Virtuemart Expert Coder Needed

Virtuemart Expert Coder Needed

I need somebody to add the option of ‘exclusive’ purchasing alongside the standard type in my VirtueMart store. An example of what I mean can be seen at constant-content dot com although they have three options and I need only two.

When an Exclusive purchase is made, the stock levels should automatically go to zero so nobody else can purchase the same item.

If somebody purchases the Standard type then the Exclusive option should disappear as it is no longer exclusive. In this case the item will just be available as Standard from then on.

I will need a copy of the code and instructions so I can re-install it in case of upgrade/data loss etc.

Please PM me if you need any more details.



Shopping Cart Integrated

Shopping Cart Integrated
i need a shopping cart integrated , customized with the website .
i need it to be installed and ready to go.
I am quite familiar with ftp but not sure how to install it .

currently i made the site with dreamviewer . flash . but am trouble having the site show up on the search engine b/c of it being made in flash .. i need ideas on how you will do it , and how we are going to go along with this project

Ebay Auction Like Site

Ebay Auction Like Site
We are looking for a custom auction like ebay site with many features. We would like an admin/cms area created in joomla. High quality design with a good admin/cms control area

Features are as following

Admin Area

From here I can:-

* Manage users
* Manage auctions, wanted ads, reverse auctions
* Full fee and invoice control
* Customise categories
* Enable/Disable a wide array of features and settings
* Review accountancy
* Update the site content (about us, contact us, help pages etc)
* …much much more
Delete negative feedback if needed under certain reasons
Send emails and news letters

Digital Downloads

Offer the ability to attach downloadable content to your listings, the content is made immediately available for download to the purchaser from within the members area. Example ; an ebook, or some software

“Make an offer”
Buyers can now make offers on listed items, this new feature allows potential buyers to make an offer to the seller if the item has not received any bids. The seller can select whether or not to accept such offers and also set the price range to automatically accept offers. Sellers can also counteroffer
Combined Invoicing/Postage calculation
Sellers can now combine invoices for items sold to the same user saving both time and money.

Direct Payment
Buyers can now make payments to sellers for items won on-site through one of the following payment methods:-

Fee Payments
Users incurring fees on your site can make payment to you through one or more of the following merchants.
Also I have the option of automatically accepting sellers fees ever month. This way I do not have to worry about sellers paying me it will automatically come out of there paypal account on the date chosen

Media upload
Sellers can upload upto 9 pictures as well as media file (.wmv/.avi) to accompany their listing. As site admin I can impose a fee for the use of this service.

Custom Listing Fields
Tailor your Auction site to your specific market, add specific custom fields to either all or selected categories.

Offer incentives to new and existing users with a voucher system. Choose to offer reductions as a percentage or a flat rate.

Enable your users to open their very own store on your auction site. Each store owner can pick and choose their own categories from the main selection. You can also setup store subscription packages to attract bulk or Business customers. Store owners can choose whether to list items in their store, for auction, store and auction, or buy it now. A selection of store skins are also included.

Custom Listing Fields
Ideal for specialist sites you can now quickly and easily add new custom fields for sellers to use when listing. For example if you want to run a car auction web-site you can add custom fields for the engine size, colour, age, condition and so on. All fields can also be set to be searchable.

SSL Support

Preferred Sellers
Give your best sellers special reductions on listing fees.
“Pay As You Go” or Account Mode
Charge fees either on demand (Pay as you go) or allow users to build up an account which they pay off once a month (like eBay). You can set a credit limit, offer a signup credit incentive and even invoice users at any time. Also automatic payments on the 1st or 15th of every month.

Complete Fee System
Charge users for:

* Listing Items (set or percentage based)
* End of Auction Fee (set or percentage based)
* Picture upload fee
* Media upload fee
* Highlighted Auctions
* Bold Auctions
* Home Page Featured Auctions
* Category Featured Auctions
* Buy it now fee
* Second Category fee
* Make an offer fee
* Store subscription fee
* Subtitle fee

Advanced Search facility

The advanced search facility enables users to search for items by:-

* Keywords (item title and description)
* Items with reserve price
* Items listed with buy it now
* By country/zip code
* By seller
* By buyer
* By store
* By price
* By condition (new or used)
* By year is applicable

Feedback System
Users can leave feedback for each other. The feedback system is “tick” based allowing users to rate other members by choosing a suitable tick rating (1-5). Coloured stars also automatically appear next to a username whenever they reach a new feedback number. (We can go over star rating)You can also easily setup custom feedback fields for additional feedback ratings.

