Checkatrade Clone

Checkatrade Clone
We are looking for a working clone of

the site doesnt have to look exactly the same but it must utilise the same features.

The site is basically a business directory that allows customers to rate & review a particular trader.

The advert pages must also be search engine friendly so that a traders advert can used as a webpage too.

members must also be abe to log in to their account and create their adverts themselves.

Please have a look at as that is the style of site that we require.

Thanks for reading

Local Area Social Network

Local Area Social Network

The website will be a local area social networking site with similarities to a typical dating site.

A user will typically register and log in, create a profile, then be able to view other users within a pre-defined radius. From here they can send private messages, create local area discussion boards (walls), and create events.

Each of these functions will be outlined in greater detail within the attached doc.

Technologies to be used:
Ajax / Javascript / JQuery
Google Maps

Graphic design may also be required – willing to discuss

I Need Pc Software

I Need Pc Software
I have subscription with ( us stock buy/sell market )
i need some one how can make alert software to give me alert when the word ( Volume Alert ) come in. you can see the link as :

1- go to

2- select Live In Play option
I need the alert as ring on my computer .when the head line in live in play headlines show this word only ( volume Alert ) .

Thank you

Java Website Builder Plus 2

Java Website Builder Plus 2
General guidelines

1. Slick professional frontend and backend look to suit a unique industry application. Intuitive navigation. Design and graphic input required.
2. Develop Website and sub websites with our own special function integrated custom cms, calendar event manager, documents online, database management and user backend dashboards plus frontend content. Search function with options.
3. Some special functions with animated chart flash displays from data collected to be featured in the backend.
4. Web analytics.
5. Two multi step website builder processes, media builder, and skin selector. We have mapped steps to illustrate functionality with suggested draft screenshot layouts. Need professional design input.
6. Google map, Multi location google map with special tags fields from simple admin panel required that show up with map location,
7. sms alerts. Add portal for sending sms online. Some developer code available from provider.
8. Database feed manager: to manage data from sub sites to head website front end display plus admin summary panels to manage and edit data.
9. Store skin and shopping basket payment integrated with rewards points module [X cart] or equivalent. Users can redeem rewards points from the store.
10. Special function where suppliers can bid for our business leads from a live registered user panel displaying new opportunities as they are loaded from our DB, with private message board. Separate login for suppliers. Simple frontend and registration process. Separate domain name.
11. High security of information – login and database protection – User management – password protection
12. Php front end, java backend. We understand that this is our best security option.
13. Frontend login for users. Captcha protected. Plus other security measures required.
14. Secure backend administration panels in dashboard display. We have a provisional layout for each of our requirements. Plus simple mobile phone versions to add notes and fill in forms linked to database for our backend users and a simple front end rotating our ‘for sale’ options. A simple search by ID number.
15. Integrate slideshowpro and slideshowpro director [or equivalent] for photos/xml paths. Integrate into our media builder process. Frontend media player unique skin.
16. Establish some simple tutorials showing cursor through steps to use our functions.
17. User feedback rating process linked to summary pages
18. Rotating frontend modules [2] with own admin summary and data feed manager from form data
19. Registration process, create accounts, multi step website builder from data input
20. Catalogue flash front end viewer plus archive plus admin and special features interactive with our website builder. Admin panel allows us to select pages submitted for publication and select order.
21. text to a unique number and receive information and links

Requirements: Sign off Non disclosure Agreement. Establish service agreement for future updates and maintenance. We own the code.

Preferred Timeframe 30 days

Drupal Site Development

Drupal Site Development
We are seeking an EXPERIENCED Drupal developer to create a site for us based on the specifications in the attached file. For this project, all design work will be provided, so no design work is required. This is development only. the project involves incorporating the template and content provided, and adding all of the pages and features outlined in the document.

Please post a realistic timeline and budget for this project and ask any questions via pmb.

