Mediawiki Edit The Editpage

Mediawiki Edit The Editpage
We want to have mediawiki edit page changed a little bit.

We already have wiki installed on our server and we want someone to edit some sections in it.

We have mediawiki installed on our site but when a user posts a new article, we want to give that use ability to post article in specific format so that it’s easy for us to publish it on our site.

The end version of edit page should look like this

Pay special attention to following fields

Tips &

See how each new line is created with a star, we want similar to that.

Simple Image Upload Form

Simple Image Upload Form
I need a quality image upload form that will upload each image individually. Something like would be perfect.


*Upload a max of 3 images.
*Allow ONLY .jpg, jpeg, .png and .gif
*Rename image to $user_id_ date(“d/m/y”);
*Have a $maximagesize = 1000kb.
*Have an upload bar/animtion to show the user an image is being
*Echo “$image1 $image2 $image3 <br/> Thank you for uploading your 3 images” after the 3rd upload has completed.

As always, I am happy to communicate and work with the programmer through out the project as I am in the office most hours of the day.


Word Combining Tool

Word Combining Tool
I need script that runs on XAMPP Lite 1.7.3 for Windows.

Function as following:

– Import two textfiles with a list of words each.

– Combine each word from file one and file two in every possible combination. Only combine words from file one and file two or file two and file one, never from file one and file one or file two and file two.

– Write the results in a window and display two different versions of each result ready to copy and paste:
[word1 word2]
“word 1 word2”

– Button to save the results in a plain text file.

– A field that allows to enter a URL, with a placeholder. The Placeholder is XXXXXXX. The placeholder gets replaced with each word1 word2 in the format word1%20word2 and displayed in a window ready to copy and paste.

– Button to save the URLs in a plain text file.

Article Rewrites For Triond

Article Rewrites For Triond
I am looking for someone to re-write completely 12 articles for triond. These articles are all based on the Bulgarian property market or internet dating. The original articles have been published on places like hubpages and xomba and so triond will not accept the original articles or 30 to 40% re-writes.

I will supply the original articles (from 400 to a couple at 1000 or so words) and need someone to re-write the content of all in their own words. You may take the longer articles and split into 2 or 3 new articles. This is fine.

I will submit all articles to triond and they must be accepted for you to be paid.

This is a test project and if well completed at a good rate I will be looking for someone to re-write and write other articles (mainly on property) for submission to triond on a regular basis.

Seo Articles

Seo Articles
SEO articles needed for Informational Blogs and Websites…. 450 words each.

Looking For Native Speaking English Authors.

Must have good English and Grammar.

Must know how to write keyword rich seo articles.

Must pass Google and Copyscape test. no plagiarism tolerated.

Could become ongoing work if writing quality is awesome.

10 articles to start. Needed in 5 days. Paid when completed.

Keywords will be provided for content.

Respond with “happy new year” so I know you read this…

A little personal note about yourself, work, experience, credentials for this project is appreciated.

Basic WordPress Installation

Basic WordPress Installation
I’m looking to have WordPress installed on my site.

I have uploaded all the files but have not managed to get the installation to work.

I need the page to appear on my website at the location

I also need you to update a few links on my homepage to point to this.

Finally I would like this theme installed:

And a small logo (provided) in the top left corner linking back to my homepage.

So it looks the same as this page:

This work should take less than an hour so please bid accordingly.

Please do not bid unless you have positive reviews on Scriptlance.

Am looking for someone to start this immediately and have it done today.


Simple Pay Pal Integration 2

Simple Pay Pal Integration 2
To integrate an existing PayPal account with a simple buy here button.

The site sells a report.
We require the buyer to go to PayPal and pay.
Once payment is made we require that data is returned to us in the form of a report ref (there is only one report for sale at a time)
and a code to indentify the transaction – this is md5 enccryption).
and a unique code to prevent unauthorized entry to the file that provides the reportusing PayPal IPN
We require the email address returned to us. This is to be loaded into a database.
Apart from that it is very simple.
Needed this weekend

Edit Video Player

Edit Video Player

I am running a video site, this is what i need.:

1) When a person embed my video, a short flash animation with my logo will be play before the original video play. You can see the pornhub video example here: You can see a short animation with their logo(Pornhub, it make your dick bigger) show before the original video play.

2) When someone click any position of the video, it will redirect to my site(Original video page). Just like pornhub, you can try to click any position of the video: , then it will redirect to pornhub original video page.

3) Configure my logo’s link in the video. I already have a logo at the top left position, but the link is link to my main URL. I need to link to the original video page, not main URL.

* I am hiring configure the video player, NOT create the short animation.

* If you need to know the player type, this is the video player: Please make sure you are familiar with it.

* Please read & understand before place a bid!

* Payment via Escow or Paypal.

Good day!


Fix My Cms

Fix My Cms

I have a site, with CMS installed – however when I add a new image it ignores the file structure.

the page is located at and the images is but on the main website it shows

the code is TinyMCE custom integration.

Also, when we edit the text it inserts slashes before ” which screws up the pages, i checked the code and it already uses stripslashes…

$10 for a quick fix. escrow


Graphic/web Designer For Wp

Graphic/web Designer For Wp
Hello designers,
I am looking for a talented graphic designer to design graphics and edit theme of a ready made wordpress theme(s) to suite salon business. I have several themes from and other premium wordpress designers that I need them edited to become irresistible salon design.

You can choose any type of salon and create graphics/modifications to make it niche specific. Example: massage therapist salon, day spa salon, hair salon, nail salon, barber shop, body tanning salon, manicure/pedicure etc.

The winner could be making 10-30 modifications on different premium wordpress themes for this niche only and many more for other niches. Since this is a potentially big project, I would like interested bidders to create a mockup using one of the premium designs attached. This will help me know I am hiring a talented designer.

You will need to have good knowledge of wordpress and designing extreme eye catching and sexy designs without compromising appeal for quality and professionalism

You will bid for cost per theme, not the entire project. More than 1 designer may be selected. See attached theme that you will utilize for creating a mock-up. Winners will be paid for the mock-up created as well

All canned, pre-written responses will be declned and deleted. I know you are “the leading company in your country” 🙂 lol.