Real Estate Site Clone

Real Estate Site Clone
Visit I would like to clone this site.

There are two components of this site – listings and manually updated data.

The listings integrate a data feed that is updated daily.

The manually updated information on the site is updated via WordPress.

This description is somewhat brief so please feel free to send me questions or offer alternatives.


Musicians Wanted

Musicians Wanted

I have a music website launching in about a month that has a video help section. This website is unlike anything out there now – totally fresh idea.

So I need musicians to upload video tutorials. It can be about any instrument or style of music – anything to do with music that you think you have to teach.

Examples can be found on sites like ehow and youtube – things like this –

The videos must contain an intro to me site – just the person doing the teaching saying “Welcome to (my website name).” The videos must be between 2 and 5 minutes long. The video must have a narrow topic – not EVERYTHING ABOUT GUITAR. More like, How to create a G Chord is better – small things.

NO graphics. Just you and your instrument and what you have to teach.

Once of the best things is at the end of your video you can plug your band, website – whatever you want – verbally. Again, no graphics.

There are other bonuses to making these videos, like free credits to use on my website, which comes in handy if you’re a musician.

So let me know what you think you would want for 5 videos – what the subject matter would be – and a little background on yourself.

Again, I’m not looking for professional videos. I want them to be intimage, but have something good to teach.


Convert Photo To Portraits

Convert Photo To Portraits

I need about 100 images convert to illustrations or portraits. I will provide the original image. I need someone who is an expert in this. I have attached a sample portrait of what we are looking for as the final image.

Need this done quickly. The goal is that it looks like a drawing.

Someone who is an expert in photoshop should be able to do this quickly.

Freelancing Articles ( 3

Freelancing Articles ( 3
Need 10 interesting and original articles about online freelancing (web design, programming, writing, etc). The articles should be a
mix of a freelancer and employer perspecive.

Ideas for articles can be:
How to find a freelance job
How to earn money as a freelancer
What you should know about using a freelance job site

Articles should be between 300 and 400 words and the keyword used (freelancer, freelance jobs, online freelancing etc) should appear 3 to 5 times in each article.

Looking to pay 1.50/article

Only freelancers with previous writing projects apply with sample article.

The articles will be tested for originality using copyscape prior to payment.

If you bid x days the articles need to be delivered in x days, not
y days.

If you can not do the project within the budgeted amount or require
advance payment (or escrow), don’t bother bidding.

If any of these terms are unacceptable, do not bid.

Writing Service

Writing Service
We offer a registration service and need following:

We will have several list of urls, each url will goto, register on all urls (with changing content (names, streets, birthdays) at fields, drop down and more), then wants to fetch urls from the activation mail account, activate them .

then login to that account using the login / password and add links to my profile to the signature and then proceed to next site.

you have to use a german proxy server at every registration and change the ip at the same site again.

we pay per registration. You bid for the first 10.000 registrations. Only registrations with german ips are possible.

Industrial Design Website

Industrial Design Website

All I need is a simple Website Design (4 to 8 pages of info) for
a Industrial Company (dont yet have the details of it).
The page needs to be 100% professional and quickly done.
Must include simple flash animations.
At the end I will need all the sources of the project,
and will pay bonus if you offer a very good service.

If you bid above the maximum, your bid will be removed!

Web Design 2 Pages – Phase 1

Web Design 2 Pages – Phase 1
We have multiple websites that need redesigning. The first one is our company website. This company is creative and wants something very advanced looking, clean and sleek.

I have started a mock up design and now need someone to finish it for me.

Here is the design:

I have the actual logo and the design you are looking at as a PSD with the layers.

I like the top part but feel free to spruce it up to match your design, mine was just a mockup. Where the everything below the blue can easily be changed, this is where I need someone to finish the design.

As you can see from the mock up, the text links at the top are not in balance, so the the darkerblue section will probably have to move to the right.

Please no tableless design, I am only used to tables and I will need to edit these in the future.

Design must be 980 pixels Wide, Height is variable due to more content that may be added in the future.

Design must be full screen. The content will be in 980 pixels wide but I want a background image that goes 100% of the page.(see sample mock up)

A video / Flash presentation will be in the top center. See psd file for dimensions.

2 page Designs Required: (1) Home Page, (2) Content Page

Each section of the home page will link to a page about that section. Look at the marketing/distribution page to get an idea. The marketing and distribution page has the most content other sections like Research will just be a few paragraphs and an image.

Our Style: This is our main corporate site, it has to have a professional look but we can do it on black limbo because we still have our creative side,almost like a sony or Hbo.

Images: I purchase images from istock, and actually have quite a few so feel free tell me what you need or pick out anything you would like to use at istock and I will purchase it. I can supply anything you need in images so if you put a place holder image we can always find another one. I realize finding images is very time consuming.

