Optimize Vbulletin Forum

Optimize Vbulletin Forum

There are a vBulletin forum with 4800 members and it’s load slow but it use only 1/4 of a Quad core CPU.

VB_SEO is active and is necessary.
MemCache is Active.

I want to upgrade vB from 3.8 to the last version.
I also want to speed up the template of the forum and optimize the Database, is very big.

Note; 4 day ago this forum has ben hacked on old server, so i need to optimize security of the forum and template.

Thanks a lot

Prestashop/ Php/ Mysql

Prestashop/ Php/ Mysql
Still need someone who ideally has previous experience with Prestashop for the following job :A new module which integrates with existing Prestashop as follows :

Registering, Login and Invoicing functionality must be taken out from the shop level and put in this module.

There will be a unique ID of a single customer for all the shops and only one invoice goes out to the final client, which contains all the subsequent products bought in different shops.

All other functionalities regarding check-out procedure ( tracking and loyality points, retour handling… etc.) must stay at the shop level.

On the backoffice side I need to be able to add/modify/delete a vendor and I also need an interface which makes it possible to hook-up different images and information to the Home Page of the mall.

I provide the design of this homepage and detailed algorithmic description of what it should happen and when.

The hired coder must have good english/communication skills and be available on yahoo messenger every day. I only accept bids from experienced coders with good reviews. All code must be secure against XSS and SQL injection attacks. I don’t want any GET-variables in the URLs unless they are absolutely required to make it work.

Refresh & Make Changes To Site

Refresh & Make Changes To Site
I want someone to make changes to my website, which includes:

1. Repositioned google adsense ads.

2. Remove the old photo images and add a couple of photo images for a fresh look to the homepage. I need someone who has the ability to add photo images on their own.

3. Place the text that I have in an attractive and highlighted way on the homepage.

4. Extend the current theme with my amazon affiliate link integrated into every post. This can be achieved through my wordpress blog.

Convert To A Download Site

Convert To A Download Site
I currently own a movie backup site that people can buy dvd backups of movies. I would like to convert it into a website where people can download the movies.WILL NEED THIS SHOPPING CART http://www.ecsuite.com/shopping-cart.php
* My Downloads Page for Customer Access to Complete History and Links payment system install
* Supports all Downloadable File Types
* Handles Free and Pay-for-Download Distributions
* Attach Files to Products
* Categorize Files in Library for Easy Access
* Add Files to Library via link
* Admin View of Customer Downloads per Order and Customer
* Modular presentation of files in library mode

the download will happen from my home server so i will add link on admin per product

Php Pos Tweaks

Php Pos Tweaks
PHP POS tweaks & new features
this is the script 10.0v: http://www.phppointofsale.com/

I need to do some tweaks and add more features like:
– add invoicing and estimates
– add create purchase order and receive items from purchase order
– categories and subcategories for items
– item
– – unit price calculated via margin
– – UPC/EAN/ISBN: – created from category,subcategory,ID
– – history – sales, orders
– – print barcode on sticker 1.5×2 inch – bulk, purchase order or from item
– customers – history

These are just few things on wish list

This will be a long term project!!

Please contact me just if you are 100% sure you can do this and more!!

Update Site To Php5

Update Site To Php5
My site “sowhiteteeth dot com” has been running on Oscommerce since 2004 and we are upgrading to php5. I need someone to go through our site and fix the items needed for PHP5. As you can see, there are errors popping up already. As well the checkout to paypal does not request that a buyer add thier shipping address to the payment. I would want the shipping address to be included with the paypal payment as well.


Plugin And Site Modification

Plugin And Site Modification
1) Need help setting up WP Ecommerce for use as a bottle service.
2) Integrate custom plugin into wordpress theme
3) Help integrating standalone version of WP Audio Player into iframe (footer). (Iframe is already setup and working just need to properly launch audio player.

Other than being familiar with wordpress, I need a programmer who communicates, is honest and meets deadlines and speaks english.

Fix E-commerce Site Joomla 2

Fix E-commerce Site Joomla 2
I need a programmer who’s experienced in Joomla. The previous programmer couldn’t get the website to work the way i wanted it. Here’s my website:


What I need:
1. Fix the order status module.
2. Fix the price level module.(I want the customer to be able to select a product with different options.) For example,

Product A :
10 kg – $20
20 kg – $30
30 kg – $40

3. Need to fix this. When I go into administrator/index.php to add a new product, this error comes up ” Fatal error: Class ‘JoomFishManager’ not found in /home/webincl/public_html/*****/plugins/system/jfrouter.php on line 428 ”

If you are experienced in Joomla, this should be a fairly easy project since the website is almost finished. If I like your work, I will hire you for long term. Please only bid if you are sure that you can fix these problems. I don’t want to deal with anymore headaches. Thank you for reading!

Date Validation Script

Date Validation Script
I need a script to validate the status of a customers warranty comparing date of purchase to today’s date.

Their will be two user input points
Dropdown Box for Manufacturer
Display Motorola = value 1 year (365)
Display CalComp = value 3 months (90)
Purchase date date picker/calendar

when leaving either box the script would calculate the status of the warranty displaying either your warranty is expired and direct the user to page A

or you have xxx days remaining in your warranty and direct the user to page B
This will be running on a php page which is part of a multipart form so the script must be compatible I belive javascript would work fine.

Clickatell Integration & Form

Clickatell Integration & Form
I want a php form integrated with my clickatell gateway api that has the following:

Sender # or ID :

Receiver # box : [can send for more than 1 number] and I want to have a phonebook that I can save the details in and then import them to the receiver box.

Message box : [Can be in any language] [Preferred English and Arabic]

and I want it to look professional and smooth

Easy: Psd To WordPress Php

Easy: Psd To WordPress Php
This will be an easy project for programmers skilled in PHP and know WordPress. Should only take a couple hours.

I have about 5-6 Photoshop pages that I need sliced up and converted into PHP specifically for use within WordPress.

Efficiency of design and coding (i.e. low load time) is critical.

Site is NOT complex; fairly simple.

One page will have roll-overs.

Magento 1.3: PHP Developer’s Guide – Free Copies

Magento 1.3: PHP Developer’s Guide – Free Copies

Magento is one of the most popular PHP eCommerce solutions available for web developers. In their own words, it’s the fastest growing eCommerce platform in the world. Packt Publishing has generously donated a handful of copies of their latest Magento book, called “Magento 1.3: PHP Developer’s Guide”. Given that ThemeForest and CodeCanyon have both begun selling Magento themes and extensions, respectively, now would be a fantastic time to get on board with your training! To win a free copy, simply leave a comment, and I’ll randomly choose and contact some of you.

“Magento is the most powerful e-commerce solution around and has gained popularity in a short period of time. You can create and manage online stores using the extensive suite of powerful tools it offers. However, because of its powerful features, developing with Magento can be easier said than done.

This book will show you how to develop better and do more with the Magento. You will be able to extend and customize modules for the Magento system without editing the core system code. It will show you how to create both basic and advanced functionality modules for your store and help you turn your ideas for extending Magento into reality by building modules from scratch.”

Thanks so much to Packt Publishing for always helping out on Nettuts+!

Web Price Calculator

Web Price Calculator
We run a campsite based in the UK and are looking for a web programmer to create a simple web calculator that will be able to work out the price of a number of nights stay for a customer and add applicable discounts.

The system needs to be easy to change for non-technical users and be able to be integrated into a html website, either as a popup or a standard link.

I have attached our current price list which it would need to calculate based upon.