Exam Scoring Application

Exam Scoring Application
This could either be developed as an Excel spreadsheet or a web app.

Here are the specific details of the desired solution:
1. Clean, easy to use Response Entry Form (Blanks for each question with label Section 1, #1, #2, #3…etc.)
2. Clean easy to use Test Setup Form (Data Table) (where I will enter the details about each question before rolling it out to my teachers)
Items to be tracked in the Data Table, for each question:
Section #
Section name (English, Math, …)
Question #
Correct Answer
Type of Question: Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, Data Analysis
Type of Question2: Multiple Choice, Grid-in… other
Difficulty: Easy, Medium, Hard
3. Output Sheet
Basic Score: #right, #wrong, #omitted, Scaled Score for all questions of Each section name (ie. all math questions, English Questions…)
Range Analysis: % attempted and %correct for each Section nam(all English/Math…)
Reading Analysis % correct and Attempted for each type of Question within Reading sections
Math Analysis %correct and attempted for each type of Question within math sections
Writing Analysis %correct and attempted for each type of Question within Writing sections
Similiar analysis for secondary type data (if there)
Conjectural Analysis: Proejcted scores if the student were to score 100% on all easy problems.
Projected scores if the student were to score 1005 on all easy and med problems.

Any questions?

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