Psd To WordPress

Psd To WordPress

I have a VERY EXTREME wordpress design that needs to be done. I’m attaching screen shots.. Needs to be done by Sunday!

The homepage is different then the rest of the pages, but I want the site to be static.

The homepage the navigation will be on all pages and is just whatever coding you want, however, below the navigation is a flash piece so I need a place to add the flash element(you will not be making the flash), under that is the footer that will be spread apart on ALL pages.

The rest of the site is regular wordpress.

$100 bonus and $50.00/month for pages for this wordpress I will need developed if done correctly and on time.


Design concepts at:


I have 2 generic templates that I will be using mostly thoughout the website, I need to be able to pick what template page I want to use.


– Please respond back, and put “5days” at the top of your bid/post to me so I know you read it.


I need the country drop down to work, with the arrow pointing down when its clicked on.
These don’t need to work, but I will talk about it with u.

On the homepage I need to be able to switch out the image and put a SWF in.

I have a generic.psd and a generic2.psd, I need both those sliced and psd ready, need to be able to replace
the banners on them. I need to use a font like u see on all the pages, I also need the breadcrumbs to work on top of the banners.

On shopping cart/login make it so its able to code later on, just make it drop down.


Page: homepage_lg:
I need the drop down for languages to work with a good translator plugin installed


Page: homepage_Nav:
I need the navigation to be in that type of font where I can change, and add, I also need it
to have a transparent background with those colums.


Page: homepage_sc:
I need the login to drop down and be working but not go anywhere (so I can type stuff in but
in reality its broken, need arrow to point down when selected)

As for shopping cart Just make it a link to #.

Also, make search function working.


Page: ProductinfoPage
I need it to have breadcrumbs at the top over the banner, but have iton TOP of the image and just words
also, need to be able to replace image.

I need to be able to add all those products as well as click here to learn more which will go to
the product page.

Need the left nav working as well and able to add more, need it to highlight like that and stay
selected when onthat page, need footer working


Page: Sportspage

This is the product page for all the products on productinfopage
I need the enlarge image to work so I can select he image and blow up the picture
Need that little mini image up top with bread crumbs above it
Need a print page button working
Need to be able to edit the colums, navs, ect.
As for the add to cart, just make a spot for that so I can add the QTY, our javca guy
will code the rest
Make the product FAQ, Product Video, Product flier just pop up in a lighthouse javascript or something


My coder hasn’t shown me a damn update, so I will need updates DAILY! Do not bid if you don’t have any feedback.

Newsletter Writing And Design

Newsletter Writing And Design
This is a revised project that needs to be done. Need a newsletter for a law firm to be redesigned and distributed.
The firm itself will supply some articles and information but as part of this project it is necessary to have someone write two 400 word articles for content that can be added as well as be linked to an existing website of the firm. Need to be able to create a fresh professional looking format and Will also need to coordinate some additional features through maybe Css or otherwise to be incorporated.

Thanks. Definitely requires someone who can write professional and well written articles as well as an individual who can be creative in designing a newsletter.

This is a quarterly job so it is the first of 4 potential projects.


P.S. For winning bidder will supply sample of existing newsletter to work off of.

Website Visual Redesign

Website Visual Redesign
I need my website, a foreign dating site, redesigned. I need a general visual design overhall e.g. banner, logo, text copy etc. Basically it needs to look more “snazzy” and professional. My site is

The site platform is OSDATE so some familiarity with that would be useful. If someone has previous experience of OSDATE template customisation that would be ideal.

Please make your bids specific i.e. include a very brief overview of some design change ideas and include links to sites you have worked on previously or include pics.

Need Member-script

Need Member-script
This might look like a huge project, but it isn’t. I just like to explain exactly what I need.

I need a simple member-script written. The script should only be written in PHP5 and HTML. No javascripts, CSS or anything else.
I’m going to finish the PHP-script myself but I need some of the script and the functions written.
The PHP-script must be well written and protected against SQL-injections and other kind of hacking.
All functions should be in a separate file and should be included in other PHP-files.

Features needed:
* Visitors can register a new member-account (with username, password and email). Passwords should be encoded with MD5.
Only A-Z and 0-9 should be valid in the Username and Password, no special letters like !£€{[* and so on.
Both the username and password must be at least 5 letters long.
The register-form should use CAPTCHA. And the account must be activated by clicking a link in a email that is sent to the user.

* Every time a user logs in or register a account, his IP should be stored in the database. And when a user tries to create a new account the script should check
if his IP is already in the database. If it is, the user should NOT be able to create a account.
The script should also check if the email already exist in the database, if it does then the user shouldn’t be able to create the new account.

* Reset function for the password. It should work like this: send a email to the user, the user clicks on a URL and can change his password without having to log in)
This function have to be written in a secure way so hackers just cant guess the reset-URL and change passwords.

