Modify Joomla Module

Modify Joomla Module
I need the module kwik sliding menu modified. ( The module must contain 8 menu instead of 6. I need the possibility to edit them from joomla administration as the original version.

Referring to the menu must fill all the template without spaces in the sides.

Email/contact Finder

Email/contact Finder
I need a 2 web application that use the same technology.

The First Application:

1. Will allow users to retrieve contacts for the following platforms via api: gmail, yahoo, windows live (hotmail), aol, facebook, twitter, linked in, bebo, plaxo, konnects.
2. Once all contacts are shown after the user logs in through api, they can select which contacts they wish to send this pre-formatted email to.
Step 1 and 2 can be repeated if they have multiple accounts. The list of emails they have selected will be appended for each account.
3. They click send and the email will be sent to all the selected contacts.

The Second Application:
1. Will allow users to retrieve contacts for the following platforms via api: gmail, yahoo, windows live (hotmail), aol, facebook, twitter, linked in, bebo, plaxo, konnects.
2. Once all contacts are shown after the user logs in through api, they can select which contacts they wish to add to their contact list in an admin area that I have built. They will simply need to be added to the mysql database.

For anyone who has developed using this API, it should be a quick and easy task.

Make Things Look Same In Ie

Make Things Look Same In Ie
I have a zen cart shopping website. Everything is done.
However somethings look different from browser to browser like a header.
I need someone who is good at arranging stuff and the eye
for a design.

I need my shopping header to look same in firefox, all IEs, chrome, safari. Needs repositioning.
I need contact page to look same in all browsers as above.

Should be a simple job if you know what you are doing.

Once you are found as a good dev, will be provided with more job in future. Thank you.

Additional Comment About this easy job:

This is strictly rearranging.
Actually, not even rearranging. Just making the header look the same in IE and all other browsers out there.

Same goes for the contact us page which has the text field moved to the right in IE.

No designing required. Just moving the stuff left or right so they look the same in all browsers.

Thank you!

Oscommerce Payment Hsbc

Oscommerce Payment Hsbc
Hi, I’m looking for somebody who knows how to install HSBC payment gateway into a clean oscommerce including the option for 3D secure.I have seen there are modules available but weather they work? I’m sure somebody will know what i’m talking about and have experience with this area.

So just to clarify, I need a clean osc V 3.0 alpha 5 if possible with HSBC that supports 3D secure added to it and sent to me or if needed I will install osc on a domain and you can just add the payment option.

Programming Project 1263917450

Programming Project 1263917450
My existing URL: (unfinished)

1. Redo the banner
2. Add a question box on every site of the page
3. Slider gallery / lightbox on homepage showcasing decals
4. Clean up FAQ
5. Redo App. Form
6. Add Do you park your car in the garage for app. form
7. Redo contact us page

Kindly see the following sites : ; ; ;

My website has to convey : Modern/Smart ; Green/Eco Friendly ; Spreading the wealth/Every benefits

Color Schemes : a Green / white / dark green theme

duration : 48 hours

Website’s Code will be given to amend.

Component For Joomla

Component For Joomla
We want to create a consultation component for joomla.
Indeed, we are creating a site of clairvoyance and components provided do not meet our demand. The site will contain a dozen soothsayers to give visitors subsequently named “Customer”.
The customer registers on our site to browse the files of different lights (we believe create sheets of soothsayers with Community builder. We’ll see together what is best) to select the one he prefers. He can see soothsayers that are connected on the site. He can also see if the soothsayers is available for consultation or unavailable (perhaps in consultation or paused. If it is paused, the soothsayer profile fits on a button to click to make it available with a message . example: I’ll be back in 10 minutes). The client can credit his account (I think we’ll use Paypal) to consult one or more soothsayers. The consultation is of course one-to-head and the discussion should be archived so that we can meet any customer’s complaint or finding.
Course credits not used it will refer the same or another soothsayers at its next visit. It can of course see many soothsayers on the same day.

I wish more rates :
– rate to a component written for a discussion with the features described above.
– rate to a component written for a discussion with the features described above + soothsayers video.
– rate to a component written for a discussion with the features described above + the soothsayers video and the client if he has a Web Cam.
– rate to a component written for a discussion with the features described above + the soothsayers video and the client if he has a Web Cam + audio.

Regarding the video, I do not know if we can use MSN or SKYPE without necessarily having to give details of the soothsayers.

We are therefore looking for a developer who can develop course consisting while ingenuity, initiative, logic … together to create a component that can fully adapt to our needs.

We’d love to use this component on our sites.

We can speak English but if you have any ideas of the French tell us.
I remain at your disposal for any questions you may help make your specifications.

WordPress Theme Modify

WordPress Theme Modify
I need someone who can install a wordpress theme I will provide and install it perfectly and modify as per my requirements . I need someon reliable and I am looking for a freelancer not a part time . No offence but I got plenty of wordpress jobs so I want to outsource all my work to someone reliable . If you have no experience with wordpress please don’t bid , details will be provided on pmb if you are interested

Custom Music Player

Custom Music Player
I need a custom music player built. No automatic bids or bots will be considered.