Easy Category Browsing
All Categories listed on the home page enabling the user to go directly to that page. Sub-categories will be on the next page. (like eBay has it when you click on one of there home page categories. If more than a certain amount of categories a bottom visit all categories tab will be there for a categories and sub-categories page

Help, F-A-Q Page, Contact Us, Site News
These pages can be easily updated or even removed via the admin area.

Fourm Page
This page would be like www.

Proxy (auto) bidding system
Buyers can place a maximum bid on items, the software will then automatically re-bid for them should their bid be overtaken by a rival bidder.

Buy It Now
Sellers can accept Buy It Now offers.

Make an offer
Buyers can make an offer on an item that has not received any bids, while sellers can accept or counteroffer. Sellers can also set a certain price range which they would accept bids

Users can select if they want to receive your web-sites newsletter. The newsletter can be sent out via the admin area

I can send out emails to certain buyers and sellers regarding there account

Ask Seller a Question
Potential bidders can ask the seller a question directly.

User Stores
Users can open their own eBay type stores, upload their company logo and display all their open auctions
Stores can be basic, premium, or advanced store (not sure if I want to use those names)

News Display
Easily updateable news items are displayed on the home page by site news

Signup Credit
I have the option of giving sellers a sign up credit to their account.

Customise registration process

Via the admin area you can customise the registration process by adding your own custom fields, for example you can use this feature to collect additional user data when registering such as their Business details or the kind of items they are looking for.

Seller verification
For additional user security you can enable

E-Mail or Admin activation
Users must activate their account via email before selling or bidding. You can also choose to approve all new users via the admin area before they are able to use the site.
Referred By
Select who/where referred you to the site.
Full Registration Form
In-depth registration form captures all the vital information on your new user..
Automatically generated pin
The automatically and random pin number ensures the registration page is being filled in by a live person and not a third party scrip

Auction listing features
Easy category selection
Sellers can easily select the right category for their item.
Where to list
Users with a store can select whether to list their new item in their store, auction only or both. Or buy it now, or buy it now and store(available if seller has an active store)
Item title
Sellers can enter their own item title
Subtitile sellers can enter in a subtitle in desired also for additional fee set in admin
Custom Fields
Sellers can enter their selection for any custom fields. Custom fields can be setup via the admin area and allow you to customise the item listing process. If your auction site is being targeted towards a specific marketplace you can add fields relevant to that market. For example a car auction site would be able to easily add fields to request the seller to confirm the engine size, car age, colour and mileage etc
Sellers can select whether or not to have their item automatically re-listed, they can select whether the item is listed if sold, un-sold and also how many times the items should be re-listed.
Users with a voucher can redeem it during the listing process. Vouchers can be setup and managed via the admin area.
Item descriptions
Sellers can use HTML or plain text in their item description or enjoy the benefit of an editor.
Custom Start & End Time
Sellers can choose to list right away or choose a custom start time for their item. A custom end time can also be set.
HTML Editor
Create HTML listings
If not html is used seller can have the option of choosing a template.(different colors and design)
Picture upload or remote hosting
Sellers can upload pictures of their items to be displayed next to their listing. The admin user can edit the amount of allowed pictures(up to 10). Users can also choose to use remotely hosted images with their auction
Media upload
In addition to images users can upload one media file (.wmv/.avi)
Quick or Full Listing
Sellers in a hurry can select the “Quick Listing” option which removes all of the non-mandatory fields from the listing process.
Two types of Listing
Sellers can sell in standard auction format, Dutch format which is ideal when listing several of the same items in a single listing, or buy it now format
Reserve price
Sellers can add a reserve price to their auction.
Buy It Now
Sellers can enter a Buy It Now price.
Listing enhancements
Sellers can enhance their listing by:-

* Featuring on the home page
* Featuring on the category page
* Adding bold text
* Adding a highlighted colour band
* Adding a subtitle

The admin user can charge for these extras via the admin area.
Auction duration
The seller can select how long the auction should run for. 1day, 3days, 5 days, 7 days, 10 days, 30 days
Private Auction
Sellers can choose to hide the ID of the bidders on their auction
Auction currency
Sellers can select which currency the item should be sold in
The seller can select who should pay for the postage costs and whether or not they will post worldwide. They can also enter specific postage costs and services.
After going through the listing process (similar to ebays) seller has the option of previewing the page before submiting
Listing Drafts
On completion of the listing process the seller can save the listing as a draft. Drafts are saved in the members area and the seller can retrieve these at any time and list or edit them.
Sell similar item
List a similar item to your other auctions easily via the members area
List item as an auction, buy it now, or to your store

Payment methods
Sellers can select which payment methods they accept. The corresponding methods are then displayed on the item details page.