* There should be a “credit”-table in the database for each member, new accounts start with a credit of “2”. I want to be able to change the “start-credit” in the admin-panel.

* Admin-panel for me (I should be able to edit members info, search for users, display all users (50 users per page),change members credits, delete members)

* A function for adding credits to accounts. The function should be called “PlusCredit” and if I want to add 4 credits to the user named “Eric1”
then I use this in the PHP-script: PlusCredit(“Eric1”, “4”);
or something similar. I also need to be able to remove credits like this: MinusCredit(“Eric1″ ,”2”); (This will remove 2 credits from “Eric1” account)

* Need to be able to show credits like this: echo ShowCredits(“Eric1”); (This function should only show the number of credits the user got, nothing else.)

* All users should have a extra field in the table, this field will be used by the scripts I will make myself. The field should be called “Campaigns” and
it need to be able to store a unknown amount of TEXT. It can be anywhere between 20 to 300,000 letters.

* A message-function. I want to be able to add small messages to users accounts. Example PHP: AddMessage(“Eric1”, “2 Credits added to your account.”)
And I must be able to show messages: ShowMessage(“Eric1″ ,”10”)
This will show the last 10 messages the user “Eric1” got. With “<br>” after each message.

* Instead of always typing the username in the PHP-functions I would be able to have a function that does it for me.
Example: AddMessage(ActiveUser, “2 Credits added to your account.”) – So ActiveUser is the user who is logged in.

Interspire Search Improvement

Interspire Search Improvement
Hi we are facing some problem with the search option for our website “”
We are looking someone who can help us make it fast (improvement in coding, java script and other related features) and improve the search result speed to 1-2 secs max or if someone can help us achieve sub sec results. we will add more to the compensation.
Kindly contact

Rewrite 200 Recipes 2

Rewrite 200 Recipes 2
I am looking for a high quality writer who is a Native English Speaker to find (on the web)and rewrite 200 Caribbean recipes. We have a few recipes already which we will supply for you to exclude from your list.

You will have the freedom to choose the recipes on the internet. You will then rewrite the recipes.


– You will need to finish your articles by the deadline you state in your bid.

– The rewriting needs to be concise, and I will not accept articles with several grammar mistakes or punctuation errors. I do not want to spend my time revising your articles due to improper grammar, word usage, etc.

– Your rewritten articles must be 100% unique. The ingredients size can be changed proportionally (example doubled or 25% increase etc). The order list of the ingredients can be changed. The cooking instructions must be re-written. I will check each recipe using Copyscape, DupeFreePro and Plagiarism Detect for plagiarism. If an article you submit to me does not pass Copyscape or has spelling and punctuation mistakes, you will not be paid for that article until it is corrected and resubmitted to me for approval.

– You agree that upon sending me the rewrites all rights to the rewritten recipes transfer to me. This means you will not sell, reproduce or re-use these recipes in any way. I will check also in the future that these articles are not sold again, otherwise I will contact the Staff (sorry but I have to do that).

– Please be able to communicate 1-2 times per day by email or messenger.

If you cannot comply with the criteria above, please DO NOT BID on this project.

Instead of the generic reply, please type “I understand” in your bid. This way, I know you have read and understand the terms.

Identify 100 Top Designers

Identify 100 Top Designers
We need to identify 100+ great designers for an online service.

The portfolios of the designers must be found on sites like Behance, Coroflot or Carbonmade and must fulfill the following criteria:

1. Must be of excellent quality and rated high
2. Must be available for freelance
3. Must have 10+ samples of work
4. Must be english speaking
5. Must offer services at 100$ and hour or less

The portfolios must represent a broad mix of skills within: Graphic design, logo, icons, webdesign, 3d, animation and illustration

Here is a proposal for the process

1. Identify a few potential portfolios as a basis for discussing quality
2. Identify 200 potential portfolios and send links to us
3. Based on feedback from us collect contact info to 100 selected freelancers
4. Send mails to 100 freelancers with request to join service
5. Build a simple profile on each designer with portfoliomaterials

Captcha Crack Needed

Captcha Crack Needed

we would need a script/function – preferably in PHP – which would be able to automatically read a captcha (OCR) which you can view here (remove “\” – signs to view the full url):

We are well aware that this captcha ain´t a really easy one (else we would have probably been able to do ourselves) so we are willing to pay a fair price for that, but your script would need to meed our requirements:

1) No really long processing times for each captcha like 1 second on average would be ok on a dedicated box assigned just for that script – the faster the better

2) Reasonable accurancy, like if 1 out of 5 captchas is correct that would be the minimum, 1 out of 3 even better, and of course if success rate would be higher than 50% that would be great allthough we are aware of the fact that that might be unmanageable so it´s not really needed.

3) Preferably PHP should be used even though this obviously isn´t the best language to do the job. In case one would want to use another language please contact us beforehand about that so we can make sure that our boxes are running these.