Cms Video Site/social Site

Cms Video Site/social Site
Looking for a reputable developer to complete a single project.

This CMS, ideally built with Drupal, (but open to suggestions), is going to encompass:
Login, User Forums, Video Embedding, Video Publishing, Video Ranking Mechanism w/ comments, Friends List/Messaging, User Profiles/Pages, User Statistics/Rankings/Privilege, Share mechanisms to various, popular social sites, User interaction with Site, Adding content to approximately 3-4 categories of video upload/participation, (but open for more).

HTML and/or XML acceptable.

Site must be self explanatory, user friendly and attractive to the eye.

Need Joomla Site Updated

Need Joomla Site Updated
Have joomla site that needs a few things updated:
I need some nice pictures for the site
I need a logo for site
I have content, just put it on the right pages.
I need the back end customized for viewing links .
I have 2 checkout, just need that as a register before entering user back-end.
Joomla Template already has a script for registering and passwords..

So it should be easy…

(need someone that prides there-self’s in excellence)
I have other jobs following this one..
Once done just need it on my server thanks

WordPress Integration & Plugin

WordPress Integration & Plugin
We need a WordPress Plugin to be created which allows to integrate WordPress in a multi-project environment. That is, we want to be able to link each Post to one or more Projects and/or to the role a User has within each Project (both taken from MySQL tables). And then as a second step, Posts will need to be filtered by Project and/or Role.

We have a two-step selection process. In this first round, please indicate your experience with WordPress and/or creating WP Plugins.
In a second step, we will send programming details to allow selected programmers to place a bid.

Need Existing Text Reworded 2

Need Existing Text Reworded 2
I am promoting an escorts directory. I am looking for a person to help with content creation.

I want to add profiles from existing websites and profiles and need text from those places reworded to avoid plagiarism and very importantly penalties from Google.
I would like this text keyword optimized but it isn’t essential to have expert knowledge.

This is an ongoing project as eventually I would need blogs and articles to promote this site in the next SEO step.

I am not looking for magazine advertisement copywriting skills so don’t want to pay that rate! Please make your bids in dollars per 500 words.

Traffic/ Registration Service

Traffic/ Registration Service
We offer a registration service and need following:

We will have several list of urls, each url will goto, register on all urls (with changing content (names, streets, birthdays) at fields, drop down and more), then wants to fetch urls from the activation mail account, activate them .

then login to that account using the login / password and add links to my profile to the signature and then proceed to next site.

you have to use a german proxy server at every registration and change the ip at the same site again.

we pay per registration. You bid for the first 10.000 registrations. Only registrations with german ips are possible.

IMPORTANT: There are ca. 100 different sites á 100 registrations. For every registration at the same site you have to use another german IP.

There are changing sites and registrations. It is complete 10.000.
You must remove all cookies after registration at the same site.
You must use german ips for registration.

Flash Barometer & Calendar

Flash Barometer & Calendar

These will be incorporated into a Codeigniter website and you need to give instructions as to how integration.

1. Please view the flash barometer needed here ==> (Bargain_Meter.swf)

Goal amount to appear at the top, and $0 on bottom.
(a) The water rises as sales or donation increases.
(b) Need to change the numbers on the barometer. For example, if sales goal is $100, then give option to enter desired increments. If donation is $250, we may want increments of $10.
(c) Need to have two different barometer shapes.
(d) Need to be able to change water color.

2. Calendar script as shown on that blocks out previous days and show exactly like the one shown in attachment, also visit
(a) Calendar does not allow date selection of previous days.
(b) Show next 12 months in Go to month:, not the 12 months of current year. For example, we are in March, Go to month should show April 2010 to March 2011
(c) Show “Today is Dayofweek, Month Day, Year” for example Today is Monday, March 22, 2010

Thanks for your attention.

