Urg Joomla Registration Comp

Urg Joomla Registration Comp
We need a component which extends the default Joomla registration. It includes a 20 question survey and an input form. Each survey question has 4 possible answers (radio buttons) and there is a score associated with each answer. The scores are totalled and only those that score above a certain amount will be allowed through to the next step of the registration. Next step is an input form of 11 questions, followed by username password entry and e-mail activation.

We have already implemented everything here at www.link192.me.uk but we want to rewrite it now as a component. Click the login button, then register to see the functionality that we need to replicate.
There is flexibility in the layout of both survey and input forms. All questions are required in the survey and questions 1,2,3,4 7 and 8 are required in the second form.

We will be modifying the Joomla installation at www.losetheblues.ie which has a clean latest installation of Joomla newly installed.

Please be available on skype or IM for discussions.
We can supply login details upon acceptance of task.

Bulk Article Writing

Bulk Article Writing
This is an assignment for BULK article writing. Each article must be original 450 – 500 words, grammar and error free and good English.

The assignment is for 2000 articles as quickly as you can produce them.

I will consider hiring more than one applicant for the job, so if you are a good writer and can produce a good volume, apply.

Please send samples of your writing with your bid.

Best Quality, Lowest Bidder will win.

Seo Content Keyword Articles

Seo Content Keyword Articles

I need an experienced SEO content writer to create pages of content for my website.

Industry: jumping castles (also called bouncy castles)

20 pages

each page needs to be 300 – 500 words approx, filled with keywords that I will supply.

Please show examples of previous SEO content written by you.

Ongoing work for the right person.

Simple Ebook & Powerpoint

Simple Ebook & Powerpoint
Hi – I want someone that’s creative. I need the ebook and powerpoint to be exciting in graphics and color but not child like. it will be the model for changing my WP blog.

Powerpoint: I have a powerpoint that needs to be updated (ie: take out screenshot of Dallas and replace with screenshot from Irvine, CA). Make suggestions to powerpoint theme.

This powerpoint is 90% complete and will be the content for the eBook.

eBook: I need suggestions to the ebook content so it’s powerful and informative. eBooks needs to incorporate topics listed on my website. I have an existing ebook cover that I don’t like.

Reference: http://www.dominateyourmarketonline.com This is a conservative blue, do not use these colors as a model for the book or powerpoint.

The content must be original and will be checked on copyscape.
This is a simple project for someone that knows internet marketing. I have extensive work to be done, this is a test project for the right person. Need ASAP.

Happy Bidding!


I need someone to upload products to my Ecomerce web shop.Web shop is halph finished.
I started But I dont have time to mynulay ad products to web shop.
I will give you the prices of products and access to my shop and if its necessary the video instructios how to finish web shop and how to upload products.

Tikiwiki Setup

Tikiwiki Setup
I have installed tiki wiki using Fantastico.
i need a template/profile similar to my existing site to which i am addinga wiki knowledgebase.
i need to config:
Knowledgebase article navigation( wiki)( I will add articles)
setup user registration for maillist/newsletter/forum/download area
set up feedback area
essentially i want you to configure the initial setup and then i can add the content
i need wiki, maillist/newletter/forum/download area

Multilingual Holiday Rental

Multilingual Holiday Rental

I am looking for a multilingual website (frontend and backend) for basically accommodation (eg. apartments houses and rooms in houses and hotels) and activity (eg balloon flights, horseriding…) rentals.

Homepage similar to holiday lettings .co. uk
Search results page and individual listing page similar to v r w d. com
But should include a menu point and search option for activities.

As the website will be set up in english, german and spanish, we will supply all info in foreign languages, also for data base.

