Articles On Freelancing

Articles On Freelancing
I need a blog about freelancing with some unique topics tricks etc.
Content should be SEO optimised. I need around 50 different topics.
But plz make sure content is not repetative from other sites.
Plz let me know if u have any doubts.
we ppl have similar type of work for our other sites too.
I need one sample page before accepting your bid.(own topic in freelance)
Thank you.

Article/reviews Writer

Article/reviews Writer
I am looking for a long-term relationship with a writer to write articles and reviews on different niche topics.

Here are the basic requirements.

1. min. of 1 year experience.
2. articles should be error free
3. articles should pass copyscape
4. well researched articles.
5. articles should be min. of 500 words
6. articles should be SEO friendly, and will target 1 keyword or phrase per article.
7. You agree NOT to resell or re-use these articles.

I will provide the list of keywords/phrases/products.

BONUSES will be given for excellent work / quick turn around.

Currently I am in need of 10 articles. Will be needing 10 articles almost every day if work is great!
Note: Please pmb a short article you have written earlier!

Prestashop Theme Modification

Prestashop Theme Modification
We need an experienced designer who can modify the current default Prestashop template so it will fit our business needs.

The website will be selling furniture and many parts of existing design will need to be changed.

The main changes include but not limited to:

– Custom Logo
– Adding main menu to the header (5 buttons) and basic flash slideshow with the products.
– Changing sidebars color scheme
– Modifying footer part
– Creating some new buttons
– Adding/Removing items from sidebars

Serious bidders only.

Thanks for your time.

Website – Everything Provided

Website – Everything Provided
All images and design will be provided by us in illustrator format to the programmer, it only needs to be converted into web format.

Project Description:
Multiple menus, sub menus on most pages, mouse over preview effect on images, also, a link on the side can be clicked to display each image in the same area it would have popped up on mouse over.

Simple file upload area, users will already have accounts created for them by us directly through cpanel.

Also, a google map needs to be added on the contact page.

Html And Php Coding Easy Job

Html And Php Coding Easy Job

I am looking for an “HTML & PHP” (Expert-Coder)that can do the following for me:

1. Edit some HTML Coding on a (Landing Page Template) and Add some Codes that will make it do what I want done. Actually, it’s VERY VERY EASY to do. Please understand I can do this and I am not a Coder.

*Note: I will also give you (Exact) Instructions on what to do and how to do it, you just need to do it.

I personally ‘am very busy and do NOT have the time for it, that’s why I need you to do it.

2. I will also give you a (PHP- Script) which you just need to plug-in the Body of the Raw-HTML and make it work properly. This is VERY EASY to, because I will give you the exact PHP-Script and Instruction.

–Once you get it to work properly, it shout “Populate” and work with my Landing Page smoothly. Then all you have to do is, just (Upload) it to my server.

*I am looking for a Dependable, Competent, Experienced, Efficient, and Coder that Communicates well with me and give me updates right way. If you can’t communicate well and quickly, please do NOT bid.

I expect this Job to be done within 1 hrs Max, it’s so easy as I mentioned before, so it should not take you long “If” you know what you are doing.

**Also, this will be an (On-Going) Project/Work, because I will be needing this work on several projects that I am running. Basically, the Job or Project will be based on (Per-one Campaign). In one Campaign, I may have 2 to 4 Landing Pages that need the Coding work mentioned above.

Anyways, Give me your Bid. But make sure to Bid Competitively.


Convert Php Class File To .net

Convert Php Class File To .net
I have a PHP class file that is about 316 lines long that I need to have converted to ASP.NET 2.0 C#. It MUST be ASP.NET 2.0 C# — I have run into too many instances of getting the wrong .NET version or codebehind language when posting files on here, so PLEASE be sure you understand what I am asking for.

Basically, in PHP, this script loads an XML file – loops through the nodes of that XML file to get the proper imagery and pdf file names – copies those files to a directory – outputs the information into a command line so that a Flex compiler can create a SWF file.