Item page features
Current bid
The current highest bid is displayed prominently
Bidders Username
The current lead bidder(s) is displayed along with their feedback rating and link to their profile.
Sellers Details
Displays sellers username, feedback rating as well as location and registration date as well as a link to their profile.
Time left
Amount of time left to run on the auction is displayed.
Item Location
The location of the item is displayed.
Make an offer
If selected by the seller the buyer can use the available option to make an offer on the item.
Ask seller a question
Potential bidders can ask the seller a question directly from the item details page. All messages are managed via the members area.
View sellers store
View sellers other items
Browsers can easily lookup other items for sale from the same seller
Send Auction to a friend
Users can send details of any auction to their friends via the item details page.
Watch this item
Bidders can add any item to their “Watch List” which they can track from inside the members area.
Item Description
The item description is fully displayed along with any available pictures and media.
The sellers accepted payment methods are clearly displayed below the item description
Shipping instructions
Before bidding users can check the sellers postage instructions to see how much postage they will have to pay.
Auction counter
The number of hits each auction has received is displayed.
Proxy Bidding
Buyers can place a maximum bid on items, the software will then automatically re-bid for them should their bid be overtaken by a rival bidder.
Place a bid
At the top and bottom of each item details page a bidding box is displayed allowing buyers to place a bid quickly and easily., or buy it now

User control pannel

Members login

Registered members each receive access to their own “Members Area”. The members area looks and functions in the same way as “My eBay”.
Message Centre

Users can review all messages sent and received, this includes questions submitted on items for sale, end of auction messages and general site queries.
Bidding overview

A full bidding overview section is available to site users, this is split into the following sub-sections:-

* Current bids placed
* Won Items
* Invoices Received
* Items being watched
* Favourite stores

Selling overview

As with the bidding overview the selling section is also split up into the following sub-sections:-

* Sell
* Open auctions
* Items with bids
* Closed auctions
* Sold auctions, unsold auction
* Scheduled auctions
* Drafts
* Invoices sent
* Fees calculator
* Prefilled fields
* Block users

The reputation (aka feedback) of the members area allows users to send and review their reputation comments.
About Me
Users can enable and customise their own “About Me” page
My Store

A fully featured store option is available for users to use, store benefits include:-

* Custom store categories
* Sale terms and policies
* Store templates
* Store logo
* Store meta tags

My Account

The “My Account” section of the members area is the central base for users, from within this section users can:-

* Pay off their account balance (if not set as automatically set payments)
* Add funds to their account (if they wish to put credits on their account)
* Update their account details
* Set their mail receiving preferences
* Review account history and print invoices
* Report abuse
* Setup direct payment details

Admin login
The admin user can login to web-sites control panel. From inside I can control every aspect of the auction web-site.
Site Setup Menu

The site setup menu allows you to change the sites basic settings, including:-

* Site name
* Mail type
* Admin E-Mail address
* Site logo
* Default language
* Enable/disable maintenance mode

General Settings

* Set user registration settings
* Define how many days after an item closes it is removed from the database
* Set your home page featured item preferences
* Set your category featured item preferences
* Set how many recently listed items are displayed
* Set how many popular auctions are displayed
* Set how many ending soon auctions are displayed
* Control your image settings, including how many images can be uploaded per listing and the maximum file size per image
* Set your currency settings, including the sites default currency, display format and decimal digits
* Set your time settings, from here you can offset your sites time against the server time
* Enable SSL support on the user end
* Enter your general meta tags
* Define the minimum registration age
* Select your buy out methods, this allows you to enable “buy it now”, “make an offer” or both
* Invoice settings, add a header/footer notice to your fee invoices, or emails

Enable/Disable Menu

* Enable/Disable the user end news box
* Enable/Disable the registration and listing terms and conditions fields
* Enable/Disable user end stat counter
* Enable/Disable second category listing
* Enable/Disable the user end language engine
Enable/Disable preferred sellers discount. This feature allows you to offer a percentage reduction to selected users on all site fees.
* Enable/Disable E-Mail to admin or change email address
* Enable/Disable bid retraction
* Enable/Disable category counters. Categories on home page can show total number of items unless turned off
* Enable/Disable the display of sellers/buyers telephone numbers
* Enable/Disable auctions approval. This feature enables you to verify all items that are listed before they go live on your site.

