Group Buying Clone

Group Buying Clone
We need a collective buying website similar to or
The first criteria of choice will be : did you already work on a similar project recently?
Realisation must be very fast : 3 weeks max.
The requirements will stay simple and the website will be using standard / open source tools like wordpress.

1) Ability to post new deals with following info: deal info, end date/time, min/max order, discount
2) Categorize deals by city (France)
3) Option to share the deal on facebook, twitter, email. Refer a friend
4) Allow customers to create accounts, sign-in, bid for deals, provide payment info
5) Facilitate customers to sign-up for e-mail alert
6) Generation of the coupon for successful bids
7) Facilitate secure payment option with direct credit card transactions.
8) Paypal support. Discussion board for users
9) About us, contact us, How the site works sections
10) User portal which can store groupons bought, payment information.etc

Mma WordPress Joomla Website

Mma WordPress Joomla Website
I need three things done:
1) I need a website moved from host to another
2) I need the google adsense ads and ads to show relevant MMA/UFC (mixed martial arts and ultimate fighting) ads to the material on the website they are not
3) More banners placed throughout the site, such as between every few news feeds and forum posts.
4) Further views and advice to monetize the site more

The website is, I need it moved from my hosting account at to my hosting account at
The site runs of a mixture of wordpress and joomla, so you much be familiar with these, I installed banner tools, and google adsense tools but the ads are not showing relevant ads to the website, which is to the sport of mixed martial arts and the ultimate fighting championship, this is my main concern and can not figure out how to fix it. I also want, once fixed, banners placed throughout the site to generate money, I definetly want some placed between every few news feeds on the wordpress based homepage of the site, and between forum posts in the phpbb forum. I also want any ideas to generate traffic or money or things to add to better the site, such as an other auto updating feeds, maybe a fantasy team game like on or an imbedded XML feed showing betting odds from whatever site allows the feed to look like apart of my site before they start betting and keeps tracking the affiliates you gather. (BETUS maybe, I dunno, research would have to be done). These additions and further details are not of primary concern and may not be included in the price range, but can be done afterwards. Maybe even SEO as well, or other ways to drive traffic.

Header For Joomla Template

Header For Joomla Template
We want you to create a header for this Joomla template:
The logo should work with all styles.

The header should be created from some photo’s and a text.

We want you to show the result on your own test site and deliver:
a. the logo.png file we can copy to the template directory
b. the source files for the logo (.psd)

This is a small project. Excessive bids will be removed.

Dynamic Web Application 2

Dynamic Web Application 2
take a look at
For now i do it manually with Dreamweaver, i need it Dynamic

I need a dynamic and esay application to upload pictures to a page of my website (resize the picture to make it fit)and choose from a list some field ‘by checkbox’ that will be added near the picture (see in bold’, and a space where i can fill manually some details.

Once the house is sold, buy a simple click the word ‘Sold’, ‘Vendu’ will be added to the picture and some fields will automatically ‘Uncheck’ and not show on the page anymore.
Last detail, buy a clik i can make the hole box appear or hide frome the web page.

For any details, do not hesitate. Antoine

Mathimathique Script

Mathimathique Script
hello programmer
i would like to make a website look like in math operations but i need an other design a better one
and i need to add the following things;
1. a forum
2. a login area for the student
3. a stor to buy some mathbooks…..
4. a chat programe
5 .some usefull math links
and some other things

and for the premium area i have a password for step by step solution
pass is 6986254

please be sure that u can do all the math operation before posting any bid

kind regards

Configure Googlemap Api

Configure Googlemap Api
Need someone to help us set up our GoogleMap API. Our site is built with Joomla 1.5 and you may use a Joomla plugin to accomplish this. The map will show the route of our historic flight across the United States so it will not follow driving directions, but rather a series of straight lines. When zooming in, each city center will show markers of our local sponsors to include their logo, address and two links – one to their website and one to ours.

Here’s a summary of what we need from you:

1. Map 135 city centers and draw a line to each one (according to our route). We can provide lat/longs for each one or you can map to city center.

2. Set up the local city sponsor markers, and teach me how to add more. Each markeer will show logo, address, and two web links.

3. Provide valid code for me to install a broad view of the entire U.S., showing the route. I will install this map on the top of my website’s homepage.

We are a small grassroots project to inspire the world to dream again, so our budget is very limited. Please be kind. Will also be happy to provide publicity in exchange for your work if you are intersted. We have several of the worlds largest pilot’s organizations behind this project and our realistic goal is to reach 20 million people through our intitial media coverage. We see this as the people’s project not just ours so let us know how we can help you too.