I need this to be turned around fairly quicky – early next week if possible…I don’t think it should take too much time for someone familiar with both Object Oriented PHP and ASP.NET C#.

Here is a snippet of the code (the first 100 lines) for you to place bids against(certain necessary characters have been stripped to not violate Scriptlance’s terms and conditions)…

* Class file for generating the compiled SWF file from the SlideShowModule Flex project
* that is used for the AIR application.

* Define constants for the script to use in compiling the slide show modules.
* The double slashes (\\) are only an escaping feature of PHP…other scripting
* languages may not need this.
define(‘SDK_PATH’, ‘C:\\Flex\\sdks\\3.4.0’);
// compiler command.
define(‘COMPILER_EXE’, SDK_PATH . ‘\\bin\\mxmlc.exe’);
// The passed Customer Number do we can get the directory
define(‘CUSTOMER_NUM’, $_GET[‘custnum’]);
// Where the project itself lives.
define(‘PROJECT_PATH’, ‘C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\\web\Wizard’);
// Where all of the images and other embedded assets will be copied to before compiling.
define(‘PROJECT_ASSET_DIR’, PROJECT_PATH . ‘\\PresoFiles\\’ . CUSTOMER_NUM . ‘\\assets’);
// This is the file that will be built before the module is compiled so we can dynamically (sort of anyway) embed the assets.
define(‘CLASS_FILE’, PROJECT_PATH . ‘\\SlideShowModules\\src\\net\\slideshow\\’);
// This is the directory where the images and agreement PDF file are stored after the wizard creates them.
define(‘ASSET_DIR’, PROJECT_PATH . ‘\\PresoFiles\\’ . CUSTOMER_NUM . ‘\\compiled’);
// Where we will put the completed SWF module for download by the user.
define(‘OUTPUT_PATH’, ‘C:\\temp\\Release Builds’);

class SlideShowCreator
// Filename that will be used in the Actionscript Embed statement and to process all of the files
private $_xmlFile;

// The file name for the media agreement PDF file.
private $_agreementFile;

// Array to hold any errors that are encountered during the creation of the slide show so it can be reported/logged. This is read-only
// This is a read-only var accessed via the getErrors() function
private $_errors = array();

// SimpleXML object containing the slide elements.
private $_slides = array();

// Holds the text used in the Actionscript EmbeddedAssets file.
private $_asClass;

private $_outputFile;

* Constructor
* param string $xmlFile XML file containing the slide show data.
public function __construct($xmlFile)
$this->_xmlFile = $xmlFile;

Modify WordPress Plugin

Modify WordPress Plugin
Download the Tubepress plugin from and add it to wordpress. The default code for showing a user’s videos is

[tubepress mode=’user’, userValue=’PoliJAM’]

I want to make it so i can get videos from yahoo pipes at this url-
[tubepress mode=’user’, userValue=’3798f42d615304eb1a4b5609f76b08db’]

it should not effect any other functionality of tubepress like pagination or playing videos.

I will need to see a demo with admin login before i make any payments

Students Online

Students Online
just thoroughly study my space to make my new site (not a clone in any case).The site is to be used by students of schools and colleges of india hence forums are to be designed school/collegewise, citywise /universitwise…there should be provision for an owner of each forum , who is going to be atleast a lecturer with any university and then n number of students can join each forum hence login to defined as “student” and professor/lecturer/expert…

A format also to be prepared to help the students to answer mock test papers ,they should be able to get the correct answers as soon as they submit their answers and offcourse in the last they should be able to know their respective scores,which can be saved ,if anybody wants to.

Articles 20 For Now

Articles 20 For Now
I need gardening articles. As long is the topic is on gardening that is good. For now I need 20 articles. These articles should be done by someone who has a grasp on the English language. They need to be ready for me to use without having to make a lot of changes. Upon receipt of the articles you will be paid. However I have total ownership of the articles and the only right to publish them.