After design is complete I will need the PSDs for each page.

Please Slice and provide the html.

Upon bid acceptance I will provide the orignial PSD, feel free to use that as a base.

Csv Import Module Virteumart

Csv Import Module Virteumart

I have a CSV file from my supplier that has approx 7000 products on it. The products have diverend sizes, colors and mirror option. What i want to do is be able to load those products into Virteumart/ joomla, and update the products that i already have in the database, so its not just a case of uploading it, but i need to be able to select which products are uploaded from the CSV file first.

Also i need to be able to add new descriptions and change titles, categories, quantities etc before the new products are uploaded, also be able to delete products that are not required in the database. I will need the description field to be WYSIWYG and keep the formatting when uploaded.

Simple Publishing Pratice

Simple Publishing Pratice

We are looking for a programmer to assist in a small, single page coding.

The perfect candidate should have complete knowledge and experience with HTML, PHP, PERL, MySQL, Javascript.

The project will involve a couple of MySQL database tabels, Programmatic challenge, and simple publication of the results in to a designated table.

This is a small project however if everything works well the perfect candidate would likely have an opportunity to continue their involvement with this project as well as other projects we’re handling.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.


Seo Publishing

Seo Publishing
To whom it may concern,
We are looking for an experienced SEO programmer to assist with our SEO publishing projects.

The perfect candidate has good understanding of SEO and all the major concepts that are involved in SEO. The perfect candidate also has to have great programmatic skills specifically with PERL, PHP, and Javascript. Finally the candidate should be familiar with common CMS systems such as Droopal, Joomla or Moveabletype.

Previous experience with relevant SEO projects is an advantage.

We look forward to finding the perfect candidate for our project. Please don’t hesitate to contact me in case of any questions.


Updates For Existing Fb App

Updates For Existing Fb App
I’m in need of a programmer who can help with making changes/updates to an existing FaceBook Application. I will provide all visuals, all I need is someone to implement the code changes for functionality. The changes are minor to start (perhaps 4-5 tasks) but might have other future tasks if we work well together.

I hope to work with someone that:

– has prior Facebook Application development experience (has examples)
– responsive on emails/IM
– can translate visual designs that I provide exactly to code
– experienced in html, css, php, mysql, ajax, fbml,javascript, memcached, working with dedicated server

Thanks very much.

Php Probid – Help & Faq Theme

Php Probid – Help & Faq Theme
I will pay for someone to show me how to edit the Ultra theme to show an icon next to each Help and FAQ topic, the V6 theme already does this and the staf at PHPProBids told me I could accomplish this by editing the style.css but I have not figured it out.

I would also like to choose a different icon.

If you have knowledge of PHPProBids and understand how to make the icons show next to each topic on the Help & FAQ pages please bid, I am sure this is very simple.

I have included an image with 2 screen clips to demonstrate my concern.

Thanks for your help!


I would like to create a PHP MySQL script that scrapes business listings from another site and using this data, creates a directory of listings.

– Browse to category, state and then initiate scraping: name, address, town/suburb, state, phone.
-The script should follow all available pages (1,2,3, etc)

Public visitors:
-Search entire database of listings.
-Browse listings by Australian state and town suburb.

-Easily customise the look (html template)
-Add new listings
-Edit/ delete listings
-Hide display phone/web address/email

If possible I would like to be able to create multiple directories on separate domains (same server) using the one installation.

Please let me know what is possible and state your experience with similar projects.

Vacation Rental Listphp/mysql

Vacation Rental Listphp/mysql
We are small villa rental company
We currently use a desktop application that manages the properties
very well and holds and stores them in a datbase.The database is FoxPro.

I can sync or update the foxpro db to mysql db using

Our main website is a wordpress template and we have a php script running the property listings and search pages. The script is very good with very many features. Manages images pretty well and has features as below
* Display Calendar( our desktop system creates proptty good calendars.
* Online payments:paypal etc.
* Multiple language, multiple currency support, taxes
* SEO friendly property URL’s, Google map

Basically I would like to use our desktop system Foxpro database to replace our current database and be the backbone behind the websites we have. But also need to be able to allow site booking etc.

I need advice and help to create search pages, list pages and details pages same look and feel as current pages and use the information on another domain we have.
I also need to keep many of the features that we currently have.

Features such as Google Maps currency, convertion cronjob
Images slideshow , Payment system paypal etc with guest login to view accounts.
Owner login to view PDF reports that we can upload etc and stats
Search available properties
SEO friendly URLS and an automatically created in Sitemap
Search available throughout main site Word press
Ability to create property mini sites for each property and ability to create private labelled search/master/details pages for affiliates.

I can send a sample database Mysql or access if needed. It is pretty straight forward.