Creative Design Header

Creative Design Header
I am looking for a top notch graphic designer to design a custom Header for my WordPress site. I have my logo that I want to incorparate along with some other ideas I have. I will provide the sample. I have all the ideas. All you have to do is follow my instructions. I am not sure of the size I want . I’m looking for someone who can provide the following…

1) will submit different versions of logo for me to choose (preferable 2-3 different versions)
2) unlimited revisions on the final logo I choose
3) all for a price of around $30

I have attached what I want the header to look like. Basically me then my logo then my company name. Please provide in your PM how many versions you will create, and also show previous work that you have done, especially with Headers. If job is completed to my satisfaction, I would have another job for you.

WordPress Template Install

WordPress Template Install
Need a programmer to upload template to and edit this wordpress template which is the link below:

Modification include: 1. Changes on the home page, add our opt-in box in the featured content box and replace the video with our marketing video which will be provided.
2.Change heading internet business to unlimited richness logo and some page titles.
Eliminate the how to videos page.
3. Change some of the page titles.
4. change some pages by copy and pasting news information for page, for example one of the page will be change to our Services Page, so the copy and paste of our services will be provided to paste to the service page.

Additionally, would this be able to be completed by this week.

Plus if Programmers have experiences in handling wordpress securities.

Please bid.

Twenty Seo Articles Needed 2

Twenty Seo Articles Needed 2
Hello Everyone!!!!

I need an experienced SEO article writer to write 20 original articles on the topic of “Building Muscle”. These articles will be submitted to EzineArticles so they MUST be unique content.

I will provide you with the keyword phrase and the title of each article. Each article should be between 400 – 500 words and have a keyword density between 1%-2%. I will provide a couple example articles so you can see the writing style.

The ideal writer will have SEO article marketing experience, is familiar with AIDA style writing, and will have open communication.

The articles MUST use proper English and be grammatically correct. I’ve had problems in the past where I’ve had to correct articles because the English did not make sense. Proper use of English and grammar is a REQUIREMENT for completion of this project. If you have problems writing in English, please do not bid.

If interested in the project, please post a bid and send me a PM with examples of your work.

I look forward to working with you!!!!

Page Manager/ Poster

Page Manager/ Poster
I need for someone to create a full of similar to wikipedia for each keyword below. Each page represents a keyword that I have purchased from”” which is similar in format to Wikipedia. I will need someone who is creative and is able to follow updates on each keyword when they happen. The fixed information is a summary of factual data for each keyword. There is no editorial expression permitted at the moment. The requirements are as follows: English on a college level, know more about the keyword than an average person, and creativity is a must. Also be able to learn how to embed Google ad sense, and eBay search advertisement. Please refer to the and take a look at the postings so far for reference. When sending an email please include your resume and as much information on the relevant keywords as possible. Last, please write why this position suits you as oppose to someone else. Thank You.

Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Barack Obama, United States Of America, Star Wars

Bidcactus Look Alike

Bidcactus Look Alike
We are looking for a professional designer / developer to create yet another penny auction site. After reviewing online penny auction sites. We have found a few differences we like. It is our desire for our sites layout to closely resemble as far as # of ongoing auctions at one time # upcoming auctions users can view. We do “NOT” want a swoopo layout. As far as we would be willing to accept an identical (script) layout. However, feel we can do better. We will share few ideas with you after reviewing your bids. Please look at the site before you bid. I will be considering experience, communication skills, optimized completion date as well as price. Further more this site will need someone with designing experience to give our site an above the rest professional appearence, logo and art work. If you have a creative mind and think you have what it takes to create a fresh, clean, pleasing to you eye site, that all other sites will envy. We are interested in hearing from you. Thank you for your time.

Redesign Land Page Etc… 2

Redesign Land Page Etc… 2
Looking for a web designer to give my site a fresh look with new images on the front page. open to suggestions. More attention to banner stands and tradeshow displays. Also need a few issues thru out the site worked on such as shipping and other cart issues.this site was built in Perl/cg1. This project may be continuous in nature.

Thnak you.

Header And Links

Header And Links
I need a header with links on it. I am looking for a graphics/designer that can make nice header with links integrated in header. I need the page with header to have column of links down the side of the page.
PM first to see sample site.
DO NOT bid first, I will delete your bid.
Do not over bid as I delete those as well.