Auto Remotesite Backup Script

Auto Remotesite Backup Script

i need a backup script. It should be able to fetch phpmyadmin mysql database & the ftp folders i mention in the script. I have hosting at Dreamhost. The files should be pulled into another ftp i mention

How it should work

1) Backup Mysql databases & FTP Files ( all folders or selected folders) i mention in a config file
2) Transfer it to a remote FTP ( Another FTP)
3) It would be cool if it will be saved as a single .zip or.rar file
4) Can be AUto setup to do this automatically peroidically (per week)

I need the script made & if you need host panel access come on teamviewer

available by any messenger. Payement by paypal

Assigment 7

Assigment 7
Assignment # 7 – CSE 205

Due: Tuesday March 23rd by 8:00PM
I needed done by today before eight pm at night so in 12 hours basically
Requirements to get full credits in Documentation

The assignment number, your name, StudentID need to be included at the top of each file/class.
An overview/purpose of each class needs to be described at the top of each class.
A description of each method is also needed.
Some additional comments inside of methods to explain codes that are hard to follow should be written.
You can look at the Java programs in the text book to see how comments are added to programs.

Minimal Submitted Files

You are required, but not limited, to turn in the following source files: (The Assignment7 class extends JApplet) (It extends JPanel) — to be completed.
You may add more classes or more methods as needed.

Skills to be Applied:


Some of the classes needed:
JApplet, JButton, Container, JPanel, JSplitPane, JComboBox, Color, Font, Graphics, ActionListener, KeyListener, and MouseListener. You may use other classes too.
How to run an applet program:

-Create an html file, say “hw7.html” with the following content:

<TITLE>Assignment 7 Applet</TITLE>

<applet code=”Assignment7.class” width=550 height=250>

-Compile your java program as usual.

-In a console, type:

appletviewer hw7.html

(instead of typing “java Assignment7”).

-In the TextPad, choose Tool->Run Java Applet or
press Ctrl-3 (press control key and 3 at the same time).

-In the jGrasp,
choose Run->Run as Applet.

Program Description

Suggested Class Diagram: (.ppt file is available for this figure)

Write a Java program that constructs an Applet.

The Applet (JApplet) of your program should contain two buttons “Undo”, “Erase” , a JRadioButton , and ButtonGroup where a user can select a color to draw a rectangle on a panel where all rectangles are drawn.

(The size of the applet here is approximately 400 X 400).

A user can move a mouse into the drawing area and drag the mouse to draw a rectangle. The default color is black, so the first time, the rectangle will appear in the drawing area with black color.

A user can continue drawing more rectangles. Note that the rectangles remain on the panel.

A user can choose another color from the radio Buttons located on the left corner. After selecting a color, a user can press somewhere in the drawing panel again, and draw another rectangle on the screen with the chosen color.

When a user pushes the “Undo” button, the last drawn rectangle will be erased from the drawing area. Thus if a user keeps pushing the “Undo” button, eventually all rectangles will be erased.

Class description

Rect class
The Rect class represents a rectangle to be drawn in the panel. It contains at least the following instance variable:

Attribute name
Attribute type
x-coordinate of the rectangle to be drawn.
y-coordinate of the rectangle to be drawn.
color of the rectangle
width of the rectangle
height of the rectangle
This class should have a constructor:

public Rect(int x1, int y1, int width, int height, Color color)

where the parameters x and y are (x,y) coordinate of where the rectangle is drawn, and color is the color of the rectangle.

This class should also contain the method:

public void draw (Graphics page)

In this method the fillRect is called by passing the x, y coordinates, the width and the height.

CanvasPanel class
The CanvasPanel class extends JPanel defined in javax.swing package. This is where rectangles are drawn. The Background of this panel is white. It must contain the following method.

public void paintComponent(Graphics page)

Using the parameter, the Graphics object, will draw rectangle with a selected color. This can be done by calling the draw method in the class as well. Remember that this method need to call paintComponent method defined in its parent class.

