Omegle Script Needed Asap

Omegle Script Needed Asap
I need a script to do the following on

* Join a chat
* Send a message (Defined in a variable)
* Disconnect

and do this repeatedly on a loop

there should also be a random function to avoid detection so each message will have a random string at the end ie:
this is a spam message [g8u30sk3]
it should do this for every message.

I don’t mind what it’s coded in but it must be fast and work well with no bugs.

I literally need this within the next hour and half so DO NOT bother me with PMB’s just attach the script once its completed with your paypal email.

The person who codes & sends fastest will be paid $100.

Payments will be sent via paypal after script is received and tested.

Find A Shop For Magento

Find A Shop For Magento
Like the Chained Ajax stuff, with drop down boxes based upon previous data select. Something like these:

Where would have drop-downs start with:

1. Display Drop Down with choice of 1 of 2 Companies (domain1 and domain222)

2. Drop down for Geographic selection 1 of 5 available. Then the results within each of the 5 have a similar but different path with each. Like with the US code, the next would be STATES drop down while the Canada would be the PROVINCES drop down. The EU layout is slightly different with UK (see below). Then Optional Search Window for Shop Name

The results would display a tad different also as mailing layout varies with different places in the world. 3 Column layout with below data: Shop Name, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip/Postal, Phone, Fax, Website, Info, and display lines sold (all MySQL Fields).

Results would be sorted and displayed 10 per page with pagination controls at bottom (i.e. << Prev Next >> )

Would need to work with major browsers and need ASAP. Don’t need Magento Admin access for created/edited store locations, will do that within phpmyAdmin, just the front end code.

See attached HTML for layout by Region.

Price Option A: Drop Downs for Shop Names (no search)
Price Option B: Drop Downs with a blank fields for ‘shop name’ search

Google Map Joomla Plugin

Google Map Joomla Plugin
We need a google map component/plugin with features as into this site:
where in every article there is a google map with a marker for the relative bulding (or generally interest point).
There is a search tool too where it is possible so search other points by keyword and location into a few categories (please, see that site).
Maps coordinates should be created by the scripts, should be possible to set the Markers image, the associated image and text.
Into backend should be possible to set categories and maps, so in articles (or module) should be possible to use a tag like {gmap}1{/gmap} to insert every single map where 1 is his ID.
Should be possible to translate the component using an xml file.

Write 10 Unique Articles

Write 10 Unique Articles
I am looking for writer to write ten (10) unique articles on different aviation topics (will provide).

Each article must be at least 500 words + an article summary of no more than 500 characters.

Article MUST be SEO friendly, and will target 1 keyword or phrase per article. I will provide the list of keywords/phrases.

Each article must be well researched, completely original, American English, grammatically correct, and pass Copyscape.

You agree not to resell or use these articles again in any way. All rights revert and remain with me.

The keyword/keyword phrase needs to be in the first sentence and used another 10-12 times throughout the article for a total keyword density of 2-2.5%. I will use the free piece of software called DupeFreePRO to check density.

If an article you submit to me does not pass Copyscape or has spelling and punctuation mistakes, you will not be paid for that article until it is corrected and resubmitted to me for approval.

Bid is for ten (10) 500 word (at least) articles + article summary of no more than 500 characters per article.

All 10 articles and summary must be completed within 10 days of winning.

In your PMB, first line, type, “I want this job!” so that I know that you read this bid 😉

Write 5 Product Descriptions

Write 5 Product Descriptions
I need a responsible writer who can write 5 product descriptions (laptops). Each product will be written in 500 words and 1000 words

* Unique and Pass Copyscape
* Your articles must meet Ezine’s standard.
* Excellent written English with a good knowledge of Grammar.
* You should be able to write compelling and high-value articles with absolutely No Grammatical, Spelling & Structural Mistakes.
* SEO optimized, so you should have a basic knowledge of search engine optimization.
* Keyword Density 1 – 2% (use product name as keyword) to check keyword density visit :

I’m a quality oriented buyer and I know that quality comes with a price

500 words : max $5
1000 words: max $10

Please bid for all articles.

Please provide me with a sample of your work

Streaming Web Tv Channel

Streaming Web Tv Channel
I need to have a TV like streaming channel – so I can upload movies and broadcast them one after another and the visitors can watch them thru a web player (either FLV or WinMedia) like they would be watching TV.
I need a possibility to have multiple parallel streams, and to be able to loop videos once the last video has been played (if a new one is not inserted on time).

