Edu. Social Network For Kids

Edu. Social Network For Kids
I’m looking for a team of web developers who can take on this huge project. Name of site: Go2Youroom

It will start out in flash (animated 3D kid) already being created. Concept: 3D living Room, long hallway and a virtual Bedroom with many (hotspots) Bookshelves (books) English, Math, Languages, History, Science, Geography, etc. Also in the room, Musical instruments, Solar system, Computer desk, puzzles, microscope, printer, world Globe, play station, etc. (kids will be able to click on images and take quizzes, test etc.

kids- will have the option of uploading a photo of themselves or creating an animated charactor.

They can then earn play money/points based on correct answers. This play money will be used to buy or get discounted products or services by sponsors.

Teachers – Will be able to upload and create quizzes, test, submit homework projects into the site. IF POSSIBLE, CAN THEY BE GRADED?

Teachers – When creating test or quizzes, they SHOULD BE ABLE TO archived by name, subject, age group, class grade and district. Other teachers will be able to use created documents.

-ability to download/save work offline

Some examples of possible tools include:
-a tool to create a quiz or test
-a tool to create a crossword puzzle
-a tool to grade projects automatically
-a tool to add a piont system
-a tool to organize lesson plans for the day/week/month
-a tool to create & print out projects if needed.
-a tool to create a and or upload math, english, history etc. test.
Please do not limit yourself to these. I am looking for even more

Both parents and Teachers will be able to sign up the children, one or by a group.

Security- This site will need the highest security features and technology available, prior to launch – I do have a list, but It has room for improvement.

Sponsors- Will be displayed by a 10 by 10 row of squares (category)Click on sponsor and products available will be displayed with purchase price – (fun money)

Also, admin section will allow me and sponsors to submit logos and products.

Children- Once they are in thier room will be able to customize a personalized avator, drag and drop furnature, games, instruments, etc.

I’ve already created the point system (chart)

By biggest concern is teacher’s being able to work easily with the site and submit test and most inportant would be the security features to keep pedphilers away.

I will also be adding the and a customized coupon script similar to

funds for this project will be available in Febuary.

If you have any further question or suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.

I am also looking for the latest sex offenders software to intergrate into this site.

creative ideas.

Several programmers will be chosen for the project. Please describe clearly your ideas, and note the time frame for completing your tool(s). Also note any other requirements I may not know about (i.e., if it requires a database or certain PHP version).

I will discuss more details with those who submit bids to make sure expectations are clear.

Minor Design An Css Issues

Minor Design An Css Issues
I am looking for someone to help us to add a little marketing excitement to a couple of our pages (actually 1/4 of the page on three pages) similar to what you see on In addition, I need help fixing some minor CSS issues, This shouldn’t take too long. I’d like to get it done quickly.

Youtube Api Search Tool

Youtube Api Search Tool
Need someone who is familiar with the Youtube API to create a search tool that would identify certain videos on by by cross tabulating my database with youtube.

We have an internal database “Internal Yt Videos” (which can be mysql or other) of about 2000 YT videos by youtube video ID

The search “tool” should be able to search and generate a list of youtube video results. the “search input” would either be by user input (the user would enter the search string) or the search input would be a csv file that is uploaded. this csv file would just be a simple list of names in csv format (not sure if this is possible. if not, let me know).

Result listing would contain YT video id, user upload name, number of views, link to YT video sorted by number of views and lastly a field identifying whether that video is part of the Internal YT Video list. We should be able to also exclude those videos on the Internal YT list. so in this case, the video results must not contain youtube videos on the internal database “Internal_YT_Videos”.

if it matters, this will be a private application and not public.
100% of payment to be made on completion after testing. This can be escrow. You may use my server for development/ testing.

final app will live on LAMP server


We have 4 csvs that need to be integrated into an ecommerce system.

They describe products , prices etc

would like these integrated into a cart.

There are various product types and depending on what you are viewing they have different search filtering options and pricing types.

We also need a very simple sales order entry for sales people lie a quick order.

*i do not want oscommerce (variants), zencart

i WILL CONSIDER magento or a light weight MVC cart (maybe coded in codeigniter)

I can send sample data in PM i would like to see demos.

Submit Button Help

Submit Button Help
Take a look at or I need help with a submit button to submit offers to my control panel (admin panel) i would need to be able to go to my control panel and edit/delete/add a offer and the offer would appear on the page. i would also need a approve/delete a offer. i would like the offer to have a submit button to be able to submit to me for approval and a hide button to hide the offer.

if you have any questions please contact me thank you

Bonanzle & Ioffer Similar Site

Bonanzle & Ioffer Similar Site

I am looking for clone (but with added features, change in look just clone of current features on the site) of BONANZLE.COM and IOFFER.COM, bidder must be familiar (become member and look at all features especially bonanzle) as I would like all features cloned and look changed to suit my site along with current features of the site Bonanzle and ioffer including real time chat, selling and buying, swapping and offers and lightboxes and profiles etc. must have all features and again project leader must be familiar with all the features of the site.