Important: In main menu also: for sale and also activities (same system as rental)
Multilingual (translation provided)
Log-in for owners, agencies, visitors (with different access levels)
Several advertising packages for owners
Google, Yahoo (Bing?) sitemap
RSS throughout website
Visitors can sign up for offers/ newsletter
Affiliate section: affiliates can sign up with web
Possibility for admin to sign up with booking sites (incorporate affiliate link in detail page)
In main menu: Promotional Codes, blog
Sponsored link
Featured links
Package/ holiday deals
Last minute offers with link to Facebook and Twitter
Coupons to enable discounts via newsletter

Pages have to link internally from one language to another directly

Detail page complete with price details per season
Detail page with link to page for sightseeing etc. in the surrounding
Space for video (own server or eg Youtube), apart from photos shown automatically (kind of slideshow)
Send page to friend
Add to favourites
Print page
Google map
Show visitors per accommodation page
Geocoder ? eg Barcelona map with all apartments
Last minute with access for owners
Different templates
Homepage with HTML in order to be able to make changes
Homepage with themes (pet friendly, children ok …..)
SE friendly
Each page with own SEO (tags)
Destination weather (optional) in individual page

2 options for visitor: reservation (only form) or booking with online payment

Populate cities/ areas (and other) database and search page when accommodation added.

Option for each accommodation after sign-up: on request (reservation) with form direct to owner with copy to admin; or:
Online (booking) with link to PayPal or offline payment (wire transfer).
Kind of icon on page to show which option offered (online/ offline)


Php Script Edit -expert Needed

Php Script Edit -expert Needed
I need someone to look the php file that was created for my Magento cart site and Godatafeed.com (see attachment .php file). Currently using the script it will pull only 5225 max and this script requires that I set my server php membory limit to 512Mb for it to work. Also, the quantity is pulling not true quantity of a product but if it’s either in stock (1) or not in stock (0).

The obvious troubleshooting has been done. i.e. I have edited just the values ( memory_limit and batchsize ) in the godatafeed.php script and didn’t change anything.

Deliverables must include:

1. successful pull of entire product catalog feed to godatafeed.com (a new pull will be processed by godatafeed.com daily so catalog must be updated to newest products)

2. using server php memory set at 60mb or LESS no more.

3. A product quantity an item should show combination of all “affiliated” products (or child products). Currently it only shows 0 or 1 depending on if its in stock or not – this is not what i need.

Soohoow Phase 1

Soohoow Phase 1
I’m looking to create a subdomain service. I want the user to have the ability to create a subdomain(via an online form)once it has queried out database to make sure one doesnt exist for that name. I have designed a site and made the fields dynamically driven using PHP and MySQL already. So I want for this mini-site that I have created to be the site that all the user use for their subdomain. This will be the first phase in many to come. This project will be ready to start at the end of January. These projects to come will be background programming using MySQL and PHP. I am designing templates that I want to be dynamically populated.

Thanks for your bids

Browser Problem

Browser Problem

We have a problem with the way our website (home page) displays in some browsers.
The website is: http://www.iepdoc.nl

If you go to this site, you can see a green button bar on the left hand side. In some browsers this button bar is dispayed wrong, in some other location on the page, covering the text. See attached screen shots to see the problem.

The project is:
– to review the code on our home page and find out why some browsers display the page in this wrong way.
– to explain to us how we should alter the code to solve this problem.

Please state your country of residence.
We will feel free to ignore generic bids.


Html And Php Coding Easy Job 2

Html And Php Coding Easy Job 2

I am looking for an “HTML & PHP” (Expert-Coder)that can do the following for me:

1. Edit some HTML Coding on a (Landing Page Template) and Add some Codes that will make it do what I want done. Actually, it’s VERY VERY EASY to do. Please understand I can do this and I am not a Coder.

*Note: I will also give you (Exact) Instructions on what to do and how to do it, you just need to do it.

I personally ‘am very busy and do NOT have the time for it, that’s why I need you to do it.

2. I will also give you a (PHP- Script) which you just need to plug-in the Body of the Raw-HTML and make it work properly. This is VERY EASY to, because I will give you the exact PHP-Script and Instruction.

–Once you get it to work properly, it shout “Populate” and work with my Landing Page smoothly. Then all you have to do is, just (Upload) it to my server.

*I am looking for a Dependable, Competent, Experienced, Efficient, and Coder that Communicates well with me and give me updates right way. If you can’t communicate well and quickly, please do NOT bid.

I expect this Job to be done within 1 hrs Max, it’s so easy as I mentioned before, so it should not take you long “If” you know what you are doing.

**Also, this will be an (On-Going) Project/Work, because I will be needing this work on several projects that I am running. Basically, the Job or Project will be based on (Per-one Campaign). In one Campaign, I may have 2 to 4 Landing Pages that need the Coding work mentioned above.

Anyways, Give me your Bid. But make sure to Bid Competitively.
