Kohanaphp Login Manager / Page

Kohanaphp Login Manager / Page
Title: Kohanaphp Login Manager / Page Editor

Quick Note from project poster: This is the first of many projects that will be available. This project as you will see as you read on is the foundation for all future projects. Once this project is complete all future projects will be modules that will need to be built. Currently I have a list of 20 to 30 modules that will need to be built this year.

Also I know that there probably is already software out there to handle what I am trying to do but because of the requirements for this project overall a custom solution is the way to go.

Please send me:

1. samples of KohanaPHP based websites you have developed.
2. How long you have been working with the KohanaPHP framework.
3. An Estimate on how long and how much $$ this project will take.


PHP 5.x
MySQL 5.x
PHP Framework Required: http://www.kohanaphp.com/
Pages must be XHTML / CSS compliant. http://validator.w3.org/
Please use the <!DOCTYPE html>

*You must agree before the escrow payment is released to have your code reviewed by a KohanaPHP expert. I will be contacting the founders of KohanaPHP to get their recommendation on whom I should contact for a 3rd party review of the project*. I am doing this because I am not familiar with KohanaPHP framework and this project is super important as it will be the whole foundation our our system so I want to make sure I am getting top notch work.

What I will provide to the programmer accepted for this project:

Our Current MySQL Database Schema with sample data & Comments

Project Scope:

Quick Intro: I need a custom CMS foundation built for an ongoing project. I will need a multi user login feature. Master Accounts (Me), Main Customer Logins with the customer being allowed to create sub accounts and custom page text editor.


1. The Look: A default Style for the whole Login Area. Something Web 2.0 / Modern Looking. No PSD templates or anything, I just want a basic html /css style with icons etc that we can use on each module we put into this site.

2. Login Page: Username / Password

3. Forgot Password Page that emails the password to the email account on file of the username.

4. 3 Login Types: Master Accounts, Customer Accounts, Customer Sub Accounts

Master Account: This will be me as the website owner. I should be able to: Add, Edit, Delete Master Accounts, Customer Accounts, & Customer Sub Accounts.
Customer Account: This will be the customers I set up. They will be able to add/edit/delete sub accounts and use the page editor. Edit their personal account info.
Customer Sub Account: They will be able to edit their account info and use the page editor


1. Each Customer will have a domain name in the system. The domain name will have settings associated with it. I will need a page to edit these settings per domain name. (internal site settings, as well as assigning permissions for the site (what modules they are allowed to use))
2. Add / Edit / Delete Customer Accounts (Optional Send Account Info Via email Checkbox)
3. Add / Edit / Delete Customer Sub Accounts (Optional Send Account Info Via email Checkbox)
4. Be able to turn accounts off / on (Ex. Non Payment) (Option to send email when they are turned off / on)
5. Be able to assign permissions to the Customer Account and the Customer Sub Account.. IE What modules will they have permission to access.


1. Edit their account profile: name, password email etc.
2. Add / Edit / Delete Customer Sub Accounts with optional email account info via checkbox
3. Be able to edit module permissions for the sub account.
4. Be able to access all the modules that are available and they have permission to access. (Currently just the page text editor)


1. Edit their account profile: name, password email etc.
2. Be able to access all the modules that are available and they have permission to access. (Currently just the page text editor)


I will provide the MySQL tables for this with sample data. You are welcome to add fields as you see fit

1. Add / Edit / Delete Pages

a. number of pages allowed to create will be set by administrator in settings.
b. Whether or not the customer can add Main navigation pages will be set by the administrator in settings.
c. Administrator will be adding pages that the customer is not allowed to edit. This will need to be coded in.
d. Types of Pages: Main Navigation Pages / Sub Navigation Pages

2. CKEditor installed with Open source file uploader: http://labs.corefive.com/2009/10/30/an-open-file-manager-for-ckeditor-3-0/

3. Page should have SEO variables. SEO Variables section should be able to be turned on and off via the settings by the administrator

Am I forgetting any core functionality that should go into this project and not a future module? If so send me a PMB post and let me know.

Also using JQuery to enhance usability would be a plus.

Shoping Cart For Astro Website

Shoping Cart For Astro Website
I have a fully functional website. I want a Shopping Cart to be designed for the same.

We sell Astrological products, Gemstones etc and Astrology Services and have a payment gateway Solution of Ccavenue & Paypal.

We use Fedex Shipping Rates for Shipping. We require a Shopping Cart Solution fully customized and integrated with CCavenue + Paypal.

Realstate Site Makaan Com Clon

Realstate Site Makaan Com Clon
Dear All.

RealState Site makaan.com clone

I need a real state site based on UI and functionality of www.makaan.com ,

Kindly refer to www.makaan.com , go through all functionalities available and check all capabilities before your quote ,

to high light some Important functionalities :

Banner Adverts all over the sites
Compare Function

-User Registration
a. Post Property for Buying or Renting

b. Upload Property Image / videos ( 2 type of videos option , post the vedio link related on YouTube.com OR uploading videos )

c. Payment Gateway ( Paypal , Credit Card Visa/Master and Local payment gateway * info will be submitted on time*

-Search Property

a. View Property lists and details (area wise , closest supermarket icon , closest Gaz Station , closest School )

b. Contact Property Owner

c. Post Requirement

– Google Map

– Email Alerts

– Featured properties

different optional prices list for making property under featured properties ,


2 UI , English/ ARABIC , I can provide Arabic Translations for all words and tabs in site


Again kindly refer to www.makaan.com

Any Demo will be highly appreciated,

Full support for one year needed

Bugs free site



Clone Of An Auction Site

Clone Of An Auction Site
Hello. I am looking to start a small online penny auction site similar to swoopo.com. This site must be able to include different auction types such as unique auctions, penny auctions, reverse auctions etc.