WholePanel class
The WholePanel class organizes all components in the applet. It extends JPanel defined in javax.swing package. It contains at least the following instance variable:

Attribute name
Attribute type
A list of rectangles drawn by the user.
This class should have a constructor:

public WholePanel()

This is where all components are arranged. Add as many instance variables as you need, and instantiate them in this constructor. One way is to instantiate a CanvasPanel and canvas panel is where rectangles will be drawn, thus it will be listening to mouse.

ButtonListener class
The ButtonListener class implements ActionListener interface defined in java.awt.event package. It must implement the following method:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)

In this method, based on the “Undo” button or “Erase” the last drawn rectangle or all the rectangles should be erased. Note in case there is no rectangle drawn in the drawing panel, nothing will happen even when the “Undo” button is pushed. You should make sure that your program does not crash in this case. The “Erase” button it clears the list and repaint the canvas..

ColorListener class
The ColorListener class implements ActionListener interface defined in java.awt.event package. It must implement the following method:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)

In this method, the color chosen by a user using JRadioButton is assigned as a color to be used to draw the rectangle.

PointListner class
The PointListener class implements MouseListener and MouseMotionListener interface. It must implement the following method:

public void mousePressed (MouseEvent event)
public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent event)

// mouseReleased method takes the point where a mouse is released
//using the point and the pressed point to create a rectangle, add it to the ArrayList, and call paintComponent method.

public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) //mouseDragged method takes the point where a mouse is dragged, and call paintComponent nethod

Other methods from MouseListener can be left as blank.
Note that these listener classes and CanvasPanel class are defined as nested classes inside of the WholePanel class.

How to get started:

Download the following files and use them as a base of your program:

Step 1: Create PointListener class that implements MouseListener to get the point that a mouse is pointing. Use the point where the mouse is pushed instead of the fixed point (200,200) so that a rectangle can appear in different locations.

Step 2: Create Rect class so that each rectangle at a certain location can be stored as an object. Then create an ArrayList and store each Rect object in it. Rewrite paintComponent method so that it goes through each object in the ArrayList and draw them one by one.

Step 3: Add the “Undo” button, and create ButtonListener class to implement actionPerformed method. Also CanvasPanel needs to be created and move all functionality described so far for the WholePanel to CanvasPanel. If the”Undo” button is pushed, delete the last element of the ArrayList and re-draw.

Step 4: Then, create ColorListener class to change selected colors. The next rectangle will be drawn with the newly selected color.

Grading Policy:

submit assignment on time
indicate assignment number, name, lecture number, section id, email address, description of each class clearly in each submitted java file
your program minimally has the following functionalities:
1 point: “Undo” and “Erase” button, and JRadioButton appear properly on the applet.
2 points: The drawn rectangles are shown in the applet. (previous drawn rectangles should not disappear.)
1 point: The rectangle should appear at the same location as a mouse is pressed.
2 points: The rectangle is drawn with a selected color.
1 point: “Undo” button erases the last drawn letter.
1 point: “Erase” button erases all the rectangles

Modify Goldcoders Hyip Script

Modify Goldcoders Hyip Script
Urgent: We need a modification for this script:

At current the script can do only plans with fixed interest (eg 1.2% per day/week).

We needed an additional plan feature implemented to do variable plans, eg variable interest each trading day and reflected in database, so the members in our club can ask for a daily variable withdrawal according to our daily varying results.

see for example:

We will provide the clean source code for you to work on. Job is not big but requires EXTREMELY GOOD programming skills, also you need a good testing environment, so apply ONLY if you are an expert in PHP scripts, databases and similar. Also we want to work with the programmer, so only genuine programmers or programmer teams need apply and we want to talk to the programmer not to any agent! You must be able to deliver PROOF of skills, because we already had plenty of annoying tyre kickers and we need some progress. READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE YOU APPLY.

The bid range is $20 to $250, if you are skilled it does not take much time (however if you are not it will take plenty:), bonus available when you kick it right, thanks.