Hockey League Cms

Hockey League Cms

I am looking for pricing on a Hockey League CMS. As an example, we are looking for the same funtionality as the NHL website (

-Upcoming & past game ticker (See top)
-Easily updated scrolling news feed
-Easily updated teams
-Easily Updated team rosters
-Easily updated game statistics
-When stats are updated, stats across site updated univerally
-AUTOMATIC schedule generator with options to limit amount of games against certain opponents

-Must be quoted in CANADIAN DOLLARS!
-It can be a module for another CMS system (POPULAR CMS ONLY – Joomla, WordPress, PHP Fusion, PHP Nuke, etc)
-Must include detailed installation directions
-Must be open sourced to be editable by us
-Designer must be willing to release all affiliation with site design

Thank you!

Mod For Modified Wp Site

Mod For Modified Wp Site
I have a wordpress driven site that has been highly modified to work with what I wanted., please visit the site to see the mods already installed for my site.

I need a mod, that allows me to approve ALL posts no matter where posted before being shown on my site. I dont care if you use an existing mod but it must work with my wordpress site.

Payment after completion and testing on my server and you must finish in the time you specify with your bid.

Writers Needed – 1000 Articles

Writers Needed – 1000 Articles

I am looking for 10 skilled article writers that are able to write at least 10 articles/ day. The article topics are various but mostly regarding internet features. This is a long term project if we manage to cooperate in good terms (all i am asking is to deliver your articles in time and write them 100% original). A team specialized in such tasks in more than welcome as there is a huge amount of articles to write.
From our part you’ll get seriousness, professionalism and payments in time.

Please place your for 100 articles.

Happy bidding and thank you.

Article Writing For Seo

Article Writing For Seo
The job is very simple:

10 Articles – each should have 200 to 250 words. Has to use the following keywords:
=> Attached here <=

More details will come for actual bidders. It may continue upto 50 Articles in 1st round. So it has future opportunities.

a)All articles must be (100% unique) and pass Copyscape premium &
b)Must use perfect English
c)Must be free from grammatical errors
d)Must be free from spelling errors
e)Must be something that adds value to the reader and have interest on reading
f)The keywords provided need to be used in a logical, conversational manner throughout the articles.
*I will own all rights to articles after payment is made to you.
*You cannot resell all articles submitted to me.

If you understand all of the requirements please make your bid and also PM me with your samples and anything more to learn about the product.

Project For Webby

Project For Webby
Are you avail for a project? Must be able to give priority. It is to redesign a home page – high end design required ASAP. Let me know. We liked the work you did in the past for us. We are ready to start this project and before we posted it wanted to see if you wanted to do it and I can post project only for you.

Website Design And Creation.

Website Design And Creation.

I would like the website to be very similar to the below in functionality and layout: (this one does not look as good but converts very well)

I am looking for the same functionality and want to be able to have a good backend that is easy to change text, add images, add pages, remove pages etc.
There should be a template design for every new page I want to add, this template will include a “Make Me An Offer” button which takes the customer to the main form to fill in.

The Form that is on the site when completed by a user should send an automatic email to me with the information from the form on it. The information from the Form needs to be stored in some kind of admin area for me to review at a later stage. I would like the form to have the same fields as this one… (fill it in with some dummy information to see the fields required). I want to be able to add fields if necessary and make fields inactive in the back end.

The site needs Google Analytics installed on it, setup so it can record PPC through to a sale (a sale is counted as the form being filled in)

Should be compatible with all main stream browsers.

I want a clear and concise Sitemap.

I will be optimising pages for SEO so will need to be able to change the relevant fields/tags etc.

I will be running Adword campaigns and want to be able to track these easily. So I can see what ad word resulted in a form being filled in.

I can supply text and copy for the site and would need to have the ability to change this in the backend if I wanted to at a later date. For now use the text that is on the other sites and I will change later.

This is the first of many projects like this, the next one has a shopping cart, this one does not need that option. I am happy for you to customise an existing template site as long as it looks good and I own the source code upon completion.

Can you let me know how much this will be and send me a few examples of other sites you have created.

I need the work completed quickly so would like to award this project within 2 days. How long will it take you to complete?

Many thanks

Change Output From Php Script

Change Output From Php Script

I need soemone with PHP experience to do a small change om – currently when you click submit a php script is run ( This does not use the template that is used for the rest of the site.

I want the script changed so it outpust using the attached page_template file, the results shoudl appear where the text “THE RESULTS OF THE SUBMISSION SHOUL APPEAR HERE” currently appears.

The results should appear in a scrollable window to prevent the page getting too long, newest results at top of window.

I woudl like a littel space left above the results window so I can output some static text directly above the text.

Hopefully a simple job for someone ?

