on this website:

The website it will be going on is:

Ajax-css-php-script Site

Ajax-css-php-script Site
i have template (oscommerce) with sources
i want use my thema and one of next site features inside ( online gsm contract sale shop. full ajax-css-php script site..

look next sample site ;
if you go to google and enter “Pay monthly – Mobile phones ” you will find 1000++ site

time max 30 days / NO ESCROW BEFORE %50 SHOW.
after 30 days if project is not up to %80 ready project will cancel.
project must realy complete in 30 days for last small fix i can wait 3-5 days but realy no longer. so dont bid if you cant complete job dont lose your work and time,

Cms / Shopping Cart

Cms / Shopping Cart
Shopping Cart and CMS website needed for clothes shop

Website to be designed as follows

PHP / Mysql

1. Home Page
2. About Us
3. Clothing- [shopping cart]
Trousers / Leggings
4. Accessories – [shopping cart]
Fashion Jewellery
Hair Accessories
5. Hosiery – [shopping cart]
hosiery subcategories
6. Customer Nights (Category with past and future Customer nights, pictures & text editable from cms)
7. Newsletter signup page
8. Must Haves (Category with products being promoted editable from cms)
9. Sales (dates and details of sales / promotions events editable from cms)
10.Contact (editable from cms)
11. Blog

Redirect 301 In .htaccess 2

Redirect 301 In .htaccess 2

A quick job is required to sort out the .htaccess file on one of my sites.

The site was running a cms system and has pages in the Google Index in the format and an existing htaccess file sorted out everything and resolved to the php files correctly.

The cms is no longer being used and we want to redirect the pages to standard html pages in the format

I will provide you with the url, the current .htaccess file source and the names of the new pages, your job is to provide a working .htaccess file that will direct the already listed pages correctly in google etc.

There are only around 15 pages to do, so it should be a quick job for someone that really understands 301 redirects and .htaccess coding.

Needed asap. Please only bid if you are really into 301’s and can start immediately.


Php Mysql Programmer Needed

Php Mysql Programmer Needed
1. I have a website that is in PHP and needs several updates. Attached is an Adobe Acrobat document with the changes, but you will need more instruction from me on these.

2. I have set up a test site so that the work can be done there and if any mistakes occur, they won’t affect the main site.

3. For some reason the MySQL info is not working on the test site so maybe you can help to fix that.

4. This is not a large budget project.

5. The test site is located at

6. Important. The winning programmer will need to comment before & after where he made the changes. This way changes cab be reversed if so desired.

7. Only the yellow highlighted item are the items to be changed. If it is not highlighted in yellow then you will not be doing that work.

Those who bid and simply say β€œI CAN DO IT” it in their bids, won’t get a second look from us. Please don’t waste your time. We have several upcoming jobs to post and don’t have time to waste.

We need somebody experienced with PHP and MySQL. No BEGINNERS!


Time is of the essence on this project, we may end bidding early for the right bidder. Also upon completion, we will need the completed project and the source files.


We can pay with Escrow, Paypal, credit card, or company check.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please post to PMB so we can communicate. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!!

Good Luck!

Logo For Blog & Iphone App

Logo For Blog & Iphone App
I need the following created as a package:
1) I need a logo created for my WordPress blog, it should be a “standard” logo size, in a .jpg or .tif file format and at least 72 DPI
2) I need a smaller version to use as an iPhone application button (probably not the full logo, but something that will identify the user with the blog and vice versa). The App icon must be flat artwork, without rounded corners, that has not been scaled up, and is at least 512×512 pixels (PNG file) and that is at least 72 DPI.
3) I need a “splash screen” image that will be splashed the iPhone app is loaded. This should incorporate the full logo and look like a high quality app splash screen. This must be a .jpg or .tif file that is 320×480 pixels and at least 72 DPI. Note my application operates in Portrait mode (like a book), so the splash screen should be the same, e.g. 320 across, 480 down.
For privacy reasons I will provide the blog URL once I have chosen the designer, though to give you a steer, the blog and site is in English, the title of the site is 4 words and the title will give you a good idea of the market, so should help your creative juices when coming up with an idea for the above.

WordPress Member Upgrade

WordPress Member Upgrade

I run a music website that needs to add a way for producers to upload their music and sell it on the website. Each producer should be able to sign up for a membership account and upload and define the details of their songs and prices. Below is a short list of what i think i need, there might be few extras but for now this is what i need.

1. Free Membership Signup system for music producers to upload their music and sell it on my site. Sign up form should include all the basic info, username, password, picture (avatar), address, phone, website, paypal email, etc, etc….

2. Produers page will show their own details (listed above) also with a list of songs they have up;loaded to the site for sale, (ill be able to show you an example). details on the producer page will also include – picture (avatar), name, sign-up date, number of song downloads, location, link to website, description about producer etc, etc. This page should also show up on a List of Producers page for the website (with avatar, producer name, small description, and number of available tracks for sale)

3. WordPress ADMIN ability to see the songs uploaded (so i can approve them) and number of downloads for the producers account. I use eshop so i should be able to see what has been uploaded and sold – im not sure though. This is where i need to approve a download or what ever, i think.

4. I think i need the program to create a folder for each new producer on the server (i think). Hopefully this way i can monitor the files they have uploaded, if not help me understand.

5. automatic page generation. So each song, and details, once uploaded, has the ability to be Approved by ADMIN and then show up on the site in the appropriate category and or featured or newest song sections with a pretty link with the songs title. Each song page should include Track Name, automatically assigned track number, producer, number of downloads, track length, purchase price, buyout price and integrated with the eshop plugin. (i already have example pages, so you can model off of that)

5. A way for the producer to log in and see his account with the amount of downloads, page views, stats, review uploads, review and edit info, change avatar etc. etc. for the producers own account. Maybe even a way for the producer to email his stats to his email account on file.

6. A way for the ADMIN to payout producers for their downloads. So they need to have a paypal account where i can transfer funds from the ADMIN Section to the producers paypal account on file. Hopefully inside my ADMIN i can also have a reminder to pay my producers or automatically update itself once i have paid them to reset back to zero.

7. Hopefully there can be a left sidebar nav button in my WordPress ADMIN so i can just view everything right there for me. [similar to statpress, or contactform 7, or eshop etc. etc]

Okay, this should be enough to get started. This pretty much covers what i was thinking. Maybe you have worked on something similar before and have examples or a demo for me to preview. that would be extremely helpful.


Build Me An Adult Paysite

Build Me An Adult Paysite
Hi there,

I need someone to design me a Celebrities Fake Nude Paysite with monthly subscription features, ($5 monthly).

I will upload the image myself so all I need from your end is to build me the website.

It’s pretty easy jobs so I’m only going to pay $100 for it.
NO UPFRONT PAYMENT!!. I will only pay you once the website is complete. Hence if you would kindly do it on your own server before you transfers to my domain.
