Looking For Writer

Looking For Writer
I have a project for 200 articles. Writers will be need to research keyphrases and then write 500 word articles. Keywords need to be included in the articles. The topics vary.

Payment is made weekly only, and is no higher than $4 per article. Please bid at a price that you can work consistently at. Delivery of 5 articles per day is a must. Payment is made through paypal.

I need a writer who can start work immediately, from tomorrow onwards.
All articles will need to be 100% original.
Hoping to find a skilled writer.

Exam Scoring Application

Exam Scoring Application
This could either be developed as an Excel spreadsheet or a web app.

Here are the specific details of the desired solution:
1. Clean, easy to use Response Entry Form (Blanks for each question with label Section 1, #1, #2, #3…etc.)
2. Clean easy to use Test Setup Form (Data Table) (where I will enter the details about each question before rolling it out to my teachers)
Items to be tracked in the Data Table, for each question:
Section #
Section name (English, Math, …)
Question #
Correct Answer
Type of Question: Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, Data Analysis
Type of Question2: Multiple Choice, Grid-in… other
Difficulty: Easy, Medium, Hard
3. Output Sheet
Basic Score: #right, #wrong, #omitted, Scaled Score for all questions of Each section name (ie. all math questions, English Questions…)
Range Analysis: % attempted and %correct for each Section nam(all English/Math…)
Reading Analysis % correct and Attempted for each type of Question within Reading sections
Math Analysis %correct and attempted for each type of Question within math sections
Writing Analysis %correct and attempted for each type of Question within Writing sections
Similiar analysis for secondary type data (if there)
Conjectural Analysis: Proejcted scores if the student were to score 100% on all easy problems.
Projected scores if the student were to score 1005 on all easy and med problems.

Any questions?

Excel/data-prep Script 7733203

Excel/data-prep Script 7733203
Brief: I need a clean (commented) script written (in either: perl/ruby/python, or preferably php) that can rearrange the attached excel sheet containing product data to allow it to easily be imported into Virtuemart for Joomla’s “CSVI import script”.

CSVI’s required rules/fields for a Virtuemart are here: http://www.csvimproved.com/csvi-joomfish-documentation/available-fields/

The current excel sheet needs to be changed to the following requirements:
– field names should be changed to allow csvi-types. (can be done by hand)
– The field “full sku” have spaces in them. All spaces should be changed to underscores.
– “available options” field should be expanded for those records containing more than one option (eg.: row 705: “blue pearl, 19.0z” do not belong in the same cell)
– * anything else needed to allow the script to successfully import to virtue mart’s product database *

Easy Php Fix

Easy Php Fix
I need someone to fix a page I have on a new script I had installed.

The site is www.bigboytraks.net/beatscript.

The problem page is www.bigboytraks.net/beatscript/services.php

Its not centered for some reason. I need it to be centered so it can match the other pages. Then I need to have 1 more page added called specialoffer.php and it must be centered as well.

Flah Website Conversion

Flah Website Conversion
Hi I need a Simple Dynamic Flash website conversion from Flash AS1.0 and Flash AS 2.0 to Flash AS 3.0.

The site loads 5 separate very small in content and code swf sections, I need those ported to AS 3.0 as well.

The flash website has its own flash cms which coded in flash AS 1.0 I will need that file ported to AS 3.0 as well.

The 3.0 converted flash files must retain all functionality and retain all communications with their corresponding php and xml files after conversion, as if nothing had been changed.

After project is fully functional and finished, I will require that all source file be submitted to me, including: the new AS3.0 fla files. I will also ask to be given a list with descriptions of all php files that may have had to be altered in the conversion (if any), but I highly doubt that this will be necessary.

I will considere the project finished when all files with no exceptions are fully working after project finish.

Wp + Aweber.com + 1and1.com

Wp + Aweber.com + 1and1.com
Looking for someone familiar with WordPress, Aweber.com and 1and1.com eShop

Need to finalize project ASAP!

Below are SOME of the tasks that need to be finished (full list + specs through PMB)

Move banners around on index page
Figure out why some pics and not showing up in browser
Set up blog so each time I post it goes automatically to social networking channels

Add Aweber database link to index page’s newsletter box
– Set up email re “Thanks here is your FREE ebook
– Set up background pop up “Refer 3 friends receive FREE
– Cutomize pages with company colors, background, images
Attach download link pages

Customize product pages with company colors, background, images
Set up coupon codes for products
Imbed product links into aweber emails, popups
Link up sell to each product page

***Bonus to programmer that also knows how to implement Mike Filsaime’s Viral Friend Generator

Please include references AND your bid.

Payment through escrow.

Thank you.

I.e Flash Embed Issues 2

I.e Flash Embed Issues 2
We are having issues with our Joomla site in Internet Explorer. When we attempt to embed any flash including YouTuBe videos the website doesn’t fully load.

We feel it is an issue with our web banners, as the banners do not load on these pages either.

You can view the issue here:

The error we are getting is:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; eSobiSubscriber; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618; InfoPath.2; AskTB5.6)
Timestamp: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 16:21:08 UTC

Message: HTML Parsing Error: Unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed (KB927917)
Line: 0
Char: 0
Code: 0
URI: http://str8hiphop.com/index.php/music/item/1-bonethuzharmony-letitgo

We have already replace all the ‘drumload’ we can find thorughout the site and are still having the issue.

We are hoping to get this solved today.

Penny Auction-website

Penny Auction-website
I’m looking to start a penny auction website similar to www.beezid.com but i do not want a clone,Im not looking for the cheapest..just the best, and will only accept quality work. This website will be tailored and designed from the ground up. I only want individuals/firms who have experience with these kinds of auction websites. Also if you’ve done a penny auction website prior i would like to see the completed work. Thank you in advance

Webgui On Freebsd

Webgui On Freebsd
Coder has to develop php codes on Freebsd. The codes itself should:

change the ifconfig parameters (ip, speed, duplex, pppoe)
modify the rc.conf file
modify the ppp.conf file
modify the raconn file

Unix Commands are known by me, only need a coder to write the php code so they can be parsed (webgui)

solid skills in freebsd , Php and IP are essential

Scrape Oscommerce Site

Scrape Oscommerce Site
I need a full database scrape of an existing oscommerce site. I do not have ftp or access to the database. Scraping not limited to but must include the following:
• All products
o Information
o Cost
o Attributes
o Pictures
o Basically everything listed/shown on the product page
• All categories – including sub categories
• All pages
• All meta information for each product/page
• Basically I need everything shown on the front end of the site…everything.
All data you scrape must be uploaded/installed to an oscommerce installation on my server.
Site layout is not that important where as the data is…
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Physician Rating Site

Physician Rating Site
Reference: http://www.drscore.com/ I would like to construct a membership site where the public can rate physicians/dentists/hospitals/etc based on their experience with that physician, and include existing doctor profiles that can be modified by staff or member doctors. Let’s keep it simple first (like a component to another themed site) so the script is most important.

At some point I’d like to integrate the ability to purchase products – so think about future add-on capabilities. Please let me know how you would approach this request, your suggestions for platform and what specific ideas you have – I am open to open source ideas, templates, etc.

Long Term – Wp-php Developer

Long Term – Wp-php Developer
Great PHP developer with expertise and vast experience in WordPress plugin development.

Hhould have design expertise only to make sure that when they layout the websites they take care of the aesthetics and deliver a great product to the client, the first time.

Should be reliable and deliver on time. communicative.

Keep in touch regularly and updte on the progress using our project management tool without having to follow up.

If you can meet above please contact us through pmb, thanks