Design templates must be simple and easy to use. I am not knowledgeable regarding programming and so unfortunately can not offer many specifics and will rely on your expertise on what a project like this would require. Only professionals are required to bid on my project.

Thank you for your time.

Social Network Site Hut

Social Network Site Hut
I need a Social Network site with all the basic social networking site tools (Private message, Member Area, Profile Update, log-in, log-out,) Some twitter.com similarities, myspace.com and match.com or eharmony.com type functions( Upload photos, Adnetwork for marketers, email notifications) All custom work, no plugins. Will need search features for keywords, that link members.

Administration area to track users activate, keywords,logs, etc.

This work must be easy for you. Must speak English and must be the actually programmer. Not and outsource agent.

A Poker Site Needs To Be Made

A Poker Site Needs To Be Made

I basically need the software so I can create a poker software that is to be used so people can basically play poker, can be scrubbed from other poker scripts, needs a good admin and easy to control and look around.

Can you give me a price for a flash game (viewed on the web page) and a normal game (downloadable package and installed into your computer)


Website Application

Website Application
Design stickers online.

Find all information in specs.doc

1. Question: What if text is too big for sticker, as I got it, we need to cut it?
Answer: No you don’t need to cut it, just hide the extra part. (check image001.gif) Check the image002.gif to see the result we need when we try to generate the vector file.

2. Question: Is it ok to create as a result any vector file, or you need just .ai and .eps?
Answer: Yes you can use any vector file format. (if we can open the file with illustrator and export it in eps than it is ok.)

3. Question: The graphics can be in SVG?
Answer: Yes.

4. Question: Why the site need to create vector file? I dont see any vector element, or I dont understand something?
Answer: We need a way to open the file in adobe illustrator and resize it without any lost in quality.

5. Question: Can I use ImageMagic?
Answer: Yes.

Tla Clone

Tla Clone
Looking for a clone of: Text-Link-Ads.com

This would be the ‘Publisher’ and ‘Advertiser’ tabs only. No Affiliate section necessary.


1. No ‘Ad Code’ installed on webmaster sites. Instead, there will be a spider built to verify links.

2. Fully functional spider which will check links and ensure they are properly placed. It must have the ability to check for ‘tricks’ such as: No Follow, Robots Exclusion, Orphaned Pages, etc..

3. Must integrate login with a vBulletin Forum.

4. Escrow System to ensure links are placed prior to release.

5. Payments system allowing: Paypal and Google Checkout

6. ‘Publisher’ called ‘SellLinks’

7. ‘Advertiser’ called ‘Buy Links’

PLEASE: Checkout TLA completely before bidding. I do NOT want a clone that might already be on the web. This is a job that needs to be done well and by good programmer(s). Once this is done there WILL be additions to the code.

Code: Done in php/ajax. Framewords can be used. Prototype/MooTools/etc..

Server: You will use your own server and I will test on that server copmletely before escrow is released.

Thesis Theme Customization

Thesis Theme Customization
We are in need of a custom WordPress theme similar in design and functionality with adrugrecall.com and whocanisue.com.

The design needs to be:
-Professional and user friendly
-Cleanly coded with comments for future coding
-SEO friendly (no W3 errors, no code inside comments to prevent errors, proper robots and meta data)
-Timely completion from a dependable and experienced developing firm
-Well designed. I am giving the winning bidder the chance to make a site that looks great for me. If it exceeds my expectations expect a bonus.

Attached are the PSD layouts and descriptions for every page of the site.

The project must be completed on your own servers on your own site. I will not make any Escrow deposit until I am sure work has begun and is proceeding nicely. The project should be easy and take only a few hours; if timely communication and my priority are not your number one priority please do not bid.

To the winning bidder- I hope this small project can pave the way for future projects!

Blog Manager

Blog Manager
I need a blog manager. I have many adult blogs, and I need the posts each day bookmarked on social bookmarking sites like stumble upon. Book mark on as many of these social bookmarking sites that will allow adult listings. I would need you to seo posts if needed, bookmark posts and market these blogs to get traffic in. I am open to ideas of how to get these blogs traffic.
PM me and let me know what you can do and how much you would want. This would be an every day job as new posts go up every day. You would have editor access on WP blogs. I have about 8 blogs.
PM me so I can show you a blog.
Must have feedback in order to bid and feedback must be good. 🙂
All silly outrageous bids will be deleted.

WordPress Custom Page Template

WordPress Custom Page Template
Need custom page template to integrate with existing premium WP theme.

See our site: http://videoblogmarketing.com/blog

Want to replace the full-page width flash element with what you see at top of this page:


Video player and email opt-in to be full page width in one integrated design. Buttons, fonts and graphics should be very similar but color coordinated with our header graphic and logo. Mouse-over button changes color. Fields change color when clicked. Must include Aweber form integration.

Custom page template to maintain sidebar but pushed down.

Posting Videos To WordPress

Posting Videos To WordPress
I need someone to add videos to a WordPress site. We need at least 200 videos. The videos will come from embed url from mainly Youtube and Vimeo. They basically will just add

Title (can be grabbed from Youtube video)
Youtube Video embed url
Youtube Video Thumbnail
A description if there is one.

We will show what videos to add to our WordPress site.

If you have any quesitons, please send me an email.


Resubmitting this project. We posted this 2 months ago but there were delays in the website. The website is completed and ready for video content to be entered.