WordPress Dropdown

WordPress Dropdown
Hello There,

Need someone to fix css on wordpress website. Two dropdown menu’s are working fine on firefox but its not working correctly on Internet Explorer. Same issue is with the bullets in one panel. They are showing correctly on Firefox but not showing on IE.

Please quote as soon as possible and you should be able to complete the work within few hours. Thank you

Category-based Rss Feed

Category-based Rss Feed
I am creating a new community blog on WordPress and I would like to create an accompanying set of feeds that will use the same 15 blogs, but each feed will correspond to a specific tag.

For example, Feed 1 will include all posts from the 15 blogs which are tagged “Health.” Feed 2 will include all posts from the 15 blogs which are tagged “Weight Loss.” This way, people can customize their feed listings to include only those subjects that interest them.

My work computer has so many firewalls in place that I cannot use FTP clients or even download WordPress, so I’ve been stymied in my efforts to create the feed myself. Plus, everything I’ve ready about creating a feed from scratch makes it seem more code than I’m capable of learning.

My budget is limited, so I need someone who can create a bare bones feed without a lot of bells and whistles. I also need them to show me how I can add blogs to the feeds over time.


Joomla Update

Joomla Update
I need someone that knows joomla to make some small changes to one of my site. This should be easy for you to do. There are around 7-8 changes that need to be done. Please email me and I can send you a list of what needs done. This should be easy and fast for you to do. I need this done today. ASAP!!

Simple Research For Affiliates

Simple Research For Affiliates
In the bid for this you must submit why you know about affiliate products or I will delete the bid.
I have a list of domain names and I want someone who knows a lot about where to and how find affiliate products.
I want 3 good affiliate products for each domain name given.
The affiliate product can be anything that will fit into the niche of the specific domain name.
If you know about affiliate products this should be a fast and easy project. If possible I would like it done in the next 24 hours.
I will give you the list if I pick you, but here are a few items
Thank you


Content Writer Needed

Content Writer Needed
I’m looking for long term business relation. This is only for the start.

First Project:25 articles based on my test case regarding Page Speed from Google

What I provide:
– instructions regarding the technical (code examples, etc) stuff;
– images of a study case for each article;
– notices about main ideas in the articles;

What I need
– good English grammar;
– professional content writer;
– long term business relation;
– general knowledge of Google products (Adwords, Analytics, etc), – – general knowledge about domain & hosting industry, internet and advertising;
– original content;
– pass the copyscape;

References for first project: http://code.google.com/speed/page-speed/docs/using.html (Don’t be scared by the amount of information in page speed docs in some case the article will have under 200 words, and i’ll provide assistance).

Purchase Order App For Iphone

Purchase Order App For Iphone
I’m looking for a professional and experiance programmer to create a simple Iphone APPS. What I need is a nice looking Purchase Order along with Purchase Agreement and sale reciept Apps for Iphones. Please make your bid reasonable this project should be simple to a professional programmer and lets not make off the wall bids. Funds will be transfer to escrow until project is reviewed tested and upon satisfied the funds will be released. Looking forward to your bids and further detial will be discuss with choosen programmers.



Handshake Expert Required

Handshake Expert Required
We have one handshake website to be done , payment on completeion of project , project should be uploaded on their server ,

We have layout design ready all the work which is required will be done by our team when it comes to design , programmer needs to integrate design into handshake and add 3-4 small things to it

Our budget is 100 USD for all . and i will select winning bid in next 2 hrs

Custom Coupon Code Virtuemart

Custom Coupon Code Virtuemart
Joomla 1.5.5
VirtueMart 1.1.0

We have only one product in inventory
With 1 color attribute
We would like the customer to be able to enter
discount code (non-expiring) which will make the current price to a discount price no matter how many are purchased, and no matter what attributes.
In addition, if the customer resides in the default Tax-added State,
we do not want the tax added als to this discount checkout.