Human Faces

Human Faces

There are two way to do this project.

1 – photography
2 – 3D pictures (like Poser 3D Studio…)

I need 10 different human face picture and about every face I need yet different pictures with different emotions on face. (facial expressions)
Like: anger, happy, sad, disgust…

Please watch this youtube video to understand my final aim:

Faces have to be europian and very good quality. (in colors and resulotion…) Mixed woman and man and different ages.

I will help you and I will show examples, what you should to do.

You can choose wich variant is the better for you. To do this in 3d graphic, or to make real photos with real peoples.

Thank you,

Teaser Video For My New Site

Teaser Video For My New Site

Hi all

I used to be an old active buyer here but have had to start a new account due to password and old email loss!

A few years ago I had this video teaser made for my site:

I want something of the same quality made for a Traffic Exchange I want to relaunch. The amount of information will most likely be the same, it should not be a direct copy, something a little original but of at least the same quality.

If you can do it, then send me some proof of your work and your bid. I paid a really great price for this, so Im expecting the same.

Look forward to your bids.


Page Scraper

Page Scraper
Page Scraper

* Bidder will be given a web site and will be asked to create a page scrapper in PHP that will pull details from the site and enter into a MySQL database. The script must contain a module that can scrub data prior to entry in the DB. Scrubbing would include:

– Date must be actual date
– field must contain text
– script must be setup in a way that allows for further scrubbing if necessary

Fields to pull would are:
– Date
– Show time (multiple show times for single date)
– Comedian (multiple comedians for each show)
– Comedian Notes

– SQL Tables
– PHP script
– Ideas on how this could be run daily from a GoDaddy hosting account

Please only bid on this project if you have experience with regexp.



Professional Php Coder Needed

Professional Php Coder Needed
Hello I need a PHP CODER who can work with me immediately and help me customize a script with a few modifications for my printing site.

modifications Needed are as follows:

Need the ability for members to be able to UPLOAD ARTWORK to their accounts but only after placing an ORDER and payment has been completed…

then in the administration area of my main admin system I need to be able to view/download each artwork and order details for each client so I can process the orders for clients/members.

I will need a status update function added and a order management area added in the members area as well so each member can view all orders they have placed with us and check details of the status of their order, in my main admin I will need to be able to change status code from the automatic PENDING APPROVAL to PRE-PRESS to PRINTING To SHIPPED and also will need a option to mark an order as REFUNDED or Cancelled. when I update an order status it will reflect that status for the specific order in the clients account.

I also will need a function in my admin area where I can add a UPS tracking or FEDEX tracking number so clients can check their order, before I add this information to a clients order from my admin panel it will say Tracking Information Not Available when I update it from my super admin panel and put the tracking information in it will change and show the member for thier order the tracking number if they view order details for that specific order.

That’s pretty much everything I need to get done first… I will pay for some additional addon’s to be programmed for me after these get done..

I need a true professional PHP/mysql expert not a newbie and I need someone who can start working immediately and help me get as much finished today as possible…

Thank you!


Psd To WordPress/joomla

Psd To WordPress/joomla

Am looking to get website developed in either wordpress or Joomla CMS.
I will be providing the complete PSD files, so just need a coder to convert them into either of the above CMS.

I have attached many of the files, although site is not 100% ready, the files I am providing will give an indication of the work required.

Site will contain the following menu (with option to add more):

Home, About, Portfolio, Services & Contact

Services will contain:
Web Design, Brand Identity, Search Engine, Optimisation, Social Media.

All these pages will have static content, controlled via the CMS

Home page will link to all the Services pages. And underneath will have links to latest portfolio work. On the right, there will be links to latter blog posts, twitter posts, and other custom buttons. See home.jpg for homepage layout

Portfolio will contain all my work, categorised in website and print media. See Portfolio.jpg for example page. This should be easy to update via the CMS.

Blog will be a standard blog with various categories and posts. See blog.jpg and blog2.jpg.

All other pages will follow a similar layout. There will be a contact form.

In addition each page will have social bookmarking (share this etc), and a newsletter plugin would be required. For the homepage, I may require the banner part to be a jQuery slider (I will provide the slides – about 5).

Please feel free to PM if you have any further questions

Thanks 🙂

Joomla Classified Website

Joomla Classified Website

i want build a Joomla website for advertisement
like this example website

but i don’t need all the functions inside,
below is my needs with some little different things

in the example Demo
thats a good functions for me to manage an Ads website

and about the design, i don’t need it with colors and loads of stuff, just simple and formal for an international website 🙂
same like my example website , white pages with nice frames and formal menus ( something to attract the users )

about what i need as function

1- classified text ads with sections same like the example website

2- spaces for adding banners ads ( with payment ) like that boxes contian ( place your ads here for … $ )

3- countries sections to placing the ads by Countries names
for the example in the home page, there is the countries names and the user click on the country name
then he will find the ads sections like part (1) above

4- user can make free account and add free text ads unlimited

5- user can make payed account or can upload the banner he want ( for specific prices ) and he can pay by Visa or alert pay
which mean to be there a payment gate allow the user to pay
and i need this spaces for that banners with differnet sizes and in many places in home page and inside ( to i can make different prices )

also spaces to put google ads in my site
6- search engine inside my website make the user can find ads by the name or the word ( just good search engine )

7 – normal things like ( number of online visitors – site daily visits number – total visits number – Alexa )

8 – about the connecting my website with the search engines and make my site get allow to previews and the page ranking
i think that stuff is in every website but depended on the used scripts how good it is
and i need banners exchange between my side and other sites ( i think this happen by exchange the codes )

9- about the languages
i need English , and Arabic and other languages if available( not Google translation )

i hope i made it clear.

Twitter Image &vid Porn Site

Twitter Image &vid Porn Site
I want a site like but the frontpage will look like and also show new uploaded video. This website will allow people to upload pictures and videos but it must have a processing bar in ajax or something so people can see 20% 40% etc when uploading a video. Also I want my video player to look like this

The website must be black and red also the player match the same.

Also I must be able to put advertisement using a admin panel to block people ips and bann users etc. The video and picture will be like this

i want to be able to put ad at the top and ad on the right and bottom for people. Also allow people to comment and rate it like youtube old rating system with 5 stars.

Basically what I want is a site like with all the features but the only thing you adding is a way to upload videos too. Also under the video it will have a code to embed it to pages. Also I need a retweet button on it.

This should only cost 200 no more than 300.

Need Fishing Articles Written

Need Fishing Articles Written
Rewrite 20 SEO Articles on California Sport Fishing at: – remove XXX

Include Keywords in Articles:

long beach sportfishing,
california sport fishing,
Newport Landing Sportfishing,
yellow tail fishing,
tuna fishing,
albacore fishing,
barracuda fishing,
calico bass fishing,
California fishing,
charter boat fishing,
dana warf Sportfishing
southern california whale watching,
southern California whales,
salt water fishing charters,
white seabass fishing,
catalina island fishing,
california ocean fishing,
deep sea fishing,
over night fishing,
orange county sportfishing