The solution has to be robust and ready to receive a lot of simultaneous visitors.

Server is Linux 2.6.9-89.0.9.ELsmp with plesk 9.3 installed

Osc Jobs

Osc Jobs

I have an OSC site –

I need the following adding asap.

1. where the scrolling section of manufacturers at the bottom shows, i need arrows so you can go forward or backwards through them.
2. on product_info.php the manufactures drop down isnt working properly – its ordered z – a not a – z and it needs to say please select first…
3. if i type in saddle on the search box, i get the header of 1 item found, but no item is shown.
4. on advanced search page, remove the date option.
5. On search page, the manufacturers drop down doesnt work at all.

Must be very quick, as the site is live and being advertised!

$50 escrow.


Contact Admin Panel Required

Contact Admin Panel Required

We have a letting agent website that requires a more advanced admin section for managing tenant, agents and landlord contact details (which are currently being captured on our website frontend).

We currently have a basic system, but its not got as many features as we want

*The admin panel will have log ins that allow us to define members of staff permssion levels
* We will be require an interface that allows staff to input email and telephone enquires directy onto (with just a few more extra fields that are currently not available on the frontend of searchable site).
* we will require all contacts to be searchable and with ability to text and email (texting facility already built into site).
*admin section where my staff can put on enquires that come in over the phone direct.
*my staff can then filter, delete, archive, add comments, email (and possibly text) individuals or groups of enquires.
*they also need to be able to edit enquires as well.
*each agent (user) will also be able to do the same for their enquires only
*mulitslect is also required to allow me to select a few for emailing, archiving etc.
*tenent takes a property, date/time reminder for when to follow up call or call them
*organize search criterias
* contacting tenants and/or agents via SMS or email
*follow up schedule
*good filter system and search engine
*good reporting statistics to analyze performance, search criterias and property hits

Txt File Manipulation

Txt File Manipulation
Hi all,

Good day!!!

Txt file manipulation***only php experts*** Mean can do anything fastly in data manipulation

I have 3 text(.txt format)

I like u to manipulate datas and get a final .csv file with the headers i mention.

The php scipt need to be run daily since we receive 3 txt files daily in a particular path.

The final.csv file need to be moved to the new location and the 3.txt files need to be removed.

i will make a cron ,but i like to tell u how exact the process is.

As usual payment after completion.No escrow.Dont bid if not agree to the conditions.

sample file:


Mobile Dj Website Needed

Mobile Dj Website Needed
I need a website for a newly created mobile DJ business. The business specializes in high-energy dance music, and the website needs to reflect a nightclub-like experience. My hosting site uses a Linux server and can host both HTML and Joomla CMS. It doesn’t matter to me which one is used as the result is met. I can provide a link to a web site that can be used as a reference.

I have a logo that can be used, but would need you to supply some photos to place on the site. I have an idea on what text to include on the site. In addition, I will need to eventually incorporate a event reservation system from another web site. I can provide details.

You should have experience designing nightclub or DJ websites. Experience with search engine optimization is an added plus.

I would like to have this up as soon as possible. Please feel free to reach me if you have any questions. Thanks for looking!

Content Writting For Company

Content Writting For Company
dear freelancer

i want the content about software development company related content.following are topic on which i required content.
1. how we works
project management
quality assurance
web design and UI development
web application development
content management system
opensource application development
ecommerce application development
rich media development
dedicate resource
mission and values

Cookbook Graphic Design

Cookbook Graphic Design
I am looking for a professional typesetter/graphic designer to design a beautiful, artistic and mouth-watering cover of a 136-page cookbook and continue the mood by designing the font and layout of the entire book.

It is also important to create a design and layout that appeals to the target customer, and one that will actually sell. So marketing expertise is also required.

I will provide you with the manuscript in Word. You must use photos and illustrations only from, where I already have an account.

You will deliver:
1. Your recommendation from a marketing perspective on any changes to the book’s title, sub-title, or overall organization of the book;

2. At least 2 mock-up designs each: front cover, back cover, full-color section intro page, and black and white recipe page.

3. Once we agree on final designs and layout, you will deliver the final formatted document according to printer specifications.

See attached containing some sample pages from the Word doc.

I will retain copyright of final design work.