Joomla License Error Message

Joomla License Error Message
One of my client’s websites that’s on a very custom high end Joomla/CuteEditor version 6.3 WYSIWYG platform and hosted by is NOT allowing anyone to edit or get accesss to the 99 web pages thru Joomla’s front end.

We can logon/off the Joomla website fine, all web pages are online no problem there, I can get to any page no problem, but once I click on the upper right hand corner edit page icon to edit a webpage on Joomla front end I get this error message on EVERY page on the website and won’t allow me to edit pages now.

IMPORTANT**Gray window pops up labeled “Message from Webpage” Yellow triangle with exclamation point graphic that says next to it “License Error: (4) license expired! (SEE SCREENSHOT of this exact error message ATTACHED to this bid).

Makes no sense since it’s been running perfect for almost 2 1/2 months straight with zero problems and never seen any error messages.

I contacted two engineers from my hosting company here is what they told me. “Your permissions are probably the cause of this: they should be: folders = 755, and files = 644.”

“This is not a server issue. Your getting a license error probably because your using a non standard plugin for editing. Make sure that your using the Tiny MCE module for editing and check that you don’t have any third party or custom editing modules installed that may require a license.”

I was also told from three different freelancers I need to spend $129 for a full cute editor license for my client! Also I’ve hacked the current cuteeditor/Joomla with another programmer so this site needs to be backed up twice before we would do anything.

I have my client very high in SERPS and Alexa top 370,000 website in the world in under 3 months. So I need someone that is a Joomla guru that won’t make any mistakes and can save all the custom work I’ve done on the existing CuteEditor version 6.3.

So 3 things need done for this project…

1. You need to copy entire website and custom Joomla & Cute Editor platform to (old version of is already hosted there) Should be easy since both websites are hosted by bluehost and even same domain register in Godaddy. Please note I understand fully the CuteEditor won’t work when you transfer everything, unless you install another trial version of CuteEditor, because I’m not going to pay another $129 for another Cuted Editor license just to have it backed up on a website I have.

2. Once step 1 is done figure out why we can’t access/edit/create any webpages on the Joomla website and then fix it completely. If we need to buy a paid version of CuteEditor part of this bid is you installing it (We buy it not you of course), but you MUST backup and be able to put back or at least not delete all the other custom hacks/plug-ins/features we’ve added to both Joomla and CuteEditor systems already. VERY important.

I need to know BEFORE I award you the bid what version of Cute Editor should I buy? On CuteEditor website they only offer 6.5 version thru PayPal to buy or version 6.0 using a credit card. I need to know if I buy 6.5 version ALL the custom hacks we did on 6.3 version will and can be saved when you install the full pd version of CuteEditor.

3. Install Google Analytics on every page of my client’s website per Google Webmaster instructions. (We have Google account already will give you access).

Need this project done RIGHT NOW and finished in next 24 hours,

Also you must have Yahoo chat and Skype to talk live on.

Pay is $50.00 for this project, so bid accordingly please.

I also have tons of Joomla work needed in the future, so a all in one great Joomla SEO, developer and designer I’m looking for.

Thanks Ben


Forum Posters Needed 2

Forum Posters Needed 2
I need a few people who are can make quality posts in my new poker forum. Must be a keen poker player or have a knowledge of poker.

Looking for large numbers of posts from multiple users over time. Payment via paypal at the end of each week.

When you place your bid, please send me a message indicating how many posts your bid is for (payment will be broken down into a per post cost and paid weekly) and how you plan to release the posts (timeframes per post).

The posts do not all have to be long, different length posts are required to make it seem natural. If your bid is a good price I will allow you to use a link to your website or an affiliate link (non gambling or poker related) as your signature on your posts, which will gain you extra backlinks and advertising on my forum. This will be allowedat my descretion if the price is good enough (if you wish to use the signature link, please also let me know in your message to me so that I can make a counter-offer if I feel the price is a bit too high for the added benefit of your link).

Thanks and look forward to your bids.

PS. I am also looking for an EXPERIENCED and ADVANCED Omaha poker player to write me a beginners strategy guide for Omaha poker. If you think you could do this, let me know in your message (will need to be similar to the strategy guide I have written for Texas Holdem, which you will see on my site if selected as I cannot give out links here).

Simple Writing Project

Simple Writing Project
I need people who have experience with different online sites such as,,, etc,etc to write short synopsis of these sites: how and where to sign up, how much they pay, what you have to do, requirements etc. Just a couple of short paragraphs on each one.

Once I select you I will need you to post a list of the sites you will write about so I can approve them then I will pay for each synopsis.

I will accept multiple people for this project.

Multiple Niche Writer Needed

Multiple Niche Writer Needed
I am in need of a article writer. I would like to find a professional writer to have a long term relationship with. I will need about 20 articles each for the following niches: Green Energy, Pregnancy help, Women’s health, Men’s sexual dysfunction, Getting a former lover to come back to you. I am a Affiliate marketer and these articles will need to be link to websites to induce sales. I will be doing this with many projects and wish to have these articles read by as many people as possible.

Combined Flash/cms Website

Combined Flash/cms Website
Whe need a cms website created (whe prefer Joomla) that uses a flash template. All modifications made in the cms needs to automaticly be adjusted in the frontend flash template. Imgages, content and buttons needs to be written into the flash template to show the modifications.

Content, images and buttons will be modified by us, so whe only need the basic website build.

Thats it.

Sports Betting And Casino

Sports Betting And Casino

In order to bid, please have the following expertise before bidding…

– Mysql
– Windows 2003
– Prior experience with betting sites is A++++

Details on my site and work that needs to be done..

– Sports betting website including live line feeds with multiple user level login (admin/agent/user etc..)
– We need casino games that can be implemented into the site AND implemented into the credit/balance system thats currently in place.
– Fix alot of bugs and finish up some work/task that is outstanding.
– Work on new projects to enhance and upgrade the site.

This can potential lead to a long term business. I need people that is trustworthy and can be ON TIME and ON SCHEDULE that can deliver. We need constant follow ups and please have a habit with double checking work before saying it is done.

If you already have casino games that will be great!

If no casino games, but you are good with programming and have sports betting experience, we can probably work something.

Email me for more details.

Decode 3 Zend Encrypted Files

Decode 3 Zend Encrypted Files
I need to decode 3 Zend encoded files.

Attention: I want them to work 🙂 I can download a De-Zender from a warez forum and get them “decoded” but they will generate a bunch of errors. So the actual job is to fix any errors that these 3 decoded files may contain.

Over-priced bids will not be taken into consideration.

Real Estate Mls Quick Search

Real Estate Mls Quick Search
I have a Joomla site for Real Estate. I would like the home page to offer a search tool that searches the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) for available homes. See for example. We are using a search service called Navica ( Their service provides us access to MLS. See our page The Navica system gives us a URL to build a wrapper around. We need someone who can grab the search capabilities of Navica and create a quick search for our home page and show new listings… again, just like

Website Browser Compatibility

Website Browser Compatibility
I need to be compatible with older browsers. Namely IE 7 and a little work on 6.

Notice the copyright appears under the top nav bar in 7. Looks like the wrapper isn’t wrapped very well 🙂

The PNG fix doesn’t appear to be working in IE6 and content-bg.jpg doesn’t seem to be repeating. Also the top of the logo is covered up a bit.

Quick and easy job!