Edit Tables Menu:-

* Add/Edit/Delete countries
* Add/Edit/Delete auction durations
* Add/Edit/Delete bid increments
* Add/Edit/Delete off-line payment options
* Add/Edit/Delete shipping options

Site Content Menu

* Setup and control vouchers
* Add/Edit/Delete help topics
* Add/Edit/Delete news items
* Add/Edit/Delete F-A-Q topics
* Edit the about us page
* Edit the contact us page
* Edit the general terms and conditions page
* Edit the privacy policy page
* Add/Edit/Delete custom pages
* Edit system emails
* Edit user end language file
* Add/Edit/Delete user announcements
* Add/Edit/Delete ad banners
* Add/Edit/Delete comments in the forum section

User Management Menu

* Add/Edit/Delete new admin users
* View full details of all registered users, including:-
o Active/Suspend users
o Verify users as sellers
o Delete users
o Enable/Disable auction approval
o Enable/Disable selling privileges
o View items listed by user
o View bids placed by user
o E-Mail user
o View/edit user details
o Alter users balance (add credits/debits)
o View/edit users feedback

* Setup and edit registration custom fields
* Login as a site user
* Re-send activation E-Mail
* Send newsletter to registered users
* Ban/block users
* View abuse reports

Auction Management

* View and manage open auctions
* View all closed items
* View suspended auctions
* View auctions pending admin approval
* View sold items
* Setup custom listing fields
* Manage user-user messages

Stores Management

* Enable/Disable user stores
* Create and manage store subscription packages
* Manage live stores


* Add/Edit/Delete site categories


* Set main settings, including account type:-

If turned on in admin area. All sellers will have to automatically make there selling fee payments either on the 1st or 15th. I do not want to use this feature until the site builds up.


* Users can build up a account which is paid off once a month. The admin user can set the credit limit any user can go to. Once the credit limit is reached the users account is blocked until they make payment. The admin user can also send any invoice requesting payment. You can also give any user free credit or debit their account. This allows sellers to lists items without having to pay each time. Overall it works like eBay.


* Users pay fees on demand. For example when listing an auction the seller must pay their fees before the item is listed. If you enable Pay As You Go the system will forward the seller to the relevant payment page and prompt them to pay the listing fees. If the seller fails to pay the listing fee the auction isn’t listed. The end of auction fee works slightly differently. When a sellers successfully sells an item the buyers contact details are withheld until they login into the members area and pay the end of auction fee. Once it’s paid the buyers details are forwarded to the seller.

* Set signup credit incentive
* Set the maximum credit level
* Set your suspension preferences

* Setup your payment settings, with us you and sellers can choose to accept payments through any of the below merchants:-

1. PayPal
2. Nochex
3. WorldPay
4. Ikobo
5. Protx
6. 2Checkout
8. MoneyBookers
9. Alert pay
10. Google checkout
11. Amazonpayments

* Setup and edit your site fees, including-
o User signup fee
o Auction setup fee (set or percentage based)
o End of auction fee (set or percentage based)
o Home page featured item fee
o Category featured fee
o Highlighted banner fee
o Bold text fee
o Store fee
o Custom listing time fee
o Buy it now fee
o Reserve price fee
o “Make an offer” fee
o Re-listing fee reduction
o Second category fee
o Image/media upload fee
o Sub-title fee

Accounting & Taxation Menu

* Review your sites accountancy, by month/week/day or all
* Create your taxation codes and rules
* Set your exemption rules

Tools Menu

* Word filter
* Block free E-Mail addresses
* Currency converter

Automatically sends email to buyer when he/she bids, or is outbid on an item
Automatically sends email to seller when posting or selling an item, opeining up a store, fees due
Admin area I can set auction and store listings duration times
If seller or buyer sends an email through our system it shows up in their messages and also send to email address on file
Give buyer the option of a bid retraction
Forum section
Feedback similar to ebays. Also have a Lotseller next to the star like ebays power seller. Would have to set rules in admin area. Feedback similar to ebays in there feedback section. Buyers leave feedback similar to ebays. Positive, negative, and neutral, and criteria