Must have the features but new look and added features as below. Administrative back end should be template driven (same as for example backend of PHPProbid and (paypal/nochex/2checkout/google checkout/egold and more) compatible for all fees paid.

Check out and for features and functionality to familarise yourself.
In addition to the site similar to iOffer certain features will need to be changed and the below added in addition:

Ability to sell Digital goods with paypal IPN for instant delivery
Add favorite sellers to list
Community profile to include skype, msn or facebook plus real time chat same as bonanzle
Ability to add youtube videos or similar to adverts for sale
Instead of the \’booth\’ on Bonanzle to change this to the Sellers \’Mall\’ and the Chat to be chat with your Pal…
Adverts to be placed can be Make Offer or Sell fixed price or swap
Sign in and register lightbox with quick sign up, as with bonanzle a lightbox to sell goods is desired when buyer lists item.
ability to offer coupons to customers and abilty for admin to issue free credit and adding sideboxes with small adverts)
As with bonanzle you can offer a Sale day \’a bonanza\’ of course name is changed for our site.
As with bonanzle you can offer coupons to customers and discounts

i need to be assured you can do ALL of these extras plus of course the same functionality of the website clone. The website needs to include (similar to ioffer) of copyright protection agreement or reporting it to admin,the website needs to have ability to be updated at later stage with addons and more functionality, The website needs to be as per websites like phpprobid with a CMS back admin to make changes to prices, images, functionality very same as changes that could be made by phpprobid but of course on this bonanzle/ioffer type clone and with sql and php functionality, website needs to be seo compliant, website will be a clone but certain menu will be desired to be different style, front page slightly different in what is actually displayed and some boxes will require lightboxes, all colors of site will be different. I am on a budget, would like this completed soon. Looking for timescale and total project cost and details on requirements. Thank you.


Web To Eps File

Web To Eps File
I am looking for someone to create a web application that a person can go to and see a sample of file on the web add some text to it and then when they are done I need for the application to create a print ready eps and pdf file of the file that the person added the text to.

Please only bid on this if you know what you are doing.

payment will be put in escrow until the application is done.

this application must be done in php/MySql for i am on a Linux server.

please once again only bid on this project if you are capable of doing this work.

Thank you

Script To Display Text Ads

Script To Display Text Ads
I need a script that my affiliates can use to display text ads using a xml feed i give them.

1) Script can be js or php (i guess) I’m weak on the tech portion. The idea behind this is so that publishers who normally only use display ads priced cpm … can EASILY implement my xml feed … and the key part is easy for publishers. Easy to implement and easy to configure to where it looks OK on their page.

2) Script will not contextually target, instead my downstream affiliates need to be able to input a list of keywords and rotate through the list.

3) Your finished work should be formatted and explained in an email, that i can simply copy and send to affiliates (along with my xml feed). Email message should contain examples of each required ad sizes.

4) Your finished work should contain a brief explanation to my affiliates “How To Use”

5) Click may be made on (a) ad title (b) ad text or (c) displayed ad url.

6) When ad click is made, the destination page should open in a new page.

7) Ad sizes & number of default listings per ad:
Full Banner (468 x 60) with 2 listings
Leaderboard (728 x 90) with 2 listings
Skyscraper (120 x 600) with 4 listings
Skyscraper (160 x 600) with 5 listings

Affiliates / publishers need the capability to edit the number of listings displayed in each ad format.

Twenty Five Quality Articles

Twenty Five Quality Articles
Hello, I am looking for a high quality writer who is a NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER to write 400 word articles. You will need to finish your articles by the deadline you state in your bid. I will only work with a punctual writer who understands the importance of deadlines.

The articles need to be informative to the reader with 100% correct grammar and punctuation. Furthermore, if you are not from North America, please do not bid unless you truly have a complete grasp of the English language. I do not want to spend my time revising your articles due to improper grammar, word usage, etc.

Your articles must be at 100% unique, and I will check each article using Copyscape and Plagiarism Detect for plagiarism.

You agree that upon sending me the articles all rights to the articles transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any way.

Please be able to communicate 1-2 times per day by email or messenger.

Depending upon the bids I receive, I may ask the bidder to write a short sample on a topic of my choice before choosing the bidder.

Instead of the generic reply, please type “I understand” in your bid. This way, I know you have read and understand the terms.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you.

Creative Writing Letters

Creative Writing Letters
Looking for a very creative writer! Need 3 different Sales Letters 1) For family 2) For Client 3) For Potential Client

Each letter to only be one page. Must be unique, eye catching title, quick to the point message with good verbiage to get person to respond. DO NOT copy – want original and unique.