Small Modifications In Websi 2

Small Modifications In Websi 2
i need small modifications in my static website and in its flash banner and need new logo i will give you the screen shot of the logo.
my URL is
you must have knowledge of flash and HTML/PHP before bid.

i will give the source code of website to the bid winner.

please read attachment for all details.
regards !

Band Web Site

Band Web Site
I need work done to my band’s existing website so that it operates like the website for radio station krth 101 in Los Angeles. I need video (updated occasionally) and audio. It’s a dreamweaver based site and is currently being transferred to godaddy.
I have some very specific ideas as to how it should look and can provide you with sketches of each page. However, I do encourage any feedback or useful suggestions.

Small Grocer Shoppee

Small Grocer Shoppee

You are required to prepare a simple website which shall work as local grosser store. somewhat like yourgro cer (dot) com (not a clone)….The name of this site is given only to help you out to understand the concept, Else everything has to be different since i don’t like the given site as far as format and appearance is concerned ….

A dummy cart has to be there to facilitate the customer to have an idea of the amount he needs to pay in cash, actual cart is not required since the site will not accept the payments in any mode….the only mode is going to be the cash payment on delivery …But yes, you need to put A link between the order form and the bill generation by the cashier..

Only registered users shall be allowed to buy and while registering we shall capture name, address, tel no, mobile no and business address too….. Point of delivery colomn to be added i order form(in case the customer which the delivery to an address different from the registered one).

I want you to complete this in a days time…


Classifieds Ads Website

Classifieds Ads Website
I need a professional classifieds ads portal for multi country use, preferably with IP detection Technology for country identification with single domain designed for specialist industry with Built in payment gateway for free and paid advertising, The site must be designed with SEO friendly URLs for top rankings in major search engines, Powerful and robust admin system and also must be bug free and guaranteed.

1.Classifieds advertising.
2.Post ads in multiple cities and in multiple categories.
3.Business directory.
5.Jobs area
6.Events listing with calendar.
7.Rss feed
8.Banners management system for advertising worldwide by country and states.
9.Built in payment gateway.
10.Multi country use with IP detection Technology for country identification.
11.Seo friendly URLS
12.CMS must be Simple and easy to use.
13.Open source.
14.Preferably JAVA, PHP, MYSQL.
15.W3c validated.
16.Data entry for countries, states, cities and terms and conditions must be included in the price.
17.Installation to my host must be included in the price.
18.Google adsense integration to ads area

I would like something like Reference sites below:

The site must be open source with crispier professional look, I will need full design done with heavy graphics designed with bright colours, I want a very up market crisp look that will appeal to all the advertisers who are typically buying and selling specialist items, It needs to be very simple and easy to use, also must be easily search able by major search engines and a fast loading site.

Please don’t ask me to visit your company profile or portfolio, just provide me links to 2 or 3 classifieds websites that you have developed and proven successful, you need to give me the user ID and password of the front and back ends of the website to prove those are developed by you.

I know some of you may already have the scripts ready, Please post fully functional demo, If you don’t have a demo please don’t bid your bid will be deleted.

If you have any doubt in producing the site PLEASE DO NOT PLACE A BID, as I don’t wish to waste your time or mine.

Communication is the key so regular update is a must, Selected Bidder must be able to provide me with DAILY updates as well as links to previews / designs every step along the way.

Bidders cannot list their company links on the completed website and All open Source code and copyrights license must be included in the bid price.

Only bid if you agree with payment terms. No upfront payment will be made escrow only our payment terms as follow:

Payment Terms for designers with good feedback:

No upfront payment will be made.
All payment will be made via escrow only and any fees involved will be your responsibility.

I am fed up of time wasters, only bid if you are willing to show me a demo.

After the completion of the development and launch of this site, I will immediately give the winning developer first refusal for other project I have waiting a real estate site and also regular maintenance and major upgrades for this project, please mention “SNOW” in your first PM to prove that you have read the whole description and terms.

Please provide me a complete proposal and Happy Bidding!

I am fed up of time wasters who can’t read and speak English, only bid if you are willing to show me a demo, and don’t bid stupid prices.

Please bid sensibly!