A1 5starswingers.com

A1 5starswingers.com
Our incredible growth because of our Reality Policy and Low Membership fee has brought us to the point that we need to change a few things on the site.

Knowledge of the swinger lifestyle or have other dating site experience helpful. We cater to the swinging lifestyle both couples and singles so understand how PHP and couples works also.

We are much different than AdultFriendfinder.com, Swinglifestyle.com, Swingular.com, lifestylelounge.com, Clubforeplay.com, alt.com we do not want to deceive our ustomers so some of things that inhibit our members need to be changed.

For a list of upgrades needed send 25 recent (60-90 days) references.
Your resume and how you stand behind your work, what garrentee I get.

Without adult dating site or even better swinging lifestyle experience we most likely will not hire someone.

Php Hotelscombined Integrator

Php Hotelscombined Integrator
Need someone to help with integrating the following api with our website

example sites that have used this api are (we need it to work the same way)

I need a brief proposal of the way you will do it before i will even consider your bid, i am looking for experts not people wanting to learn.

we need you to make us the page and we will include that with our website so we do not need any design etc from you we just want somethnig that works like the above sites and we can simply include it with our site, the colors etc will be given to you.

Only bid if you can start immediately.

Php/mysql Booking Form

Php/mysql Booking Form

I need someone who is available NOW and is able to deliver ASAP (within 12 hours) so DO NOT BID if you are busy or have other projects. I need full focus.

I need someone who is very good with PHP and MYSQL to develop a booking form.

There will be a calendar showing available days to book a session. If a session is filled up, it will show a “full.jpg” image but if there is available sessions, it will allow the user to click on that and then taken to a form to fill out some information.

I will give FULL brief via PMB but you need to let me know you’re available, you’re an expert and you can do it ASAP then once I give you my brief, you can give me your price.


Php Serp Scraper

Php Serp Scraper
I need a php SERP scraper that scrapes content based on keyword and returns the conent in a downloadable text file.

The scraper will use CURL, get the top 100 sites for a particular keyword from Google, and scrape the content around the keyword on those top 100 sites. The amount of content scraped should be an option: 100, 200, 300 words. Also, an option to include the URL of the scraped content.

I need it completing in the next 12 to 24 hours.

Combine Plugins In 1 Plugin Wp

Combine Plugins In 1 Plugin Wp
I want someone with good PHP acknowledge to combine three plugin to make them one plugin for wordpress.

The three plugins I will provide are:

1- Autoblog plugin

2- Rewrite plugin

3- Full RSS feeds plugins that converts the two lines rss feed into full articles feed

I think it is easy task.

I want the plugin files in two formats, normal files and encrypted files cause I’m going to sell it like service product.

Thank you.

WordPress Help And Theme Mod 2

WordPress Help And Theme Mod 2
Greetings. I am working on a website at http://dev.trmom.com, and am looking for some help troubleshooting a WordPress issue and with some theme modification.

First, the troubleshooting. Look at either of these pages:

You’ll notice that page content is getting written into the <HEAD> of the rendered document. (Both of those pages have content like {wp-dir}, which gets replaced by a plug-in.) I’d like to figure out how to fix the rendering problem.

As for theme modification, we’re pretty happy with the direction we’ve taken with this redesign, but need some help cleaning up what’s left. My main focus will be on making the individual post pages look like this:

I’ll have a few minor changes to that JPG file, but if we could get to that point, I’d be thrilled.

I don’t expect for this to take too much time, and am really hoping to find some help within the next few days, at the latest.

Thanks for your bid. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Greg Williams

Web Design Works

Web Design Works
Hello I’m running download software website ( tiny.cc/S5GQM ), i need someone who can make me a new header , footer , recreate and replace the menu section , also make some change in the main menu and change my background collect ( i don’t like very much the black color i have right now )

the site look and feel i like : brothersoft.com , downloadatoz.com

please contact me to discuss , i also need the person who know php for this work

Blogs 2

Blogs 2
Need 2 blogs done immediately. I am attaching a few links to give you an idea the kind of blogs I want them to be.


I need price Per each Blog.

Meta Tag And Product News

Meta Tag And Product News
I require a programmer to work threw the following tasks before this friday if possible:

Email Product News

When an artist or listener subscribes to a product and the product in question has news posted? I would like the user to receive an email. The email should be from Upcoming Beats with the title ‘Product News: Product name’

In the email it should be the same as all the other emails. It should says:
Hello there,<br><br>‘Store name’ has added some news about the ‘product’.<br><br>To view the products latest news please follow this link:<br>‘link to the news'<br><br>
You can manage your subscriptions by logging into your account.

If you can add this template into the admin area that would be great.


At the moment for some reason if there isn’t a tag or if the tag is too small it uses the footer as the description? I would like to change the following that I’ve found..

Artist page– Change the artists Meta tag to the normal upcoming beats.

Listener page – Change the listeners Meta tag to the normal upcoming beats.

Watch – make the Meta tag the tracks details normal upcoming beats.

Sample Watch – Make this the Studios background else the upcoming beats normal

Product – Make this the Products description else the upcoming beats normal

Store page – Make this the Stores background else the upcoming beats normal

Studio page – Make this the Studios background else the upcoming beats normal

All of them should have the last option as the normal upcoming beats meta.

