Need Perl Expert

Need Perl Expert
Client uses 2 different server for his file sharing website. We need to display mp3 length to put this data as variable to flash player. If we don’t do this, flash player automatically set duration to 8-9 seconds. I temporarily adjusted this to “5 min”.. Now, all mp3 files plays for “5 min” but client is not happy.

So your task is to display mp3 duration.
Please bid accordingly.

PS: When you bid, please tell me what kind of access do you need? (ftp,mysql,ssh etc.)

PS 2: Another programmer here already started to this project but don’t respond me for 15 DAYS. If you do same, I’ll give you 1/10.

Flash Lite Application – Nok 3

Flash Lite Application – Nok 3
We at EquityWeb need a mobile application built for NOKIA phones.

Here are our terms.

1. Are you willing to sign a non disclosure agreement before work proceeds.

2. How many years have you developed Flash Lite applications.

3. Are you able to develop them for Nokia S40 and S60 phones.

4. Are you available for later maintenance/upgrade work.

5. Are you able to develop a Flash Lite application that utilizes data from PHP/MYSQL.

6. Are you willing to demonstrate capability by making one module of what we require before NDA Agreement and payment escrow.

Check out this adobe list of phones that the application should support.

Check this pdf for flash lite version & screen resolution


Php Curl Programmer Needed

Php Curl Programmer Needed
I created script which login to website using PHP Curl and post new thread with same login username. It was working great yesterday but now it stopped working. I successfully login, cookie details are pasted into cookies.txt on my host. But script doesn’t allow me post message and return to login page again.

I also need to add following features:
– Allow login of different users for SAME website.
Example A: UserA and UserB can post thread in the same time using same script.
– Allow login of different users for DIFFERENT website.

I think this can be done by creating different cookie.txt file, but I’m not sure. Also, I don’t want to create different .txt for each website. It’s not efficient. If you know better way, please let me know.

I need someone to fix this problem immediately.
I’ll NOT escrow amount in the beginning. I’ll put escrow when you fix first problem. Also, I’ll send you bonus:

If you complete everything in 2 hours bonus will be : $10.
If you complete everything in 4 hours bonus will be : $5.

After 4 hours, I’ll CANCEL project. No joke.

Clone 2

Clone 2
can someone clone this site for me and

i want to use the same css as my site racfad if i can but different layout if possible
i like the themes of racfad
everything must be functionable and ready to go

New Shop

New Shop
I Need a website developed for a shop selling Koi equipment. The site must be seo freindly as i will be passing onto our SEO people afterwards
look like
bradshawsdirect dot co dot uk
I need in html
Home Page
About us
delivery and returns
Product reviews i add a review on each product which is then linked through to the product for sale

The shop in PHP but i need it designerd well with calculations for postage and VAT Paypal intergration along with the option to intergrate credit cards
Must Be finished By end January 2010

Vbulletin 4 Skin Design

Vbulletin 4 Skin Design
I would like to have a custom skin built for my vbulletin forum. I just upgraded to version 4 so I figured this is a good time to start fresh with a new skin. Forum is based around Motorcycles Street And dirt, i need something sleek and stylish. i need somone that has built a v bulletin skin before and has allot of experience with xml v bulletin templates. i have several ideas to help get you started.

Web Hosting Site

Web Hosting Site
Hi I am looking for someone to help me configure client exec and integrate it with whm and a hosting template.

Very IMPORTANT. you MUST HAVE experience specifically with web hosting website, and configuring and integrating client exec, whm, and opensrs.

What I am looking for:
Custom designed hosting website
setup hosting packages
Configure opensrs account integration
Configure clientexec to integrate with WHM and opensrs
Configure auto notifications of orders, and invoices etc in client exec
Integrate and configure payment gateway
Testing to make sure it works well

I will need to see similar work you have done.

Website With Admin Panel

Website With Admin Panel
This project MUST meet deadline; NO EXCEPTIONS. I need a great website with an admin panel…. When you bid, tell me exactly what you will do.

Site Navigation
a. Home
b. About Us
c. Services- this will have sub-pages
d. Pricing
e. Testimonials- this can be a page or a section on another page.
f. Careers
g. Contact Us

There are four Categories of services. On the homepage, I would like a picture for each category, of course the images will relate to the respective service they represent.

I will prefer a “going green” theme fo this site because all of the services we provide will be virtual services. I already have a simple idea of the logo.

I have all the content for the site; this will be a quik project once the design is completed and agreed upon.


Instant Messenger Site + Sms

Instant Messenger Site + Sms
hye Guys i want to Make a new website like ebuddy,
but addition i want add is.
when user make his profile .
he give his ids like gmail yahoo and hotmail.
and also his cellphone number .
when he receive a mail on gmail . or any id
a sms a is send to his number from our site that you receive a mail.
And User can check their Gmail yahoo and MSN mail from my site. Meanz when they login tou our site their passwords of yahoo hotmail and gmail are stored in our datbase and they auto login to all their mailboxes . like on we check our gmail mails.

Property Website Long Term

Property Website Long Term
Similar to in terms of design and functionality

please show me your portfolios of property websites only…thanks….

additional features

customised auto water marking system for pictures being uploaded

disable right click

automatic google maps based on property location posted

I have 5 more property projects similar to this the winner will get to do all my websites starting from this so looking for long term development 🙂

Writing Job 2

Writing Job 2
I need someone to write very SHORT paragraphs on the DIFFERENT ways people can help a nonprofit organization from fundraising to creating awareness to volunteering…. I intent to use the information you will give me to create a brochure to distribute to the public…

For Example:

Title: Start tabling on campus
Spread the word to fellow students by handing out informational materials, answering questions, and selling t-shirts. Print out these volunteer packets and make them available for people to read if they’re looking for more information.