Provide specific examples of previous work. Subject of letters is a Product/Program relating to investment alternative. Will give further details and info (along with some verbiage).

Hoping 1 day for this project to be completed.

Seo Blog Comments 500

Seo Blog Comments 500
We want Five Hundred 35-45 words blog comments for existing articles in numerous blogging sites that we maintain.

Your work requires for you to visit the blogging sites that we maintain and place comments.

Comments need to be in good nature and need to be grammatically correct. User name to be used for the blog comments need to show diversity by using different names. (40% English names, %10 spanish, 10% German, 10% French, 20% other)

Thank you

Short 350 Word Niche Articles

Short 350 Word Niche Articles
I will need 7 total “unique” articles written.

1) Write 7 short (350 word minimum) articles on different product related keywords that I will give you.

2) Each article must contain 2 or 3 keywords from each product category that I will give you.

To be eligible to receive payment, the articles must meet the following requirements:

a) 100% ORIGINAL and UNIQUE. This means that your article must pass a check by Copyscape. If for any reason it does not, meaning that the article is copied from somewhere else on the internet it will be detected and then rejected.

Feel free to use other sources for RESEARCH, but do not copy or plagiarize.

b) It must be written in clear English so that it is readable by a US audience. If there are too many grammatical mistakes your article will be rejected.

c) Each article must be a minimum of 350 words with at least 2 or 3 keywords inside the article that I will supply to you.

Easy job for the right writer.

Please don’t bid if you can’t keep your bid deadline.

Online Magazines 3

Online Magazines 3
Need 10 very good quality, well written articles about online magazines. Each article about 450 words. Each article should give the various good reasons why this name is ideal for publishing an online magazine by that name.

Each article should sell the idea to companies that have the potential to buy and properly develop an online magazine with a high quality domain name.

Clear understanding and experience of online publishing, online magazines, and high quality domain names is essential. Prefer to wait longer and get higher quality articles.

An English native professional and experienced writer is very much preferred.

The articles must be 100% original and unique, and be free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. You must agree not to re-use these articles in any way whatsoever.

Please bid for the set of 10 articles with the topics shown below, one article for each topic.

Company Magazine
Leader Magazine
Women Magazine
London Magazine
Advertising Magazine
America Magazine
Mother Magazine
Phone Magazine
Social Magazine
Market Magazine

(Also looking for a long term provider)

Flash/gif (html) Homepage

Flash/gif (html) Homepage
I need a graphic design (640×500) for my homepage for my website (

I need the graphics to flash in and out (with Eye Catching flash of Light fx) with text amd photos about three times then the final flash will also include a 30sec to 1min sound clip or my work (music/beats) this will need to be coded in html to copy and paste on my homepage. I have posted a link of an example of a site with flash graphics. Please contact me if you need a more detailed explanation.


Flash Record Label Website

Flash Record Label Website
I need a flash website for my upcoming record label. I’m producing rock and hip hop music. I need a talented designer and developer/company.

The website needs to have an ecommerce section where people can buy digital downloads and actual cds. The non-digital downloads need to have a shipping charge on them also. Basically, what a normal ecommerce site can do. There will also be a downloads section where people can download music, screen savers, and some videos. I would like the video to play in the background and everything disappears.

I’m not a professional so I would want my website to have an admin panel where I can edit pages, add content and manage the ecommerce part of the site (add/remove products etc). Adding content meaning downloads (screen savers, music, video, wallpapers etc).

Here’s some more information about the design and functionality.

– Full width and height, basically takes up the size of the browser. Completely flash.
– Black/white grayish theme which is a bit elegant.

– Navigation and other info should be on the sides/bottom.
– When playing a video, options should come up bottom of the screen like play button and stop. And the video would play in the background so everything will hide (Not only when stopped, users should be able to do other things while playing music or a video).
– Have a downloads section where I can have music, screensavers, wallpapers, and other things for download. I should be able to add/remove through an admin section.
– For ecommerce, I will be mainly selling digital downloads or actual cds. So the ecommerce part of the site should have shipping charges as well, basically the main functions a ecommerce site has. For digital downloads, if possible I would like a system where customers can download right away.
– Also for ecommerce, customers should be able to register so their info is saved. Check out options should include PayPal (Would like a credit card option as well).
– It does seem a lot but I can think of 6 pages where the content will be spread out. Home, Music, Downloads, Shop, About, and Contact.

I would also like no copyright on the site since I would like this to be professional (Not the right click copyright either). I’m not very familiar with flash at all so that’s why I would like an admin panel where I can edit anything on the pages. I already have a logo and hosting so just need the main site. Here’s a friend’s website I liked and would like the design and functionality to be similar;

That should be enough information for the basics of the site. I’d like the site to be completed in 2-3 weeks if it’s possible.