This is ebays
Recent Feedback Ratings (last 12 months)
1 month 6 months 12 months
Positive feedback rating Positive 309 2311 3491
Neutral feedback rating Neutral 9 27 34
Negative feedback rating Negative 9 39 49

Detailed Seller Ratings (last 12 months)
Criteria Average rating Number of ratings
Item as described 2893
Communication 2887
Shipping time 2866
Shipping and handling charges 2874

Here is eBay stars chart. We would just need a different color
Here’s what the different stars mean:
Yellow star () = 10 to 49 ratings
Blue star () = 50 to 99 ratings
Turquoise star () = 100 to 499 ratings
Purple star () = 500 to 999 ratings
Red star () = 1,000 to 4,999 ratings
Green star () = 5,000 to 9,999 ratings
Yellow shooting star () = 10,000 to 24,999 ratings
Turquoise shooting star () = 25,000 to 49,999 ratings
Purple shooting star () = 50,000 to 99,999 ratings
Red shooting star () = 100,000 to 499,000 ratings
Green shooting star () = 500,000 to 999,999 ratings
Silver shooting star () = 1,000,000 ratings or more

Would like not only a username and password on the admin but also a generated pin code to be entered (does joomla have this?)

Would like a table in the admin page that also shows kind of like php probids

Server load
Number of Auctions
Open Auctions
Closed Auctions
Suspended Auctions
Auctions Awaiting Approval
Marked Deleted Auctions
Number of Users 217
Active Users 184
Suspended Users 33
Online Users 8
Auctions Awaiting Approval 0
Abuse Reports 0
Suggested Categories 1

Need to add sponsored links and banner adds to certain pages.

Staff And Company Intranet

Staff And Company Intranet
We need to build a fully customisable intranet site from scratch. It will need to incorporate our corporate identity and logo (existing) and will need to include the following features:

1. Fully customisable pages and text entry and image upload.

2. Fully searchable telephone directory with email and telephone numbers. To include staff profiles with image uploads.

3. Updatable news items.

4. Fully username and password protected from front screen. Users to be added, deleted and suspended from admin control panel.

5. No information to be seen at all without logging-in.

6. Product support and information pages.

7. Contact forms and secure message forms for orders, pushing all messages to selected email addresses. Contact forms to include, ordering stock, requesting annual leave, reporting health and safety issues and it support issues.

8. Classified adverts section, adverts to be uploaded by all users but to be approved by admin before listing. Must auto expire after 21 days, should be able to be declined or deleted by admin.

9. Internal notice and vacancy board with form for applications.

10. Section for updatable and downloadable staff policies, procedures and product knowledge-base. Techncial support area. Downloadable PDFs as well as webpages.

11. Pages to be added, delete and moved by Admin user.

12. Other features that you could recommend for a useful company intranet.

Programming Project 1264060180

Programming Project 1264060180

I require a Bingo game (the coder will need to understand how a Bingo game works) to be designed and installed into my current database into

Players play Bingo and as they do for every number they match a banner shows up with a voucher. When they get ‘House or Bingo’ they then win a prixe from me.

My previous coder sent me this message:

‘The banner section was not working, would not add a banner and threw out several errors. I have fixed this, and recreated the file structure so now banners will upload correct, and the right thumbnails are produced. The banners you have already uploaded was missing, which prompted me to try and upload a test one, which then lead me to see the errors that was present.

I have also pruned the database to remove the redundant entries, as this was causing errors.

I have had to modify you .htaccess too as it was dominating the server, and no other pages could be loaded other than adgamemaster front end and admin, which meant the bingo pages could not be shown, and i could not test the xml for the banners’

NOTE: You will need to fix these problems for me too please.

