Classified Ads Website

Classified Ads Website

The aim of this project is to make a classified ads website built in joomla. Below I state the keyfeatures of the project. Winning bid will get everything in full detail.

Keyfeatures of the project:

1) Users must be able to post their classified ad for free

2) There should be 3 types of classifieds: text, photo, video

3) All visitors should be able to view all kind of classifieds, but with no contact details of the submitter. Contact details should be revealed after a unique code is inserted into the system.

4) How somebody gets the code? With an sms. You have nothing to make about sms sending. The sms would be sent by a telecommunications company. The user that gets the code in his mobile phone inserts the code into the system and all classifieds’ contact details are revealed for a limited amount of time.

5) Administrator should be able to make different groups of codes with different time limits. Ex. Somebody inserts the code into the system. After this code is inserted for the 1st time it should expire after 24 hours(this can be 2 days, 5 days, or anything). Admin should be able to group those limits.

6) Two types of classifieds. Normal classifieds and classifieds about indebted products. I will explain in full detail to the winning bid.

7) A user can put his classified in featured classifieds by paying a small fee. So the user should be able to pay us online. Payment gateway for bank and paypal.

8) A flash map should be created. Not something difficult for a flash expert.

9) I need extended use of ajax and the website must have a web 2.0 feeling.

10) Everything should be controlled easily through the admin section. The admin section must also provide full reports about the website ex. total classifieds number and users’ statistcs.

Please bid only if you have extended joomla experience. High quality should be delivered in the least possible time limit.

Two things I will not tolerate and cancel the project. 1st) Exceed time limit (so please calculate your time wisely before bidding) and 2nd) Bad communication skills. If ask you something via email I demand an answer back.

If I am pleased of the work done then surely more projects to come. I am in need of a good programmer for longer time cooperation.

Fix WordPress Errors 2

Fix WordPress Errors 2
For some unknown reason a few of my blogs are showing error messages all of a sudden. I haven’t made any major changes lately so I am not sure what is wrong. You can find the error messages here:

There maybe a simple fix for this as they are all under the same hosting. Please help!

Development Social Network

Development Social Network
Development of social networking site(including design, html/css coding, scripting and integration of functionalities, installation of software on server and bug-fixing if necessary.
The site will run on a subscription model with 3 levels of subscription.
Please provide samples of your work experience, especially scripting of other social networking sites.

Website & Templates Programmer

Website & Templates Programmer
Hi there,

I need a programmer that can work on a regular base doing:

changes to websites (html & flash)
hosting transfers
creating banners
building wp blogs
templates custimazation
general websites management

I want someone who is available online most of the time and who can support those kind of jobs.
Perfect English with quick respond.
You’ll need to have all software required to deal with the templates from template monster.
Wordpress knowledge is needed as well.

Please quote on basic template (html) customization for 5 pages.

Thank you,

Oron Raviv, OUTNET, Australia

Website Modification

Website Modification

I have a very simple job for the right person. I have a website which I This is what I need.

1. My new logo pasted on there where the logo presently is.

2. The colors of the site to be changed to match my present logo. My logo is blue and red.

3. A few pictures swapped, I will provide the new pictures.

The project must be done in 1 day of accepting the bid, after all this is only a very quick modification.

Tattoo Store In Need Of Seo 2

Tattoo Store In Need Of Seo 2
Hi There, I have a pretty successful website. Done lots of SEO on site in the past -> lots of incoming links. Listed on most search engines for tattoo supplies, needles, supply, etc. And listed on DMOZ once. (used to be 3 times).

Looking for an SEO guru / php developers to help assist on project to dominate search engine globally. Would be willing to share sales profit for well thought proposition. Site is zenCart and has ability to do many languages, currencies, etc.

This is an opportunity for both programmer and retailer to maximize earning potential. I understand the importance of the internet, programmers, etc. Really looking for someone that can show their worth. Make us number one! If the site increases in revenue so does programmer. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Need Iphone/touch/ipad App

Need Iphone/touch/ipad App

I need an application made for both iPhone and iPod touch and iPad.

The program is screen recorder.

Pretty much this app millwork in the background like voice recorder and when you placing a call.

Basic App Functions:

– Record actions of users on the screen like game play, game reviews, app guides and etc..
– Recording can go up to an hour.
– Recordings can easily be transferred to computer in mp4 or flash format.
– The video can also be sent via email to user.
– Some options of the recording are:
– Record sounds on/off
– Show finger touches and movements on the video on/off
– Share video on Twitter/Facebook/etc..

Please post your offers.

Videos Needed…

Videos Needed…

I need two quick videos done for an opt-in page…

Ideally the first video done by an average Indian Guy
and the second video done by an attractive but average
Indian Girl…

You must be able to speak both Good Clear English and Strong
Hindi… You will say the script in English and then
say the exact thing in Hindi without pausing.

Video must be done by Someone from India or South East Asian

You must video tape yourself and someone else. You don’t need
to be then be an actor just an average person. in fact
you must be an average person as I want this video to seem
realistic – maybe in your kitchen or living room.

If you’re not used to being in front of the camera then here are the

Get LOTS of lighten
stand in the middle of 2 lamps one on each side.
each one should be a meter from you so there is no
shadow on any side of your face.
do it during the day time when there a ton of natural

stand about 2 meters from the camera and its best to
do it inside (make sure the background is tasteful)

I would like 2 videos one of a guy and one of a girl
if not then then two different guys or two different girls

you must be over the age of 21… preferably between the ages
of 25 to 50… (be professional – no laughing or giggling)

once you completed the script don’t move for 3 seconds once
you’re done. Just stand there and look in the camera for 3 seconds
and then stop the video…

here is the script and easy money if you’re ok taping yourself
and a friend.

My name is_________________
As a crystel customer you will receive your first 7 days of
calling to India for FREE. Put your name, phone number
and e-mail address in the form to the left to get your FREE
offer now!

then say the same thing in hindi right after the english portion without pausing… once you complete the both english and hindi then wait for 3 seconds then turn off the video…

(in the srcipt where you say “form to the left” then gently
point to the left hand side… (this is where an e-mail opt-in form will be)

upload the videos to youtube so I can view then…
as long as lighten is good and you’re professional then we’ll have
no issues… You can where everyday clothing… no need to dress up… but no rips or messy stuff

Press Kit

Press Kit


I just need to take my documention and make a nice pdf with the corporate logo and colors for a press kit that I will send to the press. I basically just need things formatted well. I will probably also need one image photo-shopped a bit. I have all the text ready to go..just need to make a nice pdf presskit that would look something like this one

but with far fewer pages