Extra Tasks

– I have an old mp3 that I used to use on the website which seems to stream music really well, although I’m not sure if it is the player that is causing the sound to be off? If possible view the script used to in the old flash player and update the new one, we’ll see if this makes any difference?

– When you create a products news for a store, you select a category then a subcategory but the subcategories that have no products are listed? So there aren’t any products to select basically. Can you make sure it only shows Subcategories with products the store in question has actually added?

– Change the payment pages button from the standard one to the one we use for Search and Lets Go, I think this needs updating in 4 files? Please also add a tick box with ‘I Agree to the current Terms of Use’ this will link to the terms of use page.

– Seems to be an issue in the Contact options of an artist. If you log on with the 3ac account you’ll notice it has the Facebook link in the myspace section. If you remove this and click update it doesn’t show which is fine. But if you click Contact options again it re-appears in the myspace box?

– For the expiry date in the admin area, can we change this to month first, day and then year? Each month should have the correct number of days. So if February was selected there should only be 28 days in the days drop down

– Make sure you can’t complete the sign up if there is a space in the username or any keys except numbers and letters. If spaces it should say no spaces allowed

– Add ‘Collection Only’ to the P&P of stores and update all files so if this is selected it will not show ‘P&P:’ but only ‘Collection Only’. Needs updating on the Product page as well.

– Move the Forgot Login image that is displayed from the forgot_login.inc into the index.tpl. I’m going to use text instead of the image. This shows when you’ve asked to be sent your details.

– For some reason the JavaScript drop down menu is cutting off words if they’re too long? Either the drop down menus width has been fixed to a maximum or there’s an issue with the css? Please ask me for a link or drawing.

– If you someone creates an account but then i delete the account in the admin area for various reasons. When the user tries to activate the account by clicking the link in the email it displays the website wieredly:
If we could get this to show the text that the 404.tpl usually shows as the page doesn’t exists? This should be the same for all accounts?

– For some reason it isn’t recognising the spaces in the stores description on the stores profile, paragraphs? Check Andys Store

Drupal Server Setup

Drupal Server Setup
Please get our Drupal site working again today.

We recently upgraded our server for a Drupal website. The hosting staff assured us that there would be no changes. However, there was an error. This is what they said:
“When we turned ON display_errors in php.ini, we received the following message

“The mysql error was: Unable to use the MySQL database because the MySQL extension for PHP is not installed. Check your <code>php.ini</code> to see how you can enable it..”

Though the database/user/password settings are correct in the “settings.php” file, the website states that there is some problem with those settings. Also take a look at: http://www.synotrip.com/phpinfo.php. If you take a look at the configuration, you will see “–without-mysql”.

This states that, php is not compiled with mysql resulting in the “site_offline” message. If PHP was compiled manually, could you please recompile it again with “‘–with-mysql'” option and see if it helps.”

Clone – 1000 Usd 2

Clone – 1000 Usd 2
I need 10 clones
I have all the scripts
a) I give you the scripts, one after another.
b) Give a standardised list of mods / addons that would be used across all scripts
c) You start integrating them from 1 Script and move on to another and so on.
d) I need them installed and few mods standardized so that each can be added to almost all the scripts
e) Debugging and Testing.
People with php mysql are must

The clones are of following :
Videosharing like Youtube
B2B like Alibaba
Auction like Ebay
Jobsite like Monster
Lancing like Elance
Social networking like MySpace
Image Sharing like Rapidshare
Classifieds like Craiglist
Searchengine like Google
Dating like Match

I will pay only via Scriptlance escrow and on successful live testing of 1 month on server
People with excellent track record respond

WordPress Shopping Cart Plug 2

WordPress Shopping Cart Plug 2
I am looking for someone to write a shopping cart plugin for wordpress that functions like the cart at the following link. It does not need to have the cropping feature, but all other features and quality of design should be present. http://bit.ly/cgQOa9

It should be a plugin that can be added to any wordpress blog that is running with the PhotoQ plugin installed. Anyone using PhotoQ should be able to use the new plugin to sell their images via paypal.

The plugin settings section should allow the user to enter their paypal email address along with desired currency. It will then allow the user to set as many print options they like. For example:

Size Finish | Print Price | Quantity | Total Cost
4×6 Glossy Print $x.xx – 0 + $x.xx
6×8 Glossy Print $x.xx – 0 + $x.xx

(Add Another Option)

Then, when you use the PhotoQ to upload images there will be a set of check boxes to apply the print option to the images. It should also let you click on options as defaults for an entire batch when using the batch mode for uploading. The images are also listed in WordPress as posts and the prices that exist should be editable in the Post-Edit mode… almost like adding new categories in a check box format.

The default setting, should the user not want to sell that image, should output: “This Print Is Not Currently Available”. I will provide all of the plugins and template that I use on my site and a developer area if needed. The template should be coded to work with the new plugin when it is installed and activated. If the plugin is not active, the template should continue to function perfectly as well. This is to be accomplished by some sort of (If function present…code.)

When they are done shoppnig, they can click a “Check Out” button and they will be taken through the cart process like the demo site. They will add their address shiiping info etc before being taken to the paypal interface which will list the images they selected. The paypal interface will show the imageID along with Title and Print option. They will enter their credit card info at the Paypal interface. This information will be sent to the plugin user, who is the seller, so they know which items were ordered and can send the visitor their order.

I have tried to include a lot of detail to make the project clear.