I’ll need a ‘forgotten password’ set up for memebers and admin for login


I believe needs a designer/coder to have the following skills:

Joomla 1.5


Update Existing Joomal Website

Update Existing Joomal Website
Hi, I have the current website and it designed using joomla. I need to add a video gallery, picture gallery,a link to a exteral blog site, a request form, and a calender to the site. the layout is complete but I just need additions. Also, there are few errors with the joomla install that need to be fixed as when I do updates I get the following error: Invalid syntax in header block:
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently


Need A Speech Writer

Need A Speech Writer
a speech writer to write different speeches like below. I need speeches written for all occasions as you see in these sites
I prefer a writer who has written speeches in the past. Please show me your past speeches that you wrote. Please dont bother to bid if you’ve NEVER written a speech before

Simple Job – Good Programmers

Simple Job – Good Programmers
This is a simple job for an experience programmer who knows what they’re doing. I need this job done **URGENTLY** and quickly in a professional manner. If you’re able to dedicate your time and pump this out quickly and if you’re able to help us solve a solution that allows us to cut down on phone calls and make us more productive, then I’m looking to hire you.
I’m looking for a fairly inexpensive price, and I will judge the best person to do this according to experience, feedback, recommendations, solutions/vision, etc.
I work with a tax office. One problem we are trying to eliminate is the amount of phone calls that we get asking, “Excuse me, have I gotten my tax return filed?” I’m looking to create a script that falls somewhere along the UPS “Tracking Number” system.
I have a special page on my website called “Check the status of my return”. On this page, I just want to add something very simple that has a single-box form and a submit button. I just want something that says, “Tracking Number” and has a “Submit” button. After the person clicks submit, I want it to check a database file in our system (that will be constantly updated and changing) that has a person’s First and Last name, tracking number, and Status of their return. The name and tracking number will be different for every single person, but I want the status to return either one of three things: “In process” or “Completed” or “Accepted”.
That is everything that I want the client to see from the website.
However, from the employee side (the side that will hold all of this information), this is what I have in mind. We deal with over 4000 clients every year for the tax preparation service, so the amount of phone calls we get is absurd and it takes a long amount of time for us to individually check every single person’s tax return each time they call up.
There are multiple employees who are going to be CONSTANTLY changing this information, so I want something that multiple people would be able to log onto (possible at a time), but change the information easily and without hassle.
I want the employees (who all have their own individual clients) to be able to go to one “master file” and after they’ve done their tax work for a person, be able to input the following: First Name, Last Name, Tracking Number, Date of Appointment, Client’s Email Address, Status of return. I want them to be able to update this on a simple excel sheet or either a “database like” page on the website that they log into that allows them to update/change this information.
I want the script to display First name, last name, tracking number, and status of return, but date of appointment and email address only on the server (for staff reference purposes, not for public).
Because I want unique/specialized tracking numbers, I want them to just consist of the following (“client’s bday” + “first 3 digits to social”) Example: If my bday is 1/14/1952 and my SSN is 15384747373, then tracking number would be the following: 1141952153.
Now I don’t want the server-side/employee side of the script to create the tracking numbers, I’m just going to have the employees follow that basic format, but I just don’t want tracking numbers like “1, 2, 34” etc.
I want the employees to be able to get done with a tax client, upload this information into a database-like file and be able to have it on the web in a very short amount of time.
Now in the document/database file, whenever the employee initially files it and/or changes it to “Completed” I want it to also email the individual saying “Your tax return has been filed…please do not reply…etc.” along with it telling further instructions about what the person should do next. I want to have the ability to change the message for this, so I’m thinking that an admin panel/control page where I could log into and change the autoresponder would work best for this. So basically, I want whenever the “client account” (this is what I’m calling it for all information name, tracking number, etc), I want it to email the person saying “Thank you for filing with us…here is your information….your tax return is in process” and also, I want it to email the person whenever the status changes from “In Process” to “Completed” and to “Accepted” with another email—on top of that, I want the ability to change the emails.
I have a HostGator account with CPanel and an email address, so it would be able to send these messages.
I just want something very SIMPLE to add onto that has simple installation instructions and will be easy for me to install. I want the employees to also be able to use this from their side with ease.
I just need this solution in order to cut down on the number of phone calls we get and basically automate our system from manual/over the phone to completely automated and over the internet and through email.
I want the full source code for whatever you end up doing.
**I need this done URGENTLY as tax season is kicking up in full swing right now.**
Reply with price, understanding of what I need, any further solutions you could possibly implement, contact information, and how quickly you could get it done.

-Alexander Robinson.

Joomla Template Update Etc.. 2

Joomla Template Update Etc.. 2
I am currently using Ja_Teline_III v1.2 template ( and i need it upgraded to v1.4. I did some minor modifications on the template so they need to be preserved.

I also need the video section on a seperate page installed. I am guessing there is a good module for that?

Easy project.

Thank you