The chosen programmer must have proven Drupal experience, be able to provide daily progress updates on the work, and have an online messenger client for communication throughout the process.


Virtumart In Joomla

Virtumart In Joomla
I have a site at and i have attached jpg, Here is what i needed

1. this site should be compatible with all main browsers.
2. Need cookies turn on
3. I had a question on the search feature and if the logo section is editable
4. Is it possible to add a search button on the front page next to the free shipping sticker like jpg? and is the logo section editable?
Low price and more reviews will win

Articles (10) About Twitter

Articles (10) About Twitter
Hi there..

i am looking for 10 quality, unique (copyscape-passed) 500-word articles on Twitter. I will provide the titles for these articles when you get the job.

I need these articles ASAP – within the next 24 hours if possible. 48 hours max.

I am looking for a reliable writer, who can also work in the future. If you do a good job this time round, I will be happy to provide killer feedback and plenty more work afterwards (10-30 new articles needed a day).

Please post up any similar articles you have done in the past.

Thanks for your time, and I look forward to working with you 🙂


Writer Needed – 10 Articles

Writer Needed – 10 Articles
A) Need 10 articles written by experienced fluent English author. State any experience around the subject below and PM samples for review.

10 articles – renovating small bathrooms

B)Articles to be at least 300 words each!

We will provide you with keyword(s) for the articles, phrases and you do some research and SEO analysis before writing the articles.

ARTICLE must have keywords worked into 1) Article title 2) Strong attention getting opening sentence 3) Content provided in short paragraphs, each based on a specific point – good interesting opening sentence and deliberate closing sentence or point. No outside links required or pictures required.

C) All content/ articles must be 100% original and cannot be copied from any other articles. Provide proof that articles are copy scape passed. We retain ownership of the documents with all copyright! Articles must not be sold or given to anyone else nor published in part or whole at any time.

Completed articles to be emailed as MS Word files with all-necessary formatting and spell checked.

Thank you for your interest in this project! Mac

Update And Expand Website

Update And Expand Website
Update and Expand Website

I am looking for a programmer or designer to expand our current website:

We will provide you with all the information, text, pictures and basic structure for the new sections of the website.

Our current website consists of: a gallery of pictures, pdf files, and basic pages.

The new sections are very simple and easy to integrate into the current website. A list of these new sections will appear to the right of the gallery of the current website – the gallery frame will shift to the left to make room for these new sections on the right side of the main page.

Here are the new sections that will be added to the current website:

1. Online Store – created by us using ShopSite. All you have to do is integrate the online store to the main website and integrate a completed main page to the online store and main website. (This “main page” will connect the online store to our existing website. We will provide this “main page” and it was created with oscommerce.)

2. Florists – This section is targeted to one of our primary customers, florists. When the visitor clicks on this link, they will be directed to a new webpage or landing page that will contain the following links/tabs/sections: gallery (40 pictures with captions), articles, tips, product sheet, color chart, testimonials, preferred vendors, online store, videos and “back to main page”.

3. Event Planners – This section is targeted to another primary customer, event planners. When the visitor clicks on this link, they will be directed to a new webpage or landing page that will contain the following links/tabs/sections: gallery (40 pictures with captions), articles, tips, product sheet, color chart, testimonials, preferred vendors, online store, videos and “back to home page”.

4. Hotels / Resorts – This section is targeted to hotels and resorts. When the visitor clicks on this link, they will be directed to a new webpage or landing page that will contain the following links/tabs/sections: gallery (40 pictures), articles, tips, product sheet, color chart, testimonials, preferred vendors, online store, videos and “back to home page”.

5. Restaurants – This section is targeted to hotels and resorts. When the visitor clicks on this link, they will be directed to a new webpage or landing page that will contain the following links/tabs/sections: gallery (40 pictures), articles, tips, product sheet, color chart, testimonials, preferred vendors, online store, videos and “back to home page”.