To learn more about our mission visit

Web Hosting Site

Web Hosting Site
Hi I am looking for someone to help me configure client exec and integrate it with whm and a hosting template.

Very IMPORTANT. you MUST HAVE experience specifically with web hosting website, and configuring and integrating client exec, whm, and opensrs.

What I am looking for:
Custom designed hosting website
setup hosting packages
Configure opensrs account integration
Configure clientexec to integrate with WHM and opensrs
Configure auto notifications of orders, and invoices etc in client exec
Integrate and configure payment gateway
Testing to make sure it works well

I will need to see similar work you have done.

Laser Tag Reservation Joomla15

Laser Tag Reservation Joomla15
I have a mobile laser tag business and need to have an online reservation system that can take a deposit from the customer. This system should capture the customer information, lock out the time required for the event and record credit card information in an encrypted section of the database. It also must support an SSL connection when taking the credit card info at minimum.

1. Required customer information:
Customer Name
Address (Street, City, State, Zip)
Primary Phone
Secondary Phone
Location of Party (Repeat address fields. Checkbox if same)
Option for Person or Group event
If person: First/Last Name, Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)
If Group: Name of organization
2. Select time for event
– Show calendar and available time slots
– Slots must be configurable to allow double booking as an option on backend.
– If a slot overlaps another available slot, both slots get blocked out.
3. Show add-on/upsell items that can be added to the order (t-shirts, etc)
4. Take credit card deposit (Encrypted)
– Capture credit card info
– Name on card
– Card number
– Exp Date
– CVV Code
5. Generate email to customer notifying of the details of the reservation and that it is currently an estimate waiting for approval.

1. Must be able to make a reservation through the back-end for customers that call into the company. Similar interface as front end.
2. Must be able to configure the time slots in different lengths and different start times. (ie. 2-hour party that can start every 30 minutes. 4-hour party that can start every hour. If a 2-hour is booked, it should block out the 4-hour party and any overlapping other party that could start within)
3. Must be able to assign the party staff working the parties. (Backend has a way of adding the staff names and drop down selection for each party).
4. Section to add notes that a customer may call in and add per party.
5. Support different pricing for the different event types.
6. Support add-ons (t-shirts, etc) that doesn’t require a schedule but can be attached to an order. Configure images, description and price
7. Display/Review credit card information and support to delete/overwrite data in database once CC deposit has been taken.
8. Close/open/refund event options status
9. Each event has a unique order number
10. Support different tax rates and create invoices / receipts to customers and for business.

Joomla Restuarant Review Redon

Joomla Restuarant Review Redon
2. Restaurant review section. Currently all restaurants are in one big table. The page should be elegant. It should allow users to select their city and then have the restaurants selectable there. Restaurants need to be organized by, cuisine, price, area and rating by selecting the top of the table header sections. Also restaurant owners should be able to claim there restaurant. By going to the restaurant page and selecting this is my restaurant. This should allow them to add menu, specials and coupons for site visitors.

The restaurant section has a list of Restaurants in categories. These restaurants are reviews submitted by users from their profile page. I need these page redesigned to look good. I need the restaurant page to have a map like the front page. Users should be able to select their city and see all the restaurants in a list as shown below. Each of these city restaurant pages should have these two categories.

Our favorites
User favorite

Other users should be able to add to reviews(comment), add pictures, on the restaurants actual page. Such as

there should also be an area on the page the city restaurant page as fallowed

best steak
best restaurant
most romantic

when you add a restaurant to the page you will see which catagorys to have because it ask if they are the best of….

Also when adding events, restaurants, and attractions it is a little unclear, when you are typing in the information of, what to type in for the address. Which ever bar feeds the google map should say address and then the one that categorizes them into the table should say area. For Example the State is California, The City is San Diego, and the area is Delmar. I wish I could give you an example for your country because I really hope you get the point.

Corporate Fitness Website

Corporate Fitness Website
I am seeking a professional and visually energizing website design for a Corporate Fitness Program client. I would prefer to utilize WordPress or Joomla as the CMS.

I would like an example Mock-Up for top consideration.

What I need for you in your Bid:

1. Sample Mock-Up
2. Complete Scope of Work – what’s included
3. est Time frame for completion

Thank You.

Pension Advisory Web Design

Pension Advisory Web Design
I am seeking a professional yet simple website design for a Pension Advisory client. I would prefer to utilize WordPress or Joomla as the CMS.

I would like an example Mock-Up for top consideration.

What I need for you in your Bid:

1. Sample Mock-Up
2. Complete Scope of Work – what’s included
3. est Time frame for completion

Thank You.