Complete Framers Supply Search

Complete Framers Supply Search
List of Requirements for Complete Framer’s Supply, Inc. Website Update

• Clean up and modernize our “landing page” (possibly in CSS as opposed to HTML) we only expect that you will use the current elements on our website to create the new smooth landing page and the few other pages we currently utilize additionally on the landing page there should be a single bar search similar to the one you have created in the past
• Create Search Function/Engine within our site that replicates the search on the website (file attached) this search must have the same amount of fields as the sample site with pull down menus.. this will appear on the Mouldings page as below
• As part of the landing page change, the list on the left side of should be converted into tabs and one of the tabs can also say search
• Under the Mouldings Tab, we would like to maintain two things, the first is the same concept where we have pre selected groups as Buttons or a List as currently appears on our completeframers site, and on the other side of the page appears the “new Search” feature as per the internationalmoulding site
• To accomplish this we will need access to the control panel you will be creating as part of our website and it is our hope that we will be able to completely adjust the content (photos, titles, headers, buttons, tabs, links, etc.) on an ongoing basis from our own offices independently of your help in the future
• Also, we have the data on our 1000 + inventory items stored in Excel and as per our conversation, we want to be able to bulk upload that data to the control panel. We understand that subsequent changes can be made in bulk or individually and that we will have full control for future maintenance
• We also hope to be able to create additional “pages” through the control panel

Install File For Php Script

Install File For Php Script

I need a install file made to make the install of a php script easy. When I got the script made I did not get a install.php made for it. So I need this made.

so basic : I upload files (script) I go to install.php enter info for username password mysql database ….. I have all files and php script just ned a easy way to install it.

Should be easy simple job for a pro


Google Listed Site As Attack

Google Listed Site As Attack
Yesterday Google listed my site as an attack site.

I’m running Joomla 1.5 and have a secure login so don’t see how I could have been compromised.

I searched my site and could not see any malicious code. I then used to do a full scan of the site and they could not find any malicious code. I’ve used Google’s Safe Browsing diagnostic and they returned the following:


Site is listed as suspicious – visiting this web site may harm your computer.

Part of this site was listed for suspicious activity 1 time(s) over the past 90 days.

What happened when Google visited this site?

Of the 5 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 0 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2010-03-11, and the last time suspicious content was found on this site was on 2010-03-11.
Malicious software includes 15 exploit(s), 1 scripting exploit(s).

This site was hosted on 1 network(s) including AS36351 (SOFTLAYER).

Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?

Over the past 90 days, did not appear to function as an intermediary for the infection of any sites.

Has this site hosted malware?

Yes, this site has hosted malicious software over the past 90 days. It infected 11 domain(s), including,,


I need someone who knows how to get me OFF the Google blacklist QUICKLY.

PLEASE, only personal responses. ALSO, please only respond if you can do this and are somewhat of a security expert.


Need Article Writer Long Term

Need Article Writer Long Term
I am in need of an article writer to do 3 articles as a trial for a permanent position of 20 articles per week. Present projects include paper flowers, and baby products. Each article needs to be an average of 500 words.

English must be native language.
Articles must pass Copyscape
Need to have a creative mind.
Perfect use of grammar and spelling.
A proven history of article writing.

New Web Site Components

New Web Site Components

I have a video wine review web site built in wordpress. I would like to make a series of modifications to it and add new elements. Bidder should have certain flexibility as there are some modifications to the specs I need to make as I see things progressing. You need to be a good communicator and update me on how project progressing. Also we can roll out features one by one.
Here are 2 files (vsd and docx) with Wireframes and module. descriptions. Files are pretty big (total around 180 mb).

This project is for the front end and backend modifications.

Happy bidding!

Need My Site Code Completed

Need My Site Code Completed
My previous coder is unable to finish my site due to personal reasons so I need someone to complete the remaining 15%-20%% of the site for me as soon as possible. The script is PHP chained to a MySQL.
The website address is
Please see the site along with my attached project plan and give me an offer.
Please DO NOT bid if you have no previous jobs or feedback.
I need this site completed as soon as possible.


1) Change the mail administrator
2) After the registration you are alerted to the receipt of an email with a link to activate the profile, and only on this mail link reports an error in the database, as if the registration had not been successfully completed, whereas the profile c ‘and is already active, or delete in whole or part of this system error (I would prefer to remain safe against spamm bot)
3) The generator of random images for the recording is often indecipherable you can not understand what was written, nor indicate whether they accept uppercase and lowercase letters, maybe put a simpler because then there is also the arithmetic to be included
4) Centering the homepage and the forum in all resolutions since motions in cases is displaced from the center or one or the other

Seo Friendly Urls

Seo Friendly Urls
Im looking for a programmer to implement SEO friendly urls into a php admin page of mine.

For example, when i add a new record to the database, i want the SEO friendly url to be automatically created and inserted into the form. Similar to how wordpress does when you add a new post. The admin pages have been made, and there are form fields that need to just have the new SEO url inserted into. This needs to be done on the fly. Ideally the SEO friendly urls should be made from the Record Title i.e. the name of the item being posted in the form.

I would also like the ability to update the SEO friendly url too.

Im currently using WAMP on my local machine and would like to test the custom coding on there and use it for other website projects


Minor Design An Css Issues 2

Minor Design An Css Issues 2
I am looking for someone to help us to add a little marketing excitement to a couple of our pages (actually 1/4 of the page on three pages) similar to what you see on In addition, I need help fixing some minor CSS issues, This shouldn’t take too long. I’d like to get it done quickly.

WordPress Plugin Fix 2

WordPress Plugin Fix 2
I am seeking a php programmer with experience in wordpress plugins.

The plugin wp-o-matic is no longer supported by the author, and it has a glitch when used with wordpress 2.9.

If you respond to this post, please list your specific experience with wordpress.

This plugin grabs posts from specific feeds, and re-posts them to a wordpress blog. The problem is that sometimes there are duplicate postings — sometimes a long list of duplicate postings.

There was a fix that supposedly worked prior to wordpress 2.85, however it is not working with 2.9.

The programming should be simple for a person who has experience with these plugins.

If I cannot solve this problem with a fix, I will try downgrading wordpress to an earlier version and see if that works.


Software + Php Modifications

Software + Php Modifications
I’m looking for someone who can create for me professional looking software for PC.

1. What that software should do?
It should remember all application’s and websites that user entered while program was running, randomly make screenshot’s and save time (how long application was running each time).
Then those info have to be send directly to webserver (it can’t be saved on users PC).
2. How does it look like from user side?
User open program, he have to login with details from website, and choose ‘operator’. After that software goes to tray, and user can only check timer, shut down or log out from the system.
User can see only operator’s who choose him to their program (and when operator reject user then he can’t log into or even see his program).
Operator can see (on website) info that was saved while user was logged into ONLY his program, so operator1 can’t see info for operator2 even if the same user joined to their program.

I’ve got php script that will have to be a bit configured for this software.

It’s easy job, even I can create something like that in Delphi ,but It have to have modern look, so I’m looking for someone with experience. It can be written in any language like Python or visual basic, C++ delphi . Don’t worry about language it will be changed too, so it doeasn’t matter from which part of the world you are.

(Sorry for my poor english, if you have any questions PM me)