Drupal Rss Feed Catalog Issue

Drupal Rss Feed Catalog Issue
I need two issues resolved in an exsisting Drupal website:
1) Show RSS feed from a particular blogspot blog. The posts should be visible like with a small excerpt and image if available on the front page. Though i can see feeds from other blogs i cant seem to have it fetched from a particular blog. Thats the issue that really needs resolution.
2) Ive setup a ubercart catalog but am having issues displaying images. This needs to be configured to give the admin ability to upload image and display them for the product and product preview.

If there are any more modules that need to be installed, you will send me the link link and i’ll download and upload.
Bid only if you are sure that you can resolve these issues. I’m not willing to pay more than $20 for this since most of the website is already setup and only needs a few tweaks to make this work.

Lowest Unique Bid Auction

Lowest Unique Bid Auction
Lowest Unique Bid Auction web site

CMS which allows easy and functional control of web site.

Security for customers and the continued high level functioning of web site.


Intergraded payment gateways.

Site will not require timers, so will be more simple to make function correctly.

Graphically I have some ideas but am open to programmer’s ideas.

Script must be complete, completely functional, stable, and configurable.

Exact details to be given to winning bidder.

To speed up decision making process a list of past auction web sites created and references with contact info would greatly help.

Simple Php Job 2

Simple Php Job 2
Already done website with admin panel.

1) Need another page created, which can be managed by same admin panel.
2) Navigation links to be renamed. Very Simple.
3) On homepage banner shld be fading n reloving, so we can put 2-3 images later on.
4) Placement of facebook, twitter link on homepage.

Budget: $10-$15, in 1 day.

Convert Ups Shipping Module

Convert Ups Shipping Module
I need a working UPS shipping module for PrestaShop ecommerce software. This software is written in Php using Smarty class. You can view and download the PrestaShop software at for evaluation.

There has been several attempts to do this on Presta Forums and it appears there was a working script for PrestaShop version 1.1. You can probably view this module from PS 1.1 and see how it hooks the cart. Here is the discussion and download link for that module

PrestaShop is now on version 1.3 and after looking at this 1.1 module I see it used UPS XML which requires the shop owner to acquire a UPS online shipping account and API access key. That seems like quite a bit of work, especially if the site owner is a drop shipper and doesn’t use his own UPS account. I don’t want a module built on UPS XML

I would like my module to work like the osCommerce module that doesn’t require a UPS access key to fetch UPS rates and shipping times. The created module should have all available UPS shipping options. This is the module I currently use for osCommerce sites.

Web 2.0 Sites

The completed work should install into PrestaShops backend through Admin >> Modules.

Clone My Free Cams

Clone My Free Cams
i already have working web site with red5
i want to look and work like
Webcam flash support
* Work with R5 or Adobe Server
* Backend written in PHP + MySQL
* Uses some kind of templates system (Smarty etc.)
* Administration system
* Login for performers and users
* Recordings of cam sessions (for abuse and re-sale etc.)
* Runs on Linux
* Scalable, adding extra media servers, database servers
* Multiple currency support
* Multiple language support
* Verification process for performers with ID upload, age verification
* ccbill backends to paypal etc.
token system.
asians section customized small feature
* The ability to register and or login within the chat windows (in flash)
basically a exact clone

Joomla Sobi2 Seo

Joomla Sobi2 Seo
I am running a local business directory website that is currently #1 in our small town for many if not most Google searches.

We have approximately 1700 local businesses in about 1000 business directory categories (eg: Clothing, Restaurants, Pizza, Accountants etc. etc.)

We switched to Joomla and the Sobi2 business directory component about 6 months ago. Prior to that the site was strictly HTML. Prior to switch we were receiving between 12,000 and 14,000 unique visitors per month. This has now dropped to about 6,000.

We no longer come up high on Google for many of the searches related to the categories or businesses on the site.

We need someone that it exceptional at Joomla SEO. We do not need national or international ranking on Google. Only for our small town. For example, if someone types in “Clothing Store, MyTown, MyProvince” we would come up on the first page.

Please only respond if you are able to optimize effectively.

Please post to PMB if you need link to site.