6. Interior Designers and Decorators – This section is targeted to interior designers and decorators. When the visitor clicks on this link, they will be directed to a new webpage or landing page that will contain the following links/tabs/sections: gallery (40 pictures), articles, tips, product sheet, color chart, testimonials, preferred vendors, online store, videos and “back to home page”.

Features appearing in each new “section”

Gallery: this gallery will appear in the main page for each section. This gallery will contain 40 pictures and each picture will have a caption. This gallery must load fast and operate quickly. The gallery will have “next” and “back” arrows to navigate through the gallery.

Articles: when the user clicks on this link, they will be directed to a page that will contain a list of article written by us. The main purpose of these articles is to inform the user about our products, uses and applications. The secondary purpose of these articles is for SEO and keyword ranking. These will be unique articles. New articles will be posted every month.

Tips: when the user clicks on this link, they will be directed to a page that will contain tips for using our products. The main purpose of these articles is to inform the user about our products, uses and applications. There will be one “tips” page for all the sections.

Product sheets: when the user clicks on this link, they will be directed to a page in which they can download product sheets in a pdf format. there will be 4 or 5 individual pdf files: – product sheet #1, product sheet #2, product sheet #3, an order form and color chart. These pdf files are already created. There will be one “product sheet” page for all the sections.

Testimonials: This page will contain about 15 to 20 real testimonials from actual customers. There will be one “testimonials” page for all the sections.

Preferred Vendors: each section will contain a list of preferred vendors for the specific specialty. Example: the “Florists” section will contain a list of “preferred florists”

Online Store: Each of these sections will have a link that will take the user to the online store.

Videos: Each section will have a page that will contain several videos to give them information about using our products. There will be specific videos for each section. We will provide the videos.

“Back to home page”: This will take the user back to the main page:

•The gallery on the main page ( will be reduced from 120 pictures to about 70 pictures.
•The Galleries (for each specific section) can be in flash or html, however it must load fast and pictures should look sharp.
•The purpose of having the specified sections is to give each target customer(florist, wedding planner etc.) a customized appearance for their specialty.
•The main page for each section must look different from the other main pages. However, each of these main pages will contain similar structure and the same links/tabs.
•We will provide examples of how the main pages for each section should appear.
•The main page for each section will also function as “landing pages” for various internet marketing campaigns.
•The current website is optimized for SEO. This new website expansion must also be optimized for SEO. (example: keywords in URLs, metatags, links etc.)
•The entire site must load fast and operate very fast.
•You must be able to integrate the oscommerce front page ( to the new online store that is programmed using shopsite pro.
•A majority of our customers are women, the new design should cater to women
•The website must be very user friendly and easy to navigate.
•Please provide a portfolio of your projects
•You may be asked to make minor modifications to the current website (change background of main website, modify text on main website, remove certain images etc).

the updated website should look and feel similar to:,,, I will provide you with more examples to give you a better idea of the design which interests us.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Magento- Errors

Magento- Errors
PROBLEM 1: I have EE magento. When I enter in associated product on a configurable product I am getting stuck. When I create a associated product and save, I am getting “product was successfully created.” alert however, I get this “please wait….” message forever and literally will time out. It will however, create a simple product that is not linked to the configurable product in the end.

Look at screen shot for more info.

PROBLEM 2: Google Checkout integration is not working correctly and callback URL is not working on my server.

I NEED THIS FIXED ASAP within 3 hours from start work.

Clone This Site (webseminar) 2

Clone This Site (webseminar) 2

I want to clone this site functionality. This is like a WEB BASED WEBSEMINAR for any members.

VISIT this site (put in any name)

In short my requirement – clone of
(watch tutorial)

username = gvntan
password = gavintan

Check it out, u’re able to upload powerpoint, webcam

Also I want to know how u can optimize the speed.

My company has PRIVATE SERVER. Was thinking of using it to have optimize the speed.

Let me know