Magento Ie & Firefox Fix

Magento Ie & Firefox Fix
When I disabled the slider on my homepage, then re-enabled it, my home page bacame distorted in IE and Firefox.

1.Too much white space on right side of page homepage.
2.Too much white space at below footer of page homepage.
3.Navigation bar below banner should not be there on homepage.
4.Homepage footer below green certification icons should look just like innerpage footer.
5.Footer not showing up in older Internet Explorer.

Backup file also available.

See PM for website.

If you are NOT expereinced in Magento, but place a bid, I will ban you.

Drupal Openpublish Setup 2

Drupal Openpublish Setup 2
I am looking for someone how can set up my openpublish website.

The openpublish info website is here

What I want is to set up a home building and repair information website.

I will need to transfer the articles from my other website with the pictures. Then I will need all the options that come with the openpublish setup. I will want people to be able to sign up for an account so they they can keep track of there comments and subscribe to news letters.

I want to make sure that I can write my own articles and add pictures and so on. But I want the website to be able to pull content from other sites so it is self contained but able to add my own content if i want.

I also want to have Google adsense to be injected into the middle of the articles.

I already have openpublish installed on my server you can go here to see it.


Inventory Module

Inventory Module
we need an inventory module coded for our shop as per attached diagram to create a RE-ORDERING LIST. It must have the good logic to handle product inventory and consists of the following tasks.

-existing products in store
-out of stock products
-maximum allowed product order (which can be manipulated)
-create DB table (columns will be given)
-provide simple HTML table for display only

server: LAMP
timeframe: ASAP

You must be available via a messenger or/and skype for good communication after being awarded the project.

Zend Jquery Php – Map

Zend Jquery Php – Map
This project MUST be done in Zend Framework, JQuery, and PHP5

Please see attached images which include design notes. I will briefly explain these notes here:

The DIV should pop up when we want it to. When user places their mouse over the map, the color of the area they are over changes to pink (after 3 seconds OR if they click the area) and the shipping information for that area shows at the bottom. If the shipping info is too large it adds a scroll bar to the shipping info area. If they are on the wrong site (i.e. if they are on the Asian site but are looking at shipping information to Canada) there will show a link that goes to the proper site above the shipping info (i.e. “.ca” – see image 2 for example). There are 10 areas in total that have shipping information that we need to display.

Please look at the images and ask if you have any questions.

Zend Jquery Php – Help Form

Zend Jquery Php – Help Form
This project MUST be done in Zend Framework, Jquery, and PHP5.

See attached image. When they click on a help link a screen should open in the same window as seen in attached image. Clicking on one of the headings will change the middle column title, show all subheadings within that heading, and automatically open the first subheading. A MySQL database needs to be used to store headings, subheadings, and subheading answers. There should be a way to add headings, subheadings, and answers

Should be similar to this in functionality:

Link Rotator With Stats

Link Rotator With Stats
I need a url/webaddress rotator with an admin where I can add an unlimited amount of urls and then be able to setup the url to receive an amount of website visits that I set. I need a webpage where the owners of the websites can go and enter a code and see the statistics on how many hits their sit has gotten. on the stats page they should just have to enter the code to get the stats and not need any other information to get stats.

I need the rotator to have a main url so I can just paste it where it needs to go. then that link would rotate the urls.

I want to get this started by the end of the month

Programming Project 1263884350

Programming Project 1263884350

* email (send mass announcement)
* attendance (from course to class)
* time table (integrated)
* every user is able to change their theme they prefer
* incorporated facebook and twitter into Moodle

Moodle is an open source content management programme that also allows programmers to build 3rd party modules. You might want to find out more on:

Sites Cloned Into WordPress

Sites Cloned Into WordPress
There are 3 simple html sites I want to copy the layout and design of.

Sites are:
cut.jaso nsripp /37
jess eisja ie-is-jack ed/?t20 2id=4705&t202kw=
consume rnewsrepo whit ening/?sub=p3 60

Just remove the spaces

I want to keep the layouts, and just change some minor text in each header. I don’t need navigation. THESE ARE SIMPLE ONE PAGE LANDING PAGES!!! Bid accordingly.

The quote is a for simple copy of these layouts into a full functioning wordpress theme.

WordPress Specialist

WordPress Specialist
We are looking for WordPress Specialist for our customization projects.
If you have a great experience in PHP, MySQL and WordPress please bit for this task.

task#1. adding unique meta info for each page/post. it should be place position of this code.
<title><?php wp_title(‘«’, true, ‘right’); ?> <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></title>

<meta name=”description” content=”XXXXXX”>
<meta name=”keywords” content=”XXXXXX”>
<meta name=”classification” content=”XXXXXX”>
<meta name=”content” content=”XXXXXX”>
<meta name=”subject” content=”XXXXXX”>
<meta name=”copyright” content=”XXXXXX”>
<meta name=”author” content=”XXXXXX”>
<meta name=”revisit-after” content=”XXXXXX”>
<meta name=”distribution” content=”XXXXXX”>
<meta name=”robots” content=”XXXXXX”>
We have a more heavy customization for multiple projects.