WHAT I HAVE: I currently have a Media Player that is integrated with my existing social network (social engine). It has playlist creation, with area for lyrics & artist name and links to owner profile. The player pops out and listeners can comment, add to playlist, share, rate & download.

WHAT I NEED: It needs to be converted to flash or rebuilt as flash with all current features, PLUS the ability to: a) turn download on/off, b) sell songs via paypal, c) Optional song cover image added, d) SEO friendly so each song has its own url to be added to .htaccess file.

Oscommerce Security Hole Patch

Oscommerce Security Hole Patch
Our website was recently hacked and phishing website information installed on our server. The site is running oscommerce MS2.0. The website has been highly modified and there seems to be a hole in the security somewhere.

I have moved to a new host also to rule out that possibility. I need someone to check for known vulnerabilities of oscommerce in our website and make sure the site will not be hacked again in the same manner.

Thank you

Customization Of Ktools Site

Customization Of Ktools Site

I own a KTools website for several years now. Current version installed is 3.5.5 (upgrade is from beginning last year) but I am considering to upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible.

Indeed, I have some security problems that will be solved with version 3.8.3. I also want to take advantage of this update opportunity to relooking my website.

What I need is a clean and high class graphic design which is also larger than current website. (

As this will be a « temporary website » (I will upgrade to PS 4 as soon as possible), it would be nice if you could keep costs as low as possible.

I know that updating KTools websites is very time consuming and not that easy. So, let’s keep it simple.

I will ask you to make the customization from scratch.This way, no need to struggle your way into the many code documents to adapt everything.

So here are some thoughts and questions:

I cannot afford to shut down my current website. KTools is willing to install their latest version on my dedicated server in a specific temporary folder.
So, you will only need to work on the latest version from scratch. Once this version will be ready to be put online, you will only need to redirect to the correct url.
All categories and sub categories will remain unchanged. If it’s possible to copy those already on my server to the new website that will be great.
If to difficult or time consuming, no problem. I can upload all pictures myself once everything is up and running.
Also, no need to copy all text from the menus and categories into the new website. I’ll take care of this through the admin panel.
I would like +/- the same lay-out as the current website but with some modifications :
Larger website (currently the width is 765 pixels) : if possible upto 1040 or even 1280 ? Your suggestion is most appreciated.
Regarding top menus: as the website will be larger, could it be possible to add two more buttons: Special Event Concept and Rates & Services between About Us and Subscribe?
Is it possible to have a flash head banner installed instead of the rotating banners ? For your information, I create those banners myself. I only need to know how to put them online.
Color sheme : everything in black, grey and silver : no more yellow-orange. Also, I wonder if it could be more eyecatching if we reverse the current colors :
Grey background, darker color for the website itself and black only as background for the pictures and thumbnails (an example I really like that you could use as reference:
Regarding the categories : under the intro text of each category I would like to implement a kind of slideshow (flash, swf, youtube like …). Is this possible ? If so, how ?
Also, sub-categories within the categories should be presented with 468 x 60 banners as currently, but the white frames should be less visible (maybe 50% white or grey/silver).
The same should be applied to the thumbnails within the categories (note that all frames are the same dimension, whenever the pictures are horizontal or vertical – this is great and should remain the same!)
Currently, I have 4 thumbnails in a row. I would like to keep the current dimensions but with 5 or even 6 thumbnails in a row.
When clicking on a thumbnail, a new page opens : here also, no colors to be used in text and frames the same as picture thumbnails.
Regarding Prints and Products scroll menu : text is too small and difficult to read. Is it possible to have larger text format of even no scroll menu at all ?
When clicking on « Click to enlarge » within the latest version, a new frame opens and backgrounds gets darker. This is really nice but is it possible to insert the Next and Previous button on the enlarged picture as well ?
Most of my assignments are event contracts and I really need to allocate coupons to specific categories or sub-categories.
Indeed, I don’t want customers who receive a coupon code for a free download within a specicif category for instance, to be able to download any picture from any category on Digital Eyecatcher.
The purpose is to offer a discount or even a free download for a specific category to specific customers. I can of course make the specific category “private” but most of my clients want to remain visible on the site.
I asked KTools for this option and they told me it wouldn’t be available before version 4.1 (if this option ever sees the light?) … Can you tweak the coding to make this possible.
Resume :

– As PhotoStore version 4 will probably be released second half of this year, I want to keep costs as low as possible. Once PS4 released, I will get in touch with you to customize my website.

– No need to struggle your way into the existing pages and codes of current website : latest version will be installed by KTools in a specific folder on my server.
All you need to do is some cosmetic customization and eventually, if possible, some tweaking of the code

– Also, no need to copy everything from the current site to the new version if this is too difficult and time consuming. I can handle this once the new version will be up and runing.

Last but not least, the main idea is to have a very clean and high class graphic design photography website. Of course, if you have any suggestions, they are most welcome.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,

Alain Thimmesch
Digital Eyecatcher Photography